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Medlin Law Firm December 2018

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Medlin Law Firm November 2018

18, find us in Suite 318 of the same building. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. What I’mThankful For 2. A

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18 find us in Suite 318 of the same building. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. One Lawyer, One Bike, One Hundred

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Medlin Law Firm July 2018

smores-in-a-jar. | Pg. 4

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Medlin Law Firm May 2018

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Medlin Law Firm April 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper Directions 1. Cook the pasta according to package directions. Add broc

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Medlin Law Firm June 2018

18 find us in Suite 318 of the same building. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. My Father 2. What’s All the Fuss

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Medlin Law Firm September 2018

18, find us in Suite 318 of the same building. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. Reflections on Back to School

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Medlin Law Firm December 2018

The Medl in News


While Christmases during college would be a welcomed break from my studies, few holidays could hold a candle to these mountainside getaways. But as with most things, I’ve found that becoming a father has brought a lot of the magic back to the season. It certainly is nice having Santa Claus visit our house again. When I was a boy, old Kris Kringle was kind enough to bring me a shiny, new five-speed Stingray Fastback that was metallic green and had a banana seat. They just don’t make bikes like that anymore. Maybe I should get in touch with the north pole. At the time of writing, my daughter is dead set on what she wants for Christmas. She’d like her very own puppy. Now, dogs are a big responsibility, and she’d have to learn to take care of it, but I’ve got a feeling that Santa’s going to make this wish come true. The other joy that comes with having a daughter old enough to understand the joys of Christmas is that we can start making our own holiday trips as a family. Last year, we managed to go out east for the classic experience of spending Christmas in NewYork. While there was no snow to speak of, seeing Rockefeller Plaza and the many shops and restaurants all lit up against the winter gloom was quite the experience. Maybe we’ll take our daughter to the mountains in a few years and give her her first skiing lessons. For now, we’re just happy to have a peaceful Christmas at home with family. Whether you’re spending the holidays here in Texas or traveling farther afield, I hope you and your family have a safe and wonderful end of the year.


The Magic of the Season

Holiday music on the radio has a way of bringing back vivid memories of Christmases past. For me, this is especially true of any song about snowfall and winter wonderlands. While my childhood in Dallas certainly didn’t include any blizzards, my family’s ski trips gave my sisters and me plenty of white Christmases.

From the time I was in junior high until my college years, our family would spend Christmas at a ski resort nestled in the snowy mountains of New Mexico. I loved skiing and used to do slalom and super-G racing, if you can believe it. My body is sore just remembering those downhill runs, but they were good times. What made those trips really special was the time spent with family in the wilderness. Every year, my dad, my sisters, and I would set out with an ax — and the proper paperwork — to chop down our own Christmas tree. Bounding around in our snowshoes, we’d spend about two hours looking for the perfect candidate and then drag it back to our cabin. Those trees were always so fresh that the needles wouldn’t even fall off.

Happy Holidays,

– Gary L. Medlin, Esq. | Pg. 1

Move Over, Sitcoms, There’s a New Trend in Town 3 TRUE CRIME SHOWS YOU HAVE TO SEE

bending episodes of Steven Avery and his attorneys going back and forth during the trial, you’ll have questions that demand answers. So many, in fact, that Netflix has confirmed the production of a second season and a spin-off series titled “Convicting a Murderer.” ‘The Jinx’ Forty years of conflicting reports on three murders make for one compelling HBO series. Robert Durst goes under the spotlight after speaking for the first time about the death of three people connected to him. A web of lies, convolution, and gritty storytelling comes to one bone-chilling conclusion that will make your jaw drop. ‘The Staircase’ Did Michael Peterson kill his wife? Did the American justice system tear apart the dream it so righteously attempts to protect? What is considered fact in a murder trial? These are just a few of the questions you’ll contemplate as you go on a 16-year journey told over 13 gripping episodes. Questionable expert testimony and crime scene evidence are juxtaposed with a competent defense team and a convincing defendant, making for a story that begs viewers to take sides. In the end, the only fact you’ll know to be true is that you can’t trust your intuition.

Let’s Keep the Roads Safe This Winter There’s a genre of entertainment that many Americans are afraid to admit is their secret obsession. It’s as if you’re hiding a secret that you desperately want to confess, but you’re afraid of the judgment and concerned looks from your friends. Then one day, you muster the courage to casually mention a docu-series you watched — hoping for absolution but concerned the jury won’t understand — and the floodgates open. Suddenly your closest friends and family have passionate opinions on the justice system and can tell you they know exactly whomurderedwho and how. Deep down inside, everyone loves a good mystery. Here are three of the best. ‘Making a Murderer’ Directors Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos take viewers through an experience that feels like the most maddening game of ping pong ever played — in any given episode, your view may bounce from one polarizing opinion to another. After watching 10 mind- Last issue, we discussed how tragically common DWIs are over Thanksgiving weekend. Unfortunately, that trend does not slow down over the rest of the holiday season, making it more important than ever to drive defensively at night. We at this firm are deeply familiar with the life-altering impacts of intoxicated drivers, and we want to share our advice on what you can do to cut down on this dangerous seasonal trend. Keep Track of That Eggnog We can all take at least one drunk driver off the road by holding ourselves accountable. At holiday gatherings, it’s all too easy for “just one drink” to become several. It’s perfectly fine to celebrate this time of year as long as you’ve made precautions not to get behind the wheel. Between designated drivers, ride-share apps, and couches to sleep on, you always have a choice when it comes to drinking and driving. Report Suspected Drunk Drivers While braving holiday traffic, you can help protect your fellow commuters by reporting those you suspect to be driving under the influence. If you spot a car that is driving in an abnormally sluggish or erratic manner,


