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Mediation Advantage Services May 2018

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Mediation Advantage Services - May 2020

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Time to Step Back and Slow Down What Is Gardening Good For?

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Mediation Advantage Services August 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Honoring Important Relationships Have You Prepared Your Kid

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Mediation Advantage Services July 2018

Co-ParentingConsultation . JULY 2018

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Mediation Advantage Services January 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 016069 1 2 What Family Looks Like in 2018 Trick Your Kids Into Healthy

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Mediation Advantage Services March 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 016069 1 How We Defined Our Family After Divorce What Every Parent Nee

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Mediation Advantage Services June 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Polly’s Passion for Giving Unique Job Ideas for Teens How t

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Mediation Advantage Services December 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Adventures in Our New Normal Are You Damaging Your Nonstick

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Mediation Advantage Services October 2018

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 Fulfilling a Role, Helping Out, and Accepting the Challenge 2

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Mediation Advantage April 2018

506 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 016069 1 2 How to Approach Your Goals This Season’s Best Family Activi

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Mediation Advantage Services - March 2020

506 19 Cedar St. Worcester, MA 01609 1 2 Family in Unexpected Places Meditation and Pain Relief 3 Be

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Mediation Advantage Services May 2018

MAY 2018

(508) 795-1557 | LIFE IN BALANCE

veggies and lean protein on my plate. Jasmine is trying to get me to go strictly vegan, and I haven’t eliminated beef and pork yet, but I have added more seafood to my diet. I’m also working out and doing yoga 4–5 days a week. The physical and mental changes from these new habits are noticeable. My daughters have also taught me the importance of unplugging and relaxing. We all need to do that once in a while, don’t we? Learning to recognize that need is half the battle. This past weekend, I was really tired from a tough workout. At the last minute, I decided to get away for the weekend. I didn’t take my phone or computer — I completely unplugged. I took my time. I woke up early in the morning for a sunrise massage. The best part of doing something for myself is that I find I’m more connected with everyone around me afterward. The self-care really helps me bring the best version of myself to my friends, family, and clients. When the girls were little, we built “unwind time” into their schedules — half an hour or so when we would check in and talk about their day — and I think the habit nurtured the close relationships we have today. The girls had figure skating lessons, and it took 40 minutes to get there and back. During the drive, we had conversations and made sure everyone had a chance to be heard. Of course, this was pre-electronics, so I didn’t have to be more entertaining than their Instagram accounts. I asked the girls questions about their day. Sometimes they were tired or just didn’t really want to talk to their mom, but it was an opportunity for us to interact, and it gave them a chance to unwind before their lessons. For those of you who have younger kids, I encourage you to build some unwind time into your schedule. When they come home, put all the electronic devices away for an hour and just talk with your kids. Ask them how their day was, what they learned — whatever topic they’re into. If some questions don’t get a response, that’s okay; you can let it go. Find some part of their day or life they’re excited to share with you. Don’t let this time get away — it only comes around once. –Polly Tatum

As my daughters have gotten older, my relationship with them has changed. Parenting when they were younger was focused on the day- to-day necessities: making sure they ate, got dressed, completed their homework, and brushed their teeth. These days, however, you’re more likely to find us singing Marvin Gaye together at a karaoke bar. Now that they’re adults, I no longer micromanage their lives. I appreciate who they are and who they’ve become as individuals, and I enjoy a different, deeper kind of relationship with them. We talk about our social lives, friends, professional lives, and community involvement. It’s like having three best friends. When they were kids, they learned everything from me, but there’s now a role-reversal taking place: I’m learning from them. Jasmine, Jamese, and Jamelah have taught me a lot about how to honor ourselves as women and moms and the importance of taking time for ourselves. My girls are helping me practice what I preach with clients. We all need opportunities to look in the mirror and check in with ourselves. My daughters are my mirror. MY BEST FRIENDS

