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Abogado Louis/Louis Berk, PLLC - July 2021

4 de taza de azúcar morena Instrucciones 1. Remoje las virutas de madera en un bol con agua, de un d

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2022

Premises Liability | Wrongful Death Leer a través del Día de América Sumergiéndome en mi lista de le

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Louis Berk PLLC - June 2022

2 cucharadita de sal para las brochetas • 900 g de pechuga de pollo, cortada en cubos del tamaño de

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Louis Berk PLLC - February 2022

2 cucharadita de pimentón • Sal y pimienta, a gusto Inspirada por 2 | 407-906-050

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Abogado Louis - Louis Berk, PLLC - May 2022

4 taza de brócoli, picado • 8 huevos Instrucciones 1. Precaliente el horno a 350 °F (177 °C) y cubra

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Louis Berk PLLC - April 2022

2 tazas de nueces picadas finamente, divididas Instrucciones 1. Cocine la masa del pastel según las

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Louis Berk, PLLC - December 2021

4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • Canela y leche batida, para decorar Instrucciones 1. En un t

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Louis Berk, PLLC - April 2021

AbogadoLouis INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s My Case Worth? 1 For the First Time, a Vegan Restaurant Gets a

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Louis Berk, PLLC - February 2021

4 partes. 3. Cuando el yogur esté firme, añade las fresas hechas puré en cada corazón para llenar el

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - May 2021

2 cucharada de salsa de pescado Inspirado por • Hojas de cilantro al gusto • Hoja

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - July 2022 407-906-0500 July 2022

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Our Freedom Is a Debt We Can Never Repay Celebrating Independence in Both Places I Call Home

I have a special appreciation for America. Having come to the United States at just 9 years old, I started fresh. I had to learn an entirely new language and adapt to a brand-new culture. Culture shock was an understatement at the time, but with the support of my family and wonderful people, transitioning was made possible. The United States has offered me more opportunities than I could have ever imagined, and I have been shown in more ways than one that this country is a place where anyone can go from “zero to zeros” sometimes overnight. Hard work, dedication, and the freedom our country grants us makes this possible — it’s truly the land of opportunity. Here, you can create a life for yourself and your family if you set your mind to it, put your head down, and get to work! The Fourth of July is always a special day to celebrate our independence and the freedoms others have fought so hard to earn and protect. With thankfulness and gratitude, we come together and celebrate with parties, barbecues, fireworks, and family gatherings. The following day, on July 5, I celebrate another very important day to me — Venezuela’s Independence Day. This day is the anniversary of the 1811 Venezuelan Declaration of Independence, which made Venezuela the first Spanish colony in South America to declare its independence. Venezuela is my home country where I was born and lived for 9 years of my life. When I look back on the memories I have there, I’m always in awe of the beauty of both the land and its people. The culture, food, and passion for life is so amazing, and I am extremely grateful for the memories I have as a young boy. It makes me feel sad I haven’t returned to visit for a few years now, but it will always be home to me and hold a special place in my heart. In light of recognizing important dates and celebrations, a lighter and more fun holiday observed on July 18 is World Listening Day — a day set aside to appreciate our ability to listen to others. In any profession, whether you are a doctor, attorney, paralegal,

veterinarian, or a teacher, to be successful, you must possess great listening skills, and I’m the first to tell you it isn’t something that comes naturally. If you know me, you’ve probably gathered that I love to talk. In fact, if someone is talking, I want to talk, too. Sometimes, I need to stop myself and remember to be quiet and just take time to listen, really listen. As humans, we sometimes will listen to respond instead of listening to understand, and when this happens, we miss important information. After all, God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason. As an attorney, I’ve learned my clients place a great value in being heard. And to

ensure I best serve my clients, I need to always ensure I have my listening ears on.

