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Marron Wellness Center - May/June 2018

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Marron Wellness Center JulyAugust 2017

AUGUST 2017 Massage, Marketing, & My Life A Look In to What Jayde Loves Hi, everyone. My name is Jay

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Marron Wellness Center January/February 2018

FEBRUARY 2018 A Year of Growth 2017 was a great year. It was a time of growth, both professionally a

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Marron Wellness Center - March/April 2018

APRIL 2018 The Power of Empathy Empathy may be the most important asset to a doctor. It’s one thing

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Marron Wellness Center Nov Dec 2017

DECEMBER 2017 Sometime in November, the first major snowstorm hits. Then, without fail, patients com

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Marron Wellness Center Sep Oct 2017

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • 7 8 3 5 • • 8 1 9 2 4 •

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon Thai red curry paste 1 tablespoon

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - December 2018

CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - December 2018 DECEMBER 2018 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue S

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center February 2018

4-inch squares DIRECTIONS 3. Place tots seam side down on baking sheet. Bake for 20–25 minutes, usin

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Western Grower & Shipper 2018 05 MayJune

or on plainti’s liaison committee for some of the largest wildre litigation in California. For the

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+ Wellness Gift Guide 2018


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Marron Wellness Center - May/June 2018


Chiropractic Physical Therapy Acupuncture K-Laser Spinal Decompression



How Martial Arts Changed My Life The Lotus Effect

From 5-years-old onward, I wanted to learn martial arts. I stayed busy with sports for most of my childhood, but I remained captivated by the idea of learning those ancient art forms. After years of asking, I finally convinced my mom to sign me up for a class when I was 17. It was a life- changing experience. That year I studied Aikido, a Japanese internal art, whose name roughly translates to “the way of harmonious spirit.” Stepping into that dojo as a teenager propelled me into a larger world of study. Over the course of my college years, I would branch out into the Chinese arts, including Tai Chi and Qigong. The literal translation of Qigong is “life energy cultivation.” Unlike much of Western medicine, Qigong concerns itself with the study of the healthy. Mastering this 4,000-year-old Chinese practice means learning how to recognize what healthy energy looks like in an individual — only then can you learn to correct deviations.

I started learning meditation techniques that I realized just how unhealthy I was.

Letting my problems go unaddressed was hurting me. As one of my martial arts teachers once told me, “If you don’t deal with something here and now, that energy has to go somewhere.” It’s like a balloon filling with stress and anxiety; at some point, it bursts. That’s when you wake up with a sore neck or clenched jaw from grinding your teeth all night. Arts like Qigong gave me a way of confronting my stressors. I could close my eyes and confront what was bothering me, not by thinking about it, but by feeling it. If you’re reading this and something is stressing you out, close your eyes. Try switching your mind from thinking to feeling for about ten minutes. I know it’s difficult, but you should come away feeling more relaxed. Being able to master my own nervous energy was just the beginning of how martial arts changed my life. Studying these arts has helped me learn how to better help others in my life, be they friends, family, or patients. This is the lotus effect. Just as the flower opens from the center, spreading into innumerable petals, a single step into a dojo can ripple across countless lives.

“Stepping into that dojo as a teenager propelled me into a larger world of study.”

Before I could learn to recognize energy in others, I had to learn to recognize and diagnose it in myself. Many people think of martial arts as a way to teach children discipline. But I was already a pretty studious and disciplined kid. Instead, these internal arts taught me how to relax. Coming from a high-anxiety household, I never realized just how much I suffered from stress. I used to shake uncontrollably while giving presentations as a kid. Nervousness was just part of life for me. It was only when

–Scott Bendell | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .


Bobbie the Wonder Dog

Imagine America in 1923. Yankee Stadium opened its doors for the very first time. Walt and Roy Disney founded The Walt Disney Company. The first issue of Time magazine hit newsstands. President Warren G. Harding died of a heart attack in office, and Vice President Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president. And Bobbie the Wonder Dog trekked 2,550 miles to return home. Of all the stories to come out of 1923, Bobbie’s may be the most incredible. It all started with a road trip. The Brazier family of Silverton, Oregon, decided to take a road trip to visit relatives in Wolcott, Indiana. Mom, Dad, their two daughters, and their Scotch collie piled in the family Overland Red Bird touring car and headed across preinterstate-highway- system America. Several days later, after the Braziers had settled in with their Wolcott relatives, Bobbie the Scotch collie was attacked by a pack of dogs. The dogs scared Bobbie away, and despite a long search around Wolcott, the family was unable to find any trace of the collie. The search continued throughout their stay, but time ran out, and the Braziers had to return home to Oregon without their beloved Bobbie. What the Braziers didn’t know was that Bobbie had been searching for his family as well. He may have been scared away, but he was determined to get back home. And so began his incredible journey. He turned his head west and began walking. And walking. With winter setting in, Bobbie had a monumental task ahead. While most people know that acupuncture is a great alternative to Western medicine, many don’t realize that this traditional Chinese technique can also aid in the treatment of mental disorders. If you are suffering from minor depression, acupuncture may be the solution you’ve been looking for. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, those suffering from minor depressive disorder can display the following symptoms: • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure most of the day • Significant appetite or weight change • Insomnia or hypersomnia • Observable psychomotor agitation or retardation • Fatigue • Thoughts of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt • Impaired concentration or memory • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide • Depressed mood most of the day

Bobbie swam across numerous rivers. He trekked across the Great Plains and over the Rocky Mountains. While we will never know exactly what Bobbie endured, we know he made it home. Over 2,500 miles later, in February, 1924, a tired and beaten-down pup arrived home in Silverton, Oregon, to a stunned family. Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s story made national headlines. He received a medal and the key to the city, and he became a silent movie star in the film “The Call of the West.” Today, you can visit Bobbie’s memorial near his home in Oregon.


seeking alternatives. New research suggests that acupuncture may be a drug- free alternative or complementary treatment for depression.

In 2014, a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that acupuncture is as effective as antidepressants in treating depression. In traditional acupuncture, a practitioner inserts needles into the skin at points of the body thought to correspond with specific organs. However, these researchers found that electroacupuncture — when a mild electrical current is transmitted through the needles — was just as effective as Prozac in reducing symptoms of depression in their patients. Another recent study completed in 2016 by researchers with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine found that acupuncture helped relieve patients’ adverse reactions to the antidepressant Paxil, enhanced the drug’s efficiency, and reduced the chance of relapse in depressed patients. Acupuncture is one of our featured services at Marron Wellness Center. If you are suffering from depression, please call our acupuncturist, Scott Bendell, at 732-542-1272 for a free consultation to determine if this service is right for you.

Depression is both a brain disorder and a state of mind. While most mental health disorders are treated with medication and therapy, many people are

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Looking for a Noninvasive, Painless Treatment? TRY K-LASER THERAPY

K-laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and is known to accelerate the healing process of a variety of clinical conditions. Unlike surgical or aesthetic lasers, it does not work by heating up tissue. K-laser therapy uses radiation intensities that induce minimal temperature elevation (no more than 0.1 to 0.5 degrees Celsius), if any. Low energy lasers have been promoted as an effective way to reduce pain. VARIETY OF TREATMENTS K-laser therapy is widely used to treat the following:

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purpose of the treatment. Wavelengths between 600 and 700 nanometers are used to treat surface tissue, and wavelengths between 780 and 950 nanometers are used for deeper penetration. Patients love K-lasers. While they feel the device resting against their skin, they never feel heat, pain, or vibration. This type of therapy is completely noninvasive and painless, and normal treatments only last a few minutes. While it’s rare for patients to experience dramatic results after their first treatment, most patients see improvement after a few sessions. K-laser therapy is one option offered at Marron Wellness Center that can potentially alleviate pain symptoms without the use of surgery or drugs. If you are interested in trying this noninvasive, painless treatment, contact us today.

Tennis elbow

Back pain


Carpal tunnel syndrome

Fibromyalgia Wound healing

HOW IT WORKS K-lasers are handheld devices, typically the size of a flashlight. The doctor places the laser directly over the injured area for 30 seconds to several minutes depending on the size of the area being treated and the dose provided by the K-laser unit. The tissue absorbs the infrared light, which leads to a biological and chemical reaction in the damaged cells that promotes their regeneration.

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Acute and chronic pain

Muscle strain

Ligament sprains Soft-tissue injuries

This type of treatment uses differing wavelengths and outputs depending on the



Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta Zucchini and summer squash are arriving on grocery store shelves. Here is a great way to take these humble, delicious vegetables to the next level. This easy dish is perfect for early summer.


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1 zucchini

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2 teaspoons fresh thyme

1 summer squash

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 medium red onion 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

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Introductory Chiropractic Package (Value of $270) Receive a full chiropractic examination, up to two X-rays, and your first treatment. Mention the newsletter and receive $10 off! $95.00


Marron Wellness Center 179 Avenue at the Common #5 Shrewsberry, NJ 07702 732-542-1272

Inside The Rippling Benefits of Martial Arts


Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s Incredible Journey

Acupuncture and Minor Depression


Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta K-Laser Therapy: Noninvasive and Painless


The Key to a Memorable Vacation



The virtues of buying locally sourced food and supporting small businesses have been widely extolled. But we rarely think to apply the same practices when we travel. Many Americans spring for all-inclusive packages when planning their next summer vacation, but doing so means they’ll miss out on some of the best aspects of the culture they’re visiting. Part of the joy of traveling is having new experiences you can’t have at home. Whether you’re in another state or another country, you owe it to yourself to seek out the unique aspects of that location. But to find the character and quirks of your destination, you’ll have to explore beyond the hotel lobby.

you to some truly special souvenirs, and you’ll support the arts and traditions of the region!

FOOD Why have a cheeseburger from a fast-food chain when you can try a local favorite? A great way to start is by asking your taxi driver or hotel concierge about their favorite place to eat. You’ll discover new foods and flavor combinations, and the locally owned restaurant is sure to appreciate your business! ART Just as your town probably has local artisans who produce unique and interesting work, the same is true for your vacation destination. Anyone can get a gift shop bauble that was mass-produced somewhere else. Take the time to peruse market stalls and craft fairs while you travel. It can lead

PEOPLE While you’re out sampling local restaurants and exploring local markets, you’ll meet plenty of local people. Don’t be afraid to strike up a friendly conversation. You can make new friends around the globe and learn about their unique experiences. One of the most enriching experiences in life is meeting new people and gaining new perspectives. MEMORIES Treasured memories are the best souvenir you can bring home from any vacation. So you owe it to yourself to get out and explore!

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .