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March 2022 Oracle

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ORACLE March 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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March 2018 Oracle FINAL.compressed

Susan 250 Store 254 Mailroom 255 El Saguaro Clubhouse Activities Gary 270 Activities Assistant 271 M

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ORACLE March 2019 Final

Susan 250 Store 254 Mailroom 255 El Saguaro Clubhouse Activities Jackie 270 Activities Assistant 271

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April 2022 Oracle

Security 260 BBQ ISLANDS 909 735 5009 COUNTRY CLUB CARPET CLEANING 760 774 2889 DAVIES AUTO CARE 760

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January 2022 Oracle

Security 260 DAVIES AUTO CARE 760 397 6082 DESERT STAINLESS STEEL RESTORATION 760 702 2095 La Palma

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February 2022 Oracle

Lifestyle Director. Her enthusiasm for her job is very evident. Interacting with residents, managing

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Feb 2017 Oracle


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November.December 2016 Oracle


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Oracle 4 2017

Oracle 4 2017 ORACLE APR I L 2 1 7 In this issue: Outdoor Resort Palm Springs - the Number

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ORACLE April 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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March 2022 Oracle


MARCH 2022

Board of Directors General Manager Safety & Security

2 2 3 4 5

Architecture & Aesthetics

Health & Fitness


6 & 7 8 & 9


Quilters Pickleball


10 & 11 12 & 13 14 & 15




16 16 16


Ladies ’ Bible Study

Support Our Vendors


Outdoor Resort Palm Springs The Number One RV Resort in the USA

How fast has the season flown by? A big thank you to all the committee members who ’ ve given their time to serve the resort in many capacities. Another big thank you to all our staff for their dedication to our Resort. Thank you to Vintage Landscape for keeping the resort looking so attractive. The Strategic Plan Facility Improvement Plan Opinion Survey was distributed to all owners last week. Please take some time to complete the opinion survey, if you haven ’ t already. It is so important for you to share your opinions on the ideas presented, the higher the owner participation rate, the more reliable the results. Once compiled the results will be shared with all owners. Last week saw the first ever, 4 - sport Can - Am Tournament. Participation was very high across all four sports. Thank you to the individual committees, the organizing committee and ORPS staff for making this such a successful event. And congratulations and thanks to Board V - P John Boudin for his commitment and efforts to make the event the success it was. Management, the accounting department and the Finance Committee are hard at work preparing the budget for the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year. Owners who want to better understand ORPS ’ finances are encouraged to attend, or Zoom in, the Finance Committee meetings. General Manager, Ed Vitrano, and Operations Manager, Sean Archer, are hard at work determining what areas of the Resort need attention this summer. Also, a reminder, Phase 2 of the three - year pavement rehabilitation plan will happen this summer. More details will be distributed as plans are firmed up. We are in the midst of voting for two new Director positions. The results will be announced and the new board will be seated at the Association ’ s Annual General Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 21, 2022. Good luck to Kristen Damazio, Charles Leahy and Terry Leigh. I would like to thank the Directors for their dedication and hard work this past year, in service to the Association. And last but not least, I want to thank our General Manager, Ed Vitrano. It ’ s been a privilege working with and learning from Ed these past two years. With Ed at the helm, we are in good hands. Thank you. And to all owners, travel safely as you head home, or to wherever your summer travels take you.

