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Starrett Europe - Force & Material Testing Precision, Quality, Innovation FORCE AND MATERIAL TESTING

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Perfect Lenses for a Better Life!

Table of Contents



M ATERIAL C OMPARISONS ORGA 150 (CR39) ORGA 160 (MR 8) ORGA 167 (MR 7) ORGA 174 (MR 174) TRIVEX (TVX 153)

4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8

P OLY 159







10 11












15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16





Materials | Organic Lenses

Material Comparisons

Materials | Organic Lenses

Organic lenses must meet the following criteria: • High degree of light transmission • Good optical homogeneity • Low generation of diffuse light • Chemical consistency • Temperature resistance • Good mechanical resilience

ORGA 150 (CR39)

~40% lighter than mineral lenses

• Proven organic material

Breakage resistance

• Highest density of organic lenses • Tint ing up to 93%

ORGA 160 (MR 8)

Ideal for drill mounts

• More elastic than ORGA 150 • use for ±1 dpt to ±5 dpt

~20% thinner than ORGA 150 ~20% lighter than ORGA 150

• Tinting up to 85%

Breakage resistance

ORGA 167 (MR 7)

Ideal for drill mounts

• More elastic than ORGA 150 • use for ±3 dpt to ±10 dpt

~35% thinner than ORGA 150 ~35% lighter than ORGA 150

• Tinting up to 85%

Breakage resistance

ORGA 174 (MR 174)

~43% thinner than ORGA 150 ~32% lighter than ORGA 150

• Same Abbé -number as ORGA 167

• use for ±5 dpt to ±12dpt • Currently thinnest material • Not tintable

Breakage resistance

Materials | Organic Lenses


Ideal for drill mounts

• Almost same index than CR 39, but

~20% thinner than ORGA 150

can be produced thinner

Lightest material

• Very high degree of breakage resistance, ideal for sports or protective glasses • Chemically resistance towards solvents • Excellent optical f eatures • Lightest material with a density of 1,14 g/m 3 • robust and durable – easy to drill, groove and notch • Permadur hardcoat standard • not tintable

12x more breakage resistance

than ORGA 150

Edging and Mounting Edger should be set to «Other Materials, Acrylic or Poly».

Edgers with no specific material settings • Roughing cycle without water using the plastic roughing wheel • Use the plastic finishing wheel again without water. For the last circle water can be turned on • Reduce rpm slightly • Clamping pressure and/or federate should be checked, if experiencing axis Slippage • Clean the edging chamber regularly when using Trivex Grooving / Drilling • Minimum thickness at drill hole: 1.5mm (1.0 mm might be possible) • Grooving without water • Use a sharp drill going slowly • Use coolant and drill from both sides

Materials | Organic Lenses

Poly 159

~23% thinner than ORGA 150 ~25% lighter than ORGA 150 12x more breakage resistance

• Very high degree of breakage resistance, ideal for sports

or protective glasses

than ORGA 150

• High mechanical resistance • Can be produced very thin

• Tintable up to 40% (Solid OS tint) • Tends to stress fractures – not recommended for drill mounts • Low abrasion resistance – permadur hardcoat standard

Edging and Mounting Edgers should be fitted with a special wheel for polycarbonate and set to the poly cycle. Polish if option is available.

Grooving / Drilling • Do not use acetone or any other solvents • Minimum thickness at drill hole: 1.8mm • Use a sharp drill going slowly • Drill hole edges must be chamfered • Use plastic washers and drill hole inserts • Do not use Loctite or any any other fastener • Do not clean using Ultrasonic cleaner

Special Advise • Use only water and soap to clean. Other cleaning agents are not recommended.

Materials | Organic Lenses

Thickness Comparisons

Materials | B-UV Lenses

Protection against harmful UV light

UV and blue-violett light can damage the eye and lead to macular degeneration. Smart Eye Protection System from Optiswiss provides optimal protection, preventing possible macular degeneration.

B-UV | One lens, 3 advantages

▷ Blue-violett light filter The lens filters these dangerous blue-violett light. Intensity of light reaching the eye is reduced

▷ UV blocker

Lens blocks UV light.

▷ Esthectic transperancy Lenses have a light esthetic base tint

Materials | Photochromic Lenses

Gen 8

Photochromic lenses adapt to changing light conditions. They offer optimal glare protection in almost any situation.

