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MIYC March Calendar 2022 A A Cl os ed March 2022 Sunday Monday Cl ub a la carte Brunch 10am - 1pm Ma

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MIYC March 2019

Executive Chef Please donùt forget to wear your name tag when you visit the Club. We have many new M

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MIYC June:July 2018

2019 at 8:00 P.M. The group goes to dinner prior to the performances. Dinner is optional and is orga

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MIYC February 2018

floro to a lure, hook, etc.) The 3 rd Thursday of each month will be our set time for Fishing Club m

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MIYC November 2018

or general sustainability of the Marco Island Yacht Club. Donations can be made by check, credit car

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MIYC April 2018

Exterior SST & Alum. Metal Fab. Dockside services Innovation in Marine Fabrication Creating more liv

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MIYC October Calendar 2018

MIYC October Calendar 2018 October 2018 Marco Island Yacht Club Reservations - 394-0199 Sunday Monda

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MIYC December 2018

Click to connect To view after signing in, first click on Member Central then on MIYC Fleet List on

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MIYC August:September 2018

resort to the following restaurants: CJ’s Marco Prime Snook Inn Speakeasy DaVinci’s Fin Bistro LaTav

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MIYC March 2018 copy

Marco Island Yacht Club Anchor Lines

March 2018 Volume 18:3

MIYC Presentation & Blessing of the Fleet

By Roy Hershberger February 17, 2018 was another beautiful day for the Marco Island Yacht Club’s annual Blessing of the Fleet. The sky was a perfectly clear blue sky and the winds less than 5 knots, although the boats did have to contend with a tidal current, which was at maximum flood, and the shallow water by the Clubhouse and Jolley Bridge. Prior to the ceremony getting underway, the Marco Island Fire Boat, the “J.W. Adams”, directed everyone’s attention to the water with

a barrage of water from their fire hoses. Commodore Bob Winterhalter then got the proceedings underway by introducing Past Commodores M.A. Harlacker, Frank Rinker, Jim Marr and Dick Irwin on shore plus Lois Dixon on board “Tri-Power” and Bob DeFeo on board “Sea Esta”. He also introduced the 2018 Bridge Members Chip Pittman, Kathy Hershberger, Geoff Walker, Ray Rosenberg, and Alan Sandlin on shore plus Jeff Comeaux on “Lady B” and Pete Frazier on “Grand Pelican”. (See page 2)

Marco Island Yacht Club


As the boats introduced themselves, their crews returned the salute and music for the Captain’s military affiliation was played. The colorful proceedings were witnessed by 50 persons on shore. The Marco Island Police Boats followed the last vessel in, and then a delicious and plentiful Saturday afternoon brunch was served up by Chef Bob and his Staff. One hundred and thirty people enjoyed the meal and friendship on the Club’s upper deck overlooking the water, listening to the music provided by Steve Reynolds, on what could not have been a more perfect day.

Presentation & Blessing of the Fleet After the Pledge of Allegiance and a very moving rendition of our National Anthem, MIYC Chaplin Alan Sandlin gave an especially appropriate Blessing. A moment of silence to remember those that passed this last year was followed by Taps played on trumpet by Chip Pittman, then the canon was fired to call in the fleet. Twenty-two boats with a total crew of 102, paraded past the MIYC Bridge and Past Commodores, who greeted them in full MIYC uniform with a hand salute.

Marco Island Yacht Club


Marco Island Yacht Club


Marco Island Yacht Club


MIYC Extended Cruise South Seas - Cabbage - Useppa

Relaxing after lunch on Useppa Island


Lunch on Cabbage Key - A Cheeseburger in Paradise

Doc Ford’s - South Seas

The next MIYC Extended Cruise - March 14 - 18, is to the Sarasota, Long Boat Key & Venice areas. Contact Captain Pete Frazier to sign up! [email protected] 906 227 7625

The now famous Crab Races at ‘Tween Waters

Marco Island Yacht Club


Twilight Golf Join our New MIYC Golf Group! Thursday, March 8 th We're eager to have more Club Members participating.

Couples and Singles

• 9 holes at The Links of Naples, 16161 Tamiami Trail E, Naples, FL 34114 • $20 per person • Tee times starting at 3 pm with a Scramble format and two drives per team player Contact Alice Jobe at 239-248-7640 or email her at [email protected] RSVP for Dinner, too Please also let Alice know if you plan to join the group for dinner as well as golf. Happy Golfing!

Marco Island Yacht Club


Save the Date! MIYC Easter Sunday Brunch Sunday, April 1 st - 11 AM - 3 PM Menu

Complimentary Mimosas Smoked Salmon Platters Fresh Fruit Baked Muffins and Artisan Breads Cheese Blintzes Eggs Benedict Maple Smoked Bacon Sausage Links Pancakes French Toast Omelets made to order Chilled Shrimp Oysters on the ½ shell Plus

Carved Leg of Lamb with a Minted Aujus Honey Baked Ham with Cranberry Chutney Prime Rib of Beef with Creamy Horseradish Sauce Baked Salmon and Sole with Bay Scallops and Lobster Dill Sauce Dessert Table Chocolate Ganache Apple Strudel Chocolate covered Strawberries Ice Cream Bar Rum Raisin Bread Pudding $44 ++ The Easter Brunch fills up quickly! Call early for reservations: 239-394-0199

Marco Island Yacht Club


On February 10, we twirled in the courtyard Dancing Under The Stars. Members came to dine, drink and dance or just drink and dance. It was a rousing success on a Saturday night. Nevada Smith provided the music and Alice Jobe taught us a line dance. We are ready now to do the Texas Two Step on March 10 with the Ben Allen Band. Dancing Under the Stars

St. Patrick’s Day at MIYC Friday, March 16 th & 17 th 6 PM On Friday evening, join us for a St. Pat’s Happy Hour.

