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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - August 2021

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - February 2021 Malloy Monthly MALLOY LAW OFFICES, LLC Alexandria 5680 King

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - July 2021 Malloy Monthly MALLOY LAW OFFICES, LLC Alexandria 5680 King Cent

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - December 2021

or physical therapist before you go. Always bring along a backpack of emergency supplies like a blan

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped Directions 1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and fry salted chi

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - March 2021

Malloy Law Offices, LLC - March 2021 Malloy Monthly MALLOY LAW OFFICES, LLC Alexandria 5680 King Cen

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - April 2021

loss record or the total compensation awarded every year to our clients. When a young woman is hurt

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - October 2021

Malloy Law Offices, LLC - October 2021 Malloy Monthly LETTING GO OF COMMON LAWYER APPREHENSIONS Have

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - November 2021

Malloy Law Offices, LLC - November 2021 Malloy Monthly November 2021 MALLOY LAW OFFICES, LLC Alexand

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - June 2021 Malloy Monthly The Most Important Job I’ll Ever Have Father’s Da

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - April 2022

Malloy Law Offices, LLC - April 2022 Malloy Monthly MALLOY LAW OFFICES, LLC Alexandria 5680 King Cen

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Malloy Law Offices, LLC - August 2021

Malloy Monthly Like MLK Jr., I Have a Dream! Fifty-eight years ago on Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. He took the microphone in front of 250,000 people who filled the entire National Mall and said four famous words: “I have a dream.” Dr. King went on to give what we think of today as the “I Have a Dream” speech. It was an amazing monologue that called out segregation and discrimination and advocated for racial equality. When he was done talking, the crowd went wild! They were there for the March on Washington for jobs and freedom, and King’s vision of former slave owners and slaves eating together like brothers, children of all skin colors playing side-by-side, and Southern states transformed into “an oasis of freedom and justice” really resonated. I listened to the “I Have a Dream” speech recently and it truly moved me. Like King, I have big dreams and visions for the future. I’m not thinking quite as big as he was, though! My dreams focus on the Maryland, D.C., Virginia communities, Malloy Law Offices, and myself. On a community level, my dream is to see more humility from insurance companies and more justice for those mistreated, injured, or killed on the job or our streets. I have a dream that new laws and regulations will make these spaces safer. What we do here at Malloy Law Offices plays a part in that. I have a dream that in the years to come, our firm will continue to grow. The bigger we get, the more people we can help and the more change we can effect in Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and beyond! These are pretty big dreams, but I’ve already been working on them for years. Like Dr. King, I’m optimistic we can make them happen no matter how long it takes. Professionally, I also dream of being a lawyer my team, clients, friends, and colleagues can look up to. That’s why I work hard every day to improve. One day, I’d love to be the guy who young lawyers strive to be like. It would be amazing to have the August 2021


Alexandria 5680 King Centre Dr. #600 Alexandria, VA 22315 (703) 337-3328 Bethesda 7910 Woodmont Ave. #1250 Bethesda, MD 20814 (202) 999-3898

Clinton 9135 Piscataway Rd. #215 Clinton, MD 20735 (301) 889-9950 Baltimore 400 E. Pratt St., 8th Flr. Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 498-6085

opportunity to take ambitious law students and young lawyers under my wing. I’d be proud to help lead the next generation of attorneys in the personal injury and workers’ compensation fields. I’m already working on making that happen. Of course, I have smaller dreams, too. I want to get better at balancing the time I spend on my work and the time I get at home with my family. Work-life balance really is a big deal! I love what I do at Malloy Law Offices, but I also love taking time off with my wife and kids, playing golf, and going horseback riding with my daughter. When I sit down to imagine the future, every single one of my dreams features my family. What are your dreams for the future? What do you hope will be possible for you and your family with a positive outcome in your case? My team and I would love to know! Next time you talk to us, please share your visions. The hopes which drive you are important to us.

(202) 933-7277 • 1

Medical Malpractice • Premises Liability • Motor Vehicle Accidents • Wrongful Death

The end of summer is almost here! Soon it will be time to send the kids back to school, pack away the beach towels and umbrellas, and put the paddleboards back into storage. Before that happens, though, we have a few more weeks to get the most out of summer — and one of the best ways to do that in Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. is to spend time on the water. If you already love to go boating, then you know it’s a perfect way to soak up some sunshine, enjoy time with friends and family, and explore new places. That said, boating can also be a dangerous pastime. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, there were 4,168 boating accidents in U.S. waters in 2019. These crashes led to 613 deaths and 2,559 injuries. No one wants to worry about boating accidents and fatalities while they’re enjoying the summer sunshine, but the best way to ensure you don’t have to think about this is to start out your boating trip prepared. 1. Minimize distractions. Most boating accidents happen because the person steering the boat gets distracted. To ensure you can keep your eyes on the wheel and the water, consider turning Last Days of Summ 3 TIPS FOR A SAF