MATERIALIEN | Phototrope Brillengläser

Phototrope Brillengläser passen sich ändernden Lichtverhältnissen an und bieten somit für fast jede Situation einen optimalen Blendschutz. Darkening and lightning depends on temperature and intensity of UV light. UV light triggers a chemical reaction of the lens. UV light changes the order of molecules of some chemicals i.e. Naphtopyran. Millions of photochromic molecules are injected approx. 0.15 mm deep into the front surface of the lens. Since the molecules are on surface of the lens the whole lens darkens equally, independent of the Rx power. Indoors and at night photochromic lenses are as clear as conventional lenses. Ihre Eindunklung und Aufhellung ist abhängig von der Temperatur und der Intensität der UV-Strahlung. UV-Strahlung setzt eine chemische Reaktion des phototropen Brillenglases in Gang. Unter Einwirkung von UV-Licht verändert sich die Ausrichtung der Moleküle einiger Chemikalien, wie zum Beispiel Naphthopyran. Bei der Photochromisation werden Millionen von phototropen Molekülen etwa 0,15 mm tief in die Vorderfläche der Brillengläser eingebracht, die so genannte photosensitive Beschichtung. Da sich die Moleküle nur an der Oberfläche des Glases befinden, dunkelt sich die gesamte Fläche des Brillenglases gleichmässig ein, unabhängig von der dioptrischen Wirkung. In Innenräumen und nachts sind sie so klar, wie konventionelle Brillengläser. Better reaction time under all conditions Transitions Signature 8 lenses adapt to many different conditions. Transitions has tested the le ses under more tha 200 differ t situations, under different temperatures and weather conditions as well as in different regions throughout the world. Transitions lenses perfectly combine degree of tint, fast brightening and transparency indoors. MATERIALIEN | Phototrope Brillengläser Bessere Reaktionsfähigkeit in allen Alltagssituationen Die Transitions Signature VII Brillengläser passen sich a zahlreiche Situationen an. Transitions h t die Gläser in mehr als 200 Alltagssituationen getestet, bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen und Witterungsverhältnissen sowie in den verschiedensten Regionen der Welt. Sie kombinieren Tönungsgrad, schnelles Aufhellen und Klarheit in Innenräumen auf perfekte Art und Weise. Die Transitions Signature VII Brillengläser passen sich an zahlreiche Situationen an. Transitions hat die Gläser in mehr als 200 Alltagssituationen getestet, bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen und Witterungsverhältnissen sowie in den verschiedensten Regionen der Welt. Sie kombinieren Tönungsgrad, schnelles Aufhellen und Klarheit in Innenräumen auf perfekte Art und Weise. GEN 8 Technology Chromea7 Technologie The new GEN 8 from Transitions improves reaction time as well as intensity of darkening without compromising on protection and quality. Die durch Transitions entwickelte neue Chromea7 Technologie ist ein echter Durchbruch auf molekularer Ebene. Die neue Exklusivformel steigert die Reaktionsfähigkeit der Brillengläser wie nie zuvor. Die durch Transitions entwickelte neue Chromea7 Technologie ist ein echter Durchbruch auf molekularer Ebene. Die neue Exklusivformel steigert die Reaktionsfähigkeit der Brillengläser wie nie zuvor. Phototrope Brill ngläser assen sich ändernden Lichtverhältni sen an und bieten so it für fast jede Si uation inen optimalen Bl ndsch tz. Ihre Eindunklung und Aufh llung ist abhängig von der T mperat r und der Intensität der UV-Strahlu g. UV-Strahlung setzt eine h mische Re ktion des phototropen Brillenglases in Gang. Unter Einwirkung vo UV-Licht verändert sich di Ausrichtung der Moleküle einiger Chemikalien, wie zum Bei pi l Naphthopyran. Bei der Photochromisation werden Millione von phototropen Molekülen etwa 0,15 mm tief in die Vorderfläche der Brillengläser eingebracht, die so genannte phot sensitive Beschichtung. Da sich die Moleküle nur an der Oberfläche des Glases befinden, dunkelt sich die gesamte Fläche des Brillenglases gleichmässig ein, unabhängig von der dioptrischen Wirkung. In Innenräumen und nacht sind sie so klar, wie konventionelle Brillengläser. Bessere Reaktionsfähigkeit in allen Alltagssituationen Chromea7 Technologie

Reagieren besser auf indirekte Sonneneinstrahlung. Reagieren besser auf indirekte Sonn neinstrahlung.

on hot days and lenses get even darker Better reaction

Reagieren besser auf indirekte Sonneneinstrahlung. Reagieren besser auf indirekte Sonneneinstrahlung. Ozon

Better reaction to indirect sun light

werden dabei

on hot days and lenses get even darker Better reaction

Better reaction to indirect sun light

noch dunkler.

werden dabei


noch dunkler.