Wear your Green! Stay for dinner. Irish Fare! On Saturday, join us for music in the Burgee Bar. Irish Fare available all afternoon and evening. Reservations - 239-394-0199

Feel free to contact us by email. We love to hear from you. Exec. Chef and Restaurant Manager - Bob Aylwin ext. 305 [email protected] Dining Manager - ext. 304 Pamela Dorr [email protected] Sales/Catering - ext. 304 Pamela Dorr [email protected] Membership - ext. 303 Cynthia Hultquist [email protected] Finance Manager - ext. 306 Carlota Sanchez [email protected] Contributions to AnchorLines - email [email protected] Reservations - 239-394-0199 ext. 301 [email protected] Dockmaster's Office - 642-2531 [email protected]

Marco Island Yacht Club


Chairman’s Report

Clearly, our improved operations and membership experience are validating individuals’ perception of ‘value’ in Club membership and equity ownership. As we did last year, we are holding an ‘All Members’ meeting in April. We hold a membership meeting in November in which Board members are elected or

The 2018 ‘Season’ has started strong! There are events on the calendar to suit nearly every member’s taste and interest. Special dining events, boating events, and new interest groups are attracting new and existing members…and it is GREAT! Throughout all the activities, the camaraderie and member enjoyment is on full display. There are a couple of items on the event calendar to which I want to call your attention. First is the Equity Member meeting and dinner on March 6th. The second event is the spring Membership Meeting on April 17th. These meetings are a continuation of our effort to improve communication with Club membership. Both of these meetings will provide important information to members, and provide an opportunity for the respective meeting participants to ask questions of the Board of Directors and Bridge members present. The first event, on March 6th is the Equity Members’ meeting and dinner. The meeting will convene at 4 pm, and a special dinner will follow. Be sure to make reservations if you plan to attend! The meeting will focus on information and issues important to our current Equity Membership. Topics will include an update of Club operations, a summary of our financial position through February, and an update on our mortgage refinancing project. We will also discuss the number of equity shares held by current and resigned members, and the current value of Equity Shares established by the Board. On this last point, allow me to pre-empt the meeting information a bit. As you may recall, the Equity Share Value was established at $5,000 as of 1 October 2012. Last year, acknowledging our improved balance sheet, the Board increased the value to $7,500 (as of 1 May 2017). And, we encouraged members interested in equity to purchase before the scheduled value increase. Fifteen members did step up to Equity ownership at that time. This year, the Board has considered our continued financial progress and continued improvements in our balance sheet, and determined the Equity Share value will increase to $9,000 as of 1 May 2018. We will, again, encourage members to purchase equity before the value step up. Co-Membership Chairs Vicki Bretthauer and Kathy Caruso are talking to a number of members who have expressed interest in purchasing equity before the value increase. In addition, we have had a few new members join as Equity Members right out of the gate.

Dave Everitt Chairman

confirmed and year-end financial operational information is conveyed. However, many members are not here at that time. Consequently, we have established this second member meeting at a time when more of our membership is ‘on island’. The April meeting will provide a ‘mid-year’ update on operations and finances with an update on where we expect to end the year. An update of our strategic planning activities will be presented. And, we will give the membership a summary of the refinancing project, and a preview of the 2019 dues and fees structure. One important item to be included will be the opportunity of our voting members (Equity and Full) to approve any proposed bylaws. You may recall we made a major revision to the bylaws last year. As part of that revision, any member reserved the right to change our bylaws for our voting members. This was a change from prior Club operating policy and provides our voting membership to have a direct input and control on the operational bylaws of the Club. We will have one or two small changes recommended by the Board of Directors on the ballot for the April meeting. If, as a voting member of the Club, you have a proposed change to the bylaws, please forward the proposed language and reason for the change to our Club Secretary, Vicki Bretthauer, by 1 March 2018. This will allow the Board to consider the changes and offer it’s input on the changes in conjunction with the April balloting. So, mark your calendars for these two dates. And if you thinking of stepping up to either Equity or Full (voting) membership, you might consider doing so before the meetings to give you full opportunity to participate. See you at the meetings! Dave

Marco Island Yacht Club


We’re Getting a New Roof !

Dear MIYC Members, We will begin replacing the Clubhouse roof in March! Many of you know the Clubhouse incurred substantial roof damage from Hurricane Irma. We have had tarps protecting the most damaged areas since September. Those tarps are rapidly deteriorating, potentially creating more damage should we see rain. The Board established a sub-committee to manage the roof repair project (John Bishop, Jim McKeown, Angela Holt and Chip Pittman). We have hired a contractor, established an implementation plan with the contractor, filed a claim with our insurance carrier, and tentatively selected color combinations for the roof and eventual re-paint of the building that continue the color palette introduced with the Burgee Bar project. Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair Chip Pittman will be managing the day-to-day relationship with the Contractor during the construction. The installation plan is designed to minimize disruption of activities at the Club. The contractor has been very accommodating to work around our operating schedule and still complete the project in a timely fashion. When discussing times to move forward with the project, we evaluated a number of considerations including available work crews, weather conditions (dry v. rainy season) and the condition of the current roof and tarps covering damaged areas. Taking these factors into consideration, we determined to proceed sooner rather than later. The purpose of this communication is to let the membership know the project implementation timing and the impact on access to the Club. The contractors will begin removing the roof on Sunday, March 4 th . From Sunday, March 4 th thru Tuesday March 6th, the contractor will remove the roof material and begin installing the underlayment (roofing felt and waterproof membrane). We will discuss the project and tentative color selections with Equity Members at the Equity Members meeting on 6 March, conveying the final color selection to the contractor only after that discussion. The contractors will return on Sunday 11 March, and finish any additional underlayment areas and begin to install the flat roof and prep-work for the