If you can’t start your day without your daily cup — or cups — of joe, you’re not alone. More than 450 million cups of coffee are consumed by U.S. residents every day, and unfortunately, heavy caffeine consumption may not be healthy. (It’s a big reason why celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Jim Carrey, and Kim Kardashian don’t drink it!) Moderate amounts of caffeine can improve your mental health, and some studies suggest it could even prevent some chronic conditions. However, there are major downsides to overconsumption, which equates to more than four cups of coffee each day. These can include high blood pressure, addiction symptoms, and decreased mentality. If you want to break out of the caffeine cycle and reduce how much coffee you drink, try replacing that cup of joe with one of these methods! STRETCH After lying in one position all night, your body may feel stiff and achy. Stretching awakens your muscles and helps you break out of that groggy morning feeling. Start with your back and do some slow core twists. Then, sit on the floor and lay your legs out in front of you. Stretch forward, then sit back up. Next, position your right foot on the opposite side of your left knee. Keeping your hips centered, turn your torso toward your right foot so that your right arm is on your right knee. Switch to the other side and repeat as needed. Finally, pull your head toward your shoulders to loosen your neck. GO FOR A WALK When you wake up in the morning, head outside! Movement stimulates your brain and improves your mood, and the act of walking is relaxing enough that it doesn’t require much effort on your part. Plus, it’s a great way to get your steps in, wake up slowly, and get outside before a busy day. JUST BREATHE This might sound like it will lull you to sleep, but there are actually some breathing techniques that can help you wake up! The “breath of fire” is a rapid-fire breathing technique, during which you inhale deeply, exhale deeply, inhale deeply Don’t Reach for the Coffee 3 NATURAL WAYS TO BOOST YOUR ENERGY WITHOUT CAFFEINE

off your cellphone and let passengers know not to bother you while the boat is in motion. It’s also best to only pilot

Take a Break

again, and then exhale quickly. Repeat this as needed. Other practices that focus on breathing, like yoga, can be effective, too. Waking up isn’t an exact science, but once you find a healthy method that works for you, you may never need coffee again. (Gasp!)

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Medical Malpractice • Premises Liability •

mer on the Water? FE BOATING TRIP

a boat if you have experience and a boating license, as “operator inexperience” is another leading cause of crashes.

2. Drink responsibly. Just as you shouldn’t drink and drive on land, you shouldn’t do it on the water either! If you’re boating with friends, make sure someone sober is available to steer you home. 3. Inspect your boat. According to the Coast Guard, “inadequate onboard navigation lights” are another top cause of crashes. Before you leave the dock, test your boat’s lights to keep everyone safe, especially if you’ll be out after dark.

5 Reasons Not to Keep All of Your Money in One Place IT’S TIME TO DIVERSIFY YOUR BANKING!

To learn more about boating accidents, scan the QR code.

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” But what about “Don’t put all of your dollars in one bank”? Banking at a single institution is the default for most people, but just because something is the typical strategy doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you! Here are five reasons to consider taking the road less traveled. 1. Different banks have different perks. Credit unions are member-run nonprofits and often don’t have minimum balance requirements. Traditional banks have cutting-edge financial technology and more loan options. Some banks offer high-yield checking accounts while others don’t, and online banks can have interest rates on savings accounts up to 15 times higher than brick- and-mortars. By banking with more than one institution, you can get the best of both (or three!) worlds. 2. You’ll have a backup if one bank fails. According to Bankrate, 511 U.S. banks failed between 2009 and 2020. That’s not nothing! If your bank isn’t insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) and it fails, you could lose your entire balance, so diversifying your accounts (or choosing only FDIC-insured banks) is a good backup measure. 3. You can make sure ALL of your money is insured. The FDIC only covers up to $250,000 per depositor, per bank. So, if you have high- value accounts, depositing with multiple banks can ensure all of your money is covered. 4. The more accounts you have, the more withdrawals you can make penalty-free. Many money market and savings accounts have limits on how many times you can pull money out each month. If you bank with several institutions, you can make a few withdrawals from each of them, stay under the limits, and avoid fees. 5. You’ll have access to more banks and ATMs. Do you travel across your city, state, or the country regularly? If you do, it can be beneficial to bank with several institutions so you’re always close to an ATM or bank branch. For example, you may want to use a local credit union at home for the member benefits but bank with a national bank for out-of- state emergencies.

(202) 933-7277 • 3

• Motor Vehicle Accidents • Wrongful Death



7910 Woodmont Ave. #1250 Bethesda, MD 20814 (202) 933-7277 •

InsideThis Issue

1 2 2 3 3 4

Seann Shares His Dreams for the Future

Wake Up Without Coffee — Really!

3 Tips for a Safe End-of-Summer Boating Trip

5 Reasons to Diversify Your Banking

5-Ingredient Chickpea Spread

The Day They Burned the White House

Published by Newsletter Pro •

HOW D.C. RECOVERED AFTER THE WAR OF 1812 The Day They Burned the White House

The War of 1812 doesn’t come up often outside of history classes, but of all the wars America has fought, it had the biggest impact on the DMV area. Two hundred and seven years ago this month, on Aug. 24, 1814, British troops marched into D.C. and set the U.S. Capitol and the White House on fire. This was no ordinary vandalism. The British soldiers wanted revenge for a similar attack on their holdings in Ontario, Canada, so they added insult to injury whenever they could. Before setting the White House on fire, they sat down at the president’s table and ate leftovers off of the official dishes using White House silver. Then, they went about “ransacking the presidential mansion and setting it ablaze,” according to the History Channel. The U.S. Senate’s archives report that all of the major public buildings in Washington were reduced to rubble except one: the Capitol. A rainstorm saved it from total destruction, but

not before the Senate wing was burned so thoroughly that the marble columns turned to lime. Fortunately, President James Madison and his wife, Dolley Madison, had already fled the White House by the time the soldiers arrived, taking with them nothing but a copy of a famous portrait of George Washington. For the next five years, the Senate met in different buildings while its traditional location was repaired. It returned to the Capitol in 1819, two years after President James Monroe moved into the newly rebuilt White House. The war of 1812 ended with the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. D.C. has risen valiantly from the ashes. Today, our nation’s capital is stronger than ever, proving what former Presidential Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett once said: “Part of what makes America strong is our resilience, tenacity, innovation, and our willingness to be optimistic about the future.” Or, as General Douglas MacArthur put it more simply at the 1928 Olympics, “Americans never quit.”

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Medical Malpractice • Premises Liability • Motor Vehicle Accidents • Wrongful Death