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Manchester Metropolitan University - Head of Estates Operat…




Manchester Metropolitan University is seeking to appoint an industry-leading professional to take up the post of Head of Estates Operations, within their Estates, Facilities and Capital Directorate. We are a great, modern university, in a great global city, here to make an impact on Manchester, our nation and beyond; with a driving ambition to discover and disseminate knowledge and make higher education accessible and beneficial to all those with the passion and ability to succeed. We work closely with our city, with business, the community, and our academic peers - locally, nationally, and internationally - to be inventive and creative, generate great opportunities, and enable our students, colleagues and everyone whose lives we touch, to make an impact. Reporting to the Estates - Chief Engineer, you will lead and manage the Estates Operations Team both strategically and operationally across the University’s Estate. You will ensure that the building portfolio, public realm, and operational maintenance functions within the estate are maintained to a high and compliant standard, and proactively contribute to the development and delivery of the Estates Strategy. We are seeking an industry-leading candidate with significant experience in an Estates Operations leadership role across a large, complex organisation with a broad range of core activities. With a background and professional qualification in the estates/maintenance industry, you will possess a proven track record of delivering estates management initiatives that drive organisational change and performance improvement. You will have a strategic approach to whole life cycle investment, control, and backlog maintenance activities. You will be adept at communicating with a diverse set of stakeholders with experience of prioritising complex and often conflicting demands ensuring appropriate estates management approaches are deployed and external service suppliers are effectively controlled, whilst instilling a culture of customer care and engagement to support performance and satisfaction. The Estates Engineering & Operations teams have recently relocated to a newly refurbished dedicated Maintenance facility, acting as the focal point for all EFCD Contractor management activities across campus.

ESTATES, FACILITIES & CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT The Directorate of Estates, Facilities and Capital Development (EFCD) provides a broad spectrum of services, looking after buildings and the campus landscape, and providing facilities and services to support work and study. The Directorate is made up of three key areas: Estates Management Capital Development

• Engineering • Operations • Business Improvement

• Revenue Projects • BIM • LTM

Facilities • Cleaning, Catering, Security,

Accommodation, Print & Post, Sustainability & Environment

Alongside supporting staff and student welfare requirements through the provision of Catering, Portering, Cleaning, Security, Print and Postal Services, EFCD also maintains the operational estate (that includes over 220,000M2+ of diverse as-built facilities) as well as carrying out minor refurbishments and alterations. Other responsibilities include delivery of the University’s Environmental and Sustainability Strategies, together with the operation of a 24- hour emergency call out system to attend to plant failure and other emergencies affecting the operational performance of buildings.

EFCD are responsible for both the master planning and stewardship of Manchester Metropolitan University’s extensive estate assets. After our staff, our estate is the largest single enabler for our world class teaching and research, providing our class- leading student experience. Manchester Met is passionate about the quality and condition of its physical estate and as such are currently investing a planned capital investment of £328 over five years. This exciting programme is being planned and delivered by EFCD who are also responsible for all building facilities and grounds related operations, planned and reactive maintenance and lifecycle investment programmes.



The Directorate of Estates, Facilities and Capital Development (EFCD) are responsible for both the master planning and stewardship of our extensive estate assets. After our staff, our estate is the largest single enabler for our world class teaching and research, supporting our class- leading student experience. Manchester Metropolitan University is passionate about the quality and condition of its physical estate and as such EFCD are currently delivery a £378M capital investment plan. EFCD are responsible for all building facilities and grounds related operations, planned and reactive maintenance (24/7 365 days a year) along with lifecycle investment programmes. In addition, they support staff and student welfare requirements through the provision of student accommodation, catering, portering, cleaning, reception, security, sport, print and postal services. The conference office supports internal and external conference clients deliver their events in our fabulous estate. Other responsibilities include the delivery of the Universities environmental and sustainability strategies, with the University consistently at the top of the People and Planet Green League table.


Faculty/Directorate School/Department Job Title Grade Hours of Work Contract Duration Reports To Responsible For

Estates Facilities and Capital Development (EFCD) Estates Head of Estates Operations 10 37 Permanent Chief Engineer Operational Estates teams and relevant contractors



• The post holder will lead and manage, both strategically and operationally across the University’s Building portfolio and operational maintenance functions within Estates Operations, relating to the provision and development of the service. • The post holder will lead and enhance the University Estates Operations and sustain life cycle improvement to maintain the estate to an acceptable level in line with Health and Safety Legislation and best practice. • The post holder will ensure the provision of a value for money and customer focussed estates operations service via the University’s in house reactive maintenance teams and supporting external contract arrangements in line with best practice and compliant with statutory procedures.


STRATEGIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT To act as the initial point of contact between EFCD and the Faculties with regard to reactive maintenance. In particular to work with the Directors of Faculty planning to improve communications between the Faculties and EFCD and in so doing, to deliver more customer focused, co-ordinated EFCD work programmes in the Faculties, in the process improving project delivery, project efficiency and customer satisfaction. Work collaboratively as a member of the Estates Senior Management Team, to proactively contribute to the development and delivery of the Estates Strategy and the Estates Directorate strategic planning and priorities. Support the Estates - Chief Engineer in delivering estate wide strategic objectives, improving and identifying collaborative working opportunities to ensure future services are delivered to a high quality and in an effective and efficient way to deliver demonstrable value for money. Take responsibility for the effective planning and programming of planned and reactive maintenance services to minimise any impact on the University operations, student living and learning experience. Whilst working closely with the Strategic Asset Management Team, lead and deliver the campus wide Asset Collection and Structural Fabric Condition Review to establish the 0-5 year annualised maintenance cost and a 0-25 year life- cycle replacement programme for delivery through the Long Term Maintenance Plan. This will be aligned to the wider Estates Masterplan and Faculty/Departmental strategic plans to improve the performance of the estate, customer experience and reduce the backlog maintenance liability. To define, develop and deliver periodic Structural Fabric Safety Inspections of the University’s properties. This will ensure the University is aware of any identified hazards and potential risks and develop appropriate work streams or managed processes to resolve the issues to maintain a safe and complaint estate for the future.

To lead the delivery of a Measured Term Contract (0-50k) for a third-party contractor for all fabric and structural related projects, reactive/corrective maintenance support and planned preventative maintenance. Establishing the scope of service, full tender cycle management through to appointment for both specialist consultants and contractors. To provide supportive guidance and strategic direction in the procurement of other Measured Term Contracts across Estates, Facilities and Capital Development function. You will be expected to fully engage with the Capital Development Design process to assess and monitor the implementation of university building specifications, to realise and reduce maintenance liabilities in support of a whole life cycle approach


To work collaboratively as a member of the Senior Management Team within EFCD to contribute to the development of improved operational practices with the faculties. Lead and deliver high quality and cost effective, systems and services, which are uniformly applied in line with sector best practice, whilst maintaining and improving agreed levels of service with demonstrable value for money. To undertake the role of Contract Administrator for the Measured Terms Contract(s) that reside within Estates Operations. Ensuring contractual requirements, schedules of rates and overall contractor performance are adhered to. Support the Estates - Chief Engineer in developing Codes of Practice, reviewing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor and report on the qualify, effectiveness and efficiency of estates maintenance and operations.

Ensure consistent, high quality customer service to all users and occupiers of the Estate and its Facilities with a focus on achieving consistently high standards across estates operations. Effectively manage key external specialist maintenance contracts, consultants and supply arrangements, driving performance and value for money to deliver clear and consistent approaches to contract management. Drive continuous performance improvement across external contractors, consultants and other service providers through the development of robust, consistent contract management processes, and KPI development combined with financial audit systems. Ensure all services are delivered within the agreed budgetary limits.


• Produce long and short-term expenditure forecasts and investment plans including staff, training and development costs. • To work closely with the Business and Improvement team to create development pathways for all functional groups under your leadership. • Lead the establishment, recruitment, ongoing development and management of the University’s in house maintenance teams under your jurisdiction ensuring resource levels are optimised and skills are aligned to the University requirements. • Ensure the teams have the appropriate technical and professional skills and necessary management competencies, ensuring that all relevant training needs are identified and delivered resulting in a high performing, multi-skilled, professional team.

• Work closely with the Chief Engineer, and Facilities colleagues in identifying, prioritising and initiating targeted maintenance investment programmes to improve the performance of the estate, improve customer experience and reduce the backlog maintenance liability. • Work closely with the Facilities Team to support the development of a collaborative approach to the delivery of maintenance services ensuring that identified maintenance tasks are allocated appropriately to RMAs (Residential Maintenance Assistants) and FAs (Facilities Assistants) and that all necessary training requirements are identified and supported.

