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MechanoTherapy_Step Your Way to Pain-Free Knees

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Are Your Knees Getting Bigger?

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Say Goodbye To Achy Knees

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MechanoTherapy_Step Your Way to Pain-Free Knees

NOV. 2019

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ALSO INSIDE: How Physical Therapy Can Help • What Our Patients Say • Exercise Essentials • Featured Service • Staff Spotlight • Our Specialties



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Patellafemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a broad term used to describe kneepain in,around,orbehindthekneecap.PFPS isextremelycommon in runners but also develops in the general population and can cause a great deal of pain while going up/down stairs, running, or kneeling. One of the most alarming things about PFPS is that 70-90% of these individuals have chronic or recurrent pain. The patella acts as a level for the strong quadriceps of the leg and encountersmassiveforcesthroughthepatellafemoral jointwhilewalking (50% of bodyweight) or running (up to 700% bodyweight). As the knee bends, the kneecap slides down the trochlear groove of the femur. In a perfectworld,thekneecapwouldstaycentered inthegroovethroughout

yourmovementsandthe largeforcesyouencounterwouldbedistributed throughout the entire surface area of the patella. Unfortunately, what often happens is the kneecap moves ever so slightly to one side of the grooveorridestoohigh inthegroove,reducingsurfaceareacontactand increasing loadthroughcertainpartsofthepatella. Ifthishappens inthe context of increasing activity it can potentially lead to an inflammatory reaction and pain. If swelling or effusion increases as a result, you may experience arthrogenic inhibition. Arthrogenic inhibition is a fancy way of saying the body reflexively shuts down the quad when the knee becomes inflamed. Unfortunately, this is badbecausethequadricepsserveasthesuspensionsystemfortheknee andaweakquadcanalso leadtopoortracking.Atthispoint,peopleoften find themselves in a cycle where weakness leads to pain, which leads to more weakness… Luckily, we are well versed in how to treat PFPS and have some wonderful tools at our disposal that can quickly start to reverse this process. If you or someone you know is experiencing pain around the kneecap, please let them know we are here to help.

Call us today at (503) 567-5771 to find out the cause of your pain and how MechanoTherapy can help you find relief.

Y O U C A N F I N D R E L I E F: C A L L ( 5 0 3 ) 5 6 7 - 5 7 7 1 T O S C H E D U L E Y O U R A P P O I N T M E N T T O D AY !

HOW PHYSICAL THERAPY CAN HELP In many cases, physical therapy can help patients quickly recover from an injury and get back to what they love to do. In doing so, they can stretch, flex and strengthen the muscles responsible for support. If a joint appears deformed, or if sudden swelling occurs, contact a physician immediately. A typical physical therapy session will start with a comprehensive evaluation of your entire lower body, looking for the exact source of your problem. Your physical therapist will customize a treatment plan to address areas of stiffness, weakness, tightness, and pain. On every level, physical therapy serves to enhance the patient’s quality of life. We’re here to help, and we have years of experience backing every therapy option.

For more information about how our therapists can help you recover from your knee pain, call MechanoTherapy at (503) 567-5771 or visit

Sources: 20050684 • • health.

EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS HELP KEEP YOU MOVING Walking Lunge Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder width apart. Take a large step forward with one leg, keeping your back foot in starting position while rolling onto your toes. Keep your spine straight and your forward and back knees bent, so that you make right angles with your hip, knee, and ankle. As you lunge, you should feel a stretch across the front of the hip and thigh. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2-5 times. Exercisescopyrightof


I became very confident in crossing the finish line of my marathon race.”

“Warren was fantastic in helping me to recover from knee pain caused by running. He figured out the root cause of my problem by evaluating my strength, balance, posture, running forms and running cadence. (That was a great experience!) His knowledge of how the human body works really helped me to understand my training plans, and all the exercises he taught me worked. I couldn’t run even a mile when I first visited. As a result of working with Warren, I became very confident in crossing the finish line of my marathon race. It’s almost a miracle. Warren is such a great person – always friendly, sincere, and honest. ” – T. N.

Alwaysconsultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbeforestartingexercisesyouareunsureof.



Rachel Cohen-Hebert received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. Since becoming a physical therapist Rachel has developed 2 areas of specialization. In 2016 she passed the board exam to become an Orthopedic Certified Specialist (Musculoskeletal

First off, let me say that when patients are screened properly, Bloodflow Restriction Therapy (BFR) is extremely safe and has been endorsed by some of the world’s leading researchers on hemodynamics. Sometimes the name scares people but this system is being used by professional sports teams and militaries allovertheworld.OurBFRunithasaDopplerultrasound in itthat calculates how much pressure is needed to completely occlude blood flow to the leg. Based off of that individualized pressure, a percentage ischosenbasedon theexercisesbeingused.Thecuff thentightensandoccludesacertainamountofbloodflowtotheleg. Whywouldyouwanttodothat?!Well,restrictingbloodflowallows theworkingmuscles tobuildup lactateandhydrogen ionsduring light exercise that more closely resembles a very heavy workout withouttheadverse joint loads.Theseprocessesactasasignalto thebrain tostrengthenthatmuscle,andresearch isshowingthat it’s extremely effective. A review of 19 studies showed that adding BFR to a low-load strengthening program significantly improved muscle strength and size in participants. If you have chronic knee pain, you likely have quad weakness and BFR is a way to get that strength back without injuring the joint. Call us at (503) 567-5771 to schedule an evaluation!

Condition) and also has advanced training in Vestibular Physical Therapy (dizziness, vertigo, concussion, etc.). Rachel has extensive experience in treating vestibular disorders and concussion (approximately 50% caseload over the last few years) and also presented a case study at the International Vestibular Conference in Chicago, Illinois in 2018. EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE • Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Regis University Denver, CO • BoardCertifiedSpecialist inOrthopedicPhysicalTherapy • Certified in Personalized Blood Flow Restriction through Owens Recovery Science • EducationfocusinVestibularandConcussionRehabilitation To request an appointment with Rachel, call us today at (503) 567-5771.

SHARE THE BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY! Do You Have Friends or Family Members That Have Trouble:

OUR SPECIALTIES We provide 1-on-1 treatments specific to your condition! • Manual Therapy • Soft Tissue Mobilization • Blood Flow Restriction Training • Joint Mobilization • Nerve Flossing/ Neurodynamic Mobilization • Strength and Conditioning Don’t let your pain hold you back. Call us today at (503) 567-5771 or visit our website at

� Moving without pain � Bending &moving freely � Balancing confidently & securely

� Sitting for long periods � Walking for long distances � Living active & healthy

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