Präzises und komfortables Sehen bei allen Lichtverhältnissen Precise and comfortabl vision under all light conditions Glare reduction Photochromic lenses adapt to changing light conditions. They offer the best glare protection for almost any situation. Indoors lenses brighten, outside they arken faster than ever depending on the light conditions and intensity of UV light. Optimal protection under any condition. Reduktion von Blendungen Phototrope Brillengläser passen sich den ändernden Lichtverhält - nissen an und bieten somit für nahezu jede Situation einen optima - len Blendschutz. Die Gläser hellen sich in Innenräumen auf und dunkeln im Freie schon nach kürzester Zeit ein, um die Auge optimal vor den geg b nen Lichtverhältnissen zu schützen. Reduktion von Blendungen Phototrope Brillengläser passen sich den ändernden Lichtverhält - nissen an und bieten somit für nahezu jede Situation einen optima - len Blendschutz. Die Gläser hellen sich in Innenräumen auf und dunkeln im Freien schon nach kürzester Zeit ein, um die Augen optimal vor den gegebenen Lichtverhältnissen zu schützen. 100% Schutz vor UV-Strahlen Phototrope Brillengläser sind ebenfalls bestens dazu geeignet, die Augen zu 100% vor schädlichen UV-Strahlen zu schützen. 100% UV protection Photochromic len es ar be t suited to protect he eye 100% against UV light. 100% Schutz vor UV-Strahlen Phot trope Brill gläser sind ebenfalls bestens dazu geeignet, die Au en zu 100% vor chä lichen UV-Strahlen zu schützen. Präzises und komfortables Sehen bei allen Lichtverhältnissen

Materials | Photochromic Lenses

Transitions XTRActive

The new Transitions XTRActive lenses are the darkest everyday wear lenses ever. Under bright light they darken just as regular sunglasses up to 90% at approx.. 23°C. Transitions XTRActive react even faster now even at high temperatures: At 35°C they darken up to 80%. Transitions XTRActive also offer a high degree of glare protection and optimal visual comfort during sunny days.

Improved visual comfort while driving

Transitions XTRActive are the first lenses adapting to different light conditions even while driving. Adapting to UV light as well as the visible light Transitions XTRActive lenses develop a comfortable degree of darkening of 50% at 27°C * .

* Darkening of Transitions XTRActive lenses behind windshields depend on various factors such as form, angle and transmission of windshield, position of driver and type of sideshields

Materials | Polarized Lenses

MATERIALIEN | Polarisierende Brillengläser

Best protection against glare

Optimaler Schutz vor Blendung

Natürliches Licht ist unpolarisiert, es schwingt in alle Richtungen. Polarisiertes Licht hingegen ist «gerichtet», es schwingt in nur eine Richtung. Durch die Reflektion an horizontalen Flächen (z.B. feuchte Strassen) entsteht eine störende Blendung, die das reale Bild verfälscht. Die einzige Möglichkeit diese Blendung zu vermeiden, ist der Einsatz von polarisierenden Brillengläsern. Die Polarisationsfolie, welche in das Brillenglas eingearbeitet ist, besteht aus langgestreckten, parallelen Molekülsträngen. So wird eine Art enges Gitter erzeugt, durch das nur Wellen einer bestimmten Richtung gelangen. Natural light does not polarize. It oscillates in all directions. Polarized light however is “directed”. It only oscillates in one direction. Horizontal planes (i.e. roads, water, etc.) reflect light creating distracting glare. The only option to avoid this type of glare is the use of polarized lenses. A polarizing foil ins rted in the l ns is made of elongated, parallel molecules. This creates sort of a tight grid. The g id o ly lets light of a specific direction pass.

Without polarized lenses

With polarized lenses

Absorption (depends on mat erial)




84 – 87%

78 – 89%

83 – 88%

Advantges of Polarized Lenses

• Fil ters distrat ing reflect ions • Contrast enhancing • R educt ion of glare

• R aod and water spotrs safety

• 100% UV -protect ion

Sicherheit und Komfort beim Fahren Safety and comfort while driving

Dank der Polarisationsfolie im Glas werden störende Blendungen blockiert. Nur das informa- tionstragende Licht erreicht das Auge. Durch diesen Effekt wird die Konzentration am Lenkrad verbessert und die Reaktionszeit gegenüber herkömmlichen Gläsern verkürzt. Polarized lenses blocks distracting reflections. Only the “relevant”, information - b aring light reach s the ye. The effect increases conc ntration while driving, improving reaction time compared with conventional lenses.