Inspired by my girls, I’ve made room in my life for healthy habits. I’ve embarked on a fitness routine, so I make sure I always have fresh

1 (508) 795-1557


INCLUDE THE WHOLE FAMILY Once the travel games no longer pique anyone’s interest, try an activity that can be fun for the whole family: a traditional road trip game. If you have a car full of storytellers, try “Fortunately, Unfortunately.” The rules are simple. The first person starts by saying, “fortunately,” and mentioning something good about the road trip or the destination. The next person (moving clockwise) then follows by saying something “unfortunate” about the previous person’s statement. Take turns with every passenger in the car. If someone stumbles, they get a strike; three strikes and you’re out. The last passenger standing wins. PLAY AN AUDIOBOOK OR PODCAST We get it. Sometimes passengers don’t want to play games. Occasionally, they’d rather relax or take a nap. However, your listening material doesn’t have to be limited to Dad’s favorite music. Instead, consider listening to a family-friendly audiobook or podcast, which can make the longest and most boring parts of your trip an entertaining or educational experience. Almost any popular book is available in audio form, but it can be hard to find an enjoyable podcast. “Transistor” is a science-focused podcast that explores subjects kids and adults will find fascinating. Or if you’re looking for something fictional, try “Storynory,” in which the narrator tells fairy tales and legends from all over the globe.

Summer is right around the corner, which means you’ll soon pile the whole family into the car, ready to brave the road for a vacation. Everyone knows that riding in the car for hours can be torture. But with a little creativity, you can turn the worst part of a long trip into a fun event.

PACK A TRAVEL GAME When the excitement of the family vacation starts to wear off, keep the peace and entertain your kids with a travel game. Many board game manufacturers offer travel-sized versions that are easy to pack and play in the car. Before your next road trip, consider purchasing digital Yahtzee, which packs all the fun of the classic game without the dice, or IQ Fit, a logic game with over 100 challenges. Both games cost around $10 and can provide hours of entertainment. When you created your estate plan, it was based upon your life at the time. Maybe you planned it with your spouse as you created the outline for your future, putting security measures in place to bring peace of mind to you and your children. Since then, has anything changed? If you’ve experienced a life shift, it’s time to put your priorities back into balance. Do this in a wealth planning session with the experts at Mediation Advantage Services. With our customized wealth planning, you aren’t just another file. Your plan is based on your life and your priorities. Whether you’re a blended family negotiating the challenges of new relationships or a family- business owner seeking to protect and expand your company for the next generation, our experienced and caring staff is here to guide you through the process. Our first step is to determine your needs, values, and desires. We will customize everything else around these. Now that some aspects of your lifestyle have shifted, you can re-examine your priorities and put them into writing. Our founder, Polly Tatum, worked in human and civil service for many years before forming Mediation Advantage Services, and she uses an empathetic approach to help you through this process. When you complete a wealth planning session with Mediation Advantage Services, you will have peace of mind knowing your children and assets are secure. ALIGN YOUR VALUES WITH REALITY WHEN TO REVISIT YOUR ESTATE PLAN

Each of our estate plans includes a no-charge, three-year review, because we understand that as your life changes, so does your estate plan. This helps ensure that your assets are held properly for maximum protection. In addition, as laws change, we will keep you updated in the event those changes affect you.

We’ll be here for you every step of the way.

A MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL: The first five people who sign up for a wealth planning session with Polly get a free manicure/pedicure. Call or email [email protected] to sign up. 2


Moms and dads of young children have a lot to think about. We get it. You’re trying to figure it all out as you go, do your best, parent the “right” way (spoiler — there’s no such thing), and make sure you are giving your kids the attention they need. ADVICE TO PARENTS OF YOUNG KIDS