Happy Fourth of July, happy Venezuelan Independence Day, and may you focus a little extra on listening to others on World Listening Day! Happy Summer! -Louis Bernardo Berk | 1

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‘Mom, Dad, There’s Nothing to Do!’ Keeping Kids Entertained Through Summer

Kids look forward to summer vacation all year long, but it often only takes a few days before the “I’m bored” whines begin. It gets worse; many kids will happily spend months staring at their devices, wasting time they’ll never get back. So, how do you get children active and keep them entertained? Make a summer bucket list. It even happens to adults: We blink, and the season is over. All those things we “meant” to do somehow end up having to wait another year (or more). Don’t let that happen to you or your kids this year. Make sure everyone gets their fill of summer fun by making a list of can’t-miss activities. Include staples like visiting the pool or the zoo — but also entertain ideas about

something else to do very quickly!) What interests do your kids have? Whether it’s firetrucks, dinosaurs, fashion, or something else entirely, they have countless opportunities to learn more through your local library or the World Wide Web. You don’t have to restrict them to book learning, either. Your kid might love the opportunity to try countless hobbies like sewing, sculpting, or even gardening. Camp close to home. Most kids love the outdoors, and they’re easily distracted by a bit of novelty. You don’t have to travel far to enjoy nature — you just need a backyard, a tent, and some sleeping bags. The prospect of spending the night outside will sound thrilling to most kids. If you have young children,

backyard crafts and water balloon fights. Don’t forget to incorporate plenty of things the kids can do at or near home. The next time they’re bored, point them to the list and urge them to complete one of their activities. Learn something new. Hear us out — this is designed to be fun. The goal here isn’t to make your kid memorize multiplication tables over summer break. (Though, if you suggest it, they might find

make it a family affair with a campfire, roasted marshmallows, and songs. Let older kids invite some friends for a unique sleepover, complete with flashlight tag and scary stories.

Summer will be over before you know it, but you and your kids can have more to show for those months — and great memories, too! Forget about “I’m bored,” and prepare yourself for a new mantra: “When can we do that again?”

In November 1970, George Harrison released his first solo single and biggest hit, “My Sweet Lord.” The song shot to No. 1 internationally and achieved the rare feat of bringing religious devotion to the pop charts. Only one problem arose — despite what the record label said, George Harrison didn’t write it. “He’s So Fine” was written by Ronnie Mack and recorded by The Chiffons only seven years earlier. It became a hit in its own right, with Billboard ranking it as the fifth-biggest single of 1963. Though Harrison had dramatically rearranged the song and written new lyrics, the similarities between “He’s So Fine” and “My Sweet Lord” were undeniable to even the casual listener. Despite Harrison’s lyric that “it takes so long,” the song’s owner, Bright Tunes, wasted no time filing a plagiarism lawsuit in February 1971. It also didn’t take Harrison long to realize his mistake. In fact, the “quiet Beatle” later confessed to the similarities in his book “I Me Mine,” asking, “Why didn’t I realize?” Harrison’s manager, Allen Klein, thought he could make the matter go away by throwing money at it. He suggested that the wealthy Harrison buy Bright Tunes so that he would own the rights to both songs. Bright Tunes rejected the offer, and the case went to court. The judge found Harrison guilty of “subconscious plagiarism” in 1976 and ordered him to pay lost royalties. He’s So Fined George Harrison’s Plagiarism Saga

But Klein had a ruthless reputation and made an unexpected move. Having been fired by Harrison in 1973, Klein began pursuing a purchase of Bright Tunes on his own starting around 1975. By 1978, Klein owned the catalog and had effectively switched sides in the case, leaving Harrison stunned. It took several more years of legal wrangling (the case was finally resolved in 1998!), but in 1981, Klein sold Harrison “He’s So Fine” for $587,000. Many experts declared that price to be a steal. Despite the public spectacle, Harrison had few regrets about his copycat hit. “I don’t feel bad or guilty about it,” he wrote in his autobiography. “It saved many a heroin addict’s life. I know the motive behind writing the song in the first place far exceeds the legal hassle.” In fact, the ordeal served as inspiration for his tongue- in-cheek single, “This Song,” released in 1976 — proving that a good artist can find inspiration anywhere.

