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Marshall Orthodontics - July 2019

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Marshall Orthodontics - May 2019

Marshall Orthodontics - May 2019 MAY 2019 551 HARRISON BRIDGE RD. SIMPSONVILLE, SC 29680 | 864-336-2

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Marshall Orthodontics - November 2019

Marshall Orthodontics - November 2019 NOVEMBER 2019 551 HARRISON BRIDGE RD., SIMPSONVILLE, SC 29680

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Marshall Orthodontics - December 2019

gingerbread-houses. Of the many seasonal traditions that sweep our nation, few are as creative, deli

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Marshall Orthodontics - September 2019

2 cup of pasta water. 2. In a large pan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add pepper and

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Marshall Orthodontics - April 2019

2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to m

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Marshall Orthodontics - August 2019

4 bunch cilantro leaves, sliced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a cast-

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Marshall Orthodontics - June 2019

or tag your picture on Instagram using @marshallorthodontics. THAT’S IT!! YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY

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Marshall Orthodontics - Q2 2020

3 of egg whites into batter mixture, then fold in the remaining whites. 8. Fill cake mold with batte

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Marshall Orthodontics - Q4 2020

4 tsp nutmeg 5. Though many never guessed it, President Grover Cleveland had a prosthetic jaw. He wa

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Marshall Orthodontics - Q2 2021

or extreme sensitivity. 2. Bleaching your teeth with hydrogen peroxide is also a bad move. Too much

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Marshall Orthodontics - July 2019

JULY 2019



Here at Marshall Orthodontics, we’ve seen firsthand just how much of a difference a smile can make in someone’s life. Smiling can increase your confidence and give you a happier, healthier life. Many people don’t realize there is actual science behind why this works. Through research and studies, we now know that smiling has all kinds of positive effects on different parts of your life. Your smile doesn’t have to be perfect, either. No matter how imperfect you think that smile is, we can assure you that the act of smiling itself is enough to set you on a brighter path. By taking the time to smile every day, we’re giving ourselves a gift that will last a lifetime. One of the ways smiling can help is by producing endorphins, a major contributor to positive emotions. Researchers have shown that by exercising your zygomaticus

happier . This means that even forcing a smile when you’re feeling down can help you out of your rut. By using these smile muscles and making ourselves happier, even for a second, we trigger our brains to release endorphins that keep the process going. Simply put, smiling is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you outwardly try to project happiness, your brain will follow suit with the necessary chemicals to make it happen. So, next time you’ve had a long day at school or the office, take a second to think about happier times. Flashing a smile just may pick up your spirits. In addition to helping us feel happier, smiling also has legitimate health benefits. Smiling helps reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and maintain a healthy heart rate. Research shows that happiness has these effects on us. Because our bodies naturally

is shown to be contagious to those around you. That’s why it’s so important to try to keep a positive attitude in this life. You never know when another person may need your help getting through the day whether they realize it or not. As if these weren’t enough reasons, smiling also helps spark creativity, is a natural painkiller, and makes you more attractive to others! All this adds up to a better life in every sense. If you want to be happier, healthier, and more successful, maybe all you’re missing is the right smile and the right attitude. That’s where we come in. Here at Marshall Orthodontics, we have a dedicated team of smile specialists who promise to get you the results you deserve. Our experienced staff will walk with you every step of the way until we get your smile exactly where you want it. To find out more about how we can make you smile, give us a call at (864) 336-2965 or visit our website anytime at

“By taking the time to smile every day, we’re giving ourselves a gift that will last a lifetime — from the inside out.”

major muscle and your orbicularis oculi muscles — don’t worry, these are just fancy words for the muscles that power your smile — you are much more likely to feel

want to be happy, a smile brings our brains the same amount of joy that receiving a large amount of money would. And it’s not only helping you. Just like yawning, smiling

– Dr. William Marshall

864-336-2965 • 1


Hiking has many benefits as a family activity, such as mental health improvement, strengthening your relationships, and experiencing new sights and discoveries together. It’s also great exercise, and you get plenty of quality time, fresh air, and sunshine. Here are three guidelines to help you and your kids have fun on your next hike. ENCOURAGE THEIR CURIOSITY One of the best ways to have your children learn about the world is letting them explore it. Being there for your children and encouraging them to ask questions about flowers, bugs, or animals you see on the trail will help them expand their vocabulary and learn how things work. When they learn they can explore independently and ask about the world around them, they’re gaining the confidence to teach themselves. BRING ALONG SOME TOOLS OF DISCOVERY Getting your children to engage in nature while you’re out hiking can be as simple as bringing a magnifying glass along with you. Let your kids look at leaves, rocks, insects, or anything else you might come across on the trail.

You can also bring binoculars to help them look at a bird that might be perched a little too high up. Another option is a bug holder to let your kids catch smaller insects, such as grasshoppers or pill bugs, and give them a close-up look. KEEP SAFETY IN MIND While you’re out on the trail, it’s essential to make sure that both you and your family are safe. Wear breathable, noncotton material and sturdy shoes that don’t expose your toes. It’s important to dress according to the weather. For example, if the day is sunny, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and apply plenty of sunscreen on any exposed skin. Bring your kids’ favorite snacks and water bottles for everyone to stay hydrated. It’s crucial that you also bring a fully stocked first-aid kit in case someone is injured on the hike. Starting with one of your local hiking trails can be a rewarding way to spend the day with your kids. You can watch their excitement as they expand their world with new discoveries.


