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Mediation Advantage Services - March 2020

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Mediation Advantage Services March 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 016069 1 How We Defined Our Family After Divorce What Every Parent Nee

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Mediation Advantage Services - May 2020

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Time to Step Back and Slow Down What Is Gardening Good For?

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Mediation Advantage Services - February 2020

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Polly’s Life-Changing Adventure International Eating Habits

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Mediation Advantage Services - April 2020

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 The laughter meetup had everyone in high spirits — until the gr

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Mediation Advantage Services August 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Honoring Important Relationships Have You Prepared Your Kid

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Mediation Advantage Services June 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Polly’s Passion for Giving Unique Job Ideas for Teens How t

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Mediation Advantage Services - December 2021

506 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 Kindness, Generosity, and the Holiday Season

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Mediation Advantage Services May 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Thoughts for Mother’s Day How to Make Your Road Trip a Breez

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Mediation Advantage Services July 2018

Co-ParentingConsultation . JULY 2018

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Mediation Advantage Services January 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 016069 1 2 What Family Looks Like in 2018 Trick Your Kids Into Healthy

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Mediation Advantage Services - March 2020

MAR 2020

(508) 795-1557 | LIFE IN BALANCE

R ecently, I’ve had the pleasure of working with the owners of an amazing doggy day care company here in Westborough called All About the Pup. The owners are passionate animal lovers, and with the intention to provide the best for people’s pets, they’ve built up a very caring and compassionate business over the last five years. Their business offers day care services, boarding, grooming, and training, and it is a fun, interactive place for pups to play while their owners are at work or out of town. It’s been amazing to hear about their journey and the dedication they’ve put into creating a loving and authentic business. Their work has also reminded me of what an important part of the family a pet can be. I’ve been in many mediation sessions where a pet plays a pivotal role. The couple is trying to figure out the best way for both parties to be a part of their pet’s life, even if they aren’t a central part of each other’s lives. My daughter’s dog, Turbo, is a rescue, and along with my daughter, three great-nephews, and me, Turbo has become an integral part of our family. These days, when I come home from work, I can barely open the door due to the excited crowd waiting eagerly for me on the other side. Everyone wants a little pat or a hug, and everyone is vying for my attention. With a little pup and my three nephews, my quiet, independent life has evolved into one of loving chaos. And I wouldn’t change it for a second. LOVING CHAOS FINDING FAMILY IN UNEXPECTED PLACES

“These days, when I come home fromwork, I can barely open the door due to the excited crowd waiting eagerly for me on the other side.”

I feel so blessed to get to work with the people I do and to help them put their families first. Whether it’s new beginnings while moving on after a divorce or new beginnings as partners are growing their family through adoption, I love helping people on this journey. As I help people start fresh or make a plan for their loved ones, I get to know more than just their case — I get to know them. I get to hear people’s stories, and they constantly inspire and motivate me. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.

Overwhelmingly, what I feel this month is gratitude, both for these changes in my own life and for the changes I get to help others with.

To an inspiring and loving month,

As I think about the role I play in others’ lives, all I can think is what beautiful humans I get to work with! What an incredible journey we all are on! You are amazing and wonderful, and I’m honored to be a small part of your life.

–Polly Tatum

1 (508)795-1557



like arthritis and debilitating injuries. Because of this, care providers have become focused on finding ways to help patients manage these persistent aches. The sensation of pain is caused by a complex interaction of biological and cognitive factors, leading scientists to study how mental exercises like meditation can aid in pain relief. Anecdotal evidence regarding meditation’s ability to reduce pain has existed for as long as the practice itself. However, modern technology has given researchers the means to accurately measure the effectiveness of this age-old tradition. The Department of Health and Human Services has cited MRI brain scans as proof that meditation can lead to moderate pain reduction. These scans revealed that the same areas of the brain stimulated by painkillers are activated when the mind is in a meditative state. This supports the accounts of those who have reported better functionality after meditative sessions. With the ongoing tragedy of the opioid crisis, there is a dire need for pain management strategies that are noninvasive and not habit-forming, such as physical therapy. Meditation is easily accessible and can be used in conjunction with other pain relief strategies. Whether you sign up for guided meditation sessions, download one of the many mindfulness apps on the market today, or simply make time to sit and clear your mind for 30 minutes, it’s easy to add meditation to your normal routine.

Meditation has different meanings for different people. Traditionally, the act of focusing one’s mind has been used in religious and spiritual practices around the globe. More recently, it’s become a popular method of relaxation. Now, new research shows that this ancient practice may have yet another benefit: pain management.

In 2008, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that over 100 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain due to conditions


Just by looking at your sweet little muffin wagging their tail beside you, the infinite benefits pets give to their owners are clear. They’re loving and cuddly, and they don’t care if you’re having a bad hair day or wearing the same pair of jeans you wore yesterday.

blood pressure levels and lowered triglyceride levels (a type of fat associated with heart disease).

They motivate you to move more often.

For anyone who doesn’t know how great having a pet is, here are three of the many reasons why pets benefit your happiness and your health.

There’s nothing like a dog staring at you with sweet, sad eyes to get you to put on your tennis shoes and head outside for a walk. Even on days when you feel like hanging out on the couch and watching Netflix, your pet will remind you how much healthier — and happier — you’ll be if you head outside. If you and your family are looking for a pet, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue. Take the time to consider your needs and the needs of a pet and to do some research before you adopt to ensure you can provide a happy environment and life for a new companion. There are also many foster programs that allow you to get to know a dog or cat before you adopt.

