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Matthew Dunaway February 2018

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Matthew Dunaway January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” Roth whisks us to of optimism in the new year. Here are some b

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Matthew Dunaway December 2018

savings accounts in separate institutions. That said, if you are in such a stressful financial situa

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Matthew Dunaway February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Matthew Dunaway November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt “I will praise the

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Matthew Dunaway - April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil • Kosher salt Instructions 1. Heat oven to 425 F. T

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Matthew Dunaway October 2018

4 inch thick • ●Toothpicks for skewering “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give

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Matthew Dunaway MAY 2018

4 cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes

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Matthew Dunaway July 2018

4 cup cilantro • Salt and pepper, to taste 4. Season with salt and pepper, garnish with cilantro, an

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Matthew A. Dunaway June 2018

4 cup light brown sugar, packed • 1 large egg yolk • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 4 pints ice cream

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Matthew Dunaway News March 2018

Matthew Dunaway News March 2018 · 205-705-3590 March 2018 200 YEARS IN ALABAM

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Matthew Dunaway February 2018 · 205-705-3590

February 2018

JUST AROUND THE CORNER How We ‘Survive’ Until Spring Comes

Spring is so close we can almost taste it. But first, we have to get through what I feel are the most difficult months of the year. Here in Birmingham, January and February are certainly the coldest, wettest, dreariest months on the calendar. Really, there’s no other way to describe them except “yucky.”

Another way to “survive” the end of winter is by taking a page from our agrarian roots. Today, spring and summer are times to kick back and relax, but back then, those were some of the hardest working months of the year as folks tended the fields and grew food. Then fall rolled around, and with it came more hard work in the form of the harvest. Everything slowed down a lot during the winter, but even then, people were working hard, repairing tools or others things they would need to have in top condition when the hard work of summer returned. While you won’t catch me longing for the days when I would have to work in a field to ensure my family wouldn’t starve in the winter, I do like the idea of using winter as a time for maintenance. Why do we wait until spring to start cleaning when we’re already cooped up during these dreary gray months? We’re already inside, so why not reorganize the hall closet or clean out the attic? From just a house standpoint, there are a lot of things we could get done now that we might not have time to address come spring and summer. Then there’s our New Year’s resolutions. Remember those? Barely eight weeks ago most people were thinking up ways to improve their lives. How many of those resolutions have already fallen by the wayside? If you’ve already let your New Year’s resolution slip, now is a great time to pick it back up! So you dropped the ball on one month. There are still 11 more to go. The winter is a great time to buckle down and take another shot at our

Why do we wait until spring to start cleaning when we’re already cooped up during these dreary gray months?

There are a few ways to help get through these final yucky days. To start, we can just stay inside. There are books to read, great shows to watch, and new board games to play with your family. You might even consider getting a start on the “Year of” plans we talked about last month. Update: My Year of Poetry is going great so far! We could also try to embrace the cold! Throw on some layers and take a walk outside. There are plenty of winter activities that can get you into the great outdoors. Have you ever been to Oak Mountain State Park this time of year? It’s gorgeous in the summer, but I’ve gone running out there in the winter, and I can say it has its own beauty during this season, too.

resolutions. We can turn new resolutions into good habits before the obligations of a busy spring and summer make them even harder to achieve. The warm days of summer feel far off, but we have plenty of opportunities to make the weeks until then worthwhile. However you choose to spend your time, I hope you make the most of it!

–Matt Dunaway

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to different sounds in their first year, the more they’ll pick up those sounds as their brain creates new neural circuits. If you speak a second language and have a child at home, now is a great time to share it with them. Your child is especially ready to pick up new sounds and words, with the added benefit of learning their heritage. If you’re ready to teach your child a second language, here are a few ways to incorporate new words. 1. Take time to talk with your child in a second language during playtime. Research shows babies need personal interaction to learn, so switching on the TV in another language won’t suffice. 2. Increase vocabulary by giving options in a second language. Try questions like “Do you want juice or milk?” or “Do you want to play on the swings or by the tree?” 3. Find a language exchange group or bilingual daycare to increase your child’s exposure to a second language. If you don’t know a second language but want to give your child a head start, you can begin by learning new words together. How fun would it be if you become bilingual as a family?

If you speak a second language, you have the unique ability to set your child up for a lifetime of advantages. Not only does a second language benefit your child in adulthood, but learning another language also strengthens multiple parts of their developing brain, according to Michigan State University. You may not want to overload your kids with two lexicons, but this is really not the case. Children quickly adapt to dual languages. The brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle in our body, the more it’s exercised, the stronger it becomes.

Sudoku With all the research floating around about how beneficial it is to teach your child a second language, you might wonder why youngsters pick up languages so easily. According to NBC News, If you speak a second language, you have the unique ability to set your child up for a lifetime of advantages. Not only does a second language benefit your child into adulthood, but learning another language also strengthens multiple parts of their developing brain, according to Michigan State University. You may not want to overload your kids with two lexicons, but this is really not the case. Children quickly adapt to dual languages. The brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle in our body, the more it’s exercised, the stronger it becomes.

the answer lies in their flexible minds. Children’s brains develop in response to external stimulants. Did you know that babies are born with the ability to distinguish the sounds of all languages? As they get older, even before their first birthday, they lose that ability. Kids are able to take in sounds, intonation, and language structure more easily than adults who have to painstakingly memorize verb structures and grammar. Children under 8 are especially primed to pick up a new language thanks to flexible ear and speech muscles. As they take in new words, it increases their ability to focus on one thing or change their responses, a skill called cognitive flexibility. The more you can expose your little one

“Matt is an amazing lawyer and is absolutely the best at what he does. If you want a lawyer to be right there with you every step of the way, and you want to know exactly what is about to take place, step by step, then Mr. Matt Dunaway is definitely the lawyer you need. I can’t express enough the gratitude and appreciation I have for Mr. Dunaway and all he did for my case. Thank you again! If ever an unfortunate situation like this arises again, and I need a lawyer, Mr. Matt Dunaway will be the one I call.” –Shawna H.