Reaktionszeit bei sonnigem Wetter



- 300 ms = 7 m gewonnen

1,5 Sek.

2,1 Sek.

1,7 Sek.

1,9 Sek.

Materials | Photochromic, Polarized Lenses

Drivewear were develop for specific requirements will driving. The lens combines the features of photochromic and polarized lenses. In addition it is exceptionally suited for sports and leisure, due to its contrast-enhancing and polarizing features. During overcast and cloudy conditions the yellow-green tint blocks glare and improves contrasts and depth perception. Absorption rate of brightest lens condition stands at 68%. In bright sunlight behind a windshield the color changes to copper with an absorption rate of 78%. If the windshield does not filter incoming light, the Transitions layer activates. The lens has an absorption rate of 88%with a dark brown color.

The ultimate lens for drivers. Ideal for all outdoor activities.

Materials | Contrast-Enhancing Tints

A good sunglass lens protects the eye against glare and harmful UV light. Sharp, fatique-free, precise vision is especially important while driving and during sports or leisure activities.

Daylight consists to a high degree of diffuse light. Blue light spectrum is most affected. Blue light converges in front of the retina, leading to a blurry image. In addition contrasts are not as pronounced. It creates an uncomfortable visual experience, especially under extreme light conditions.

As sports activities are often outdoors, contrast-enhancing tints become more important. They filter blue light reducing the diffuse light. Colors appear more brilliant with as sharper more pronounced image.

High-quality contrast-enhancing tints by Optiswiss serve among other things safety and well-being of the wearer. These tints were developed for a variety of activities in different light conditions, during sunshine but also under diffuse and foggy conditions. As a result the wearer gets superior details and contour recognition. It increases visual performance and visual acuity significantly.

Materials | Contrast-Enhancing Tints (Index 1.50)

Night Vision | Suited for driving at night

Yellow tint. Absorption: 6% 100% UV-A/B protection

− − − − −

Excellent contrast-enhancing feature Ideal during bad weather like fog or rain Also available in index 1.60 | 1.67

P500 | Suited for driving at night

Yellow tint. Absorption: 15% 100% UV-A/B protection

− − − −

Excellent contrast-enhancing feature Ideal during bad weather like fog or rain

Tropical Sun | Skiing, Cycling, Tracking, Golf, etc.

Orange tint. Absorption: 50% 100% UV-A/B protection

− − −

Excellent contrast-enhancing feature

− Improved vision during overcast, diffuse and hazy light conditions − Not suited for driving at night

Sahara Sun | Skiing, Cycling, Tracking, Golf, etc.

Orange tint. Absorption: 50% 100% UV-A/B protection

− − −

Excellent contrast-enhancing feature

− Improved vision during overcast, diffuse and hazy light conditions − Not suited for driving at night

Amazone Sun | Skiing, Cycling, Tracking, Golf, etc.

Olive-green tint. Absorption: 65%

− −

100% UV-A/B protection

− Excellent contrast-enhancing feature for water surfaces − Not suited for driving at night

Materials | Contrast-Enhancing Tints (Index 1.50)

Indian Sun | Skiing, Cycling, Tracking, Golf, Sailing, etc.

Orange-brown tint. Absorption: 75%

− −

100% UV-A/B protection

− Excellent contrast-enhancing feature and natural color recognition − Improved vision during overcast, diffuse light and sun light − Not suited for driving at night

Blue Blocker | Skiing, Tracking in high altitudes, sailing, etc.

Yellow-brown tint. Absorption: 85%

− Filters up to 99.5% of blue light (500 nm) − 100% UV-A/B protection − Glare protection − Ideal during bright sunshine and strong glare − Not suited for driving at night

Blue Driver | Suited for driving

Brown tint. Absorption: 85% 100% UV-A/B protection

− − − −

Filters up to 92% of blue light (500 nm)

Universal sunglass lens

− Comfortable, stress-free vision while driving − Great traffic light recognition − Not suited for driving at night

Canyon Sun | Skiing, Tracking in high altitudes, sailing, etc.

Red-brownish tint. Absorption: 90%

− − − −

100% UV-A/B protection

Filters up to 90% of blue light (500 nm)

Glare protection

− Ideal during bright sunshine and strong glare − Not suited for driving at night