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MIYC August September 2020

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MIYC Calendar August 2022

Martini Mayhem e d Thursday Canasta Friday Saturday Tuesday Water Aerobics Tues.Thurs.Sat.10:30am Ev

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M3PT - August/September 2020

WEST HILLS · 747.888.3562 | 3 Published by The Newsletter Pro • 10474 SANTA

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MIYC October 2020

Executive Chef ! 26 Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19 MIYC h

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MIYC November 2020

2 dinners (on board). The balance of dinners will be on-shore, at crew expense. ◦ Crew will be respo

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MIYC February 2020


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MIYC May 2020

Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Jeff Comeaux Vicki Bretthauer Michelle Hennessy Jim Marr Linda M

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MIYC March 2020


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MIYC December 2020

benefit ratio for us oldsters, it will help us get back to our new normal. ! 34 Autopay is Fast, Eas

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MIYC April 2020

Catering - ext. 304 Pamela Dorr [email protected] Membership - ext. 303 Cynthia Hult

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MIYC January 2020


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MIYC August September 2020

Marco Island Yacht Club Anchor Lines

August/September 2020

Volume 20:8 & 9

God Bless America! The Club celebrated Independence Day with a great Barbecue and Buffet. Members and guests were seated inside and out to the Pointe at a careful distance. Staff served the food at intervals. There was a wide variety of foods to satisfy any palate. All items were served in a creative fashion, thanks to Chef Bob and his Staff.

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At the Club! Despite the pandemic and the impending hurricane, the show went on. In fact, it was the most surprising and entertaining Karaoke event ever. Every single Member made their way to the stage and grabbed a mic. I guess you can say it was contagious. Angela and Jon started the night with a rendition of "That's Amore " with the crowd joining in. Then, a surprise performance by Tom Wentworth with his Sinatra sounding vocal of "Come Fly With Me" with the words changed to a MIYC theme. By now, we were off and running. The girls did a medley of "Fun Fun Fun till Her Daddy Takes Her T Bird Away"; "Run Around Sue "and "I will Survive". But, they were quickly responded to with the boys version of "To All the Girls I Loved Before." Jim Rich and Tom Wentworth gave us a sultry version of "Cry Me A River". And, Tom paired with Angela for "Baby It's Cold Outside". Even Chef Bob left the kitchen for the stage and sang two songs. The Members had a blast, the Staff were applauding and everyone agreed that it was a perfect way to recapture a moment of real fun.

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Can you believe that 2020 is more than half over? What a relief. We started our yachting year with a bang, then the virus shut everything down. Eventually the Club reopened at 50%, taking temps at the door, wearing masks and practicing social distancing. And now, along comes Hurricane Season - Yikes. Are we ready for 2021 to come – YES indeed! But first comes Fall Fun. Your Bridge and the Boating Committee continue to stay positive and met (virtually) on August 4 th . The Cruising Schedule has had a few minor tweaks, but the current planned themes will remain in place (check it out on our club website). The November Cruise to Sarasota is in its final stages, and Jim Rich, our Cruise Captain, is making the final restaurant arrangements. We are hoping by October to again start up Boaters Nights, Day Cruises and the fall Sunset Cruise schedule. Then there are the Holiday Parties and the Marco Street and Boat Parades.

OK, now I need for everyone to keep their fingers crossed, say your prayers and hope for a g r ea t Fa l l Season . Please continue to wash your hands and, when out in public, wear a mask and remember social distancing. Hope to see you on the water soon - Ray Rosenberg Commodore FCYC Director, MIYC

Ray Rosenberg Commodore

FCYC MEETING SCHEDULE CLUB DATE Coral Ridge Yacht Club September 11-13, 2020 Sarasota Yacht Club November 13-15, 2020 Key Biscayne Yacht Club January 8-10, 2021 The Florida Yacht Club March 12-14, 2021 Venice Yacht Club May 14-16, 2021 TBA July 9-11, 2021 Bird Key Yacht Club September 10-13, 2021 TBA November, 2021 Smyrna Yacht Club January, 2022 Marco Island Yacht Club May 13-15, 2022

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Chairman’s Report

Dear Members,

‘new look’ for our upstairs areas! As you know, each November we ask the Membership to vote for Member s s t and i ng f or election to the Board as well as to consider changes to t h e B y l a w s . T h e N o m i n a t i n g a n d Governance Committee is gearing up to make sure the