The Toy Department of Life Even when I was a Lifestyle Director at the beginning of my career, I proudly admitted that I was in charge of the “ Toy Department ” of the community. I ’ ve always thought that it is the activities of a community which indicates the health of its heart. I recently visited several RV resorts in the Valley, and while the properties were well - maintained, I noticed a significant absence of golf carts and walkers (some with dogs) on streets, emptiness of tennis and pickleball courts and no line up of golfers on their golf courses. When I arrived “ home, ” I looked again and yes . . . ORPS was teeming with activity. It put a smile on my face. While “ lifestyle ” may not add monetary value to properties, it adds significantly to quality of life of those who Own. When you read this a new tradition will have been set . . CanAm Week. Never has Golf/Tennis/Pickleball/ Cornhole been energized on such a large scale! The spirit of competition and the friendly rivalry sent a tsunami of enthusiasm and cooperation throughout the Resort. From the Opening Ceremonies to the Closing, the place was alive. National Anthems were heartily sung and respected, the cart parade had almost 50 entries and Cornhole (a “ Demonstration Sport ” this year) led off the games with more than 100 participants. More than 175 golfers, almost 275 pickleball players and more than 100 tennis players rounded out the participant level. Including the groups like Ukulele and Bingo who staged their gatherings with a CanAm theme, and the spectators who enthusiastically supported their nation ’ s endeavors, even along the parade route, it is safe to say more than 1,000 residents enjoyed the week - long event. Even the popular Singo had a CanAm theme for the week! I can ’ t help but encourage the same type of cooperation in debates over issues in the community. From the election currently underway to the periodic changes in the Rules & Regulations to the opportunity to improve the amenities, I urge spirited exchanges while checking emotion and ego at the door. Let not friendships end over such exchanges. Respectful disagreement is an art which should be practiced at all times. Even if your candidate, your issue or viewpoint or your side doesn ’ t win, stand by your principles but let it go. No one is buoyed by continual picking on the scab of defeat. Move on for the good of the community and your own well - being. Years from now, I ’ m confident that folks will look back and thank all of those who took part in the concept, organization and staging of the CanAm Games, which was Director John Boudin ’ s brainchild. Well done, John. When budgeting, I will always urge Boards to protect the Toy Department, as it is the very oxygen which keeps a sense of community alive. Thanks to all for adding to the Toy Chest of life. I dare anybody to challenge the health of ORPS heart. Ed Vitrano General Manager

Don Renoe Board President



MARCH 2022

We hope this provides insight about how disaster preparedness, your ORPS

volunteers, and you, all would work together to achieve the best possible outcome in a real emergency. Dan Hannah, Chair Safety & Security Committee

We live between two fault lines, the San Andreas and the San Jacinto, so we take earthquake preparedness seriously. We PLAN, PREPARE AND PRACTICE - so

imagine : 9:30AM:

Magnitude 8 earthquake hits the

Coachella Valley and Cathedral City. 9:35AM: ORPS volunteer emergency responders assemble at the Security Gate - Incident Command is established by two or three Safety & Security Committee members and emergency responders. 9:40AM: Search & Rescue Teams are sent with "go bags" and radios to assess the damage and search resort buildings as needed 9:45AM: First Aid Teams are sent with medical "go bags" and radios to set up medical treatment areas at the pickleball and tennis courts. 9:50AM: Ham Radio Team establishes contact with city and county officials to obtain initial assessments and available resources ORPS Security Team monitors and manages access in and out of the resort. Resort Manager and Board of Directors join the incident command managers to receive information and provide high level guidance. 10:00AM: All residents will be checking with ten neighbors on their street to ensure safety and identify any critical needs. 10:05AM: Incident Commander is constantly re - evaluating incident needs and plans based on reports from the Search and Rescue Team, First Aid Team and Ham Radio Team . 10:10AM: Incident Commander issues communication to all residents to keep everyone updated and to address critical needs TBD - Cathedral City Fire or Police Department will assume command and manage the situation once they are able to arrive at the resort. This could be hours or days Meanwhile - all residents at ORPS should be prepared for an actual earthquake emergency by: Maintaining an emergency kit, including a flashlight, fresh batteries, food, water, and medications to be self sufficient for seven days. Checking on the safety of your ten closest neighbors and seeking medical treatment at the designated area near La Palma and El Saguaro.

