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Matthew Dunaway News March 2018

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Matthew Dunaway January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” Roth whisks us to of optimism in the new year. Here are some b

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Matthew Dunaway December 2018

savings accounts in separate institutions. That said, if you are in such a stressful financial situa

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Matthew Dunaway November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt “I will praise the

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Matthew Dunaway - April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil • Kosher salt Instructions 1. Heat oven to 425 F. T

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Matthew Dunaway February 2018

2-inch balls and press into tart molds. Use 2 fingers to fold down edges of dough. 2. Heat oven to 4

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Matthew Dunaway October 2018

4 inch thick • ●Toothpicks for skewering “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give

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Matthew Dunaway MAY 2018

4 cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes

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Matthew Dunaway July 2018

4 cup cilantro • Salt and pepper, to taste 4. Season with salt and pepper, garnish with cilantro, an

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Matthew A. Dunaway June 2018

4 cup light brown sugar, packed • 1 large egg yolk • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 4 pints ice cream

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Matthew Dunaway AUG 2017

Matthew Dunaway AUG 2017 · 205-705-3590 August 2017 TEACHERS AND MENTORS Thos

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Matthew Dunaway News March 2018 · 205-705-3590

March 2018

200 YEARS IN ALABAMA A Tradition of Family

When we think of March, the first holiday that comes to mind is St. Patrick’s Day, and March also happens to be Irish-American Heritage Month. Despite my red hair, the research I’ve done suggests my family came over from England, not Ireland, before the Revolutionary War. However, wherever you can trace your family origins, there’s something valuable about remembering your heritage. When someone asks me where my family is from, I have one simple answer: Alabama.

owners, but instead rural white folk who lead a modest agricultural lifestyle until after World War II. During the war, my grandfather on my dad’s side moved into the industrial field to work in factories. His skill as an electrician kept him off the battlefield during that time. Meanwhile, my maternal grandfather left the farm in favor of the mines when coal was discovered in the area where he lived post-WWII. My siblings and I were the first generation on our mother’s side to attend college, and only the second generation to pursue higher education on my dad’s side. My family has called Alabama home for close to 200 years. When I was a kid, my dad often said I would grow up and move away, but I’m still here. I was accepted to schools out of state, but in the end I decided to attend Auburn University and the University of Alabama School of Law. I would go on to marry an Alabama girl and start my family in the same state that generations of my ancestors have called home. My plan wasn’t to stay in Alabama, but I’m happy my life kept me here. We don’t make the headlines here in Birmingham, but it’s a good place to live and raise a family. I’ve enjoyed a peaceful, happy life where my kids can grow up and my wife and I can raise them to be valued members of society. For two centuries,

When someone asks me where my family is from, I have one simple answer: Alabama.

my family has been part of the local community, building the culture and traditions we see around us today, and that’s important to me. The Dunaway family doesn’t have any famous people in our line of ancestors, but we do have a heritage of people who came to Alabama, worked hard, and raised their families. This is a tradition my wife and I are carrying on, and I see that as something to be proud of.

Both my dad’s side of the family and my mom’s migrated to Alabama in 1820, and they have called the state home ever since. If you want to know what the lives of my ancestors were like, just read “Poor, But Proud: Alabama’s Poor Whites” by the historian Wayne Flynt. There are a lot of things I don’t agree with Flynt on, but the research he did to write his book does happen to reflect the life of my family. They weren’t wealthy plantation

–Matt Dunaway

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Once you have compiled a list of candidates, it’s time to conduct interviews. When communicating with candidates you don’t know, remember not to give out too much personal information. Set up phone interviews for the first round, and if you like the candidate, set up an in-person interview in a public place. Your questions should be geared toward your lifestyle and the expectations you have for a sitter. Make sure you’re on the same page about job specifics, discipline, and responsibilities. If you’re still sold on the candidate after the in-person interview, consider introducing them to your kids to get their opinion on the sitter. Once you’ve decided on the perfect babysitter, make sure to monitor the relationship and ask your sitter and child open and upfront questions after every session. The most important thing to remember is that your sitter must be compatible with the needs of your family. Sometimes, you learn that a perfect candidate is not the right fit for your family. But that’s okay! Once you’ve gone through the process once, finding another sitter will be a breeze.

Finding the perfect babysitter can be daunting. But as most parents know, sitters are a necessity. Here are some tips to help you find the best sitter for your family.

Sudoku require them, so don’t be afraid to reach out. Call their references and check your sitter’s other social media profiles to learn more about their personality and hobbies. Finally, run an Many people turn to family friends or neighbors to find a trusted sitter, but searching for a candidate online is also a great option. No matter where you look, you should start by creating a short list of potential caregivers and screening them for your family’s needs. Review their experience, education, certifications, and hourly rate. If you have online candidates, you can read parent reviews to get a better idea of a sitter’s performance and personality. Make sure to run a basic background check on each candidate. Next, check out your potential sitter’s references. Online profiles almost always

enhanced background check through your local police department or through a private online service.

“Mr. Dunaway was the perfect lawyer for us. He is so knowledgeable and makes you feel comfortable. He is highly recommended if you are in the need! Thanks, Mr. Dunaway.” –Edmund M. “Attorney Dunaway is an awesome lawyer. He is very capable, and I have found success with each of my cases.” –Marie J. “Mr. Dunaway was very informative about the processes. He likes to be sure you understand everything. I highly recommend him. He is easy to understand and listens when you have questions.” –Deanna H.