3 Questions You Need to Ask About Your Plan CRASH COURSE: Health Insurance

Last December, a new tax plan was introduced and approved by Congress. The tax plan changed some elements of the Affordable Care Act, like removing the individual mandate. However, this doesn’t mean Americans no longer need health insurance. At some point in time, we will all need health care, and it’s important to be prepared for that time. A study from Harvard University found that 62 percent of all personal bankruptcies are the result of excessive medical expenses. The right health insurance can help alleviate these burdens. Here are three questions you should ask when planning for your health care needs.

identity the co-pay price on any treatment plans you or anyone else on your plan are likely to need.

Who’s in your network?

The last thing you want is to sign up for a new plan and learn that it does not cover the specialist you have been seeing for years. Familiarize yourself with the network guidelines and learn what doctors you can and cannot go to. Some plans will penalize you for seeing health care providers outside your plan. Find out if your prospective plan is PPO or HMO, and learn the difference.

Has anything changed in the last year?

prescriptions won’t be covered anymore, then it may no longer be the plan for you.

How much will health insurance cost?

Once you find a plan that works for you, or if you’re already in one, remember this isn’t the end of the line. When open enrollment rolls around, you’ll want to review your plan again. Health insurance plans change, and if your premiums suddenly go up or your

The monthly premium isn’t the only price tag you should look at. Pay attention to the deductibles and copays. Additionally, you want to look at the plan summary and

There is no easy answer to the problem of health care. The best we can do is play it smart, plan ahead, and make sure ourselves and our loved ones are covered by the best possible plan.

Hong Kong EGG TARTS Recipe of the Month

Bible Verse “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2

Celebrate Chinese New Year in style with these egg tarts! Originally a Portuguese delicacy, these marketplace treats were influenced by British custard tarts and eventually became a Hong Kong staple.

Ingredients • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar • 3 cups all-purpose flour • 1 cup butter • 10 eggs, beaten Instructions 1. In a medium bowl, mix

• Vanilla extract • 2/3 cup white sugar • 1 1/2 cups water • 1 cup evaporated milk

water; bring to a boil. Simmer until sugar is dissolved, then let cool. Strain remaining 9 eggs through a sieve, then whisk in sugar mixture. Stir in evaporated milk and a dash of vanilla. Strain the mixture again and fill tart shells. 3. Bake 15–20 minutes, until golden brown.

confectioners’ sugar and flour. Mix in butter with a fork until crumbly. Stir in 1 beaten egg and a dash of vanilla until doughy. Shape dough into 1 1/2-inch balls and press into tart molds. Use 2 fingers to fold down edges of dough. 2. Heat oven to 450 F. In a medium saucepan, combine white sugar and

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(Recipe inspired by


PO Box 531168 Birmingham, Alabama 35253

NSIDE Not 6 More Weeks of Winter! ...................... page 1 The Brain on 2 Languages 2 Testimonial ................................................... page 2 Do I Still Need Health Insurance? ............... page 3 Craving Dessert for Chinese New Year?....... page 3 3 Holistic Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen................................................. page 4

NEED A LITTLE Spice in Your Life?

Peppermint You can use

Spices and herbs add much more than flavor and aroma to your favorite beverages and treats. They also offer many health benefits. When properly utilized, these spice rack staples can ease a variety of symptoms. Ready to find your new holistic health kick? Read on.

your diet by taking it as a supplement in capsule form or simply sprinkling it into your next chai tea. Your achy joints will thank you.

peppermint as an essential oil, steep the leaves for tea, or take a supplement


This root is an essential natural anti-inflammatory. It can help ease an upset stomach and finally tame your nausea. You can safely

capsule. Each form comes with its own benefits. As an essential oil, peppermint is great for treating colds. It’s a mild decongestant, and it helps with coughs and stuffed-up noses. It also soothes sore throats and headaches. Rub one or two drops under your nose, on your temples, or over your sinuses and feel the relief wash over you. Even further, a study published by The BMJ found that when administered as a capsule, peppermint helped reduce the symptoms of IBS in a majority of patients.


This spice, known for its earthy, nutty flavor, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Want to calm nagging pain?

eat it raw, candied, as a supplement, in tea, or in baked goods. Ginger is most effective when it’s ingested raw or in capsule form. If you have morning sickness, raw ginger might do the trick. Just ask the people of ancient China. Like many spices, ginger’s use as a supplement goes back centuries. Southeast Asian countries used it to ease their own common ailments. Call it tried and true.

This spice has been used to treat joint pain and arthritis. It can even be used to remedy bad breath! Nutmeg is most potent when it’s freshly grated, so it’s recommended you purchase whole nutmeg seed, found in most specialty food stores. You can incorporate nutmeg into


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