They help combat feelings of loneliness.

During periods of change, especially when the relationships around you are evolving, a pet can provide a source of stability and companionship. In addition, a pet can provide the impetus for starting a new friendship with other pet owners and animal lovers.

They decrease blood pressure and hormones associated with stress.

Playtime with your pets has measurable health benefits according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Pets are associated with decreased 2


W hen it comes to providing for your kids, you really do know best. You know what foods they love and loathe, you know when they could use some extra support before their piano recital, and you may even have an idea of what school you’d like them to attend in the future. But what happens if you’re not there? It’s not something we like to think about, but at some point, your kids will have to go out into the world without you. What if that happened tomorrow? Would you have a written plan of who will care for your kids and how you want them to be cared for? A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR YOUR LOVED ONES At Mediation Advantage Services, we ensure no detail is left out of our clients’ estate plans. We craft a comprehensive, in-depth document that covers every aspect of your child’s care and even what you envision for their future. It identifies who will care for your children when you’re gone and any individuals you do not want to care for your children. It even includes doctors’ contact and medical information. You can also establish financial resources so their guardian has the means to see your vision through.

If you have pets, an estate plan can also determine their care. We establish pet trusts for families who want to ensure there is a caretaker for their beloved companions. A pet trust includes instructions for how you want your pet to be treated and who will care for them, as well as veterinarian information and financial resources you designate. A good estate plan serves as a blueprint of what your hopes and expectations are for the care of the most precious people and animals in your life, which provides the guardian you appoint with the road map they need. If you’ve been putting off creating this important document, for the love of your family, make it a priority this year. LEARN HOW TO CONFIDENTLY NAVIGATE LIFE CHANGES

Join attorney and mediator Polly Tatum as she guides you in putting family first.

Confidently learn about the divorce process at our Divorce Mediation Seminar on March 17 at 6 p.m.

On March 26 at 6 p.m. , the Estate Planning Seminar will guide you through the estate planning process to ensure your family has a secure plan in place.

Workshops are free, but they will fill up fast! Please call our office to register.

ORANGE GLAZED SALMON Keep dinner light, simple, and easy with this paleo-friendly recipe.

YOUR 30-DAY CHALLENGE 10 MINUTES A DAY OF READING FOR 21 DAYS This month, I want to challenge you to bring more fiction into your life. Reading works of fiction can spur your imagination and help you relate better to others, among other benefits. For 10 minutes a day over 21 days, take that time to read a work of fiction. If you have little ones, get them in on it by incorporating a book into their bedtime routine. Need some ideas? For adults, check out “An American Marriage” by Tayari Jones, and “Beloved” by Toni Morrison; for kids, try the “Harry Potter” series and “Can I Touch Your Hair? Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship.”



2 salmon fillets (10 oz total)

1. Heat oven to 425 F, and line a sheet pan with parchment paper. 2. Salt each fillet with 1/2 tsp salt. Bake for 6–8 minutes. 3. In a saucepan, combine ghee and garlic and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. 4. Add rosemary, zest, and juice. Cook for another 3 minutes. 5. Stir in tapioca starch until lumps disappear and mixture thickens. 6. Plate salmon and top with orange sauce. 3 (508)795-1557

• • • •

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp ghee

1 tbsp garlic, minced

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

• •

Zest from 1 orange

1/3 cup fresh- squeezed orange juice

1 tsp tapioca starch

Inspired by




(508) 795-1557


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19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609

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Family in Unexpected Places

Meditation and Pain Relief

3 Benefits of Being a Pet Owner


The Best Plan for Your Loved Ones

30-Day Challenge

Orange Glazed Salmon


Celebrating National Mom-and-Pop Business Owners Day

In addition to the economic boost, products from small businesses are usually higher quality, which makes them a better value for your dollar. Take this day to shop for birthday and holiday gifts for your loved ones that will bring them great joy and last a lifetime. GET SOCIAL AND SPREAD THE WORD! While small businesses utilize every form of marketing available, social media is essential for their success and growth. After shopping at your favorite mom-and-pop business, share that experience on your social media! When you write a post on Facebook or take a picture for Instagram, be sure to tag the business and use relevant hashtags so your friends, family, and everyone else in your community can shop there too. Writing reviews on Google Reviews and Yelp helps establish validity for the company. When another potential customer looks for reviews, they know they’re getting quality products and services from a well-established pillar of the community. The local businesses that are active on social media may post deals and sales for that day only, so keep your eyes peeled and be sure to follow all your favorite businesses! GIVING BACK TO LOCAL COMPANIES On National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

March 29 is National Mom-and-Pop Business Owners Day, which is huge for small businesses everywhere. Mom-and-pop businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy; Small Business Trends reports that mom-and-pop businesses account for 64% of gross domestic product (GDP) and generate 78% of all new jobs. Furthermore, no matter what turns the economy takes, small-business owners are less likely to lay off their employees than big corporations. Mom-and-pop businesses support all communities, and you can support them by celebrating this unofficial holiday! GIVE YOUR LOCAL ECONOMY A BOOST! Shopping locally has a massive impact on your community. Local businesses return three times the amount of money to the local economy than larger corporations do. With that big of a returned investment, your community can support even more small businesses that generate a wealth of jobs and keep the cycle going. 4