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Manual Edge: Herniated Discs n° 34745 - Level Hard 3 6 1 9 WWW.MANUALEDGE.COM MANUAL EDGE WORKSHOPS PATIENT SUCCESS S

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Manual Edge PT_Relieving Neck Pain


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Manual Edge: Back Pain and Difficulty Walking

2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese or Mexican Blend DIRECTIONS In a large skillet over medium heat, brow

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Manual Edge PT: Helping Arthritis Pain

4 cup water in a small bowl to make a slurry. Slowly pour the slurry into the boiling broth, whiskin

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Manual Edge PT_Living Life Without Back Pain


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Manual Edge: Exercise And Your Mental Health

stretches he has me doing. Chris is so easy to communicate with, listens well and is able to explain

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Manual Edge: Women's Health n° 329837 - Level Hard 1 7 3 5 8 WWW.MANUALEDGE.COM MANUAL EDGE NEWS Our very own Kristi

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Manual Edge: Helping Aches and Pains

2 tbsp cocoa powder • 1 tsp wheatgrass powder • 2 cups coconut milk LOW BACK PAIN & SCIATICA WORKSHO

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Manual Edge: Neck Pain and Headaches

2 tsp honey • 2 cups baby arugula • 3 tbsp chopped pecans, toasted PELVIC PAIN AND BLADDER ISSUES WO

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Manual Edge: Relief For Radiating Neck Pain and Headaches

2 tsp cumin INGREDIENTS: •4 (7 to 8 oz) boneless, skinless chicken breasts ROTATOR CUFF AND SHOULDER

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Manual Edge PT_Tendonitis



2020 Vision for the Year Happy New Year to each and everyone of our patients, friends, and family. It is with perfect visual clarity that we look toward 2020 with great optimism and anticipation. 2020 will be a year of continued success and achievement for the clinic, staff, and patients. To that end, our one responsibility is to you, our patients. We will continue to do everything in our power to treat you with the utmost respect while assisting you down a path of healing and symptom resolution. To do that we will continue to train to learn new techniques and acquire more skills to help you be your best and live your best life. 2019 was a year of change and “settling in” for us, as we had moved into our new location at the end of 2018 that gave us more room and comfort to serve you even better. 2020 will be a year of positive change as well, but you may not notice the large scale changes that we had in 2019. Our primary task will be working on improving “your experience” while you are here at the clinic. That means refining the way we

Tim Bonack

(Continued Inside)





UNDERSTANDING TENDINITIS While there are some sports injuries that happen after a bad day, there are others that develop over time.Tendinitis is an incredibly common issue that causes pain todevelop in the joints.Thiscan impact thehips,knees,elbowsorshoulders.Pain caused by tendinitis can impact everyday activities, making it exceedingly difficult to remain comfortable day to day or to remain active. Tendinitiscanmakesimpleactivitiessuchaspickingupagallonofmilkorattempting toputsomethingawayonashelfoveryourhead incrediblypainfulandchallenging. Unfortunately, when tendinitis develops, it often sticks around. This means that pain that begins as frustrating and seemingly minor can quickly become chronic and incrediblypainful.Workingwithaphysical therapist is thebestway toaddress tendinitispainearlyon, to improve rangeofmotionand reduce theseverityofyour pain without having to turn to pain medications.

Athletes are naturally at an increased risk for experiencing injuries. This is not as a result of any particular health issue that athletes typically have in common. Instead, it is a simple exposure equation. The more frequently you push yourself to try new things, to engage in physical activity, or to push yourself to reach a new goal,themoreyouaregoingto increaseyourriskforpotential injury.Onmoredays thannot, the injurywon’thappen,butaseveryathleteknows, itonly takesonebad day—onedaywhen fatigue throwsoffyour form justenough tocauseyourgait to beoff, foryou to feela littledistractedandnot realizeanobstacle iscomingup,or just a fluke of a moment in which something goes wrong and you go down. What makesmattersworse is the fact thatmanyathletesattempt topushpast thepain of their initial injuries, which often leads to those injuries becoming more severe. Workingwithaphysicaltherapist isespecially importantforathletesforthisreason. A physical therapist can help identify potential issues with posture or form that may increase your risk for injury, help identify potential injuries as they develop, and assess the severity of and best treatment options for those injuries as soon as possible, so you always know exactly what your body needs to feel at its best.

