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Michael Garron Medical Team

Michael Garron Medical Team GrowingWE VillagesHealthExpertise and Capacity Through Medical Trips

Table of contents

3. WEVillagesDevelopment Model 5. ProgramObjectivesandOutcomes

7. Safety&Security 9. KenyaItinerary


WE Villages Development Model

Medical TripsProgram

Formorethantwodecades,WEVillageshasbeenengineeringaninternationaldevelopment model to end poverty. It’s not a handout or a single solution, but a combination of key interventions thatempoweracommunity tohelp themselves. Our coremission is empowerment. WEVillages enables people to create positive change in developing countries, where our local staff work with rural villages and regional governments tosupport, educateand empowerpeoplewithinour fivePillarsof Impact. Through the Health Pillar of Impact, wedeliver affordable, accessibleand effective health care.WehavemadesignificantstridesinaddressingthelackofhealthcareservicesinKenya through the construction of BarakaHospital and Kishon Health Center. These two health facilities offer preventative and curative health care, transforming health careaccessibility for our partner communitieswitheffective, high-quality services.

Inrecentyears,thegovernmentofKenyahasworkedtograduallyimprovetheoverallhealth of its people and the conditions of daily life. However, for many regions the provision of health services remains aspecificchallenge. WECharity operates in rural Kenya,where80 percentof theKenyanpopulation resides. In theseareas, there isseverelylimitedaccessto healthservices,underscoringthecriticalneed forWECharityhealthcenters,whicharevital to improving healthcareaccessibility. Since its inception in 2012,our medical trips programhascreatedadynamicengagement opportunityformedicalpractitionerstojoinusinKenyaandworkalongsideourWEVillages health care team. Participants on these medical trips play a significant role in assessing, diagnosing and treating large numbers of patients, and working with local medical staff to help build capacity and skills. The medical trips program delivers a meaningful and engaging experiencetomembersof themedical communityand leavesalastinglegacyof connectionand healing.

Theseimportant tripsareinstrumental, not only fromacapacity-building perspective, but alsofor creatingunique training opportunities for our in-country staff,engaging unique expertiseand providingworld-classhealthcarethatwouldotherwisenot be available. The program isimplemented through:

These are our five Pillars of Impact that lead our WEVillage communities to true independence: Education Water Health Food

ME to WE


Implementation partner

Charity partner

Medical tripsprogramming is implemented throughME to WETrips—immersivevolunteer experienceswheremedical professionalsareguidedwithcare fromstartto finish.

WEVillagescommunitiesbenefit directly frommedical trips programming—through these volunteer tripsand general health caredevelopment funding.



Program Objectives and Outcomes

The Need for Improved HealthCare

High ratesof extremepovertymakehealthcareinaccessibleto hundreds of thousands of people in Kenya. Without this much-needed access, poor health often goes untreated, risking the stability of the entire household, and resulting in the loss of work, wages and productivity, further contributing to the cycleof poverty. In the country, there are only 20 physiciansfor every100,000membersof the population. Medical tripshavebeen transformative for qualifiedmedicalprofessionals, asit’saunique opportunity toservethecommunitiesweworkwith.Tripsarealsoincredibledevelopment and learning opportunities for our health teamson the ground.

Themedical tripsprogram inKenyaiscenteredon four main objectives:

Supportmedical infrastructure in communities around theworld

Healthcare capacity-building of local physicians

Screening, diagnosisand treatmentof local communities

“Thisexperiencerenewedinme themotivationthat initiallyledme toacareerinmedicine. I enjoyed absolutelyeveryaspectof mytime in BarakaandBogani, and inKenyain general. Ifeltaprofound connection withthepatientsand sensedtheir gratitudeconstantly.”

Physician engagement


—ShellyRivas 2016participant

Our medical trips programming has inspired hundreds of dermatology professionals and has provided services to thousands of patients in our WE Villages partner communities. Impactstodate include:

Patientsserved throughscreening andtreatment

Localstudents screenedover thecourseof the program



Medical volunteer trips from2012to2018

Practitioners havevolunteered their time




Safety and Security

MG Medical Team in Kenya

Participantsof theMichael GarronMedical Teamwill spend their timeat BarakaHospital. Owned and operated by WE Charity, Baraka serves approximately 50,000 immediate community members and provides critically important outpatient services to the most vulnerablesegmentsof theKenyan population.


Since 2002, over 42,000 adults and youth have traveled safely on ME to WE Trips to destinations around the world. Safety and security is a top priority, and ME to WE has proactivesafetymeasuresand protocols in place, including: • Agroup facilitatorguiding traveland activitiesfor allmedical tripsparticipants from themoment theyarriveatthedestination airport • ME toWEhostswhoareapart of askilledfacilitationteam,comprisedof both inter- national and localstaff trained in riskmitigation • Support networksin the international diplomatic community • Adherence to strict safety requirements that have been tested and approved by government dignitaries, distinguished guests and celebrities, such as HRH Prince Edward, Sir RichardBransonand Sheryl Sandberg, Chief OperatingOfficer, Facebook, amongmanyothers Based in the beautiful Maasai Mara, participants have the opportunity to experience ME toWEprogramming to seehowour full WEVillagesmodel comes together to provide not onlyhealthcare,but accesstoeducation,cleanwater,foodsecurityand incomegenerating opportunities to lift communitiesout of poverty. In the backdrop of this life-changing work isBogani Cottages and TentedCamp, offering authentic African décor and comfort in the heart of the Maasai Mara. Traditional safari tents feature stone flooring and fully paneled windows and doors. All accommodations offer daily laundry service, toiletries, hot showers and running water, as well as 24-hour electricity. WHEREYOUSTAY