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Strategies to Fight Distraction OVERCOMING INATTENTION With our phones always on standby, we’re more easily distracted than ever. Then there are also interruptions by coworkers or family members, emails or instant messages that divert our attention, household chores that will “only take a minute,” coffee breaks, and daydreams. Constant distraction hurts us more than we realize, creating a feedback loop of inattention. It’s time we understand what all this multitasking is doing to our minds and figure out how to break the cycle. No matter how good you think you are at it, multitasking doesn’t exist. What we’re really doing is called task-switching. Our brains can concentrate on only one thing at a time, and the quicker we go back and forth between tasks, the less we pay attention, and the more likely we are to make mistakes. Even worse, research says it takes us a whopping 23 minutes to regain our concentration after being interrupted. But what can you do? If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know that willpower has its limits. Simply promising you won’t check your email or phone rarely results in long-term success. But if technology is a big part of the problem, it can also be part of the solution. Try putting your email or phone notifications on silent. Or, consider a website blocker to keep you off distracting websites and an app that will lock distracting features on your phone. Low-tech solutions like a “do not disturb” sign and putting your phone in another room can also help. And mental tricks can still have their place. You probably tend to become productive when you’ve got a deadline crunch, and there’s a reason for that. Tasks have a way of stretching out unnecessarily when we don’t have to follow any restrictions. So, make some! Determine how much time you need to complete a task, and then don’t allow yourself anymore. Ask a colleague for help staying accountable. You’ll be amazed at how much you get done.


Fresh crab and lemon make this crowd-pleasing pasta dish perfect for summer.

• 12 oz bucatini pasta • 1/2 cup olive oil Ingredients

• 3 oz Pecorino Romano cheese, grated • 1/2 cup fresh chives, thinly sliced • 8 oz fresh crabmeat

• 2 tbsp garlic, finely chopped • 1/4 cup drained and rinsed capers, chopped • 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper • 6 large egg yolks, beaten

• 1 tbsp grated lemon zest • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice • Sea salt or kosher salt, to taste

Though we each have to fight our own battles, this isn’t entirely our fault. Popular apps make billions of dollars by sucking our attention away from everything else, so we’re automatically at a disadvantage. And there may be even more than meets the eye. If you have difficulty concentrating, stress could be the underlying culprit. Get that under control, and distractions might suddenly lose some of their allure.


1. In a pot of boiling water, cook pasta until not yet al dente. Drain and reserve 1 cup cooking liquid. 2. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook oil and garlic until lightly toasted. Add capers and black pepper, then stir for 2 minutes. 3. Add reserved cooking liquid to skillet and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir in pasta and cook until al dente. Remove from heat. 4. Stirring constantly, pour egg yolks quickly into the mixture. Add cheese and chives, stirring well until sauce is creamy. Add crab, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Toss together and season with salt.

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Referrals Welcome We thank you so much for referring clients to us over the years. We are grateful that you have

407-906-0500 4700 Millenia Blvd., Suite 175 Orlando, FL 32839

trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.

New address? New phone number? New email? Help us stay current by letting us know. Notify Louis at 407-906-0500.



Celebrating Independence

Beating Summer Vacation Boredom Ex-Beatle Sued for Plagiarism Summer Crab and Lemon Carbonara How Distractions Are Hurting Us



‘The Repair Shop’: Relaxing and Heartwarming Television


Reality television can be a great way to turn off your mind, but most options are full of petty drama and sarcastic remarks. For some of us, it can get a little tiring. One show out of the U.K. is taking a refreshingly gentler approach. “The Repair Shop” follows passionate craftspeople as they fix antiques, and every object they work on has a story behind it. There are no high-stakes prizes or biting comments in “The Repair Shop.” Instead, viewers peek inside a warm and inviting workshop filled with collaboration and sentimental stories. In each episode, you watch the experts perform amazing transformations and hear heartwarming tales about the connections people build with family heirlooms. The main cast includes upholsterer Jay Blades, woodworker Will Kirk, clock repairer Steve Fletcher, leatherworker Suzie Fletcher, ceramicist Kirsten Ramsay, and metalworker Dom Chinea. They are joined by a painting restorationist, stuffed animal repairers, and experts in glass, jewelry, and musical instruments as needed. The eclectic mix means viewers are in for a new treat every episode. The cast may work on a grandfather clock and rocking horse in one A Slower, Kinder Type of TV Cozy Up With ‘The Repair Shop’