Gatehouse Direct - 760 - 770 - 0065




MARCH 2022

the same time. If you would like a challenging and rewarding experience, I would encourage you to find out what the Committee does by attending our meetings and applying to become a Committee member. Thank You. It is not said often enough. Committee members are a dedicated bunch and put in a lot of hours working for the betterment of the Resort. I would again like to express my gratitude to the Committee members for their dedication to the Resort and giving so freely of their time. ORPS would not be what it has become without you. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Permits Required. If I were to guess, I would say there are many Owners in the Resort that don't realize they need a Permit to do almost any improvement on their Lot; lot light changes, putting up pet fencing, installing privacy screens or shade structures, putting in artificial turf, designing and installing a drop - in outdoor kitchen, and the list goes on. But you say, "I own my Lot and I should be able to do anything I want on it." Well...No. There are City Building Codes we need to adhere to, and we live in a Homeowners Association (HOA). And with an HOA comes design and aesthetic guidelines/rules about what you can and can't do on your Lot. I would encourage everyone to read the A & A Rules on the website. The rules are in place for a reason and that is to keep ORPS looking like a premier RV Resort. I believe we all want ORPS to continue to be our piece of paradise. So, every month I will keep reminding Owners that Permits are required for all Lot improvements and repairs including, without limitation, the construction, installation, alteration, removal, or remodeling of any walls, privacy screens, fences, landscaping, golf ball screens/netting, antennas, utility lines structures, installations, and improvements of any kind. For repairs to lot lights, fifth wheel enclosures and stairs, and for the removal of landscaping materials and hedges, a No Fee Permit will be issued. For all other improvements, you must submit a Permit Application and pay a $25 fee. NO WORK CAN START PRIOR TO A & A COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF YOUR PERMIT APPLICATION . If unpermitted work is done, Owners could be subject to fines and possibly removal of this unpermitted work. Approved Permits must be posted on your Washingtonian palm tree at the front of your Lot until the work has received a final inspection. Committed Volunteers Needed. I will also remind Owners that A & A Committee members are volunteers. With Permit Applications showing no sign of slowing down, this season has been a busy one for our Committee members. With so many Owners wanting to improve their Lots it is a very good thing for all of us in the Resort. However, that also means an increased workload for our current Committee members. Being on the Committee can be both demanding and gratifying at

Kathy McCune, A&A Chair



MARCH 2022

Why stretching is important Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. Example sitting in a chair all day results in tight hamstrings in the back of the thigh. That can make it harder to extend your leg or straighten your knee all the way, which inhibits walking. Likewise, when tight mus- cles are suddenly called on for a strenuous activity that stretches them, such as playing pickleball, they may become damaged from suddenly being stretched. Injured muscles may not be strong enough to support the joints, which can lead to joint injury. Regular stretching keeps muscles long, lean, and flexible, and this means that exertion won't put too much force on the muscle itself. Healthy muscles also help a person with balance problems to avoid falls. Proper execution We used to believe that stretching was necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare them for activity. However, mounting research has shown that stretching the muscles before they're warmed up can actually hurt them. "When everything is cold, the fibers aren't prepared and may be damaged. If you exercise first, you'll get blood flow to the area, and that makes the tissue more pliable and amenable to change. All it takes to warm up the muscles before stretching is five to 10 minutes of light activity, such as a quick walk. You can also stretch after an aerobic or weight - training workout. Hold a stretch for 30 seconds. Don't bounce, which can cause injury. You'll feel tension during a stretch, but you should not feel pain. If you do, there may be an injury or damage in the tissue. Stop stretching that muscle and rest. Stretching should take place daily You'll need to do it over time and remain committed to the process to keep those muscles healthy and limber. We still have bricks for sale. Leave your legacy or special tribute to someone . Reach out to one of the health and fitness committee members .

Thank you to everyone that participated in the 5k run/walk on Saturday, Feb 19th. Event was sponsored by the Health & Fitness committee. Proceeds will go to help with a few of the enhancements for the new dog park. Several prizes were awarded, along with 50/50 tickets sales. If you are interested in joining the Health and Fitness committee. We are always looking for new motivated members.

Chavalla Lopez - Bassham Health & Fitness Chair



MARCH 2022

Starter Shack

Enough with the rules of golf. If you don ’ t know how to repair a divot by now, you didn ’ t click on the video we provided on the Daily Planner. The season is in full swing and the weather has been good for playing on either the Big 18 or the Small 9 (as it is now known).

