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MADF Trips Itinerary

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Brussels Itinerary

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Medical Trips

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. Includes alcoholic beverages, guided bush walks and

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Portugal Itinerary 2016

Portugal Itinerary 2016 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Made with

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25th Anniversary Trips

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. 34 35 Frequently asked questions Q: Can I bring a la

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ME to WE Medical Trips

ME to WE Medical Trips Building Sustainable Health Care Growing WE Villages Health Expertise and Cap

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Special Experiences Trips Ebook

or executive team, and learn about the philosophy that drives our family of organizations. Join us,

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ME to WE Adult Trips

UTC plus three hours) LANGUAGE English, Swahili, other tribal languages Kenya Our work in Kenya Work

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ME to WE Trips Kenya

10 °C), so bring a lightweight jacket and heavy wool sweater with you. We have found that 100% cotto

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ME to WE Trips Adult and Family

10°C), so bring a lightweight jacket and heavy wool sweater with you. We have found that 100 percent

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ME to WE Corporate Trips Brochure

UTC plus three hours) LANGUAGE English, Swahili, other tribal languages Kenya Our work in Kenya Work

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MADF Trips Itinerary

Making a Difference Foundation Medical Team GrowingWE VillagesHealthExpertise and Capacity ThroughMedicalTrips

Table of contents

3. WEVillages Development Model

5. Program Objectives and Outcomes

7. Safety&Security

9. Kenya Itinerary


WE Villages Development Model

Medical TripsProgram

Whileaccess toqualityhealthcare isaconstitutionalright,millionsof Kenyanscannotafford topayforhealthservicesatpublicorprivateclinics.Withthepopulationatover44millionand rising, it means as many as 35 million Kenyans are excluded from quality health care coverage.WE Charityoperates in rural Kenya,where80percentof the Kenyanpopulation resides. In theseareas,there isseverely limitedaccess tohealthservices,underscoring the critical need for WE Charity health centers, which are vital to improving health care accessibility. Since its inception in2012,ourmedical tripsprogramhascreatedadynamicengagement opportunity for medicalproviders to join us in Kenyaandworkalongside ourWE Villages health care team.Participants on these medical tripsplaya significant role in assessing, diagnosingand treating largenumbersof patients,andworkingwith localmedicalstaff to helpbuildcapacityandskills.Themedicaltripsprogramdeliversameaningfulandengaging experience tomembersof themedicalcommunityand leavesa legacyof connectionand healing.

Formorethantwodecades,WEVillageshasbeenengineeringaninternationaldevelopment model to end poverty. It’s not a handout or a single solution, but a combination of key interventions thatempoweracommunity tohelpthemselves. Ourcoremission isempowerment.WEVillagesenablespeopletocreatepositivechangein developingcountries,whereourlocalstaf workwithruralvillagesandregionalgovernments tosupport,educateandempowerpeoplewithin ourfivePilars ofImpact. Through the HealthPillar of Impact,wedeliver afordable,accessibleandefective health care.We have made significant strides in addressing the lack of health care services in Kenya through theconstructionof Baraka Hospitaland Kishon Health Center. These two hea l th facilities ofer preventative and curative health care, transforming health care accessibility forourpartnercommunities withefective, high-quality services.

These are our fivePillars of Impact that leadour WEVillage communities to true independence:

Theseimportanttripsareinstrumental, not onlyfromacapacity-buildingperspective,but also for creatinguniquetrainingopportunitiesforour in-countrystaff,engagingunique expertiseandprovidingworld-classhealth carethatwould otherwisenot be available. The programisimplementedthrough:



WE Charity


Implementation partner

Charity partner


Medical tripsprogramming is implementedthroughMEto WETrips—immersive volunteer experienceswheremedical professionals areguidedwithcare fromstartto finish.

WEVillagescommunities benefit directly frommedicaltrips programming—throughthese volunteer trips andgeneral health caredevelopmentfunding.




Program Objectives and Outcomes

The Need for Improved HealthCare

High rates of extreme poverty make health care inaccessible to hundreds of thousands of people in Kenya.Without thismuch-needed access, poor health often goesuntreated, risking the stabilityof the entire household, and resulting in the loss of work, wages and productivity, further contributing to the cycle of poverty. In the country, thereareonly20 physiciansfor every100,000membersof the population. Medical tripsare also transformative forqualifiedmedicalprofessionals, asit’s a uniqueopportunity toservethecommunitiesweworkwith., reviewuniquecases usually only foundin textbooks,andsharebestpractices with ourhealth team.