episode, only to restore a beloved teddy bear and repair a pinball machine in another. Some of the best moments happen when the craftspeople work together. When an old writing desk has a leather inlay or an antique clock needs a newly painted face, everyone in the shop is glad to pitch in and help restore any object. They do so with good humor, a collaborative spirit, and dedication to their craft. But the show’s real heroes are the guests who bring in their beloved keepsakes. From war mementos to antique furniture and favorite toys passed down from parents, each person who visits has a deep connection with the object that needs repairing. They tell their stories, and we see their emotional reactions to their items receiving new life. U.S. viewers can catch “The Repair Shop” on BBC One or stream it on Discovery+. Cozy up with a cup of tea — plus a box of tissues, if you’re the sentimental type — and prepare to be moved.

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Published by Newsletter Pro • 407-906-0500 July 2022

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Nuestra libertad es una deuda que nunca podremos recompensar Celebrando la independencia en los dos lugares que llamo hogar

Siento un agradecimiento especial por el país. Al haber llegado a los Estados Unidos con solo 9 años, empecé de nuevo. Tuve que aprender un idioma totalmente nuevo y adaptarme a una cultura completamente nueva. Me quedo corto con el choque cultural que tuve en ese momento, pero con el apoyo de mi familia y personas maravillosas, la transición fue posible. Los Estados Unidos me han ofrecido más oportunidades de las que pude haber imaginado, y se me ha mostrado en más de un sentido que este país es un lugar en el que cualquier persona puede pasar a veces de “cero a ceros” de la noche a la mañana. El trabajo arduo, la dedicación y la libertad que nos otorga nuestro país lo hace posible: realmente es la tierra de las oportunidades. ¡Aquí puede crear una vida para usted y su familia si se lo propone, baja la cabeza y se pone a trabajar El 4 de julio siempre es un día especial para celebrar nuestra independencia y las libertades que otros han luchado tanto por obtener y proteger. Con agradecimiento y gratitud, nos reunimos y celebramos con fiestas, parrilladas, pirotecnia y reuniones familiares. Al siguiente día, el 5 de julio, celebro otro día muy importante para mí: el Día de la Independencia de Venezuela. Este día es el aniversario de la Declaración de Independencia de Venezuela en 1811, la cual hizo que Venezuela fuera la primera colonia española en Sudamérica que declaró su independencia. Venezuela es mi país de origen, en el que nací y viví 9 años de mi vida. Cuando recuerdo lo que tengo ahí, siempre me impresiona la belleza de su tierra y su gente. La cultura, la comida y pasión por la vida son tan increíbles, y estoy enormemente agradecido por los recuerdos que tengo cuando era niño. Me entristece no haber vuelto a visitarlo desde hace ya algunos años, pero siempre será un hogar para mí y ocupará un lugar especial en mi corazón. En vista del reconocimiento de fechas y celebraciones importantes, una festividad más ligera y divertida que tiene lugar el 18 de julio es el Día Mundial de la Escucha, un día reservado para apreciar nuestra capacidad para escuchar a los demás. En cualquier profesión, ya sea usted médico, abogado, asistente jurídico, veterinario o profesor, para tener éxito, debe posee una

excelente capacidad para escuchar, y soy el primero en decirle que no es algo que ocurre de forma natural.

Si me conoce, probablemente ha deducido que me encanta hablar. De hecho, si alguien está hablando, también quiero hablar. A veces necesito detenerme, recordar que debo callarme y tomarme el tiempo de escuchar, escuchar de verdad. Como humanos, a veces escucharemos para responder en lugar de escuchar para entender, y cuando esto sucede, nos quedamos sin información importante. Después de todo, Dios nos dio dos orejas y solo una boca por una razón. Como abogado, he aprendido que mis clientes valoran mucho ser escuchados. Y para garantizar que atiendo a mis clientes de la mejor manera, necesito garantizar siempre que mis oídos atentos para escuchar.