Hours of Operation 8AM - 4PM DAILY

Early opening on Tuesday & Thursday 7:30AM

Just sign up on ForeTees or see Remington at the Starter Shack by noon the day before. I ’ ll be selling 50/50 raffle tickets. One of the biggest events is CAN/AM week . Golf CanAm photos and reporting will appear in the April issue of the “ Oracle ”. Tuesday and Thursday morning golf will continue through March. Lastly, we are sad to say good - bye to Remington, our first Director of Golf. He ’ ll be leaving us to continue his job in Colorado. We certainly want to thank him for his hard work the past 3 years getting us through the software systems of making tee times and entering handicaps, and also helping the Golf Committee set up the teams and payouts for the many tournaments. He even ran the Golf Committee meetings during COVID. I have to admit, there were some hiccups, but his handling of the tournaments and the Starter Shack duties were unwavering. Thank you and good luck, Remington. We ’ ll miss you. Until next time …. Submitted by Deanna Joe, Secretary

As you can see, it was a fun and colorful Sweetheart Tournament held over 2 days that had 280 golfers trying to score low. You can find the results at the Starter Shack. Thank you Virginia & Alan Gayken for your help in organizing this event. And of course, Krystal and Sean, Ernesto, Angela and Debbie and Lisa McKay and her decorating crew. However, the most exciting yet tense golf has been the end of January and beginning of February whereby the Tuesday Fun Scramblers and Thursday Best Ballers were hoping for a Hole In One. 144 players (8 on a team) were trying for that magic drive. If you heard the screaming on the course Tuesday, the 8th, Phil Sanstrum aced hole 5 and won $1300! It costs $5 to play with $1 going toward the HIO pot and $4 to payouts. Come out and try it some time.

Phil provided anyone who wanted to indulge, in a celebratory drink! Thanks Phil!

Upcoming MARCH Tournaments are: Club Championship on March 4 & 5 Farewell Tournament on March 17



MARCH 2022

Gary Holliday

Hole #16 Hole # 5

01.10.22 01.12.22

Ava Felt

Greg Cunningham Hole #18


Jill Lawler Bud Krahn Duane Olive Danny Hall

Hole # 2 Hole # 3 Hole # 9 Hole #14 Hole # 3 Hole # 6 and #15 Hole # 7 Hole #10 Hole # 9 Hole # 6 Hole #10 Hole # 7 Hole #17

01.17.22 01.17.22 01.18.22 01.19.22 01.19.22

Denise Pelletier

Robert Duncan


( Two in one round!)

Bill McCullough

01.21.22 01.23.22 01.24.22 01.26.22 01.28.22 01.28.22 01.30.22

Kris McGee

Gerry Whiteside Kurt Hoeschle Kathy Bourlon Gerry Whiteside

Darryl Lyons

Melody Orenchuk Hole #10


Nick Paulsen Mark Hansen

Hole #12 Hole # 8 Hole #15 Hole # 5 Hole # 5

01.31.22 01.31.22 02.04.22 02.04.22 02.04.22

Tim Tait

Lorraine Eddy Rogan Baker

( Small 9 )

Dianne Nordhaus

Hole #12


Mike Holland

Hole #14 Hole # 3 Hole # 5

02.06.22 02.08.22 02.08.22

Martha Nelson

Phillip Sanstrum

( for the $$ big win)

Claudette Frechette During the Sweetheart Tournament

Hole #10




MARCH 2022

Committee Corner

In this months Committee Corner, I am featuring Doreen Goltz. Doreen is the Committee Secretary. This is Doreen ’ s first term and she is doing a great job for us!

We are in the heart of tennis season here at the resort. The weather has been perfect for tennis ( except for a couple of windy days). Men ’ s and women ’ s Top gun is wrapping up for the season but the Internal Mixed League and Mixed Ladders competition is still going strong. I will have final results for all the leagues and Top Gun in the April Oracle. In the next Oracle I will also be sharing the results and pictures from the first annual multi sport CAN - AM tournament that concluded on 2/26. I hope everyone had a chance to participate in this fun event in one, two or or all of the sports. Serious USA vs Canada trash talking rights were at stake as well as the perpetual trophy that will be housed at the 19th hole. As promised last month below are some of the pictures from the January mixer. The mixer was hosted by the Super Senior Women ’ s team. It was a hit with 56 players and 71 attended for lunch.

