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MarathonPT: Improve Health By Strengthening The Core

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BridleTrailsPT: Improve Health By Strengthening The Core n° 26328 - Level Medium 2 4 8 9 6 7 1 CALL TODAY! 425-889-0776 2 6 7 9

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CoreSolutions: Improve Health By Strengthening The Core

2 cup for the garnish. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in large pot over medium heat. Add cubed

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20 y Services Inc. YOUR HEALTH IN MIND! The staff at FYZICAL is focused on keeping our equipment and

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MarathonPT: Improve Health By Strengthening The Core

Marathon Monthly May 2020 Physical Therapy


12 Quick Ways to Add Greens to Your Diet. Only one in 10 American adults meet fruit and vegetable recommendations. More specifically, only 9.3 percent of adults eat enough vegetables daily. Seven of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States are from chronic diseases including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Eating plenty of green vegetables every day can help reduce your risk of those and other diseases. Cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and cabbage are also powerful cancer fighters. Eating plenty of vegetables can also balance your blood sugar and stabilize hunger, supporting weight loss and possibly reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes. It’s not just kids who don’t like eating vegetables. Most adults struggle to get their daily greens requirements. But eating more vegetables shouldn’t be a struggle! These 12 strategies can help make getting more vegetables convenient, simple, and delicious. • Make them more interesting. Look up new recipes. • Prep ahead of time. • Get everyone involved. • Hide them in yummy dishes. Roasted vegetable lasagna • Make an omelet. • Make them portable. • Slip ‘em into smoothies. • Upgrade starches such as zucchini fries • Double up in restaurants. Simple: Ask your server to skip the potatoes and add another green vegetable. • Make it a mission to try a new one. Restaurants usually find ways to make green vegetables taste amazing. Be adventurous and try something new . • Buy them fresh or frozen. Frozen vegetables today are far tastier than the ones you might have grown up with. They might also be healthier. • If you can’t find or afford organic, use this list: The Environmental Working Group (EWG) makes choosing easy. They’ve compiled a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

The Importance of Vitamins. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work properly. Vitamin A is found in green leafy vegetables and other green, orange, and yellow vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, and squash. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut. It is also needed for bone growth. The flesh of fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are among the best sources of vitamin D. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen. Collagen is an essential component of connective tissue, which plays a vital role in wound healing. Citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato juice, and potatoes are major contributors of vitamin C. Other good food sources include red and green peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe.

TOP FOODS THAT BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 1. Citrus Fruits 2. Red Bell Peppers 3. Broccoli 4. Garlic 5. Ginger 6. Spinach 7. Yogurt 8. Almonds

(516) 487-9810


Independently Strengthen Your Core & Improve Health

There are also a few tips you can do on your own, either before PT treatments or in combination with them, in order to strengthen your core and relieve your pain. These include: 1. Improving your posture. Make sure to stand up frequently, at least every 30 minutes, and vary your positions of work throughout the day. Aim to correct your posture when sitting and standing, making adjustments as needed. 2. Avoiding injury. Make sure you know the proper way to lift, bend, and pick up objects, even if they are not heavy. It is important to lift with your legs, rather than your back. Our experts can show you proper body mechanics with everyday tasks. 3. Getting adequate rest and exercise. Every day takes a toll on your body, even if you don’t realize it. Sleep deprivation can actually worsen your pain tolerance and decrease your strength. Relaxing and sleeping helps your body to rejuvenate after a long day, and those hours before 12 a.m. are especially important. Exercising can help you fall asleep earlier, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed the next day. By taking a walk for at least 30 minutes every day, you can get better sleep at night, in addition to improving your strength, flexibility, and heart health. 4. Eating nutritious meals. If you are in pain, it is incredibly important to eat the right foods. A poor diet can aggravate your pain by causing further inflammation, especially when eating processed or fried foods. Instead, make it a habit to eat vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. It is also important to drink a lot of water, as dehydration can dry out your tissues.

Keep a glass of water by your desk and refill it during the day so you (and your tissues) stay hydrated. 5. Getting expert help. The best solution for your back or neck pain is to restore proper movement, strength, and coordination for maximum results. At Marathon Physical Therapy our physical therapists are here to help you improve your function and relieve your pain. If you are looking to strengthen your core, relieve your pain, and improve your overall health, contact us today!

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Exercise Essential Stretches Lower Back





BRACE - BILATERAL BENT LEG LIFT While lying on your back with your knees bent, raise up both feet. Use your stomach muscles to keep your spine from moving.











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Patient Success Story

Marathon Physical Therapy is Still Serving You During this Difficult Time

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has been causing numerous health care facilities to shut down, we as medical professionals are diligently trying to serve our patients in the best ways possible without risking the spread of this disease. The sedentary lifestyle that I’m sure many people have experienced since being quarantined to their homes can actually lead to more aches, pains, and discomfort than one may think. Fortunately, we have you covered. As some may know, the Department of Homeland Security has deemed physical therapists as “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, Marathon Physical Therapy will offer telehealth during this time. For more information on our safety practices for treating patients during this pandemic, and/or how your appointments might function differently, don’t hesitate to contact us. Physical therapy is still necessary. Among other essential services, some of the most beneficial services we offer at Marathon Physical Therapy include telehealth services. Telehealth sessions are performed by your physical therapist. They will be able to continue your personalized PT treatments, so you do not lose all the progress you’ve made. Take advantage of our telehealth services. These services allow you to recieve your treatments plans and exercises at home. At Marathon Physical Therapy, we know we have an obligation to our community, now more than ever. Physical therapy can not only help the body heal as quickly as possible, but it can also help combat illness. The individualized stretches and exercise we prescribe for your treatment plan are great ways to boost your immune system. When your body is in shape, it quite literally has more strength to fight off unwanted viruses. Aiming for at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day can help strengthen not only you, but your immune system as well. Additionally, our physical therapists can help with nutritional services, which can prove to be a difficult task for many when distancing at home. Having a diet that is heavy on fruits and vegetables is perhaps one of the best ways to boost your immune system. The essential vitamins found in many fruits and vegetables are key to making sure your immune system is as healthy as possible. Consult with a physical therapist today. For anything you may need or any questions you may have, our physical therapists are here for you. Schedule a consultation with Marathon Physical Therapy today to discuss your questions, concerns, and needs at this time. Would you like us to design a personalized video of exercises or a video tutorial of pain relief strategies for your problem? If so, please call and let us know.

“I am an informatics nurse currently working from home on mandate frommy employer for the last three weeks due to COVID19 crisis. I was in treatment with Marathon Physical therapy for pain on the neck and right shoulder due to a history of bad posture and extensive computer use for work. But during this time of crisis as non-essential work is asked to be closed, the therapists at Marathon Physical Therapy helped me by sending me video of activities I can do at home using household material to relieve myself of my symptoms. I have tried a few of these and I am glad that it has gotten me back to a functional state. I am able to get back to work where I support the front line staff in my hospitals with crucial and timely >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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