Over the past year, we’ve gotten to know Haley well here at Marshall Orthodontics, and our time with her has been nothing short of a joy. As our current finance manager, Haley has given our patients plenty of meaningful face time as well. To be honest, we think we’re all a lot better off for it. Through her work and friendly demeanor, she has quickly become a staple around our office — truly someone we all look forward to seeing every day. In her position here, she’s able to take her positive attitude and facilitate real changes with our patients and staff. Frankly, we don’t know what we’d do without her. We were all very happy to celebrate her one-year anniversary recently, and we look forward to many more years to come! We haven’t always been lucky enough to have her as our finance manager; she started this new position in early January after serving as our patient liaison. The daily smiles on our

patients’ faces are evidence of her wonderful relationship with all of them.

Her journey in the orthodontics industry started when she graduated from Greenville Tech in 2015 with a degree in dental assisting. We were lucky enough to add her to our team last year as an important member of our front office. Haley has expressed time and time again just how much she loves hands-on work with the patients. Through talking to them, hanging out, and helping them through their journey here at Marshall Orthodontics, she plays such an important role in their journey to a better smile. Like most people in our area, when she’s not in the office, she loves spending her days outdoors and going to the lake. She even picked up ax throwing as a hobby recently. Talk about being adventurous!



There’s nothing quite like a South Carolina summer — as long as you’re able to beat the heat, of course. Between summer camps for the kids and lakeside cocktails for the parents, keeping yourself busy is easy. What you may not know is just how many awesome activities our area has to offer. Let’s take a look at a few special events to get you out of the house and into a smile this summer. ATTEND A MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME Some people may not realize just how fun minor league baseball games can be. Although the stakes are high for the players who are trying to get to the big leagues, the generally quirky atmosphere surrounding the games can make memories that last a lifetime. From fun shows during the seventh inning stretch to cheap food and drinks, there’s a little something for everybody. Luckily, our local team has all of that and more! An afternoon watching the Greenville Drive would be a fun way to take a load off and enjoy America’s pastime with the ones you love. With 12 home games in July , there’s sure to be a game that fits your schedule. Checkout their full schedule at to find out more. HEAD TO A CONCERT AT CCNB AMPHITHEATER AT HERITAGE PARK You can take your kids to the water park only so many times before it gets boring for everybody involved. If you want to think outside the box and have a little fun along the way, think about going to a summertime concert. Whether you want to take your kids to their first show, have a romantic evening with your partner, or just want to spend a night on the town with your pals, there are few better ways to do it than at CCNB Amphitheater. This summer has a stacked lineup of exciting artists stopping by the Simpsonville area. Here are a few of the bigger names from July to August : “Weird Al” Yankovic, Wheels of Soul, Ted Nugent, and Peter Frampton — with more to be announced! With a list like that, there’s sure to be something to strike your fancy. However you choose to spend your summer, we’re right there with you. If you feel like your smile needs an extra boost of confidence, feel free to give us a call at (864) 336-2965.


Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine


• 4 Ibs. medium Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and halved • 6 sticks cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 1/2 cup heavy cream • Kosher salt


1. In a stockpot or large saucepan, submerge potatoes in just enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp of salt, and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. 2. Drain potatoes and let cool for 3 minutes. 3. Using a ricer, grate potatoes into the original saucepan over medium heat. 4. With a wooden spoon, stir potatoes until they begin to stick to pan and steam, about 2 minutes. 5. Add butter in four equal batches, stirring constantly and adding each batch only once the last has been fully incorporated into the saucepan. 6. Stir in cream, season liberally with salt, and serve immediately.

864-336-2965 • 3




What a Smile Can Do for Your Health THIS ISSUE INSIDE

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Hiking With Your Kids

A Look at Our Finance Manager

Impossibly Silky Mashed Potatoes

Local Events to Attend This Summer

A Tail of Bravery


Amid the devastation of the wildfires that tore through California in the fall of 2017, a few heroic tales rose up to give people hope. One such tale was of Odin, a loyal Great Pyrenees guard dog. Along with his sister, Tessa, and eight rescue goats, Odin is part of the Hendel family.

Hendels made the heart-wrenching decision to leave Odin and the goats behind.

The family made it to safety with Tessa in tow, relieved to be together but heartbroken that Odin and the goats weren’t with them. After several agonizing days, it was finally safe enough for them to return home and survey the destruction. What did the Hendels find? Ashes, rubble, their barn and home burned to the ground — and Odin. There he was, still guarding his goats and small deer that had sought shelter with the brave canine. Weakened, burned, and limping, but nevertheless steadfast, Odin had never left his goats, even as the fire raged around them. Odin wagged his tail as he saw his family, happy to see they were also safe. The Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue and the Goatlandia Animal Sanctuary provided temporary shelter for the goats and pups while the Hendels rebuilt their barn. Odin received all the care he needed, along with a lot of love and treats. Today, Odin and his goats are back with their family, rebuilding their lives after this devastating wildfire. But the Hendels, and anyone who’s heard the story, won’t forget the bravery of Odin, the amazing pup.

It was mid-October when the Hendels were awoken by the smell of smoke, a fierce orange sky, and sounds of destruction

— urgent warnings from Mother Nature. Gathering everyone as

quickly as they could, the Hendels got their human family members

and Tessa in the car, but Odin, seated proudly next to the eight goats, refused to get in. Try as they might, the Hendels could not get him to come with them, and there wasn’t enough room in the car for the eight goats. With the firestorm quickly approaching and the risk of losing even more family members increasing with each passing minute, the