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4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Medlin Law Firm - July 2022

2 tsp salt • 1 tbsp pepper Directions 1. In a 4-quart slow cooker, add the roast and 1 cup of water.

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Medlin Law Firm - April 2022 | Pg. 1 Fact or Fiction: Can Eating Food Before Bed Cause Nightmares? As a kid, y

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Medlin Law Firm - August 2022

4 tsp pepper • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 3 tomatoes, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp fres

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18, find us in Suite 318 of the same building. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. What I’mThankful For 2. A

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Medlin Law Firm - May 2022

The Medl in News

MAY 2022

HAPPYMOTHER’S DAY! To My Wife and Mother

May 8 is Mother’s Day! I was very fortunate to have had such an amazing mother. She helped me become the man I am today and has inspired me to always chase my dreams. I’m also fortunate to have such an amazing wife who is an extraordinarymother to our daughter. I want to take the time to shout out the women who have done so much for me and my family. My mother passed away in 2011, but I keep her alive with my memories and the love that I will always have for her. I have so many memories with my mom, but I think my favorite is how she spoiled me. She cooked my breakfast every morning when I was in school. While many kids my age were getting out the box of cereal and milk, mymom cooked me bacon, eggs, and toast — she even made my lunch. I would eat my favorite sandwiches, chips, and fruit instead of cafeteria food. Besides spoiling me and my siblings, my mother taught me many things. She provided me with guidance on how I should treat others. I remember her telling me that two wrongs never make a right. When tempted to have revenge on someone who’s wronged me, she taught me that it’s not always best. She reminded

me that if I don’t have anything nice to say, then I shouldn’t say anything at all. My mom taught me how to be a good man, and for that, I’m very grateful. I learned the importance of bookkeeping from her. This skill has helped with my everyday life — it helps me take care of my home and helps with budgeting. I also learned how to help around the house, but I think my wife may disagree. When thinking of my mom, I see my biggest supporter and cheerleader. She would always take me to after-school activities and wait for me until they ended. My mom stayed very supportive in anything I set my mind to and always helped whenever she could. The first words that come to mind when I think of her are love and compassion. I also see these characteristics in my wife. Our daughter is one lucky girl to have a mother like mywife. She inspires me every day to be a better man. My wife takes great care of our daughter and our home — and I think my daughter got her healthy eating habits from her mother. Mywife has always encouraged our daughter to try different things, which is why our daughter prefers fruits and vegetables over candy and

desserts. My wife is also very supportive of my firm. She works here part time, and is invested in helping me ensure my clients get the best care they deserve. I’m a very lucky man to have had such an amazing mother and a beautiful and hardworkingwife. Thank you for everything you both have done for me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of your love and support.

Happy Mother’s Day!

– Gary L. Medlin, Esq. | Pg. 1

What Are Cravings? How Do I Stop Them? How Playing the Long Game Helps Overcome Cravings

Cravings — they can feel like a comforting friend or a gut-punching enemy, depending onwhat you’re craving. An estimated 90% of people experience cravings, and, believe it or not, not all cravings are bad. Leaning into our healthy cravings can help establish a healthy diet. Don’t worry, we’re thinking the same thing: “If that’s the case, why do we crave sugary snacks and fatty foods the most?!” It’s complicated, but understanding your brain is a great place to start. What are cravings, really? Decades of research have proven that cravings start in our brain, not our body. This might be shocking for some, since it was commonly believed for a long time that if you were craving a steak, you were probably low in iron.

That means when we’re unhappy, stressed, or needing a pick-me-up, we might start craving foods that comfort us, such as ice cream.

How do I stop craving unhealthy things? One thing is for sure: Restrictive diets don’t always work. It’s hard to “rewire” the brain by completely rejecting how it currently operates. Instead, you might want to consider accepting your cravings, but make slow and deliberate changes to how you satisfy those cravings. For example, if you’re craving potato chips, why not try kale chips or another crunchy but healthier alternative that you already enjoy? If you’re craving soda, why not crush some fresh fruit into sparkling water instead? Make it a treat, make it special, but make it healthier. Eating more filling, nutrient-dense food and getting more sleep are also great ways to fight cravings. It leaves little time or room for binging on bad foods. However, a 6-month 2018 study in the National Institutes of Health has shown that flexibility in your diet can make a difference for making real, meaningful changes to your lifestyle long term.

However, the brain connection makes way more sense. Think about it: Does your body love circulating excess sugar that can lead to health complications, or does your brain enjoy sugar more? After all, sugar releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine, which our brains love. A chocolate milkshake or lemon bar helps us feel good by literally triggering our brain’s pleasure centers.

By overcoming shame and accepting your cravings, you won’t fear making a single mistake as much. It’s all about playing the long game.

What’s the Difference Between Simple and Aggravated Assault? AND WHAT ARE THE PENALTIES?