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

Occupation: Homemaker while Brian was a Dairy Farmer for 20 years, and Home Builder together with Brian until retirement in 2011. When did you start playing tennis : Started playing casual tennis 30 years ago. Other hobbies: Loved playing softball and most other sports, travel and gardening. Now I enjoy my time with grandkids. What advice would you give someone new to ORPS? Getting involved in activities in the resort whatever your interest is is the best and easiest way to connect with others. Don't be shy to ask for information, we were all newbies at one time in the park and everyone is very willing to share their stories with you.

The March mixer will be held on March 26th and will be hosted by Women ’ s Top Gun. Details and sign ups will be available shortly.

Our second Horse Race of the year was held on February 5. We had 41 participants out of the gate.


Bobbye Cukjati Dan Vodvarka Fran Swanson Lucy Denham Roger Lawson Larry Carletta



MARCH 2022

Fun Tennis Fact Maria Sharapova ’ s on - court grunt or shriek has been officially recorded at a volume as high as 101 decibels. That is louder than a motorcycle, lawnmower, and a small aircraft landing.

For those of you who enjoy sewing, we would like to invite you to join us in the West Room Monday – Sunday, from 8AM to 5PM. This group allows us the room and time to work on individual projects, as well as, group projects. The group projects, such as the charity raffle quilts help the club to raise money and give resources to the Cathedral City Fire Department first responders and to domestic violence victims at Shelter from the Storm. Due to the recent rise in COVID cases we have cancelled the quilt show for this season. The silent auction will now be a raffle at the Ladies ’ Luncheon in March. This year we have three charity quilts. They will be on display in the West Room. Raffle tickets can be purchased from anyone in the group during sewing times in the West Room or at any of our pop - up locations during ORPS events. The cost of the tickets are one (1) ticket for $5 or five (5) tickets for $20. The drawing for the quilts will be held at the March Ladies ’ Luncheon. Winner need not be present. We are happy to host the March Ladies ’ Luncheon. Information regarding the luncheon will be forthcoming. Please look for news in upcoming ORPS Daily Bulletins. If COVID causes us to cancel the luncheon, we will still do the drawings for the three raffle quilts on Wednesday, March 9, at 1PM, in the West Room. We would also like to extend our appreciation to all those who helped make the holidays for the families at the Shelter from the Storm a little brighter this season. Your generous donations of toys, undergarments, socks, cleaning supplies, diapers, wipes, etc., were so welcomed. These items have gone a long way in the feeling of kindness from others during a very difficult time in their lives. Thank you so much. We will continue to accept any donations for the shelter all season, every season. Please bring them by the West Room or drop them in the donation box located in the El Saguaro entryway. Laura Moore, Lot 646 ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club Reporter

PLACE : Rhonda Richards, Cynthia Hume, Hal Cusick, Arnie Tenbrinke, John Boudin, Debbie Vodvarka

Some dates to remember Ladies ’ Luncheon Sponsored by the ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club March 9, 2022 For more information, contact us at [email protected] You can join our Facebook ORPS quilters & sewing club. This club is open to All. Please drop in and see us.

SHOW : Clancy Lafray, Jill Trelawny, Marc Lavertu, Harvey Pfluger, Sandy Glennie

Basket Quilt

Our next HORSE RACE will be on Saturday March 5 with a Town Hall and refreshments to follow at the LP tennis center. I know many of you are anxiously awaiting the return of the BNP Paribas Open, which begins on Monday, March 7 and runs through Sunday March 20. Get your tickets soon! I suspect with Nadal, Djokovic, and Ashleigh Barty among a field of many other stars it will be a hot ticket event. Submitted: Dawn Williams, Tennis Communications.