It’s the middle of July, and what a summer it has been! Lots of activities and challenges continue to make life interesting here on Marco Island and at the Club! Of course, we have all been watching news relating to the coronavirus pandemic here in Florida and elsewhere. Here on Marco, it does appear that locals are generally following social distancing and mask protocols. We do, however, still see tourists and younger persons in grocery stores and other establishments that seem to have fewer worries about catching the COVID virus. At the Club we continue to maintain the 50% seating capacity approach we have been using since June. We have spread out the tables and reduced the number of persons who can sit at a table. We are fortunate to be able to use both inside and outside seating to accommodate our membership. We did celebrate our nation’s birthday July 3rd. We hosted about 75 members and guests…about half were inside and half were outside. Our Staff was diligent in helping to maintain social distancing. Chef served up a summer barbeque menu delivered to guests at their tables. Meanwhile, we completed the 8-week period associated with our Paycheck Protection Program Loan . At the conclusion of the program, we qualified for forgiveness for more than 90% of the loan. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of funds associated with the loan was paid out to our employees. The portion of the loan not forgiven will be returned to the government (as soon as they complete the forms for returning the funds!!!) Thank you to Bob DeFeo, Gerry Gorman and Bruce Kraemer for guiding us through the process! Looking forward, we have a few events remaining during the summer , including Trivia and Karaoke. The Member Events Committee has worked hard to modify our normal approach to events to assure we continue to maintain a safe environment! Pam Dorr, our Dining Manager, is starting to get a few inquiries for weddings and other events, and the Staff continues to work on cleaning and disinfecting the Clubhouse frequently. I think the Club continues to be one of the safest places on the island! We are also planning for our Summer Shutdown , which will run from August 30 th thru September 15 th . Staff will be performing a number of routine maintenance and deep cleaning activities. And we will be painting the Harbor Room. When the Club reopens on the 16 th , there will definitely be a

Dave Everitt Chairman

process runs smoothly again this year. In November we will be electing voting members to two open Board positions and c o n f i r m i n g t h e B r i d g e ’ s nomination of an incoming Rear Commodore. The November Membership Meeting is also an opportunity to review the Bylaws and to submit recommendations for changes or updates to the membership. The Nominating and Governance Committee will be reviewing the Bylaws for possible updates and recommending any changes to the Board of Directors. You may submit any changes to the Bylaws you would like to recommend to Board S e c r e t a r y V i c k i B r e t t h a u e r a t [email protected]. Please submit your recommendations by August 17 th . The current Bylaws are posted on the website. Finally let me thank you, the Members of the Club, for your support and engagement as we have worked hard to manage our way through unusual circumstances this year. I do miss Happy Hour and the camaraderie that is present on Friday evenings. I do miss seeing the Club filled for special events. And I especially miss seeing friends enjoying each other’s company at the Club. I am confident we are taking every opportunity we can to keep our Club a safe venue for our Members. I am also confident we will see a more normal Club atmosphere in the not too distant future. And, I look forward to seeing you again at the Club! Dave Everitt Chairman, Board of Directors Marco Island Yacht Club

Marco Island Yacht Club

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A Boat Story Pictured here are Linda And Alan Sandlins’ two boats. “Wing Song”, a Grand Banks, and “Camelot”, an MJM. The yellow burgees on the bows signify the AGLCA (Americas’ Great Loop Cruisers’ Association) Wing Song is shown on the loop at Collins Inlet off Georgian Bay on the Canadian side, after the Sandlins completed the Trent Severn Waterway from Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay. They were in their 30’s when they completed the loop from May - Oct, 1986. Camelot is shown on Marco Island. In the photo on the left, Rear Commodore Tom Wentworth presents the AGLCA burgee to the Sandlins.

AutoPay is the Easiest Way! Download the enrollment form and sign up now! Questions? Ask Joan Gorman at: [email protected] MIYC Brunch on the Gulf 10am - 1pm Join us at the MIYC for Sunday Brunch each week ~ Reservations - 239-394-0199 - Club Dress

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Marco Island Yacht Club

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MIYC Membership

As I sit here in Illinois I long for the Club! I just saw the eblast about the FISH STORIES TONIGHT SHOW…oh, I so want to be there! So, your FY2021 Dues were billed to your account. They are payable by September 30 th . You can pay part of it each month or pay off the total amount on our website with a draw from your bank account or with your credit card.

I’d like to welcome Karen and Kenneth Bostrom (see photo) to our Club as Full Members. They live in the next town over from us here in Illinois so I hope to get to meet them while we are all still up here in Illinois! Also, Ginny and Bob Colangelo who have been using their Board Offer from the Club have decided to re-join the Club as Full Members. They’ve had a lot of fun with all of us this past year as we have with them!

Congratulations to Lori and Tom Wagor who are our newest Equity members upgrading on June 22, 2020! (If you are interested, remember an Equity Share is currently $9,000 going up to $12,000 on November 1, 2020. IT IS A GREAT DEAL so email me if you have any questions!) Member Recruiting Member is still in place so be sure to recommend friends to join our Club. You and your friends will receive $100 gift certificates if your recommended members join the Club and pay joining fees! Also, feel free to recommend our Summer Social Membership to your friends. FYI, joining fees are increasing by $1,000 in all categories so new members joining before September 30, 2020 receive NO SUMMER DUES and SAVE $1,000 off of joining fees!