Themedical trips programinKenyaiscenteredon fourmainobjectives:

Supportmedical infrastructure in partnering communities

Screening, diagnosis and treatmentoflocal communities

Health care capacity- building of local providers

“Thisexperiencerenewedinme themotivation that initially ledme toacareerinmedicine. I enjoyed absolutely everyaspectofmytime in BarakaandBogani,and inKenyain general.Ifeltaprofoundconnection withthepatients andsensedtheir gratitudeconstantly.”

Healthcare providers engagement



Our medical tripsprogramming hasinspired hundreds of medical professionalsand has provided services to thousands of patients in our WE Villages partner communities. Impactstodate include:

Patients served throughscreening andtreatment

Localstudents screened over thecourse of the program



Medicalvolunteer tripsfrom2012to2018

Practitioners have volunteered theirtime




Safety and Security

MADF Medical Team inKenya


Participantsof theMADFwill spendtheir timeat BarakaHospital.Ownedand operatedby WE Charity, Baraka serves approximately 50,000 immediate community members and provides critically important services to the most vulnerable segments of the Kenyan population.

Since 2002, over 42,000 adults and youth have traveled safely on ME to WE Trips to destinations around the world. Safety and security is a top priority, and ME to WE has proactivesafetymeasuresandprotocols inplace, including:

• Rehabilitationservices • Maternalservices

• Acuteand inpatient care • Ambulatory care • Surgical services • Emergency services • Outpatient services

• MEtoWEhostswhoareapart of askilledfacilitation team, comprised of both inter- nationalandlocalstafftrained inriskmitigation • Support networksintheinternationaldiplomatic community • Adherence to strict safety requirements that have been tested and approved by government dignitaries, distinguished guests and celebrities, such as HRH Prince Edward,Sir RichardBransonand SherylSandberg,ChiefOperatingOfficer, Facebook, amongmanyothers

• Diagnosticimagining • Laboratoryservices • Community-basedhealthcare education

Medical providerswill spend their timediagnosing and treating patientswithmajority of time spent performing surgeries. With a five month long pre-trip consultation list of patients readyfor the team, the goal will betotreat themost severe cases that do not receive treatment intheMara.


Based in the beautiful Maasai Mara, participants have the opportunity to experience ME toWEprogrammingtoseehowour fullWEVillagesmodel comestogether to provide not only health care, but access to education, clean water, food security and income generating opportunitiestoliftcommunitiesout of poverty. In thebackdropof this life-changingwork isBogani Cottagesand TentedCamp, offering authentic African décor and comfort in the heart of the Maasai Mara. Traditional safari tents feature stone flooring and fully paneled windows and doors. All accommodations offer daily laundry service, toiletries, hot showers and running water, aswell as 24-hour electricity.

Inadditiontodailyclinical practice,the itinerary includes:

• Nightlyregroupdiscussionsonprogressandadaptationstoschedule • Downtimeforrecoveryandthechancetohavearefreshingbeverageintheevening • EducationsessionswithWECollegestudentsandBarakaHospitalproviders • Optionalhikesandactivitieswheredeemedappropriate


Kenya In-Country Experience

Day Four: Tuesday

Day One: Saturday

VolunteeratBaraka Beginyourweekof volunteeringwithour local health careteam.Youwil workto diagnoseand treat patientsassurgeryopens. MedicalOutreach Help screen studentsandcommunitymembersinWE Vilages primary schools.

DepartNorthAmerica onyour internationalflightto Nairobi.

Day Two: Sunday

Evening arrivalinNairobi Youwil be welcomed by your in-country facilitator and transferred to Four Points Sheraton. Rest for the night to start your ME toWEadventurethenextday!

Day Five:Wednesday

VolunteeratBaraka Spend thedayperformingsurgeries,treatingdifficult casesandteachingcliniciansbysimplydoing.

Day Three:Monday

Case Study Review Spend theeveningbackatBoganireviewingyourcases

After breakfast, fly fromWilson Airport near Nairobi to theMaasaiMara. Look for theherdsoflocal wildlife as youflyovertheMaraanddescendintotheGreatRift Valey.

of theday. Sharestrategies and learnings with yournewcolleaguesandprepareforthe following day.


Learnaboutthe inspiring progressof oneof ourWE Villages projects,BarakaHospital,which first began asa health clinic in 2010andhasnowgrown into a full-fledged hospitalwith a newlyopenedsurgical wing. Spend some time reviewing casesand preparingfor surgeriesto start in themorning.

Day Six: Thursday

VolunteeratBaraka Continueperformingsurgeries,treatingdifficultcases andteachingclinicians.Moreformalrecommendations andeducationalsessionswithBarakaStaffwill occurin theafternoon. EducationSessionwithBarakaStaff Afantastic learningopportunityforthestaffandpracti- tionersofBaraka!