Heart Quilt

Blue Yellow Quilt



MARCH 2022


SAVE THE DATE FOR ST. PATTY ’ S DAY TOURNAMENT Come find the “ luck ‘ o the Irish ” on the pickleball courts on March 17. Draw your partner! Registration takes place between 8:00 and 9:00 AM on March 14 and 15 . NEXT PICKLEBALL MEETING The next pickleball meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 3, 2022 at noon at ES. Be there or be square!! DRILLS AND LESSONS Drills and lessons have been such a success! The attendance on most days averaged 70 people – more than the court capacity of 52 players. We can ’ t thank our volunteer instructors enough – Gary Oedekerk, Keith Bassham, Margaret Van Veen - Hill, Karen Schaper, Alisia Foyle, Bob Foyle, Blondine Loewen, Ron Anderson, Dan Reiman, Steve Unverzagt, Mark Hansen, Mindy Feldman, Jill Lawler, Cindy Rose, and Dave Feldman. PICKLEBALL WIND - UP DINNER The Annual Wind - up Pickleball Dinner will take place on Friday March 18, 2022. Purchase a table and enjoy a wonderful lasagna dinner!

Whether a lifetime sweetheart or sweetheart for - the - day, there was lots of love and great energy with 103 players on the courts! The “ lovely ” winners were: 2.5: 1 st Molly McCarthy/Allan Adams; 2 nd Mo Reininger/Elton Reid; 3 rd Makenna Kumm/Nick Rosdal;

3.0: 1 st Judy & Mike Daugherty; 2 nd Pam & Rich Orr; 3 rd Lori Flood & Cliff Aschenbrenner;

3.5: 1 st


Minor/ Richard Block;

2 nd – Sherry Mindel; Larry Fredella;

3 rd – Holly Aschenbrenner/Steve Flood;

4:0: 1 st - Cheri & John Boudin; 2 nd – Denise & Ray Evans; 3 rd - Sue & Neil Amondson

Submitted by Lynn Barry, Pickleball Public Relations



MARCH 2022

Big Star 2022

A big thank you to Kathy Oedekerk (for her incredible organizational skills), Keith and Gary, the bracket managers, and all those serving us lunch and cleaning up! It does take a village of volunteers. Please consider how you can use your talents to volunteer and support our wonder- ful pickleball club.

Pictures courtesy of Maryellen Muir




ORPS Family Motor Coach Association, Life is Better With Friends, Especially our ORPS FMCA Friends

Pictures from Feb 10, Wine Tasting event and our Somalia, Nick Solga, beemed in from Sonoma CA and at least 65 attended

Welcome to our new members: Chris Nassif & Natalie Niewerth Terrence & Lenny Fitzpatrick

Lot 619

Lot 782 Lot 117

Mark Lynch & Kory Pfaff

Josette Taylor

Lot 1048 & Lot 1006

Donald Wood & Dave Latina Daniel & Milton Greer - Aguilar Charles Leahy & Carolyn Candler March 2022 1 st – 4 th FMCA ORPS in House Rally 1 st

Lot 671 Lot 739 Lot 721

4PM Happy Hour and Snacks, La Palma Ballroom Tee - off Breakfast Pergola at El Saguaro Golf Tournament Tee - off times TBD, ORPS Golf Course RV Life Seminar - El Saguaro Card Room Pickleball Tournament - ORPS Pickle - ball Courts 4PM Rally Dinner, Cocktails and Business Meeting La Palma ballroom

2 nd 2 nd

2 nd 3 rd

3 rd

19 th

MCA ORPS Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - La Palma Ballroom 23 rd – 26 th FMCA 104 th International Convention & RV Expo at Pima City Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ

Who are we? We are 76 families strong and growing.