See you all in the Fall! Vicki Brettheuer

Boaters’ Tax Dollars at Work The Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund returns tax money for boating infrastructure improvements that benefit boaters and anglers. A longtime champion of the Fund, BoatUS is working to ensure it continues. Nobody likes taxes and fees, partly because it often feels like your money is going to things you don't know or care about. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew your money was going to something you really wanted, like say, boating and fishing improvements? Good news! When you buy certain marine gear and gasoline, you'll be happy to learn that a portion of the taxes on these products go into the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, and get spent on real improvements for boaters and anglers. How much? How does $1.10 billion a year sound? That's the amount that the fund, combined with state fees and licenses, generates every year.

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Dinner and Summer Trivia were held in the Harbour Room on Thursday, July 23, 2020, with 27 people in attendance. Guests drew table numbers as they entered the Harbour Room and then went to their table to order drinks. Spouses did not sit together which made for a great mixer. Dinner was served while we played Trivia. Chef Bob prepared a set meal that included Watermelon/Tomato Salad with Goat Cheese; Pork Tenderloin; Sweet Potato/Carrot Mash and French Beans; Dessert was Pineapple Pina Colada Cake. There were three Trivia rounds, each with 15 questions from a variety of categories (history, geography, sports, music, etc.) Round 1 - Antibodies Round 2 – Boat Drinkers

Round 3 – Six Masketeers

Grand Prize - Antibodies

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MIYC Member Events By Angela Holt

The MIYC events are back-in-action. Being mindful of the Covid 19 recommendations, we practiced social distancing and held a successful Independence Day event on July 3. Dining was held in the Harbour Room and on the Pointe. There was even a little dancing outdoors to the tunes of Nevada Smith. Lobster Fest was just as much fun outdoors under the fans with a few tables under air. Our Trivia night brought out a big bunch of competitors vying to win the gold medal. There were three sets of winners representing each round and then the grand prize team. If you haven't come out for Trivia, join us the next time around. It's a great team effort. Ellie and Dave Everitt are the team leaders with help from Deb DeVries. Thanks to the three of them for a stimulating evening. MA Harlacker will host a movie and a discussion group on July 30. Roman Polanski's 'Death and the Maiden ' will be the subject of discussion. What a great way to spend an afternoon. August 1 is our Karaoke Dance party. It's always a blast with Janice Diaz who will keep you dancing and urge you on to sing as a group if singing alone is not your specialty. Look for the pictures of your fellow Members in this issue. The last event of the season is "Hot Time, Summer in the City" with fan favorite Omar Baker. This is sure to be a block- buster as we dance away

summer 2020. The Club will c l o s e f o r t wo we e k s immed i ate l y af ter th i s event. But things will start hopping in October with a piano bar evening, an Oktoberfest celebration and the Welcome Back S i g n a t u r e E v e n t o n November 7. 'Cheers to 20 Years' is the theme in recognition of the Club's Twenty Year Birthday. We will make it

Angela Holt Member Events

a special event you won't want to miss. So, plan to be back on the island that first week of November. From there on, we have scheduled a Country Western Jam Session, dances, luncheons, fashion show, theme parties, a comedian and magician. Look for the eblasts announcing the events and keep your calendar handy. We want to see your smiling faces as we all muddle through the summer and fall of 2020. Angela Holt Chair, Member Events Committee Marco Island Yacht Club 908-303-2139

MIYC on Facebook Don't forget to 'like' our page on Facebook at yachtingmarco to see what's happening at MIYC. (You do not need to join Facebook to like our page.) If you are a member of Facebook, feel free to "Check-in" when you're attending events and to share our posts with your friends! You can also “tag” the Club when you post events you attend.

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Marco Island Yacht Club 2020-21 Season He l l o Summe r ! Note that we have added many events for the Summer!!!

• 1 st Aug Karaoke Dance Party • 5 th Aug Fish Stories (Member Dinner) • 15 th Aug Cooking w/Chef Bob • 29 th Aug Beach Party w/Omar • 30 th Aug through 15 th Sept - Club Closed for Sprucing up!

• 11 th - 13 th Sep FCYC Coral Ridge YC • 16 th Sept CLUB Re-Opens • 18 th White Out Happy Hour “Wear your Whites to our Clean Club!”