• Operate as Lead Client working collaboratively with the Business Improvement Team to develop, improve and integrate systems across Estates, including CAFM (Planon), promoting a culture of continuous improvement that enhances the quality and level of service delivered, as well as the overall estate. • Develop and promote professional standards and a collaborative style of working across Professional Services and with Faculty colleagues and other support services. Work closely with existing and future service providers in identifying synergies, technologies and processes, which will eliminate duplication, reduce administration and increase efficiency and service levels to customers. • Develop and lead regular customer focused communications with managers and staff to discuss and develop the level of service provided, performance and relevant systems in place that monitor performance against the range of services provided. • Ensure additional resources are readily available to support the in-house teams during peaks in demand and in dealing with emergency situations. • Ensure a robust and resilient out of hours maintenance service is delivered via the internal teams with second line support from specialist contractors.


• Fulfil the role of the responsible person where appropriate and be responsible for identifying a deputy, in accordance with relevant legislation and HSE best practice guidelines. • Take lead responsibility for enhancing and ensuring safe working practices across all Estates Operations work, developing and enforcing clear guidelines and liaising with the Estates Health and Safety team to ensure the health and safety of self, team and other parties at all times. • Ensure that necessary risk assessments, method statements, permits to work and update appropriate operational manuals in accordance with all current safety legislation, to ensure effective management of health and safety, avoiding any health and safety breaches. • Ensure that the necessary inspection schedules are in place and effective for insurance inspections of assets including faculty-based equipment. • Lead timely and cost-effective responses to new and emerging legislation relating to structural fabric ensuring that planned and statutory maintenance schedules are adapted as required and strategic cases put forward where additional resources may be required. • Maintain all necessary records and archives as required by legislation, University requirements and good practice, ensuring that they are effectively stored and highly accessible. • Work closely with the Chief Engineer in establishing and developing safe systems of work, access authorisation, permit to work and full compliance across Estate. • Ensure that all systems, designs, procedures, works and services delivered comply at all times with statutory Health & Safety legislation, CDM 2015 and adhere to university policies, maximising the safety and protection of building occupants and users, both now and in the future.


• You will ensure that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties and responsibilities contained within the University’s health and safety policy. In particular you will ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and that safety inspections are undertaken on at least an annual cycle in each workplace under your control. • You are responsible for applying the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in your own area of responsibility and in your general conduct. • You have a responsibility to promote high levels of customer care within your own areas of work. • You are expected to co-operate with the PDR process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. • You will assess the training and development needs of each member of staff under your control to ensure they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. • Such other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with you. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. • You may be required to undertake a specific Health & Safety role, commensurate with your grade, to support the University in meeting its statutory Health & Safety obligations. This could include acting as a DSE Assessor, First Aider, Fire Marshall or Departmental Safety Co-ordinator. The allocation of such roles will be subject to the provision of appropriate training and assessment of competence. • You may, with reasonable notice, be required to work at any of the Manchester Metropolitan University sites. • You are responsible for assessing and managing risk for all elements of work within your own area/team and for ensuring effective risk management processes are in place. • You have the responsibility to engage with the University’s commitment to delivering value for money services that optimise the use of resources and therefore should consider this when undertaking all duties and aspects of your role.




Relevant criteria

Essential / Desirable

The ability to influence corporate planning and decision-making that relates to Estates Management and Maintenance. The ability to recognise trends, changes in circumstances and stakeholder requirements promptly and to adjust services accordingly. The ability to provide direction and motivation, empowering others to achieve both local and institutional visions and objectives, whilst fostering a positive organisational culture. Well-developed and considered leadership style with excellent management skills and the ability to adjust style and approach to maximise team and individual performances. Highly-developed influencing, networking, advocacy and collaborative working skills and the ability to galvernise the support of key colleagues and stakeholders, including those at a senior levels. The ability to develop and enhance systems and manage and communicate information and effectively and efficiently. The ability to confidently manage and co-ordinate the delivery of asset infrastructure maintenance and backlog investment based projects. The ability to collate and present effective operational performance reports against strategic objective to demonstrate service efficiency and effectiveness. The ability to instill a culture of customer care and engagement to support performance and satisfaction.












Skills & Abilities











Relevant criteria

Essential / Desirable


Knowledge of how to deliver cost effective services in a professional and fast changing environment. Knowledge and understanding of Building Regulations and Planning Requirements relevant to Estates Management and Operations and the impact of non compliance. Specialist knowledge and expertise in the area of Estates Operational Management and Performance, Building Structural Fabric Maintenance. Knowledge and experience of contractor procurement and contract management, including contractor administration. Knowledge and understanding of issues and legislation relating to Health & Safety and CDM 2015 in relevant areas. Good knowledge of benchmarking and comparator >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22

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