metal roof. Due to the timing of the color decision, the roof installation could spread over three to four weeks, and therefore be complete by mid-April. The Club will be closed on Sunday March 4 th when the project work begins. The Contractor will have a large crew working on the site in the early stages of the project. Access to the Club will be somewhat curtailed through March while the roof is being removed and replaced. We will continue with regularly scheduled evening events and evening dining hours through this period. During the day, the club will be open during regular hours (other than the 4 th of March), but you may need to navigate through some construction activity to enter the building. If you have questions about any particular day or time you wish to come to the Club, be sure to call to check (239-394-0199)! We will post status updates regularly through the installation project. Key dates are: March 4: Club closed Roof removal begins March 5: Club closed Roof removal and underlayment Installation continues March 6: Club closed until 3:30pm Roof removal Equity Member meeting and dinner: 4pm March 7-10 Normal Club operations March 11-17 Normal Club evening operations March 18 Roof installation continues Normal Club operations (Grande Buffet) March 19 - April 15 Normal Club operations Daytime dining and Burgee Bar available subject to Member safety and project completion Roof installation continues to completion On behalf of the Board of Directors and Bridge, I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to complete this important project. Dave Everitt

Chairman of the Board Marco Island Yacht Club

Marco Island Yacht Club



Also, in March will be Fine Dining, a Signature Event Country Western Dance featuring the Ben Allen Band, Day Cruise to Naples Boathouse, St. Pat’s Day Happy Hour, Boater’s Night, Sunset Cruise and Evening Colors Ceremony. Please visit the MIYC website calendar for all of March’s Functions! Bob Winterhalter Commodore [email protected]

Wow, what a fun filled February at MIYC! Those who attended MIYC’s Blessing of the Fleet were treated to a beautiful, albeit, low tide day! I want to personally thank our “Blessing” Coordination Committee, comprised of Kathy and Roy Hershberger, Jim Marr and Chip Pittman for their tireless efforts and contributions leading up to the ceremony. Also, a special thank you goes to our new Chaplain Alan Sandlin. Please see Roy Hershberger’s report of the “Blessing” in this Anchor Lines issue. Two days after the Blessing we set sail to South Seas Resort on Captiva Island organized by Pete and Peggy Frazier. The Adult (XX) Crab Races at Tween Waters Inn were the highlight of the four days as Sandy Wallen got her revenge on the MC and Dick Pantano manned the buzzer. The next extended Cruise is to Sarasota from March 14-18. There is space for boaters and land cruisers, but you need to contact Peggy ASAP at [email protected]

Bob Winterhalter Commodore

(See the other Bridge Members’ columns later in this newsletter.)

Jim & Mary Carleen Ferry extend a big THANK YOU for the many kind words received during his recent heart issues. Your needs are in our prayers also.

Key Boating Activities at MIYC

Sunset /Moonlight Cruise Wednesday, March 28 Jeff Comeaux [email protected] Day Cruise Monday, March 19 - Naples Boathouse Chip Pittman 239-302-8732 [email protected] Extended Cruises March 14-16 Palm Island & Sarasota Yacht Club Pete Frazier 906-227-7625 [email protected]

Bridge Meeting - first Tuesday of each month Open for anyone to attend Future Bridge Social Events Boaters’ Night Wednesday, March 7 Jim McKeown [email protected] Sailing Events Chip Pittman 239-302-8732 [email protected]

Marco Island Yacht Club



Located across from “Shops of Marco”

jump spa

239.821.9200 118 South Barfield Dr #B Marco Island, FL 34145 [email protected]


THE SHOPS OF MARCO (Publix Center) 119 S. Barfield Dr., Marco Island, FL 34145 MIYC Member 1 st visit 10% Discount


valentine’s Day Wine & Dine

Boatersù Night at MIYC Wednesday, March 7 th Cocktails at 6 - Dinner at 7

Dr. Gregory Cheek, Hunter, Conservationist & Anti-Poaching Activist Hosted By: Jim McKeown—2018 Rear Commodore Reservations - 239-394-0199

Marco Island Yacht Club


Safety & Training

PLEASE JOIN OUR ROUNDTABLE PROGRAMS! We have now completed the first two in our series of four Formal Roundtable Programs. They have been a lot of fun, and wonderfully informative. The remaining mid-day programs (below) are open at no cost to members on Thursdays, March 8 and 22. Program materials are presented by MIYC subject matter experts, and the roundtable format allows for plenty of Q&A. Weather permitting, we will conduct the programs in the Burgee Bar area, followed by lunch. Date Program Subject Program Leader Mar 8 ATONs and Rules of the Road Laurie Harris (10:30 - Noon) Mar 22 Charts Jim Olmes (11:00 - Noon) Please join us to improve your understanding of these key boating subjects. To reserve for the programs, and for lunch if desired, please contact Geoff Walker at (678) 296-5233, or e-mail me at [email protected] . 2018 VESSEL SAFETY INSPECTION DRIVE

Geoff Walker Safety & Training

Last month I announced a club wide Vessel Safety Inspection drive to establish and maintain a responsible safety culture, and to lead by example within our greater boating community. As part of the drive, a goal of 100% Member Vessel Safety Inspections was set for 2018. Unfortunately I have only been able to confirm one inspected vessel from our 60+ vessel fleet, and that vessel is mine. Please consider getting your vessel inspected and counted toward our goal, if you haven’t already done so. Captains may wish to schedule their inspections directly with Power Squadron or USCGAux inspectors (see insert below). I’m also prepared to schedule certified inspectors to inspect member vessels at MIYC slips 71 & 39, on Saturdays, Mar 10 and 24, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. MIYC members with MIMA slips may also schedule with me to have their inspections performed on these dates, within their own slips. If you’re interested in scheduling your vessel inspection on one the four Saturdays above, please contact me to get on the schedule. Once you have passed a safety inspection, or if you have previously passed a safety inspection,

please contact me so I can count you as completed toward our goal. Geoff Walker (678) 296-5233, or at [email protected]

