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OSR: Helping Arthritis Pain Ne w s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Orthope

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Mid-Michigan: Arthritis Pain

The Newsletter About Your Health & Caring For Your Body YOUR NEXT STEP TO TREAT ARTHRITIS PAIN

Do you suffer from back, knee or hip pain? It is possible you may have osteoarthritis in those joints. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common condition of the joints,affectingapproximately27millionAmericans. WithOA, there isabreakdown in thecartilagecovering the ends of bones. As the cartilage wears away, the bones become exposed and rub against each other. The deterioration of cartilage also affects the shape and makeup of the joint so that it no longer functions smoothly. The ligaments and tendons around the joint become stiff and the muscles that support the joint become weak. This leads to even more painful rubbingofthe jointsurfaces.Therearemanystudiesand patientsuccessstoriespromoting theeffectivenessof physicaltherapyforosteoarthritis.Ourexperttherapists at Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists are trained specifically in treating patients suffering from osteoarthritis and work to obtain optimal results. Study Shows How to Relieve OA Pain Inamedicalstudy,83patientswithosteoarthritiswere assigned to receive either hands-on physical therapy (treatment group) or a pill that actually did nothing to help theirpainwithout themknowing (placebogroup). Tests were done to measure how well the people were doing 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 year later. The results werevery impressivewith thepatientswhohadhands- on physical therapy combined with gentle, specific exercises. They showed significant improvements in their pain, mobility and function. By8weeks,patientswereabletowalkfurtherandfaster withmuch less,orcompletelyresolvedpain.Their joint stiffness, aches and mobility had improved by 55% as compared to the group who had no treatment. At one year, patients in the treatment group still were doing great in terms of less pain and more mobility. Other benefits included less need for surgery with only 5% of patients in the treatment group having undergone surgery as compared to 20% with the placebo group. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, our physical therapy treatments relieve your pain. Isn’t it time you didsomethingaboutyourpainandmovement?Callus todayatMid-MichiganPhysicalTherapySpecialists to learnmoreaboutourARTHRITISPROGRAMsowecan make a positive difference in your life.

Inside This Newsletter

• Your Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

• Patient Spotlight • Family Milestones • Referral Club • Healthy Recipe

Our goal is to serve you with such a great experience that you: Thank the person who sent you here AND Refer people that you care about to us


Mid-Michigan is excited to announce another source to connect with our patients. We invite you to view and like our page on Facebook and be entered in a monthly drawing for a $25 giftcard! We’d love to hear how physical therapy has impacted your life and how we can help even more!

Annalsof InternalMedicine:February1,2000vol.132no.3173-181.GailD. Deyle,MPT;NancyE.Henderson,PhD,MPT;RobertL.Matekel,MPT;Michael G.Ryder,MPT;MatthewB.Garber,MPT;andStephenC.Allison,PhD,MPT,ECS


This summer John’s Dad will celebrate his 90th Birthday while his parents will be celebrating their 60th ( Diamond) Anniversary! John’s Dad was born in Dublin, Ireland July 1st 1927 and joined the British Air Force in 1945 and was part of the peacekeeping efforts in Egypt following World War 11. Returning home, he married John’s Mum in 1957 and after working for the same company for over 30 years he had the opportunity to retire at the age of 58. Today, John’s parents live an active life and reside in a quaint seaside town, south of Dublin called Greystones which bustles with activity during the summer months, as it’s a common day excursion for Dubliners. As for the celebrating these events, John & Glenda will be heading back to Ireland with family to be part of their celebration this summer, while John will hope to post some photos on Facebook, so make sure to like our page!

After Therapy, Laughter Is The Best Medicine!

Coconut Gluten & Sugar Free Cake INGREDIENTS A gorilla walks in to a bar and orders a martini. Amazed, the bartender mixes up the martini and when he walks back to the Gorilla, the Gorilla is holding a $20 bill. Now the bartender is at a loss for words. He can’t believe a gorilla just walked into his bar, ordered a martini and actually had a $20 bill to pay for it! As he heads back to the register to make change, he think to himself, “Let me try something here and see if the Gorilla notices anything” He walks back to the Gorilla and just gives him a dollar in change. The Gorilla doesn’t say and just sips on his martini. After a few minutes, the bartender feels compelled to talk to the Gorilla and says, “You know, we don’t get too many Gorillas in here.” And the Gorilla says “At $19 a drink, I’m not surprised”! (LOL)

• 1/2 cup canned coconut milk • 1 Tablespoon vanilla • 1 teaspoon gelatin

• 1/2 cup melted unsalted butter • 2 1/4 cup blanched almond flour • 1/2 cup coconut flour • 3/4 cup stevia blend • 4 teaspoons baking powder • 1 teaspoon sea salt • 6 eggs

Filling: • 1/2 cup sour cream & 1/2 cup Greek yogurt • 1/4 cup coconut milk • 1/2 cup unsweetened, dried coconut

DIRECTIONS Prepare 2-8 inch cake pans. Trace a circle of parchment using the bottom of the pan, cut it out, and place it in the pan. Lightly spray around inside of pan with coconut oil cooking spray, or grease it with your finger tips. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176 degrees Celsius). In a glass measuring cup or pan, heat butter in microwave or over stove top until melted. Set aside. To bowl of food processor, add dry ingredients (almond flour, coconut flour, sweetener, baking powder, sea salt) and pulse for 1 minute, or until ingredients start to clump together. Separate egg whites into a clean bowl while

adding the yolks to the food processor. Set aside whites. Pulse in melted butter, coconut milk, and vanilla in food processor until batter is uniform with no streaks of flour, scraping down sides once. Usingamixer,beateggwhitesuntilsoftpeaks form.Addbatter from foodprocessor to egg whites. Beat together just until white streaks are gone. Scrape batter into prepared pans and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a toothpick tester comes out clean. If making cupcakes, bake 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick poked into the top of cupcake comes out clean. When pans are cool enough to handle, run a knife around the edges of cakes and invert them onto cooling racks. Cool for 1 hour before frosting and serving.