Feliz 4 de julio, feliz día de la independencia de Venezuela, ¡y espero que se enfoque un poco más en escuchar a los demás en el Día Mundial de la Escucha! ¡Que tenga un feliz verano! -Louis Bernardo Berk | 1

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‘¡Mamá, papá, no hay nada que hacer!’ Cómo mantener a los niños entretenidos durante el verano

Los niños esperan con ansias las vacaciones de verano durante todo el año, pero a menudo basta con unos pocos días para que comiencen los lloriqueos de “estoy aburrido”. Y lo que es peor: muchos niños se pasan meses mirando sus dispositivos, perdiendo tiempo que nunca recuperarán. Entonces, ¿cómo conseguir que los niños sean activos y se mantengan entretenidos? Haga una lista de deseos para el verano. Le pasa incluso a los adultos: Parpadeamos y la temporada ya acabó. Todas esas cosas que “queríamos” hacer acaban teniendo que esperar otro año (o más). No deje que eso le ocurra a usted o a sus hijos este año. Asegúrese de que todos se diviertan en verano haciendo una lista de actividades que no pueden faltar. Incluya actividades básicas como ir a la alberca o al zoológico, pero también ideas para hacer manualidades

encuentren otra cosa que hacer muy rápidamente). ¿Qué intereses tienen sus hijos? Ya sean los coches de bomberos, los dinosaurios, la moda o cualquier otra cosa, tienen innumerables oportunidades de aprender más a través de la biblioteca local o del Internet. Tampoco hay que limitarse a aprender de los libros. A su hijo le puede encantar la oportunidad de probar innumerables pasatiempos como la costura, la escultura o incluso la jardinería. Acampar cerca de casa. A la mayoría de los niños les gusta el aire libre, y se distraen fácilmente con algo nuevo. No hace falta ir muy lejos para disfrutar de la naturaleza: basta con un patio trasero, una tienda de campaña y una bolsa de dormir. La idea de pasar la noche al aire libre les parecerá emocionante a la mayoría de los niños. Si tiene niños pequeños, conviértalo en un asunto familiar con una

en el patio y peleas de globos de agua. No olvide incorporar muchas cosas que los niños puedan hacer en casa o cerca de ella. La próxima vez que estén aburridos, señáleles la lista y anímelos a realizar una de sus actividades. Aprendan algo nuevo. Escúchenos: esto está pensado para ser divertido. El objetivo no es que su hijo memorice las tablas de multiplicar durante las vacaciones de verano. (Aunque, si se lo sugiere, puede que

fogata, bombones asados y canciones. Deje que los niños mayores inviten a algunos amigos a una fiesta de pijamas única, con linternas y cuentos de miedo.

El verano se acabará antes de que se den cuenta, pero usted y sus hijos pueden tener mucho por hacer durante esos meses, ¡y también grandes recuerdos! Olvídese del “me aburro” y prepárese para un nuevo mantra: “¿Cuándo podemos volver a hacer eso?”.


• 3 oz (85 g) de queso


pecorino romano rallado • 1/2 taza de cebollino fresco, cortado en rodajas finas • 8 oz (226 g) de carne de cangrejo fresca • 1 cucharada de ralladura de limón • 1 cucharada de jugo de limón fresco • Sal marina o sal kosher, al gusto

• 12 oz (340 g) de pasta bucatini • 1/2 taza de aceite de oliva • 2 cucharadas de ajo finamente picado • 1/4 de taza de alcaparras escurridas y enjuagadas, picadas • 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida • 6 yemas grandes, batidas

Inspirado por

Instrucciones 1. En una olla con agua hirviendo, cocine la pasta hasta que todavía no esté del todo al dente. Escurra y reserve 1 taza del líquido de cocción. 2. En una sartén grande a fuego medio, caliente el aceite y fría el ajo hasta que esté ligeramente tostado. Añada las alcaparras y la pimienta negra, revuelva durante 2 minutos. 3. Incorpore la pasta y cocínela hasta que esté al dente. Retire del fuego. 4. Sin dejar de revolver, vierta rápidamente las yemas en la mezcla. Añada el queso y el cebollino, revolviendo bien hasta que la salsa esté cremosa. Agregue el cangrejo, la ralladura y el jugo de limón. Mezcle todo y sazone con sal.

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