Courtesy vessel inspections are provided by the Power Squadron and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Inspections cover US Coast Guard required safety equipment. Decals awarded for successful inspections. SCHEDULE YOUR INSPECTION NOW Contact Rudy Landwaard of the Power Squadron (239) 389-4444, or John Moyer of the Auxiliary (239) 248-7078, or Al Rapp of the Auxiliary (239) 393-4949

Marco Island Yacht Club


We are pleased to present a expert speaker with vast experience on saving the wildlife of Africa, Dr. Gregory Cheek, Hunter, Conservationist & Anti-Poaching Activist. Greg is a man with many passions. Raised on a New Mexico Reservation, he was an accomplished athlete, especially in boxing and football; he played football at Western Michigan University. He then enrolled at Wayne State University (Detroit) where he earned his doctorate. In mid-life, he developed a love of hunting. As an avid outdoorsman, he has visited all seven continents, hunting in six. For the past 25 years he has become an activist for many conservation, and education entities. Greg is a recipient of numerous awards from well-respected wildlife organizations, His Boater’s Night remarks will focus on anti-poaching efforts in many African nations. I hope that you can join us on this informative evening and enjoy Chef Bob’s themed cuisine for dinner.

Menu Salad Wedge of Iceberg with Gorgonzola Crumbles, Crispy Bacon and Bermuda Onion Relish Entrée Turf & Surf Peach Glazed Short Rib and Jumbo Shrimp Scampi served over Capellini Dessert Butter Pecan Ice cream with Reeses Peanut Butter Chips Make your reservations today. Call 239-394-0199 or reply to this email . Jim McKeown, Rear Commodore

Marco Island Yacht Club


Super Bowl at the MIYC! Super Bowl Sunday was great fun at the MIYC! 70 Diners met in the Burgee Bar where the TVs were available to everyone. There were two Super Bowl Betting Squares for those who felt lucky! Chef Bob and his Staff served an amazing array of food. Revelers rooted for their teams and enjoyed the ads. Geoff Walker was the big winner. The Eagles fans took a bow while our Patriots supporters are gearing up for next year!

Sunset Cruise Wednesday, March 28 th Join your friends for a lovely Sunset Cruise. We will head out to the Gulf and enjoy sunset and then head back to the Club for a wonderful dinner. No boat? No problem. We’ll set you up! Contact Jeff Comeaux to sign up! [email protected]

Marco Island Yacht Club



Bridge - 2018 Commodore - Bob Winterhalter [email protected] Vice Commodore - Jeff Comeaux [email protected] Rear Commodore - Jim McKeown [email protected] Power Fleet Captain - Pete Frazier [email protected] Sail Fleet Captain - Chip Pittman [email protected] Port Captain - Kathy Hershberger [email protected] Safety and Training Officer - Geoff Walker [email protected] Director FCYC - Ray Rosenberg [email protected] Chaplain - Alan Sandlin [email protected] Secretary - Chuck Downton [email protected]

Board - 2018 Chairman – Dave Everitt Vice Chairman – Bob Winterhalter Treasurer - Jim McKeown Secretary - Vicki Bretthauer Directors (term expires): Bob DeFeo (2018) Bill Wallen (2018) Bob Winterhalter (2018) John Bishop (2019) Jeff Comeaux (2019) Dave Everitt (2019) Angela Holt (2020) Tom Krepelka (2020) Jim McKeown (2020)

20 1 8 MIYC Commi t t e e s

Building and Grounds Chip Pittman, Chair Heyward Boyce Frank Conner Dale DeFeo Meredith Downton Jim McKeown John Steeves Bob Winterhalter Marketing/ Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Vicki Bretthauer Angela Holt Jon Holt Jim Marr, Bridge eblasts Linda Marr, Anchor Lines

Mariner Development Jim McKeown, Chair Jeff Comeaux Dale DeFeo Linda Marr Bill Wallen Diana Winterhalter Finance Jeff Comeaux, Chair Bob DeFeo Jim McKeown Tim Sendak Bill Wallen Diana Winterhalter Membership Vicki Bretthauer - Co-Chair Kathy Caruso - Co-Chair David Caruso Carol Comeaux Jeff Comeaux Marcia Conley Bruce Harris Kathy Hershberger Cyndee Kennedy Linda Marr

Operations & HR Robert DeFeo, Chair Bob Aber Don Deganutti M.A. Harlacker Erin Olmes Grace Pantano Diana Winterhalter Member Events Angela Holt, Chair Ellie Everitt M.A. Harlacker Laurie Harris Jon Holt Alice Jobe Mary McKeown Nancy Traiser Dwyn vonBereghy Advisory Vicki Bretthauer Carol Comeaux Linda Marr

Ship’s Store Sandy Wallen, Chair Ellie Everitt- Inventory Chair Mary McKeown & Peggy Sendak - Communications & Staffing Bill Wallen Store volunteers: Shirley Bishop Mimi Connor Kathleen Douglas Meredith Downton Mary Carleen Ferry Dahlia Krepelka Grace Pantano Kimberly Porter Jori Richardson Marsha Riss Marguerite Steeves Nancy Traiser Mary Varisco Cinda Walker Diana Winterhalter