President - Sue Strauss - 518 - 368 - 8084 Lot 632 Past Pres - Jeff Buchman - 202 - 577 - 6478 Lot 835 Vice President - Kristen Damazio - 425 - 770 - 3864 Secretary, Newsletter - Ken Hearn - 610 - 573 - 3747 Lot 835 [email protected] Treasurer - Vicki Hilmer - 253 - 312 - 0193 Lot 1082 FMCA Nat ’ l Dir. - Doug Hibl 209 - 480 - 8971 Lot 99 Please direct comments or questions to: Sue Strauss Lot 632 [email protected] You will find local membership applications in both Clubhouses in our wall displays. Membership in the National FMCA is required for membership in our local chapter FMCA ORPS. Please sign up first at to get your national FMCA ID number. (Local $25.00 dues & a $10 badge for each person)

Pictures from the potluck dinner late January

Submitted by Ken Hearn, ORPS FMCA Secretary



MARCH 2022

Murder Mystery 2022

Jeff Buchman and Bob Livingston at the Tour de Palm Springs 25 - Miler

Yours truly holding the souvenir we all earned

Pictures Courtesy of Maryellen Muir



MARCH 2022

With five years of ukulele experience, Colin O ’ Brien from Calgary, Alberta, Canada said, “ I

love getting together to play in a group. ”

Canadian Ardis McNeil from Surrey, BC said, “ I have been playing ukulele for four years. I learned there was a ukulele circle at ORPS and decided to join. A friend at home loaned me a ukulele, taught me some chords and I was hooked. I now play every day and especially enjoy playing with the highly energetic Ukulele Crew! ” Peter Whalley from Leduc, Alberta, Canada is from a musical family of six kids. Singing was part of growing up. He started guitar and five string banjo at 13 and sang in a university male chorus. He said, “ Singing is what makes music so portable. It travels with you wherever you go. ” Marilyn Collins from Calgary, Alberta, Canada said, “ Three years ago I heard the ukulele group play at the Resorters end - of - the year concert. I thought they were having so much fun. The following year I joined as a beginner and now I continue as a ‘ wannabe ’, still having fun. ” Murray Hales also from Leduc, Alberta, Canada said, “ Although I have played keyboard instruments, I only took up the uke three years ago. I enjoy the music, fun and Take Overs on my accordion. ” Eileen Silvestri from Rathdrum, Idaho, U.S. played as a child and recently for 2 1/2 years. “ Watching more accomplished players is entertaining and encouraging. This group is a great way to meet fellow ORPS people while having fun. ” Jan Schoen and her husband Cyril from Crossfield, Alberta, Canada have played for two plus years and have learned a ton. Jan said, “ Who would have thought; we ’ re in a real band. ” Upcoming performances for The Ukulele Crew are March 9, 4:00 - 5:30 on the La Palma pool deck and March 20 at Chapel. For more information, contact Marilyn at [email protected]

Americans & Canadians play awesome music as strummers in The Ukulele Crew There are so many musical skill levels in The Ukulele Crew, but everyone loves to sing and play music and this makes for an enthusiastic, talented and fun group. It ’ s time to get to know some of the 74 members of this resort activity. Cindy Wilson from Bend, Oregon has two years of ukulele experience and said, “ Music is the international language that anyone and everyone can love and enjoy. Ukulele has been that kind of experience and joy for me. It brings a smile to my face. ” Karen Gross from Kamloops BC, Canada said, “ I started with the ukulele group in January 2020. I

love it and it ’ s the most fun I have all week. ”

With 30 years experience on guitar and five on ukulele, Charles Hare of Leduc, Alberta, Cana- da said, “ It ’ s truly fun getting together with the group, singing, playing and socializing. We seem to get better each year and I look forward to coming back each year. ” Annette Gifford from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S. has been strumming for about four years. “ This is the best Uke/Musical Group in the Valley. I love the blend of voices, the talented musicians and the variety of instruments our group plays. It is a great venue to improve your uke skills too. Our beginners are challenged and engaged. Playing with ORPS is my happy place and takes me to a new level. Our concerts are amazing. Thank you for the pleasure of your friendship, humor, energy and company. ” Julie Terpenning from Penticton, BC Canada said, “ I ’ ve played the guitar since I was about 13 and although the chords are different, it was a fairly easy transition when I took up the ukulele a few years ago. I also sing in a competitive a cappella women ’ s chorus based in Vancouver, so music is a big part of my life. I joined The Crew in the 2019/2020 season mainly to keep motivated and in touch with music while in the desert. What I didn ’ t realize was just how much fun it would be. Whether you ’ re a beginner or an experienced player, a performer who seeks the limelight, or one who prefers the group atmosphere, there ’ s a place for everyone. The variety of music, the dedication and positivity of all the members make our rehearsals a joyous, uplifting and inclusive experience. ” Ken Bittle from Airdrie, Alberta, Canada said, “ I first heard the ukulele group playing at a Hawaiian pool party when we rented in 2018. It just looked and sounded fun so I joined. It is one of the most enjoyable things I do at ORPS. I played ukulele, guitar and stand up bass many years ago but work got in the way. The Ukulele Crew has allowed me to resurrect those activities in retirement and in this great place! ”