PEOPLE’S CHOICE WINNERS Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists

Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists Physical Therapists Are TheMechanics Of Your Body!

People’s Choice Winner

Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before They Get Worse!

You Help Us, Help Others!

We want to thank those who refer their friends and family. This is the greatest referral because it means you trust us enough to take care of those important to you. As our token of appreciation we want to thank you with a $10 Target gift card and Membership in our Referral Club. We Want to Thank You For Helping Us To Serve The Community! Join Our Referral Club Today! Thank you so much to these people who referred a friend or family member during the month of April: Referral Club Members


Caroline Shrier Sharon & Eric Smith Joann Bozman Jennifer Taylor Wilbur Livingston Sue Dolato

Jincy Hobbs Kathy Trader Jordan Coy

April Hargraves Paul Konczal Max Gao Michele Tonti


Jeanne Clum Clarice Brown Tammie McDonald

William Call John Krese


shoulder level and of course concerned about the impact this would have on his golf, as well as his inability to sleep and if he would require surgery? Anyhow with our ‘hands on approach’ coupled with an specific exercise program, Frank made steady progress, his pain resolved, his motion improved and he started to use his arm normally again and now has a Green Light to start hitting those fairways! When asked about his therapy, Frank simply says “I won’t go anywhere else for my therapyand I telleveryone togoMidMichigan PT.” Thanks Frank!

Frank Woody FrankWoodyhasbeena long timeresidentofour community and there’s every chance a number of you know him! Upbeat, friendly, enthusiastic, never short of a word and LOVES golf! We first worked with Frank when his low back threatened his golf game a few years ago. He promptly responded to the therapy provided and he got to enjoy a pain free golf swing all season! This winter however, he was troubled with right shoulderpainanddifficulty raisinghisarmabove

6 Tips To Help Your Arthritis Pain This Summer

When it comes to treating arthritis, you may have more options than you realize. There is a lot you can do to reduce your aches and pains from arthritis, while gaining more mobility and function. People often experience pain from arthritis because of stiff joints, musclesandother tissues. Inaddition,musclesbecomeweak, therefore not supporting the arthritic joints. Our customized physical therapy treatmentspromotemusclestrength, improve rangeofmotion, increase mobility and ease pain. In addition, coupling your treatments with the following can also help you live life to the fullest and get you back to doing the things you love: 1. Education and self-management When your treatment is over, our experts will have equipped you with the knowledge and exercises you need to continue your progress on your own. 2. Weight loss Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. 3. Footwear and insoles If arthritis affects your knee, special footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking. 4. Knee braces For osteoarthritis with associated knee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling.

5. Heat and cold Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases arthritis pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two. Learn more about what can work best for you by talking to our Walker Physical Therapy specialists. 6. Exercise Exercise has been proven to help reduce arthritis pain while increasing strength and function. Knowing the right kind of exercises to do is the key. Talking with our physical therapists will point you in the right direction. There is a lot that you can do to relieve the pain from arthritis and protect your joints for the long-term. Find out more about our ARTHRITIS PROGRAM by calling us today and discover how to relieve and reduce the pain of arthritis.


5 Keys to Preventing Shin Splints: • Wednesday, August 16th 6.30pm (The Running Lab) If you have any of these conditions, please make sure to call us (517-545-3200) to register to attend! We believe that the information presented will be of great value to you! Please note, seating is limited, so please call today to reserve your seat!

Hi Valued Client,

The goal of these seminars is to provide a greater degree of understanding regarding the topics listed and the potential role of Physical Therapy, while they are FREE and all members of our community are welcome to attend! Lower Back Pain & Sciatica: • Thursday, June 8th 7-8pm (Brighton Clinic) • Saturday, June 10th 10-11am (Howell Clinic) Successful Strategies to Prevent or Eliminate Foot Pain & Plantar Fasciitis: • Wednesday, June 14th 6.30pm (The Running Lab) Iliotibial Band Syndrome & Knee Pain: • Wednesday, July 19th 6.30pm (The Running Lab)

CO-OWNERS Glenda Maines, PT, DPT, MEd, OCS John Dean, PT, DPT, MHS, OCS, SCS


Call 517-545-3200 Today To Schedule Your Consultation!

If you answered YES to one of more of these questions, don’t ignore your problem and don’t mask your problem by taking medication. Instead, take action today and avail of our FREE OFFER! *Note, this offer is limited to the first 10 callers! (Offer Expires 7/17/17) This coupon can be given to a friend or family member to use! • Do you suffer from foot pain when you first get of bed, or when you stand up after sitting for a long time? • Do your feet hurt after standing for an extended period of time? • Does your foot pain get worse as the day progresses? • Does climbing stairs hurt?