pull over and call the police. Be sure to note the car’s make and model, as well as distinguishing characteristics like its color and license plate number. Do not attempt to get the driver to pull over yourself; you’ll only expose yourself and other drivers to an even higher risk of accident. Leave this to the professionals. Seek Compensation After a Crash If you are blindsided by an intoxicated driver, you need to think about the future. Painful injuries, medical bills, missed days from work, and losing time with your family members over the holiday season will probably all be on your mind. Pursuing a personal injury claim against the intoxicated driver can get you the financial compensation to aid with these personal struggles, but it can also serve a wider purpose. Holding the other driver accountable in a court of law is something you can do to help ensure that driver never makes the same mistake again. A trusted team of personal injury lawyers, like our attorneys at the Medlin Law Firm, can guide you through this process. | Pg. 2


Avoid Hurting Your Own Case

If the police pull you over or show up on your doorstep, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. However, it’s important to remain calm in these instances, as your interactions with law enforcement can have a deep impact on your future. In our firm’s long history of criminal defense, we’ve seen a few simple mistakes made by people during their arrests that irrevocably harmed their cases. Here’s what you need to avoid. Self Incrimination This is a mistake some individuals make before they are even placed under arrest. Dealing with police can be intimidating, and it’s tempting to take the blame for a situation regardless of your actual guilt. However, these words spoken in the heat of the moment can and will be used as evidence against you in the court of law and are difficult for even the most experienced lawyers to dismiss. Answering Questions Sometimes officers can lead you to incriminate yourself without you knowing it. After being pulled over, you might be asked, “Howmany drinks have you had tonight?” Notice that they never ask for the time frame of when you had your drinks. Answering these and other cleverlyworded questions is an easyway to stack the deck against you in court. It’s best to exercise your Fifth Amendment rights until you speak to your legal representative.

Believing Law Enforcement A common myth in popular culture is that police officers have to remain truthful at all times. This is false. In fact, investigators will frequently misrepresent the truth to the accused in order to draw out incriminating evidence or even a confession. A common tactic we’ve seen is officers informing the accused that they already have all the evidence they need for a conviction and that they may as well come out and admit they’re guilty. These shady tactics aim to take advantage of individuals who don’t know their constitutional rights. Do not fall for them. If you or a loved one reaches out to us after an arrest, we will do everything in our power to help. Our firm has a combined 56 years of experience in criminal cases, and we will be your dedicated advocates. But the first step in securing your future starts with you. Avoiding these pitfalls with law enforcement is something you can personally do to aid your case.

Holiday Roast PRIME RIB

Brain Buster


1 bone-in prime rib (6–7 pounds)

8 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

2 cups red wine

4 cups beef stock

Inspired by Food Network

1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped

Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste


1. 30 minutes before cooking, remove roast from fridge and let sit until it reaches room temperature. 2. Heat oven to 350 F. 3. Make small slits in prime rib and stuff with slices of garlic. Liberally season with salt and pepper. 4. Place a rack inside a roasting pan and roast prime rib for 2 hours, until medium-rare. 5. To make au jus, place roasting pan with drippings from roast over 2 burners on high. Add wine and scrape pan as liquid reduces. Add beef stock and cook until reduced by half. Finally, sprinkle in thyme. 6. Slice roast and serve topped with au jus. | Pg. 3

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1300 South University Drive Suite 318 Fort Worth, TX 76107





Christmases Past and Future

2. True Crime Makes for Gripping TV

Keep Roads Safe ThisWinter

3. 3 Common Pitfalls During an Arrest

Holiday Roast Prime Rib

4. Everything You’ll Need for an Ugly Sweater Christmas

UGLY SWEATER PARTIES A Fun Trend You Can Easily Follow!

It’s speculated that the first ugly sweater party took place in Vancouver, Canada, back in 2001. Since then, the trend has become one of the most popular holiday party themes. Come Thanksgiving, you’ll start to see racks in all types of clothing stores lined with hideous sweaters. If you’re ready to jump on the ugly- sweater-party bandwagon this Christmas season, here a few things to keep in mind. Your Very Own Ugly Sweater Ugly sweaters come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. You can head to H&M or a local thrift store to pick one up. However, if you have a sweater that’s been cozied up for years in the back of your closet or a drawer, now’s your chance to give it new life. Arm yourself with a hot glue gun, thread, and needle, and patch Santa, Rudolph, or Frosty on it. And let it be known that an ugly sweater isn’t complete without sparkles, beads, and sequins galore. What Exactly Is an Ugly Sweater Party? It’s rather simple — slip on your favorite Christmas sweater, gather all your friends and family members, make sure there are plenty of refreshments and games, and you’re guaranteed to have a top- tier party. A few ugly-sweater-themed games that should be on the agenda include an ugly gift exchange, which is similar to the white elephant exchange, except with the gaudiest gifts you can

find; an ugly photo booth, complete with terrible, tacky props; and, of course, an ugly sweater contest.

This is the only time of year when slipping into a lurid red sweater with a stuffed Santa sewn on the front is considered trendy. So adorn yourself in the frumpiest, tackiest sweater you can find, and have some fun this December! | Pg. 4