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Medlin Law Firm - January 2021

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adults. So, Elvis’ movies would always draw huge crowds of young people without fail, whether they were great or terrible.

It was extremely profitable for Hal B. Wallis, Elvis’ producer. He’d use these profits to fund his more prestigious movies, one of which won an Academy Award for best-adapted screenplay. Wallis learned that if he cheapened the costs of Elvis movies, he’d be able to afford bigger films designed for critical acclaim. This led to a steady decline in the quality of Elvis’ movies and soundtrack albums.

January isn’t just the turn of a fresh page or the start of a new year. Jan. 8 is the birthday of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. Many people of my generation are extremely big fans of Elvis, owning dozens of records and making pilgrimages to his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. I’m an Elvis fan, too. However, I became a fan of his movies before his music. When the musical film “Viva Las Vegas” came out in 1964, I saw it with all my friends. It was one of the coolest movies of the year. As an adolescent, that’s how I got to know Elvis’ adventurous, energetic, fun, suave, and youthful persona. I was lucky in some ways to see his full dance moves on the big screen. There was a time when TV networks would only show Elvis from the waist up because his signature hip shimmies were considered too scandalous. (Times have really changed, haven’t they?) However, while the movie might not have been considered high art by critics, the on-screen chemistry between Presley and Ann- Margret was so strong that — out of 31 Elvis movies — “Viva Las Vegas” is still considered one of his best. Later, I realized that he could’ve had a much longer acting career. Elvis was 34 years old when he made his last movie. Burt Lancaster was 33 when he made his first! It wasn’t that Elvis was getting older that made him stop, and it certainly wasn’t the fact that his movies were growing unprofitable. It was because Elvis felt like his movies were being used. There’s a good reason why Elvis was popular among teenagers and youths. Today, it’s totally normal to hear music made for teenagers (sometimes by teenagers!), but that wasn’t always the case. Before he came around, most music was being made for

Ultimately, Elvis wasn’t comfortable with his movies being used like this, so he stopped his film career altogether.

Despite his popularity with teenagers, young people today might not realize how deeply modern music culture is influenced by Elvis. I didn’t even realize it until later in life. I grew up mainly listening to the Beatles who, of course, loved Elvis. In fact, because of Elvis’ powerful effect on youth and the emotional liberation that he represented, the King of Rock and Roll inspired John Lennon to get into music himself. “When I first heard ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ … my whole life changed from then on. I was just completely shaken by it,” Lennon said. Reportedly, he dyed his hair black and dressed like the star in his early days. Elvis even gave the Beatles a model of achievement to aim toward and, in some ways, surpass. Many artists today embrace a close connection with their young fans like Elvis did. But without Elvis, who knows what the music scene would look like today. I hope you take the time to play a few of his tunes this month to celebrate, maybe even “Jailhouse Rock,” my personal favorite.

– Gary L. Medlin, Esq. | Pg. 1

How to Find Your Flow in 2021

Is Deep Focus the Secret to Success?

Have you ever started working on an important project and looked up at the clock after what felt like minutes only to find that hours had passed? If you have, you’ve probably experienced “flow state,” aka the Holy Grail of concentration and achievement. What is a flow state? Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes a flow state as a “focus that, once it becomes intense, leads to a sense of ecstasy, a sense of clarity: you know exactly what you want to do from one moment to the other; you get immediate feedback.” That sounds complex, but you can also think of flow as being “in the zone.” And it might be the key to achieving your New Year’s goals. That’s because a flow state almost always coincides with tackling a difficult task, and when you’re in a flow state, even the most challenging things feel relatively easy. Why are high achievers obsessed with flow? Flow state doesn’t only happen for people with desk jobs. You can get it while running, playing chess, dancing, or climbing a mountain, and it’s considered the Holy Grail because it has a host of benefits. According to the meditation app Headspace, those

perks include heightened focus (goodbye, distractions!), a sense of clarity, feelings of happiness and pleasure, and the impression that all obstacles ahead of you have disappeared. That makes accomplishing your goals feel like less of a struggle. It’s no wonder high-achieving hobbyists, workers, and creatives crave the feeling! How can you get in a flow? Usually, a flow state isn’t planned — it just happens. In a BBC article, author Steven Kotler describes flow as “a happy accident.” But he also notes that we can make ourselves “more accident-prone.” To set yourself up for a flow state, find a quiet place to work and choose an activity that’s difficult but meaningful for you. Ideally, it should be something you’ve already put work into perfecting. If you’ve never tried painting before, you probably won’t find flow on your first attempt, but an experienced painter could achieve it while mastering a new technique. Some people claim that being in a flow state is a form of meditation and that learning how to meditate can help you reach it. To that end, apps like Headspace and Evenflow (for iPhones only) are great places to start! Before you know it, you’ll be finding the flow like a pro.


By now, we’ve all realized a common truth: Social media isn’t harmless. However, it’s changed more than just the way we interact with our friends — it’s also affected how criminals interact with us. Now, there are many more threats to be cautious of. At Medlin Law Firm, we’ve noticed four social media crimes that you should be aware of at all times.

be punished as real fraud, as well, depending on the actions the account holder takes.

No. 3: Buying Illegal Things

It should go without saying that buying a new toaster over Facebook Marketplace is perfectly legal, but contacting a drug dealer or buying any other regulated, controlled, or banned products is illegal.