Kevin O’Neill Henry Stanley Marine Facilities Jim Marr, Chair

Marco Island Yacht Club


Day Cruise

Ahoy MIYC Members! The February Day Cruise to the Island Gypsy Café may have set a record for Member participation. We had 57 members and 9 boats! The staff at the Island Gypsy did an outstanding job from start to finish. They assisted our Captains with docking as well as making sure we were comfortable and served with excellent food. It’s not hard to see why this has become one of MIYC favorite Day Cruises - and yes there were dolphins to be seen on the ride back! The next Day Cruise is to the Boathouse on Naples Bay. This is a destination we have not been to as a Day Cruise in some time. The restaurant has undergone some changes and it’s becoming a local favorite. The Boathouse overlooks the waters of historic downtown Naples at the city dock. They have an extensive surf and turf menu with oysters to order. This Day Cruise is scheduled for Monday, March 19th. Look for the E-blast coming out this month with more information. Fair winds and following seas, Sailing Fleet Captain Chip Pittman [email protected]

Chip Pittman Sail Fleet Captain

Marco Island Yacht Club


MIYC Membership

Thank you to all of our Members who helped to entertain former members at our Former Member Reunion on February 3rd. Many former members visited the Club and were amazed with our changes! February was again a grand month for Membership! Please welcome all of our new Members! Jay Hughes and Mary Harris Equity J. Marshall and Judi Hughes Equity Angela and Ivan Cerina Full Keith and Margo Folley Full Joe Whalley and Jan Gaudreau Full Cynthia and Tony Didado Full Kimberly Porter Social to Full Renee and Thomas Facciola Trial to Associate June Elliott 3 Month Trial Michael and Nolah Gertner 3 Month Trial Lee and Petra Williams 3 Month Trial Charles Priestap & Marina O’Leary 3 Month Trial l

We are always looking for our great Members to host the Pineapple Table, our Club Welcoming Table on Friday Nights. Thanks go out to Linda Spell and Ray Rosenberg for reviving our tradition. We now will work with Members to have our new and existing Members sit at this special table each week. Cynthia Hulquist, our Membership Director, will be in touch with many of you to take a turn at hosting the table each Friday Evening. Equity Members, be sure to RSVP for the meeting and dinner on March 6th so that you can hear all the plans for our Club! Sincerely, Kathy Caruso and Vicki Bretthauer Membership Co-Chairmen

A q u a f i t a t M I Y C

Aquafit classes will resume at the MIMA pool October 3 at 10am on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy water aerobics - a low- impact activity that takes the pressure off your bones, joints and muscles. Water also offers natural resistance, which can help strengthen your muscles and you can add resistance devices to burn more calories! Exercising in the pool provides the toning and cardiovascular benefits of exercise on dry land with less strain and stress plus it allows for a greater range of motion helping with flexibility and balance. And most importantly, it is enjoyable, fun! As with any other exercise routine, just be certain you get medical clearance from your health care provider before taking the plunge.

Call coordinator Peggy Frazier with questions ♥ 906 227 7625

Marco Island Yacht Club


We Celebrated Elaine’s Birthday!

To all of my MIYC friends: Thank you, thank you so much for making my birthday and me feel so special and loved. Thank you for the gifts, the cards and the cake. I was overwhelmed and loved everything. But, most of all my friends, I love all of you. Hugs, Elaine Wine & Dine Wednesday, March 21 st 6 PM Watch for Menu eblasts

Paul Soden and his friend Joe came to the Club in their flashy pants!

Reservations - 239-394-0199

Don’t forget to wear your name tag when you visit the Club. We have many new Members and new Staff Members, too.

Marco Island Yacht Club


x Marco Island Yacht Club 2018 Season as of 3-1-18 March

• 6 th Equity Only Mtg & Dinner • 7 th Boater’s Night • 8 th Boating Programs ATONS & Rules of the Road (Water) • 8 th Twilight Golf • 10 th Boat Inspections • 10 th Country Western Night – Ben Allen Band • 14 th -18 th Extended Cruise Sarasota Long Boat Key, Venice area • 16 th St. Pat’s Day Happy Hour; Leprechaun’s March Madness - Games at Burgee • 16 th -18 th FCYC Moorings Yacht & CC • 18 th Full Sunday Brunch • 19 th Day Cruise Naples Boathouse • 21 st Wine and Dine • 22 nd Boating Programs Charts • 23 rd Evening Colors • 23 rd March Madness Happy Hour; Games at Burgee • 24 th Boat Inspections • 28 st Sunset Cruise • 29 th Book Club

• 1 st Easter Brunch • 4 th Boater’s Night • 5 th Scavenger Hunt • 7 th Day Cruise – Hamilton Harbor • 8 th Taste of Marco • 10 th -15 th Extended Cruise-Key West, Islamorada, Marathon • 12 th Twilight Golf • 13 th TAX DAY Happy Hour • 15 th Full Sunday Brunch • 17 th All Member Meeting, Happy Hour, Dancing in the Courtyard • 20 th Evening Colors • 21 st Commanders’ Safety Day • 21 st Wine & Dine–Jackets Required • 25 th Sunset Cruise • 26 th Book Club

• 2 nd Boater’s Night • 5 th Kentucky Derby Party • 8 th Day Cruise – Naples Yacht Club • 10 th Twilight Golf • 13 th Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet • 19 th International Wine & Dine • 23 rd Sunset Cruise • 25 th Evening Colors honoring

• Memorial Day • 31st Book Club

Other Events Planned for the Summer! (Dates are tentative)

• 16 th June Singing Bingo • 21 st July Lobsta-Fest • 11 th August Dog Days Picnic • 1 st Sept Labor Day Weekend Luau • Club Closed for Summer Spruce Up September 2-20 • 21 st Sept Club Re-Opens

Hello Summer!

• 6 th Boater’s Night • Every Friday Happy Hour

• Game Nights • Beach Parties • Yappy Hours • AND MORE TO COME!