(continued inside)

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2020 Vision for the Year (Continued from outside)


do things to make them smoother, while at the same time improving how you experience treatment and ultimately progress to your new best life. While it may seem cliche, we do view you as being part of our Manual Edge family. Many of you have known us for years and during that time we have treated your spouse, children, parents, or all of the above. We want our family to be comfortable at our clinic, so we will be focusing on your experience At Manual Edge we value our staff and our patients. Please feel free to reach out to any one of us about ideas you may have that would make your experience more pleasant and effective.

PERONEAL NERVE SLIDER Lay on your back with your leg elevated and one knee at a 90º angle. Slowly straighten your knee while simultaneously bending your foot up. Bendyourkneebackdown,whilealsopumpingyourankledownwardand inward as if pressing the brake in a car. Repeat 6-10 times on each leg.

Again, Happy New Year and we look forward to serving you in 2020.


Everybone inthebody isconnectedwithmuscularfiberscalledtendons.Thetendons are flexible, allowing the body to move more freely by letting bones stretch apart or move inonedirectionoranother.Tendinitisoccurswhenthetendonsbecome inflamed. Swelling in the tendons can make movement painful and difficult. Typically, when pain is caused as a result of tendinitis, the pain is isolated at the noted areas of the body. This means that a tennis player may experience tendinitis in theelboworshoulder,whereasa runnermaybemore likely toexperience it in the Achilles tendon. In fact, this is why tendinitis in the elbow is frequently referred to as tenniselbow,whileAchilles tendinitis issometimes referred toas runner’sankles or runner’s heels. TREATING TENDINITIS Thebest treatment for tendinitis is time.Unfortunately, this issomething thatmany peopleareunabletogivetoan injury.Whentendinitisdevelops,thebestthingtodo is touse iceandtorelaxthatpartofthebody.Takingafewdaysoffofpracticeoraway fromyourworkoutmaybesufficient,but inothercases, thismay requirea fewdays in a wheelchair or on crutches, with the bulk of your weight off of the affected area. Workingwithaphysicaltherapistcanhelpyou identifythebesttreatmentmethodsfor tendinitis.Yourphysical therapistcanalsohelpyou identify thebestrangeofmotion and strength-building activities to reduce your likelihood of developing tendinitis. For more information about preventing or treating pain from tendinitis, contact us.

Tendinitis is a common issue among athletes because it develops as a result of overuse. While the average person may engage in standard physical tasks such as walkingor typing,anathlete takes that repetitivebehavior toanew level.Considera tennisplayer, forexample. Inaddition to runningand jumping,askilled tennisplayer willspendhourseveryweekswinging the racket,and thiscould result inaddedwear and tear on the elbows and wrists, not to mention the shoulders.




“Teresa was first recommended to me by my sister. I have had problems with my shoulder/labrum for 5-6 years with no luck concerning other types of physical therapy. Within a matter of 4 weeks, and 7 appointments, my problemsalmostcompletelywentaway.They typeof therapy thatTeresaused helped me improve daily and with every appointment. I would recommend Manual Edge and Teresa to anyone who needs help.” Bailey J. “I would recommend Manual Edge and Teresa to anyone who needs help.”

HEALTHY SEASONAL RECIPE Chocolate Peppermint Protein Balls Jordon and Tim supporting their teams as the Ducks take on the Badgers in the Rose Bowl on New Years Day. After following their respective teams during the fall, they are excited they get to face off in The Grand Daddy Of Them All! Go Badgers!

• 10 tbsp cocoa powder • 6 tbsp maple syrup • 1/4 cup almond butter (use sunbutter for nut free) • 1/4 cup unflavored pea protein powder

• ½ tsp peppermint extract • 1/4 tsp sea salt • 2-4 tbsp crushed candy canes • 2-4 tbsp dairy free chocolate chips (optional)

“Before coming here I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning and I was stiff most of the time. I had trouble with the lower and middle of my back.Bothof thesehavemuch improved.Stiffnessofmyneckhasalsobeen alleviated. The pain from my lower back down the back of my right leg has also been helped. Thank you so much!!” - Victor J. “The pain from my lower back down the back of my right leg has also been helped.”

Put everything except the candy cane or cacao nibs, chocolate chips and water into a bowl and mix well. Slowly add water if needed (You may not need any water if your almond butter is runny). Start with a teaspoon and slowly add until you get a well mixedbatter. Ifyouadd toomuch then thebatterwillbe toosoft to roll.Add thecandy canes/cacaonibsandchocolatechipsandmixagain.Allow tochill in the fridgewhile you clean up, then roll into balls. Recipe: