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Manningtree High School

MANNINGTREE HIGH SCHOOL S h a p i n g S u c c e s s f u l F u t u r e s S H



I am very proud of Manningtree High School. This is a school that combines academic challenge and high achievement with excellent pastoral care and a rich extra curricular provision. Manningtree students are characterised by their excellent behaviour for learning, growth mindsets and enthusiasm for contributing to the school and the wider community. We develop in our young people the skills they need to succeed in their exams and transfer on to further study or training. Ours is an ambitious and inclusive school that is characterised by mutually respectful relationships. Please come and visit us for yourself to experience what we have to offer your child.

S. Morris Headteacher


Students in Key Stage 3, years 7 and 8, study a broad range of subjects. During year 8 students make option choices then begin their tailored GCSE curriculum programme in year 9. All students study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and have lessons in Physical Education (PE) and Religious Education (RE) throughout their 5 years. For up to date details on the curriculum offer, please see the website. The curriculum is supported by speakers in school, competitions, trips and visits. A number of events in and out of school are arranged to stretch the most able students and focus their aspirations on top universities.


Manningtree High students have an impressive range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills and contribute to the school and wider community.Year 11 students are able to volunteer as prefects.Year 8 students buddy the new year 7 students to ease their transition into the new school and often move on from this to become Peer Mentors in year 10. OurYouth Health Champions are drawn from a range of year groups and have a key role in educating their peers in how to maintain their wellbeing. Key Stage 4 students volunteer to be reading partners to younger students. We run a Sports Leaders programme and the participants organise and run sporting activities for visiting primary school pupils. These are just some examples to illustrate how students can develop their social skills and learn from experience the benefits of making a positive contribution to their community. The whole school is drawn together by the Annual CharitiesWeek. Staff and students work together to raise thousands of pounds for local and national charities.


The range of extra curricular activities available is a testimony to the generosity and commitment of our staff. Each year we have a school play or a musical. These are high quality productions. There are a number of vocal and instrumental groups which perform publically several times a year. Students have the opportunity to have private instrumental lessons. Sporting activities include inter-form competitions in a wide range of sports, such as swimming, badminton, dodgeball and football. There is a climbing club. Many different curriculum areas run lunchtime or after school clubs to enable students to develop their enthusiasm for the subject. Trips out of school are arranged to build community, broaden students’ cultural experience and reward hard work.


We recognise that choosing the school to suit your child is a crucially important decision and so seek to help you by providing a range of opportunities for you to visit and find out about our school. We have a traditional showcase Open Evening and also Parents’ Information Evenings. We offer tours during normal working days. Details of all of these are found in the enclosed leaflets and on our website. Applications for a place in year 7 are handled by Essex County Council. For in year admissions, including those made for a place in year 7 after 1st September, please download an application form from the school website.


Any student may have an occasion in their life when they need extra care or support. We have a very well staffed and responsive pastoral care system that can resolve any difficulties quickly and effectively. Students are able to learn most effectively when they are happy and feel secure and we are pleased that we have created a learning environment for our students that enables them to flourish. Our Learning Support staff have training in meeting a wide range of needs and our Special Educational Needs co-ordinator is always happy to meet parents to discuss the needs of their child at any stage in the transfer process.

MANNINGTREE HIGH SCHOOL Shap i ng Suc c e s s f u l Fu t ur e s

TheValues and Aspirations of Manningtree High School are: • High expectations of and ambition for our students and our staff. • A sense of belonging to, gaining from and contributing to a community. • Honesty, fairness and integrity in all our relationships and dealings. • Inclusivity, tolerance and mutual respect allowing students and staff to flourish. • Kindness, politeness and honourable behaviour. Our Aims are: • To ensure that students of all abilities make outstanding or good progress. • That learning should be enjoyable and success celebrated. • To model the behaviours we value and ensure they are developed in our young people. • To ensure that students develop the characteristics of a growth mindset and are fully prepared for the next stage in their education or transition to employment with training. • To shape young people who value and contribute to their communities. In order to achieve our Aims, we need: • Excellent teachers leading excellent learning. • Excellent support staff. • To build on the strengths, values and traditions of Manningtree High School. • Excellent care and support systems including careers advice. • To provide a range of extra-curricular experiences that promote personal growth and development.


MANNINGTREE HIGH SCHOOL Colchester Road Lawford Manningtree Essex CO11 2BW Telephone: 01206 392852 Fax: 01206 391512 Web: E-mail: [email protected]