Celebrities Who Found Success After Bankruptcy THIS ISN’T THE END

P.T. Barnum Hollywood’s latest movie musical, “The Greatest Showman,” starring Hugh Jackman, takes a few liberties when it comes to retelling the life of P.T. Barnum. The real greatest showman spent far less time singing and more time borrowing money to pursue various business ventures. After his attempt to start an industrial development in Connecticut went bust, Barnum owed his creditors half a million dollars. Barnum filed for bankruptcy and spent five years working himself out of debt. In 1871, just before his 61st birthday, Barnum entered the circus business and made over $400,000 in his first year. Walt Disney Today, the Walt Disney Company is worth over $95 billion, but during his lifetime, Walt faced his own financial problems. In 1921, Disney and his partner Ub Iwerks started Laugh-O- Gram, their first animation studio. The men also signed a deal with a New York distribution company to distribute their films. Unfortunately,

Bankruptcy can feel like the end of the world. You’ve lost control, creditors are breathing down your neck, and there’s seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel. But that’s not where your story ends. There are many people who were forced to declare bankruptcy who went on to do great things. Here are just a few people who rebounded after bankruptcy. Abraham Lincoln Honest Abe had the misfortune of going bankrupt long before modern bankruptcy laws were around to protect him. As a young man, Lincoln partnered with his friend William Berry to buy a general store in New Salem, Illinois. Our 16th president was skilled at a lot of things, but being a shopkeeper wasn’t one of them. As their sales declined and debts rose, Lincoln sold his share in the store. However, when Berry passed away, Lincoln was liable for the remaining payments. Creditors took him to court, where Lincoln lost his only remaining assets: his horse and surveying gear.

the distribution company cheated them, leaving Disney and Iwerks unable to cover their overhead. Laugh-O-Gram filed for bankruptcy in 1923 and ultimately went under. Buying a one- way ticket to Hollywood, Disney would go on to find greater success and create one of the most iconic characters in the world: Mickey Mouse. No matter how overwhelming your situation is, remember, there is always time to make a comeback.

Braised Chicken & Spring Vegetables Recipe of the Month

Good News

This simple and delicious one-pot recipe is perfect for a weeknight. It only requires about 15 minutes of hands-on work, but will taste like you spent all day building flavors. It’s a hearty comfort food that’s sure to delight eaters of all ages.

Psalm 100

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Ingredients • 1 tablespoon olive oil

1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

• 1 tablespoon sugar • 2 tablespoons fresh chives, chopped • Salt and pepper

• 8 small bone-in chicken thighs • 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth • 12 radishes, halved • 4 large carrots, cut into sticks Instructions 1. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. 2. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Brown in pan for 6 to 7 minutes per side. 3. Remove chicken from pan and scrape off excess fat. Add broth

and stir in radishes, carrots, and sugar. 4. Return chicken to pan, placing on top of vegetables. Gently simmer

5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

with lid on pan for 15 to 20 minutes. Finish with chives.

Call today - 205-705-3590 3.

[Recipe inspired by Real Simple]


PO Box 531168 Birmingham, Alabama 35253

NSIDE Where Are You From?.................................. page 1 Finding the Perfect Babysitter 2 Testimonials ................................................. page 2 Celebrities Who Found Success After Bankruptcy ......................................... page 3 Braised Chicken and Spring Vegetables...... page 3 What Every Parent Needs to Know About Family Dinners................................... page 4

YOUR DINNER TABLE MIGHT BE the Key to a Happier Family

Be Flexible About Mealtimes Dinner doesn’t have to be at 6 p.m. on the dot. If Kamala has a karate tournament in the evening or Peter needs to stay late at school for art club, why not break out the healthy snacks and make dinner happen a little later or earlier? Plus, the meal you share as a family doesn’t have to be at dinnertime. If there’s time in the mornings, sit down for breakfast. If you have the opportunity on weekends or during a school break, grab lunch together. Call All Hands on Deck Mom or Dad shouldn’t be expected to cook by themselves for every meal. This is family time, after all, so call in the kids! Make sure their tasks are age-appropriate — leave sautéing vegetables to the high schooler and let your first-grader set out the cups instead. This is the perfect opportunity to teach kids valuable kitchen skills

The family dinner is a staple of years gone by. These days, the only time you see a family sit together and break bread seems to be at Thanksgiving. This is a shame, because regular family dinners are incredibly important! It’s a time to bond with your loved ones that can have a positive impact on your kids’ lives. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that kids who regularly partake in family meals are less likely to experience depression or engage in drug use. Furthermore, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University determined that kids who eat family meals five to seven times a week bring home better report cards.

and to take some of the burden off your plate. Plus, if your kids are picky eaters, inviting them to be part of the cooking process can make them more inclined to try the finished product. Don’t Stress Yourself Out It’s okay if you’re too busy on a Monday to cook dinner. There’s always Tuesday. Or you can take a trip to your favorite family restaurant. Family meals should be fun, and that can’t happen if you’re stressed. Don’t feel pressured to make each meal perfect or to prepare a three-course dinner every night. Chicken and rice can get the job done as long as you’re all sitting around the table as a family. No matter how hectic your schedule may be, making family meals a priority is always worth the investment. Who’s in the mood for meatloaf?

Even when time is tight, you can make family dinners fit into your agenda with these tips.


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