Marco Island Yacht Club


Here is the Saturday Burgee Bar Musician Line Up for the Season

MARCH 3/3 – Ron Stanley, "The Music Man" 3/10 – Sonny Kenn 3/17 – TBD

APRIL 4/7 – Nevada Smith 4/14 – Sonny Kenn 4/21 – Trevor Earl 4/28 – Nevada Smith

3/24 – Trevor Earl 3/31 – Ron Stanley

Trevor Earl

Nevada Smith

Sonny Kenn

Ron Stanley

MIYC Fishing Club Report

and amberjack. All members of the Fishing Club will receive more details leading up to the event. At our February 15 lunch meeting, we discussed plans to target specific fish each month. March will focus on offshore species. In April, we’ll target tarpon in the bays, passes and inlets, and snook and redfish in the mangroves. Each month after that, we’ll target specific species both in Southwest Florida and more distant locations including Islamorada (early summer), Stuart (Fall), Key West (Winter) and even Guatemala/Costa Rica (Spring). Our plan is to identify known areas where fishing is typically excellent in a specific area e.g. sailfish in Guatemala. The next Fishing Club meeting will be at 11:30 am on March 15 at the Burgee Bar. If you are a Full or Associate Member and would like to go fishing, please call me at 847-951-3400 or email [email protected]

It was a beautiful day on February 5 as we headed out on our first backwater fishing event, however the very low water conditions created by the super moon were not ideal for us. All three boats caught sea trout with a few in the 15 inch category (decent fish). We shared lots of stories, lots of laughs and had a great time! In early March we’ll have an off shore fishing trip where we hope to catch large red grouper, red snapper

Best regards, Jeff Comeaux Vice Commodore

Marco Island Yacht Club


Weekly MIYC Events The previous page shows all the exciting events coming up at MIYC. Here is a list of events that happen each week!

Happy Hour each Friday Bridge each Wednesday Canasta each Thursday

Prime Rib Night each Thursday

Men’s Golf each Friday Surf’n Turf each Saturday

Burgee Bites Thursday - Saturday afternoons Music and Dining in the Burgee each Saturday afternoon MIYC Fishing Club third Thursday Aquafit at MIMA pool Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - 10am Mark your calendars so you donùt miss out on the fun! Reservations - 239-394-0199

Boaters’ Local Knowledge The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGAux), Flotilla 95, Marco Island announces that the 1,000th attendee of the “Boaters’ Local Knowledge (BLK)”, Nancy Margolis attended the February 12th 2018 class. Margolis was recognized in a brief ceremony and Ms. Margolis was awarded with a $50 Visa gift card by Flotilla Commander John Montville in appreciation for helping the Flotilla attain this milestone.

Marco Island Yacht Club


The Ship’s Store

A BIG SHIP'S STORE THANK YOU TO: DAVE AND ELLIE EVERITT for their donation of a new register system which will greatly help in sales efficiency

and inventory control! Please be advised that this will be a 'learning curve' for all all of us at the Ship's Store. CHIP PITTMAN for his creative light installation of the Ship's Store jewelry cases! You can now see our wonderful jewelry collections. JUST ARRIVED: SUN MODA women's assortment of 7 colors in tops, a test dress style, and beach cover-ups. New fully handcrafted SISSY FISH PILLOWS a must see CLAY BEADED BRACELETS in an assortment of bead shapes and sizes - only $6 each LOGO CAPS MEN'S SHORT sleeve Oxford shirts and a two-toned bahama cord camp shirt TAYLOR MADE GOLF BALLS Come take advantage of our wonderful LOGO merchandise for yourself, the home and boat. Shop us for hostess and other gifts. We do take special orders. Remember, not only is it convenient but you get a DISCOUNT! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO MIYC! Sandy

Marco Island Yacht Club


MIYC March Birthdays! Lots of February Birthdays! Wish them a Happy one! Mar. 17 Tom Krepelka Mar. 19 Sue Valentine Mar. 22 Kathy Caruso, Dan McElaney, Dave Purcell Mar. 23 Judy Brenna, Alan Richardson Mar. 25 Susan Turner Mar. 26 Charles Gentry, Bruce Harris, John Miniutti Mar. 30 Claire Drosdick, Patricia Terreri, Geoff Walker

Mar. 3 Diane von Gontard Mar. 5 Michael Hannafan Mar. 7 Bill Horton Mar. 8 Eugene Maloney Mar. 9 Alan Sandlin Mar. 10 Mary McKeown Mar. 11 Susan Everett Mar. 15 Rich Granville

A-OK Transportation Complimentary Rides Program From your Marco Island home/resort to the following restaurants: CJ’s Marco Prime Snook Inn Speakeasy DaVinci’s Fin Bistro LaTavala Davide Dolphin Tiki Verdi’s Arturo’s Ohana American Grill The Oyster Society 239-394-1113 Service to airports, cruise ports, local and long distance.

10% Discount to MIYC Members Please show Membership Card Dry Cleaning, Alterations, Shoe Repair

(239) 394-0099


MI YC Thea t e r Gr oup An informal group of MIYC members enjoy an evening of amateur theater by The Naples Players several times a year. The events are held at the Sugden Theater near Trulucks restaurant. The group ranges from four to 16 people, depending on the time of year and who is available to attend. Many in the group have season tickets which can be purchased prior to the season which runs from November – April. The season tickets the group has chosen are for the 4 th Thursday of the run of the play. Season tickets also give you priority to summer shows. Tickets are transferable to another date without penalty should you need to exchange them. Shows start at 7:30pm. The group goes to dinner prior to the show, usually at a different restaurant each time. We meet for dinner at 5:30 to make sure we’re finished in time to get to the theater. Dinner is optional and is organized by Diana Winterhalter (H: 239-289-0825 or C: 614-284-3792). She will advise the name of the restaurant and ask if you plan to attend. Then she will make a reservation for our group. Remaining shows for the 2017-2018 Season are: .......... March 29 The Music Man ............. April 17 Ripcord For more information or to order tickets, contact: The Box Office: The Naples Players Community Theatre 701 – 5 th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 263-7990 Monday-Friday: 10am to 4pm Saturday: 10am to 1pm

