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Craven: Safely Run With Plantar Fasciitis

2 teaspoon salt • Fresh ground black pepper to taste

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MMAandSportsRehab_Safely Run With Plantar Fasciitis



When you’ re al ready active or trying to lose weight, should heel pain put an automatic halt to your running? (continued inside)

MMA Sports Rehab WON in the category of “Best Physical Therapy” in Washington Family’s annual Best for Families Awards. Thank you so much to all of you that voted and make this possible!

Washington FAMILY


• 6 Food Choices To Ease Arthritis Pain • Exercise Essentials

• Healthy Recipe • 3 Natural Ways to Beat Spring Allergies



(continued from outside)


• 6 Food Choices To Ease Arthritis Pain • Exercise Essentials

• Healthy Recipe • 3 Natural Ways to Beat Spring Allergies

If you are an experienced runner and have a bout of plantar fasciitis, it is smart to take a few days off before resuming your running. Focus on stretching your feet a few times a day, and foam rolling your calves and legs. Worn or non-supportive shoes may be a contributing factor to your plantar fasciitis, so consider replacing your sneakers or investing in a pair of plantar fasciitis inserts. Once your feet begin to feel better, re-incorporate running into your routine at a reduced volume and slowly build back up to your regular workouts. It’s also possible to begin incorporating running into your fitness routine, even if you already have mild to moderate plantar fasciitis. Start out by walking, and begin incorporating intervals of jogging or running. Rest a few days between your runs to make sure your feet have enough time to recover, and slowly increase the duration of your running intervals until you are jogging more than walking. Here are a couple tips to incorporate into your running if you have plantar fasciitis:

Warm up thoroughly before you run. A typical running warm up should include exercises to “wake up” your hip flexors and legs – such as lunges, squats, and leg swings. However, when you have plantar fasciitis you need to pay special attention to your ankles, calves, and plantar fascia ligament during your warm up. Ice After Your Workout. If you anticipate you will be struggling with heel pain after a run, try elevating and icing your feet after your cool down. Ice for 10-15 minutes after your run, and again in the evening if you are experiencing heel pain. There are a variety of ways you can ice your feet. Try using Ice Therapy Slippers, or fill a bucket with ice water and submerge your feet. Some people will also hold a bag of frozen peas to the bottom of their foot. Running should make you feel healthier, not put you in excruciating pain. If you have mild plantar fasciitis, make sure you take special care of your feet and listen to your body. If you have severe plantar fasciitis or at any point your pain becomes severe, refrain from running until you consult your physiotherapist for medical advice.

6 Food Choices To Ease Arthritis Pain

Here are some tips to relieve arthritis pain in joints with healthy food choices: 1. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. These veggies are part of the cruciferous family, and they are full of a compound called sulforaphane, which helps slow cartilage damage in joints due to osteoarthritis. Try adding broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale or cauliflower to your salad or stir-fry. 2. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation. Try adding fish to your diet a couple of times a week. If you’re not a big fan of fish, ask your doctor about taking an omega-3 supplement. 3. Garlic. Garlic is a member of the allium family—which also includes onions and leeks. These items contain a compound called diallyl disulfide that may help with a number of diseases—including arthritis.

4. Tart cherries. Some people with arthritis have found relief from products made from tart cherries. The ingredient in cherries that helps with joint symptoms is the same one that gives this fruit its red color—anthocyanin. 5. Turmeric. One of the best-researched inflammation fighters isn’t a food at all, but a spice. Tumeric contains a compound called curcumin. The compound has been used for centuries in India to ward off inflammatory diseases. You’ll find this yellow spice in Indian cuisines—particularly curries. 6. Vitamin C. Antioxidants in vitamin C may slow the progression of OA. You can get vitamin C from strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, or cantaloupe. However, we warn you against taking supplements with much higher doses than 65 to 85 milligrams, because in large doses vitamin C can increase the risk of kidney stones.

Exercise Essentials Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Healthy Recipe

INSTRUCTIONS Add 1/4 cup of lime juice, olive oil, 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro, ground cumin, and 1/4 tsp of salt to a small bowl. Whisk until mixed. Add chicken and marinade to a large ziplock bag. Let chicken marinate for at least 15 minutes. Preheat grill to medium-high heat (about 400°F). Place chicken on grill and grill each side for 4-6 minutes, until chicken is no longer pink. Remove and let sit. For avocado salsa: add avocado, 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, 3 tbsp lime juice, red wine vinegar, red pepper flakes, garlic clove, and salt to a small bowl. Gently toss to mix. Top the cilantro lime chicken with the avocado salsa and serve. Cilantro Lime Chicken & Avocado Salsa INGREDIENTS • 1.5 lb. boneless chicken breast • 1/4 cup lime juice • 2 tbsp olive oil • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro • 1/2 tsp ground cumin • 1/4 tsp salt FOR AVOCADO SALSA: • 4 avocados, diced • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, diced • 3 tbsp lime juice • 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes • 1 garlic clove, minced

Relieves Low Back Pain

SINGLE KNEE TO CHEST STRETCH While lying on your back, hold your knee and gently pull it up towards your chest.

CALL TODAY! (703) 884-7084

Practice News

We (MSR) were able to collect $1200 for Cancer Fund - Arlington Free Clinic. Dr. Ujjwal and Jon were able to kick more than 1000 kicks each. We had lot of fun as usual being part of this great cause.

We had a great seminar on Low back/ hip prevention on March 8, 2020. We had a great turnout and had lot of fun with Q & A. We heartfully thank everyone who was present for the seminar.

3 Natural Ways to Beat Spring Allergies

Update On COVID-19

1. Limit your time outdoors. Each spring, trees release billions of tiny pollen grains into the air. When you breathe them into your nose and lungs, they can trigger an allergic reaction. Staying inside can help, especially onwindy days and during the earlymorning hours, when pollen counts are highest. 2. Get natural relief. Some herbal remedies may help stave off allergy symptoms. More research is needed, but an extract from a shrub called butterbur shows promise. Biminne, a Chinese herbal formula with ingredients like ginkgo biloba and Chinese skullcap, may also help. One study found that people who took biminne five times a day for 12 weeks still felt the benefits a year later. 3. Tweak your home. Simple changes make a difference. Shut all windows to keep out pollen. Use an air conditioner to cool your home instead of a fan, which draws in air from outside. Take off your shoes at the door and ask guests to do the same. That keeps allergens outside. Finally, don’t allow guests, or yourself, to smoke inside the home. It canmake allergy symptoms worse. If you or someone you live with smokes, now is a good time to quit.

MSR would like wish the best health for our patients, staff, and well- wishers. Please stay at home and maintain social distancing. MSR is still open for limited office hours for post-op rehab and acute symptoms while maintaining CDC guidelines. Additionally, our staff are wearing masks, gloves (for both patients and staff), and cleaning regularly. Take care!