Relaxin theatmosphereoftheMaraasyouenjoyyour firstdinnerat Bogani.Sharestorieswith fellowtravelers andgetto knowour teamatBarakabeforeyourfirst active dayatthe hospital.

Case Study Review Spend theeveningbackatBoganireviewingyourcases

of theday. Sharestrategies and learnings with yournewcolleaguesandprepareforthe following day.


Kenya In-Country Experience

Day Seven: Friday



VolunteeratBaraka Spend thedayperformingsurgeries,treatingdifficult casesandteachingcliniciansbysimplydoing.Say kwaheri(goodbye)tothecommunityandBaraka staff asyoufinish up yourtasksandseetheprogress you havemadethroughouttheweek.

• Internationalflights fromToronto to NairobiEconomyclass

• SinglesupplementatBoganiTents

• KenyaEntryVisa(completedonlinein advanceoruponarrival inNairobi)

• ME toWEprofessional facilitator(s)

• Travel insurance

• Domestictransportationthroughoutthe durationof thetrip • AccommodationinNairobi andat Bogani Cottages&TentedCamp • Allmeals and drinksatBogani,including purifiedwater, sodas, beerandwine

Spend theeveningbackatBoganireviewingyour cases of thedayandal that your team has accomplished.

• Extensionsposttrip

Celebrate making ahuge impact in the lives of others with aNyamaChomaDinner– Kenya’sbarbeque.

• All activities asoutlinedin theitinerary

Day Eight: Saturday

• Entrance fees to sightsinNairobi

DepartBoganiand fly backtoNairobi, landing atWilson Airport.

• KenyaBoardregistrationfee

After lunch, visit Giraffe andElephantsanctuariesbefore you aretransferredandcheckedintoaday room at the Four Points Sheraton until your internationalflight home.

…Or ask usabouthowto extendyourtripby going on safari!

*please note that this itinerary is subject to change.

Day Nine: Saturday

Continuetoyoursafari extensionorarrivehomeinNorthAmerica.


Customize Your Experience

Fairmount Safari Sur r ounded on thr ee sides by the br ea thtaking Ma ra River , and on the edge of the wor l d's Seventh "New" Wonder of the World - the Ma asai Ma ra - Fairmont Ma r a Safari Club is the epi tome of tented l uxury. The ma i n building, with lounge, bar a nd dining r oom i s c antilever ed over the r i ver . An Afr ican theme r uns thr oughout the c amp, wi th lovely beaded sc reens for pa r titions a nd décor - including safari chairs, a uthentic lampshades, stools, wa l l hangings and floor r ugs, with an ethnic edge. Whilst the ma in lodge is a bur s t of r ich Afr ican colors including r eds, browns a nd ta ns. It consists of moder n Afr i can furniture interspersed with, distinct Afr ican wa ll hangings and a r ti stic touches of lea ther , bead work and calabashes, which have been us ed to gi ve the r oom a wa rm, yet r efined touch.

FROM $995 USD PP Based on double occupancy

Safari extension

Transfer to/fromsafari property • Three nights fullboard accommodation • Twice daily gamedrives (six game drives) • Allmeals • Conservation fees Optional upgrades • Exclusive use ofvehicle • Scenic flights

Includes transfer from Bogani, laundry service, all drinks including selected house spirits. Excludes optional activities as well as champagne and premium spirits.

FROM $3,595 USD PP Based on double occupancy

Richard’sRiver Camp Designed with privacy, exclusivity and adventure in mind, Richard’s River Camp is located on the banks of the Njageteck River and surrounded by 70 acres of private land in the Olare Orok Conservancy. The camp allows for total privacy and exclusivity with only seven tents. The Ngoyanai springs provide permanent water, drawing in large numbers of animals to the area around camp.

• Lengthenor shortenstay • Private guide

If you’d like to extend/shorten your stay, please ask for more details.

Includes alcoholic beverages, guided bush walks and cultural visits, sundowners, laundry services and transfer from Bogani. Excludes champagne, premium spirits and cellar wines.

FROM $5,595 USD PP Based on double occupancy

Angama Mara Welcome to Angama Mara, a remarkable owner-run safari lodge inspired by the Swahili word for “suspendedinmid-air.“Located high above the floor of Africa“s Great Rift Valley, Angama Mara overlooks Kenya“sMaasai Mara, considered by many as the loveliest game reserve on the continent. Here guests will find a lodge where everything is as it ought to be: two intimate camps of just 15tented suites each, a private airfield and access to the Mara below, tailor-made safari days and a famously warm Kenyan welcome.

Includes alcoholic drinks, sof t drinks, beers, house wines, and selected house spirits, laundry, child minding (6-10 p.m.). Excludes champagne, premium spirits and cellar wines.