2. Self-care will help you be a better parent. One of the best steps you can take as a parent is to take care of yourself. After all, you can’t care for your children if you’re not healthy. In addition, your kids will pick up on you demonstrating healthy habits like exercise. Maybe you can even take a yoga or gym class together! 3. Practice gratitude. Did you know that recalling the good parts of your day can make you feel happier? Put the science into practice by taking a moment each day to write down three things you’re grateful for. You can also include your kids in this practice: Ask them what they enjoyed about their day, or something that made them feel happy. Being a parent can feel overwhelming at times, but the hard work of raising children will blossom into something incredible as they grow up. If we recognize that we all have areas for improvement in our lives and focus on one or two of them at a time, then we can make space for what matters in life. Are you a parent who could benefit from improved communication with your former spouse? Join our Co-Parenting Program, beginning May 22, and learn communication strategies from attorney and mediator Polly Tatum. Contact Mediation Advantage Services for your application.

How do you get through it? Slow down, live in the moment, and be present.

We’re all guilty of not being present in the moment, and some of us even before we had kids. But if there’s one thing you can change, it’s to slow down and make some space to appreciate what’s right in front of you. Here are few ways to do that. 1. Unplug from the noise. As Polly mentioned on the cover, spending time without electronic devices is healthy for everybody and will contribute to achieving the goal of slowing down. In the absence of blaring music, TV, and Instagram accounts, you might find the peace and quiet you’ve been seeking.

MONTHLY CHALLENGE PUT AWAY THE PHONES! Our challenge to you this month? One day this week, put all the electronic devices in a drawer, set the oven timer to one hour, and spend those 60 minutes talking and interacting with your kids. That’s it — just one hour! Trust us, it will be worth it.

Zucchini and summer squash are arriving on grocery store shelves. Here is a great way to take these humble, delicious vegetables to the next level. This easy dish is perfect for early summer.


• • •

2 teaspoons fresh thyme

• • • •

1 zucchini

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1 summer squash

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 medium red onion

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


Join us for a seminar on May 10: Divorce Doesn’t Have to Hurt

Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize.

1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash.

A seminar presented by attorney and mediator Polly Tatum and Adam Waitkevich, founder of Divorce Financial Solutions.

4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

Contact [email protected] to register.

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Inspired by


Hours: M-F 9AM-6PM


(508) 795-1557


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19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609

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Thoughts for Mother’s Day

How to Make Your Road Trip a Breeze

Is It Time to Update Your Estate Plan?


Tips for Parents of Young Kids

Monthly Challenge

Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta


The Key to a Memorable Vacation

ENRICH YOUR VACATION Buy Local When You’re Abroad


The virtues of buying locally sourced food and supporting small businesses have been widely extolled. But we rarely think to apply the same practices when we travel. Many Americans spring for all-inclusive packages when planning their next summer vacation, but doing so means they’ll miss out on some of the best aspects of the culture they’re visiting. Part of the joy of traveling is having new experiences you can’t have at home. Whether you’re in another state or another country, you owe it to yourself to seek out the unique aspects of that location. But to find the character and quirks of your destination, you’ll have to explore beyond the hotel lobby.

Just as your town probably has local artisans who produce unique and interesting work, the same is true for your vacation destination. Anyone can get a gift shop bauble that was mass-produced somewhere else. Take the time to peruse market stalls and craft fairs while you travel. It can lead you to some truly special souvenirs, and you’ll support the arts and traditions of the region!


While you’re out sampling local restaurants and exploring local markets, you’ll meet plenty of local people. Don’t be afraid to strike up a friendly conversation. You can make new friends around the globe and learn about their unique experiences. One of the most enriching experiences in life is meeting new people and gaining new perspectives.


Why have a cheeseburger from a fast-food chain when you can try a local favorite? A great way to start is by asking your taxi driver or hotel concierge about their favorite place to eat. You’ll discover new foods and flavor combinations, and the locally owned restaurant is sure to appreciate your business!


Treasured memories are the best souvenir you can bring home from any vacation. So you owe it to yourself to get out and explore! 4