Marco Island Yacht Club


MIYC/MIMA Parking Plan Update 2018 The new parking arrangements at the Marco Island Yacht Club and Marina Association have been in place for about 2 months now. For the most part they are working well, but as expected they will be tweaked as needed. Parking in the circle by the Clubhouse has been eliminated; and except for at the beginning, double parking as also been eliminated. Both of these have greatly improved the safety and appearance of the area. The rules have been accepted by most people as a necessary inconvenience (or irritant) and people have adapted. We will begin enforcing compliance with warnings, and increasing fines and penalties. In addition to the basic rule of parking only in your designated area, there are several other rules to keep in mind: ● Only 1 car per family or slip may be parked in the North parking lot. ● A handicap parking permit does not override the designated parking sides for the Marina or Yacht Club. You must park on the proper side. There are additional handicap parking spaces in the South lot and shuttle service can be provided. ● If you are Member of both organizations, you should park on the side for where you are going at that time. Overall, unlike many places on Marco Island, there are a sufficient number of parking spaces. Parking in the South lot is only a 1 minute healthy walk to your destination. On peak days, valet service will continue to be available and we are looking into providing free shuttles operating most of the time. Everyone appreciates your continued compliance and patience with the rules as they continue to be adjusted as needed. We welcome all suggestions to be considered. Please remember the overall purpose of the rules, and that a little consideration goes a long way. Joint Parking Committee

Marco Island Yacht Club


Marco Island Yacht Club Mission Statement Provide an extraordinary Member experience of boating, social events and dining in a warm and beautiful Club setting where fun and friendship flourish.

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The Compass Group at Morgan Stanley Stephen D. Macko, CFP® Senior Portfolio Manager Vice President Financial Advisor David A. Caruso Senior Portfolio Manager First Vice President Financial Advisor Janet Perri Senior Registered Associate Financial Planning Associate Stephen D. Macko, CFP a i . Caruso Ja et Perri Senior Portfoli Man ger i r Portfolio Vice President anager Associate Financial Advisor i t ice resident Financial Plan i g

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© 2017 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.

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WMMktByrnesCompass LocAd


Have you noticed the Burgees hanging in the Burgee Bar? A private burgee, or owner's signal, is a way of expressing your own vision of the pleasure of sailing, and pride in your boat. The tradition of a unique pennant flown from the masthead goes back hundreds of years. The word "burgee" usually refers to a yacht club flag, but modern yachtsmen often use the term for any private flag. You can choose to make your own flag or hire someone to do the sewing. Read more: How to Design Your Own Boat Burgee Flag | http:// If you need help with your Private Burgee, contact: The Burgee Tiles in the Dockside Lounge Voting Members, do you have your personalized burgee displayed in the Dockside Lounge? If you don’t it is not too late to design one! Your Burgee tile is meant to be a replica of your private burgee. ART SELLERS located at 812 E Elkcam Circle 239-389-5269 can make one for you! They are in the same building as the Sand Bar, just at the opposite end. Go visit them to have your burgee created and displayed proudly in your Dockside Lounge! DESCRIPTION: WMMktByrnesCompass LocAd CLIENTNAME: Bymes, Lesley PROJECTMGR.: Byrne,Chris COSTCENTER: F023 DUEDATE: 12/17/17 05:30 PAPER: TBD PRINTING: TBD COLORS: CMYK TMPL: 8653056 PICKUP: MODIFIEDBY CHAR 11-16-17 APPROVAL CREATIVESTUDIO 1585Broadway, 23rd Floor NewYork,NY 10036 750VarickStreet, 3rd Floor NewYork,NY 10014 r2 FILENAME: 9091704Compass r2 LASTMODIFIED: November 16, 2017 3:49PM

Burgees at MIYC

This burgee belongs to Jim and Linda Marr. It means: RSM Bluewater which is the name of their boat.

Marco Island Yacht Club


Ray Rosenberg FCYC Director

Marco Island Yacht Club


Bob Aylwin - Manager/Executive Chef

Ahoy members of MIYC! Our 2018 “season” is in full bloom. February swept in and out much like a summer afternoon rain shower. Our Member participation was fantastic and our outside banquet activity was very robust. I cannot recall this much activity at our Club in any of my past years enjoying your company! It is absolutely wonderful. Pam and I continue to work diligently on our focus as these busy times unfold. It has been very helpful when reservations have been made early. I thank all of you who get us this information as soon as possible. It is such a difference maker when we staff and execute the many different events occurring often simultaneously. Our Culinary Team’s continuing efforts are bringing new and exciting menus to the table each and every week. We want all of our Membership to know that we are more than happy to accommodate

special requests. As is the case with reservations, the sooner you let us know what your special request is, the better we can serve you. Please remember to participate in the monthly su r veys f o r Food and Beverage. Whether it be a c o m p l i m e n t o r j u s t constructive criticism, we need your input!

Bob Aylwin Manager/Executive Chef

Our Clubhouse team plans to “March” into the new month with enthusiasm and diligence. Care to join us? See you at your Club! Chef Bob

Save the Date!! 3 rd Annual MIYC Nautical Scavenger Hunt Thursday, April 5 th Watch for upcoming eblast for details!