No. 1: Online Threats, Stalking, and Cyberbullying

These are the most commonly reported online crimes, and unfortunately, they often go unpunished or aren’t taken seriously enough. Victims don’t always know when they can call the police, and that’s completely understandable. If you feel threatened by a statement online or aren’t sure if a direct threat is credible, it’s a good idea to consider calling the police.

No. 4: Vacation Robberies

These days, people don’t stalk neighborhood gossip or drive up to empty homes to decide when to rob them. They check social media to see whether or not the resident is on vacation. It’s a highly effective way of telling how far away they are and possibly when they’ll be back. Don’t leave yourself unprotected. Making your social media accounts private can keep your personal information to yourself and only your friends or family. It can help discourage you from ever becoming a victim of these social media crimes!

No. 2: Hacking and Fraud

Logging into your friend’s social media account and posting something embarrassing might be a forgivable prank between friends, but it can also be a serious crime. Creating fake accounts or impersonation accounts can | Pg. 2

bought, and it’s so satisfying to watch it come together. Not to mention it’s a great skill to have! With so many types of bread to try, you’re not going to run out of ideas any time soon. Collecting Cards No matter what people were into during the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, there was a trading card game for it. And even going into 2021, that tradition has been kept alive. When many people were stuck at home last year, they rediscovered their card collections and remembered how much fun they were. As a result, card sales went through the roof, and online card communities lit up with activity from all over the world. Restoring Cars Car restoration is a hobby that lets you get your hands dirty, and it’s one that you can do with your kids or grandkids. It can be not only educational for them but also fun! Together, you can track down parts, talk to folks who are also interested in restoration, and learn about the history of your car. Though car restoration can be a bit costly and time consuming, it’s certainly a journey worth taking. Embroidering Embroidery has taken off because it’s both inexpensive and fairly easy to get into. Plus, many people have fallen in love with its meditative quality. One of the great things about embroidery is that you can use it to make amazing personalized gifts, like pillows, wall hangings, and kitchen towels!


January is National Hobby Month — and for good reason! As people set goals for 2021, they’re also thinking about trying new hobbies. But with so many out there, picking just one can be a hobby in itself. Thanks in part to COVID-19, many people have rediscovered old-school hobbies. Some of these have been around for decades or even longer, and others have established communities that can rely on one another for support, sharing information, and more. Here are four great examples. 4 Old-School Hobbies Making a Major Comeback

Making Bread Over the last year, interest in this ancient hobby has skyrocketed. Homemade bread is tastier and more nutritious than store-

Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole



8 chicken thighs or drumsticks, lightly salted

2 garlic cloves, sliced

• • • • • • •

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp all-purpose flour 1 onion, finely sliced

• • •

14 oz chicken stock 1 sprig rosemary

2 celery sticks, thickly sliced

Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped

2 carrots, thickly sliced 1 leek, thickly sliced

1 lb potatoes, peeled and cut in large chunks


4. Transfer vegetables to the slow cooker and add the stock, rosemary, and lemon zest. 5. Cook on high for 2.5–3 hours or until chicken is tender. 6. Check seasoning and add lemon juice to taste. Top with parsley before serving.

1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and fry salted chicken on high until brown. 2. Transfer chicken to the slow cooker. Add flour and stir. 3. In the frying pan on high heat, fry the onion, celery, carrots, leeks, and potatoes until lightly browned. Add garlic and fry for 30 seconds. | Pg. 3

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. The Real ReasonWhy Elvis Stopped Making Movies

2. How to Find Your Flow in 2021

BeWary: 4Ways Social Media Is Used for Crime

3. These Old-School Hobbies Are Making a Huge Comeback

Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole

4. The First Dog toWin a Nobel Peace Prize

THE FIRST DOG TOWIN A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE Foxtrot’s Heroics With the World Food Programme

Just this past October, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to what can only be described as one the world’s goodest boys — a dog named Foxtrot, known also to his Instagram followers (of which there are nearly 7,000) as humanitarian_pup.

flatten hillsides to make room for shelters for Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar.

Foxtrot himself became part of the effort to combat world hunger during aWFP beach cleanup in his home country. Workers found him as a 4-week-old pup, and after failing to locate his owners, took him in as one of their own. For the past two years, Foxtrot has helped however he can to further theWFP’s efforts to end hunger in Bangladesh. This usually includes accompanying his humans while they work, wearing an adorable custom-made WFP cape, and taking to Instagram to raise awareness about how anyone can join in the WFP’s mission. After learning that he and his humans had won the Nobel Peace Prize, Foxtrot didn’t waste the opportunity to share his excitement with his followers. “Woweee,” the pup said. “I … think it would be even more amazing if we didn’t need any peace prizes because peace was the status quo in our world.” If Foxtrot and his humans keep up the good work that won them the Nobel Peace Prize, it seems like that status quo could be within reach.

While Foxtrot wasn’t responsible for improvements to auction theory (like

Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, who won the Nobel Prize for economics) or for a standout career in writing poetry (like Louise Glück, who won the Nobel Prize for literature), this incredible canine shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the World Food Programme (WFP) for their work in combating world hunger. As the organization’s official mascot, Foxtrot shared in the win with the thousands of other WFP workers worldwide. Foxtrot lives in Bangladesh (one of the most densely populated countries in the world) at a WFP outpost that works to supply one of the world’s largest refugee camps. According to an NPR article that spotlighted Foxtrot and the efforts made by his WFP humans, they worked not only to get food to refugees but also to | Pg. 4