MARCH 2022



MARCH 2022


ORPS Ladies ’ Bible Study will join together once again! March 2 & March 9 | East Room | 9 to 11AM We will be studying 2 Corinthians All Things New by Kelly Minter. Purchase the work study book: LifeWay , available on Amazon (free shipping with Prime). We hope you will join us. You will meet warm, Jesus ’ loving women. It will be the most rewarding part of your day! Donnice Koch

Psalm 90 gives us good lessons for living. David wrote the Psalm thousands of years ago. It was relevant then, still is today. Here is his counsel. " As for the days of our lives they contain 70 years. Or if due to strength, 80 years, yet our pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone and we fly away. Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom." In 1939, a Methodist pastor was told he had only three years to live. We have rules for living or dying. It is our choice to decide how to do so. Here is what a friend who is an administrator at a dementia wing rehab facility told me: one of four things happen to us when we grow old. "You turn sweet or sorrow, or swell or shrink." Sweet or sorrow is truly an attitude of which we control...swell or shrink comes from a lifetime habit of indulging. The pastor who had three years to live composed four rules for dying: 1. I will never complain. 2. I will keep my home bright. 3. I will count my blessings. 4. I will try to turn this time to gain. We can paraphrase number two to say “ I will keep my rig bright. ” ORPS election time and long - term planning opinion survey gives us opportunity to decide how we respond. May we adopt life goals that produce sweet interaction rather than decide to turn bitter. This surely is in our control. We are blessed in so many ways and fortunate to live in ORPS. A great lifestyle, people, facilities, activities and super weather. I pray this will be a haven of joy, peace and happiness for all of us. Need some sweetening? Come to Chapel where we worship, sing, praise and draw near to the Lord. Listen to what Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:21 - 23, a great reminder that produces sweetness. "This I will recall to mind. Therefore I have hope. The Lord ’ s loving kindnesses never cease, His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS."

Have you heard the GOOD NEWS?

The Resorters , our very own ORPS chorus is starting up again next season. We have a Director , and La Palma is reserved for Every Tuesday

Now all we need is a Pianist. If you can help with this or if you know of someone who

can, please let us know. Contact Margot Baur: [email protected]

or Ken Bittle: [email protected].

This is a fun way to meet new people and sing with them!

It ’ s time to put on your tap shoes and join the Beginner dance class on Tuesdays in ES 2 - 3PM. Dancers will learn short routines. No class fee. For more information contact: Marilyn Sabens: [email protected] Deanna Joe : [email protected]


March 6

Mark Williams a popular speaker for the past 11 years. Dr. Steve Musto speaking on the Prodigal son as you have never heard it before. Larry McCarthy, minister of comfort at Moody Church of Chicago.

March 13

March 20


March 27

Robert Schuler, Jr.

Jim Gwinn Chaplain, 847 - 445 - 0077



MARCH 2022






MARCH 2022



MARCH 2022

69411 Ramon Road Cathedral City, California 92234


760 - 328 - 3834

ALL PRO 951 906 5200

Admin Office

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301/302 Maintenance Dispatch 293 Community Standards 246 Gate/Security 260

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250 252 254 255 256 270 271 272 277

GTZ MOBILE CAR WASH 760 397 6082


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El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle Director

JORGE ’ S LANDSCAPE 760 443 3672

Lifestyle Assistant


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Golf Shack

SHADEMAKER INC 951 654 0841



Lupe ’ s Beauty Salon


760 - 328 - 0007



MARCH 2022