OTHER WEEKLY EVENTS • Ladies’ Bridge on Wednesdays • Canasta on Thursdays • Thirsty Thursdays with free bottle of wine with two entrees

• 4 th Boater’s Night • 5 th Twilight Golf • 6 th Evening Colors – Wear your patriotic clothing in honor of Veteran’s Day • 7 th Welcome Back Party! Cheers to 20 Years! • 9 th Day Cruise Everglades City Marina • 11 th Couple’s Bridge • 13 th -15 th FCYC Sarasota YC • 12 th -16 th Ext Cruise-Marina Jack, Sarasota YC, Venice YC • 15 th Grande Brunch • 17 th Annual Meeting & Dinner • 18 th Sunset Cruise • 19 th Fishing Club • 21 st C&W Jam Session Benefiting Toys for Tots • 26 th Thanksgiving Dinner • 28 th Family Holiday Picnic • 30 th Deck the Halls

• Thursday PRIME RIB • Happy Hour Fridays

• 2 nd Boater’s Night • 3 rd Twilight Golf • 4 th Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest • 5 th Member Holiday Party & Toys for Tots • 9 th Couple’s Bridge • 11 th Evening Colors & Ship’s Store Fashion Show • 12 th Marco Island Street Parade

• 1 st Day Cruise Hamilton Harbor • 7 th Boater’s Night • 8 th Twilight Golf • 9 th Oktoberfest HH & entrees (Oktoberfest entrees throughout the weekend) • 14 th Couple’s Bridge • 15 th Fishing Club • 16 th Evening Colors • 21 st Wine & Dine • 24 th Piano Bar Sing-a-long with Mike Nardi • 28 th Sunset Cruise • 28 th - Nov 1 st Ft Lauderdale Boat Show

• 13 th Grande Brunch • 16 th Sunset Cruise • 17 th Fishing Club

• 19 th Christmas Boat Parade • 19 th Staycation Dock Party • 24 th Christmas Eve Dinner • 31 st New Year’s Eve Dinner • 31 st New Year’s Eve Party

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Getting to Know You ò Our Wonderful Staff Carlota Sanchez - Our Accountant

Our Accountant Carlotta Sanchez was born and raised in Ibarra, Ecuador, north of the Capital city of Quito. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Science as well as a Certificate in Sales and Human Resources. Florida is where she calls home now with her husband Ben Sanchez. They have two children – Jhair, age 27, who lives in Naples, and Camila, age 23, also in Naples,

Prior to working at the MI Yacht Club, Carlotta was the Administrative Assistant, and the Assistant to the Dining Room Manager at Bear’s Paw Country Club in Naples. At our Club she has also been employed as our Finance Manager and Systems Administrator. Some of the nicknames that Carlotta has acquired are Pollito (chick), Tita, Jaque, and Mama Bear. She also still speaks her native Spanish. The skills Carlotta brings to the job are attention to detail, her organization, and ability to manage time properly, completing tasks as efficiently as possible. Carlotta describes a typical day this way: “Most of my days are busy, but enjoyable. I come to work and say hello to everybody. After, I will take some time to respond to any emails or phone calls. Then I dive into my tasks for what I have planned to work on for that specific day. Throughout my day I will take time to answer any questions or concerns that the employees and/or members might have.” When not at the Yacht Club, Carlotta likes to go to the gym, and also to watch movies with her family and fur babies. Another favorite is to sit on the balcony of the house with her husband and watch the sunset. After seeing the movie Blended, she would love to visit her dream location of Africa. “I also love to visit my home country and see my family and go to Mexico to see my husband’s hometown and all of the beautiful places.” “And go on a vacation with all of my immediate family to visit my mom.” Her favorite music is Latin music like salsa and Ranchero music (the traditional music of Mexico), as well as reggae, soul, and jazz. Favorite movie – The Heat (Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy). Guilty pleasures? “Desserts, especially chocolate!” And on her Bucket List: • Become a Grandmother and spend time with the grandchildren

• Meet The Rock and John Cena • Buy a really tall monster truck • Go to a UFC Match (to watch) • Travel with the family

Carlotta cares about many issues and causes, including deforestation, the detachment of humans from our core values and humanity, the increase of violence, homeless children, and animal and child abuse. Her personal motto is: “Live my best life without causing harm to others.”

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Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19

MIYC has been supporting the Food Pantry for years with a dropoff basket in our lobby for canned goods and other supplies. The Club is closed now, but with schools and businesses shut down, the need is greater than ever. Below is information about safely dropping off food items at their collection area. Or even simpler, please make a financial donation at the following link: Our Daily Bread Food Pantry Thank you

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Autopay is Fast, Easy, Convenient! Here's How to Enroll!

There's no easier way to handle monthly bills than with Automatic Payment, and we're happy to introduce this time-saving convenience at MIYC! Members can sign up now for Automatic Payment, and have it in effect for their MIYC statements sent in July. When you enroll a U.S. bank account or a credit card in our secure Automatic Payment system, the MIYC statement you receive around the 4th of every month will automatically be paid between the 10 th and the 17 th . Your bank account or credit card information will be encrypted and stored in a secure system so there is no need for you to enter any >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51

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