Marco Island Yacht Club


The Boating Program is more vibrant than ever at MIYC this year. Our sunset cruise last Wednesday had eight boats participating with more than 70 Members onboard. It was a beautiful night on the Marco River with a glorious sunset. We were happy to have some of our new Full Boating Members, Joe Whalley and Marshall & Jay Hughes, bring their boats to the party, hosting other Members with them. Going out on the water is a great way to meet and to get to know other Members better. We’re stepping up our planning of water activities, and the Boating Committee has started to prepare a two-year schedule of events. Particularly for extended cruises, a longer term plan will help us land better trips, make dockage arrangements etc. We are also participating in a Commanders Group, consisting of leaders of the various boating Vice Commodore

organizations on Marco Island, finding ways to work together for mutual benefit of our organizations. One of our first joint activities will be a “Wear It” event to be held April 21 at MIYC, a safety program promoting the wearing of life vests while on the water. More information to follow.

Jeff Comeaux Vice Commodore

Jeff Comeaux Vice Commodore

Our Daily Bread Food Pantry

239-537-8353 [email protected] Florida is a treasure trove of folklore, legends and lawless tales! Its packed full of forgotten secrets, hard times and tragic tales of SW Florida borders and beyond. Your mystery hostess, Martha Hatta, will take you back in time of the early settlers, famous pirates and treasure hunters, cults, criminals, and of course ghosts! ALL TOURS BEGIN AT 7:00pm (check-in 6:00pm - 6:30pm) Bistro Soleil at the Olde Marco Inn 100 Palm Street - Marco Island, Florida 34145 $40.00+ tax (per person) Includes 2 hour tour and complimentary drink (beer, wine or soda) Tours booking now for December 1 st . February 16 th . March 30 th Reserve Today at www .MarcoMysteryAndHistory. com

As you may know , the MIYC has been collecting food for the local food bank . The need is so great that the decision has been made to collect food all Season . So when you see that BOGO at the grocery store , think of Our Daily Bread . Collection boxes sit in the lobby .

Marco Island Yacht Club


Mariner Society

MIYC Board of Directors announces the Mariner Society. The Mariner Society was established for the enhancement of our Club experience through refurbishment and development of our Club’s facilities. A Board Committee has been established called the Mariner Development Fund to identify the specific projects or areas needing contributions from members. These projects will be on display for your perusal. Donations should be directed to support capital projects, ongoing maintenance, and/or general sustainability of the Marco Island Yacht Club. Donations can be made by check, credit card, or billing on your Club account. Forms are available to fill out to identify where you wish your contribution to be used. A recognition plaque identifying the program, levels of recognition and individual members’ names reflecting their accumulation of contributions will be on display in a public area of the clubhouse. The Mariner Society recognizes five levels of contribution to the Club: Mariner Society Recognition Levels Platinum $20,000 Diamond $50,000 Sapphire $100,000 Contributions by an individual member will be accumulated, and as their contributions increase, they will move to higher levels of recognition. If you would like to make a contribution or have any questions, please contact Jim McKeown, Chairman, at [email protected] Bronze $500 Silver $2500 Gold $10,000

Sunday Brunch on the Gulf 10am - 1pm Join us at the MIYC for the famous Sunday Brunch Full Brunch on Sunday, March 18th Reservations - 394-0199 Club Dress

Marco Island Yacht Club


We're Looking for Sponsors for New Members Are you in? Marco Island Yacht Club is growing! That's terrific, but it does bring new challenges, especially if we are to keep our reputation as the "fun and friendly" club on the Island! Prospective new Members often walk through the door without knowing a soul at the Club. That's why we would like to develop a list of Members who are willing to serve as Sponsors. What does a Sponsor do? • Meet the prospect and introduce them to others at Happy Hour • Sign the application as Sponsor • Continue to introduce them around the Club after membership is official • Invite them to join you for dinner or an event • Help them learn about all of the activities and events at the Club • Ensure that we get a photo and short bio for Communications • Generally "shepherd" them through their first month or two at the Club Being a Sponsor is a wonderful way to get to know some great new people and increase your own friendship circle. The Membership Committee Chairs will maintain the list of volunteer Sponsors and will call you when you are needed. We will try to match prospects and Sponsors by common interests, geography or some other dimension. Getting new Members off to a good start will enrich their experience and your own! Please email Cynthia Hultquist, our Membership Coordinator, at [email protected] or call 394-0199 x303 if you are willing to serve as a Sponsor. Thank you! Membership Co-Chairs Vicki Bretthauer and Kathy Caruso

Marco Island Yacht Club


Looking for a delightful way to meet a great group of women? Thursday mornings at MIYC bring much laughter as we play Pony Canasta. Starting at 9:30 & ending after a delicious Club lunch by 1:00. New players welcome! All you need is a willingness to laugh & learn. Don't know how to play, but want to learn? Know how to play and want to join the group? Everyone is welcome! Call Marsha Riss 389-7477 or email [email protected]

Marco Island Yacht Club Friday Golf Group Marco Island Yacht Club has a lot of members who enjoy getting out on the links. In recognition of this, we have a golf club within the yacht club! Every Friday morning a MIYC men’s golf group gets together at one of the local courses to enjoy the beautiful Florida weather and golf. This golfing opportunity has been going strong for many years, probably as long as MIYC has been a private, non-profit yacht club. In the winter and spring when we play at Hibiscus, the weekly participants swell to around 50 players on any given Friday. In the summer, when many in the group head north, some weeks we only have between 12 and 20 for play at The Glades. This weekly activity is open to all Members. For those of you who have no knowledge about our Friday golf, let me tell you that it is right for everyone of us who can still swing a golf club and bend down to pick up a golf ball! It is purely for the fun of being out

together and enjoying each other’s company on a beautiful 18 holes. Additionally, every 4 -6 weeks, we have a $5.00 tournament that usually has three flights. Everyone has a good chance to win. So, please, if you are looking for some friendly golf on a Friday morning, consider joining our group. Call me at 239-970-0273 or Bob Winterhalter at 239-389-0825, for more information and to get signed up. Dick Irwin, Past Commodore