Preventative servicescould include:

Curativeserviceswill include:

• Maternal services • Childwelfareclinic • Educationand counselingsessions

• Surgeriesperformed in surgicalwing • Antenatal and postnatal care

Medical providers will spend their time diagnosing and treating patients withmajority of time spent performing surgeries. With a five month long pre-trip consultation list of patients ready for the team, the goal will be to treat the most severe cases that do not receive treatment intheMara.

Inaddition todailyclinicalpractice,the itinerary includes:

• Nightly regroupdiscussionsonprogressandadaptationstoschedule • Downtimeforrecoveryandthechancetohavearefreshingbeverageintheevening • Optionalhikesandactivitieswheredeemedappropriate


Kenya In-Country Experience

Day Four: Tuesday Volunteer atBaraka Beginyourweekof volunteeringwithour localhealth careteam.Youwillworktodiagnoseand treat patientsassurgeryopens. Medical Outreach Helpscreenstudentsandcommunitymembers inWE Villagesprimary schools. Day Five: Wednesday Volunteer atBaraka Spend thedayperformingsurgeries, treatingdifficult casesand teachingcliniciansbysimply doing. CaseStudy Review Spend theeveningbackatBogani reviewingyour cases

Day One: Saturday DepartNorthAmericaonyour international flight to Nairobi.

Day Two: Sunday Eveningarrival inNairobi

Youwill be welcomed by your in-country facilitator and transferred to Four Points Sheraton. Rest for the night tostartyour ME toWEadventure thenext day!

Day Three: Monday Afterbreakfast,flyfromWilson Airport near Nairobi to theMaasai Mara. Look for theherdsof localwildlifeas youflyovertheMaraanddescendinto theGreat Rift Valley. Welcome&Orientation Settleintoyour bespokelodgings,whereyou canmakeyourselfathomebeforelunch.Therest

of theday.Sharestrategiesand learnings withyour newcolleaguesandprepare for the followingday. Day Six: Thursday Volunteer atBaraka

ofthedaywillbespentmeetingthestaffat Baraka,touringthefacilities,andreviewingthe consultationlistsforyourfirstdayinclinic tomorrow.

Continueperformingsurgeries, treatingdifficult cases and teachingclinician.More formal recommendations andeducational sessionswithBarakaStaffwill occur in theafternoon. EducationSessionwithBaraka Staff Afantasticlearningopportunity for thestaffandpracti- tionersof Baraka! CaseStudy Review Spend theeveningbackatBogani reviewingyour cases

WelcomeDinner Relaxin theatmosphereof theMaraasyouenjoyyour first dinner atBogani. Sharestorieswithfellowtravelers andget toknowour teamatBarakabeforeyour first activedayatthe hospital.

of theday.Sharestrategiesand learnings withyour newcolleaguesandprepare for the followingday.


Kenya In-Country Experience

TripCosts for Medical Providers:

Day Seven: Friday Volunteer atBaraka

Spend thedayperformingsurgeries, treatingdifficult casesand teachingcliniciansbysimply doing.Say kwaheri (goodbye) to thecommunityandBaraka staffas youfinishup your tasksandseetheprogress youhave madethroughout the week.

$2,000 USDPP International Flight EconomyClass

$500 USDPP Bogani Tent Single Supplement

$5,300 USDPP ProgramFeeat

Bogani TentedCamp (doubleoccupancy)

Spend theeveningbackatBogani reviewingyour cases of thedayandallthatyourteamhasaccomplished.

Celebratemakingahugeimpactinthelivesofothers withaNyamaChomaDinner– Kenya’sbarbeque.

Program Exclusions • Singlesupplement atBogani Tents • KenyaEntryVisa(completedonlinein advanceoruponarrivalinNairobi) • Travelinsurance • Extensionsposttrip

Program Inclusions • International flights fromToronto to Nairobi Economyclass • ME toWEprofessional facilitator(s) • Domestictransportation throughout the durationof the trip • AccommodationinNairobi andatBogani Cottages&TentedCamp (5 nights) • AllmealsanddrinksatBogani, including purifiedwater,sodas,beerand wine • Allactivitiesasoutlined in theitinerary • Entrancefeestosightsin Nairobi • KenyaBoardregistration fee • Scrubsanddoctor’scoatperperson

Day Eight: Saturday Depart Bogani and flybacktoNairobi, landingatWilson Airport. After lunch, visit GiraffeandElephant sanctuariesbefore youare transferredandcheckedintoaday roomat the Four Points Sheraton until your international flight home.

…Orask usabout howtoextendyour trip by going on safari!

*please note that this itinerary is subject to change.

Day Nine: Sunday ContinueonyoursafariextensionorarrivehomeinNorthAmerica.

Call yourdedicatedME toWEagent todaytocompleteyour application! [email protected] | 1.416.964.8942 ext. 1179


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