Texas has severe offenses for first-time assault charges. These offenses can vary depending on the nature of the assault and your background. First, let’s look at the different types of assault charges and how assaults are sentenced. Types of Assault There are two types of assault charges in Texas — simple and aggravated assault. A simple assault is when someone is threatened, but no lasting physical harm is done. A simple assault can be harassment, minor bodily injury, or a threat to harm. In Texas, many assault cases do not require an act of violence to be categorized as an assault. An aggravated assault occurred when someone received severe injuries caused by another party. A serious injury consists

of loss or impairment of a body organ, function, or system. Injuries can also include dismemberment, disfigurement, or death. In addition, aggravated assault can be conducted with a deadly weapon or your hands. What is the Sentence for Assault? If you were to threaten someone with physical harm or cause harm that doesn’t have lasting injuries, you would be charged with a Class C Misdemeanor . If you caused bodily harm, you would be charged with a Class AMisdemeanor . These charges can be up to second-degree felonies if you threaten or cause harm to a family member and if you have prior offenses, or if aggravating factors are present. This sentence is up to 20 years in prison, with a maximum fine of $10,000.

If you committed an aggravated assault, it’s classified as a first-degree felony if you assaulted a police officer, security guard, public official, emergencyworker, or witness. This sentence could lead to life in prison. There are some things a defense attorney can do to help defend your case. They can see if you were protecting yourself, others, or your property. If you or a loved one has found themselves with an assault charge, allowMedlin Law Firm to assist you. We will be happy to look at your case and see if we can do anything to help you. | Pg. 2


May 27 is National Road Trip Day! Traveling to newplaces is always fun, but deciding what to pack can be difficult. Some of us are over-packers, while others are under-packers. Both instances can be stressful, but with these tips, you’ll be packing like a pro and ready to hit the road. Create a packing list. Write down everything you need for your trip. You can add your toiletries, hair and skin products, clothes, shoes, electronics, and anything else you think you may need. Bymaking a list, you will be able to see everything you need, and if there are

save room in your suitcase. Oftentimes, you can find yourself leaving with more items than you brought. By planning your outfits, you’ll save room for any souvenirs you bring back. Invest in packing cubes. If you still find yourself with an overflowing suitcase, you may want to try packing cubes. You can get a pack of different size cubes for all of your items. You can pack your clothes in one cube, and it will save you room in your suitcase. It will also make it easier to rearrange things because all of your clothes will be in one compact bag. Another great thing about these cubes is that

some things you can go without. Then, while you’re packing, you can check off each itemyou packed to ensure that you won’t forget anything. Plan your outfits in advance. Check the weather where you’re going, and lay out what you want to wear each day. This will help you not under-pack or over-pack. You will need to consider how long you will be gone, what activities you will be doing, and if you’ll need to bring extra clothes in case something gets messy or torn. It’s best to pack things you can mix and match to

you can reduce the risk of any liquids spilling on your clothes. Since there are cubes for clothes and toiletries, you won’t have to worry about any stains or liquids ruining your clothes. Taking a road trip is always exciting, but packing isn’t. With these tips, you will be packing like a pro in no time. By using these suggestions, you can spend more time looking forward to your adventures, rather than worrying about what to bring. Safe travels!

Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata

Impress Mom with this delicious breakfast recipe!



Nonstick cooking spray 1/4 cup sweet potato, diced 1/4 cup yellow pepper, diced 1/4 cup broccoli, chopped

1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet with nonstick cooking spray. 2. In the skillet, cook sweet potatoes, yellow pepper, and broccoli over medium heat until soft. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into skillet with vegetables. Don’t stir but instead use a spatula to lift the edges of the egg mixture until it is evenly distributed. 5. Transfer mixture to oven. Bake for 5 minutes or until the dish sets. 6. Top with avocado and tomatoes. Drizzle Sriracha on top (if desired).

• •

8 eggs

Basil, thyme, salt, and pepper, to taste 1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced Cherry tomatoes, halved Sriracha hot sauce (optional)

Puzzle Time

Inspired by | Pg. 3

1300 South University Drive Suite 318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 682-499-9222


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INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. TheseWomen Inspire Me Every Day

2. Cravings —And HowTo Stop Them

Texas Has Serious Offenses for Assault Charges


Are You an Over-Packer or Under‑Packer?

Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata

4. Strengthen Your Entire Body!

PADDLE YOURWAY TO BETTERHEALTH Big Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking

The weather is getting warmer, which means you can do more activities in the water. Canoeing or kayaking is an excellent way to get outdoors and be active. Besides looking at the beautiful scenery around you, taking to the water confers several physical and mental health benefits. Paddling can help improve your upper-body strength and muscle tone — because you’re using your arms to guide yourself through the water with the paddle. Paddling helps strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Physical Benefits •

While trying to stay centered and balanced on the water, you will developmore core strength . Paddling helps work your lower back, abs, and oblique muscles. It’s a form of cardiac exercise that will help your heart circulate more blood throughout your body. It will also improve your endurance , enabling you to go longer distances faster. While canoeing or kayaking, your body releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins from neurotransmitters. This will help boost your mood and self-confidence and improve your focus . These activities can enhance your memory and learning ability . This is

because it exercises your hippocampus, one of the largest portions of your brain that is responsible for verbal memory and learning. If you have trouble sleeping, this activity can improve your sleep . Exercising during the day can make you naturally tired, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Since you’ll be in the sun, your body can produce more vitamin D . This vitamin is essential for strong bones and an effective immune system.

Mental Benefits •

Canoeing and kayaking are great outdoor activities to help you get your daily dose of physical activity and a mental health boost. So, enjoy the warm weather and be one with nature — this may be your new favorite summer hobby this year!

You use your legs to balance, maneuver, and change directions in the vessel. In turn, this movement helps strengthen your lower-body muscles . | Pg. 4