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12 December 2017


The Joy of Giving with Melaleuca

ſǒŝ މ Άତ̈́ ĀDZइǛ್

December 2017 /  ŭʃ contents Ǖʿʭ̗

Shop for Melaleuca products with convenience at your fingertips ˞ נ ſǒŝџΙмȞّćঐϱǎ

h t t p: //ma l ays i a .me l a l euca .com

• Learning about Melaleuca’s first in the world exclusive products from product information and ingredient labels ȮмȞॏ௞ȉмȞŪΎԶ ڑ ΞԺſǒŝĀșʆϘՇћŝмȞ • Great savings with monthly Super Value, 40 Points, exclusive Lifetime VIP promotions  ƲʃмȞਇܽ뺮žਇܽ뺮ऒદฑ ࡄ Ĝ˴̖࡭뻟źǷΆ ޠ ƑĠ • Attractive monthly exclusive Web-Only Specials  ȅĘћŝмȞਇܽ뻟ŮՄȅĘ נ ˀ • 24/7 shopping convenience, access anytime  ƽĐȊϔϙ נ ˀ • Convenience and ease of online enrollment  Μ ؠ 뺮ϔϙѩჹɍĜƋφ When you shop at, you enjoy: ȆǷć ȅĘ נ ˀ뻟ǷĻǃĈ뻭




* Valid from 1st December – 31st December 2017 ŮՄŭʃūtū December Web-Only Promotion / 12 ʃȅĘћŝмȞਇܽ


H OLIDAY G IFT G UIDES ଛ ஂ ማ ಳ ᒎ ฉ

® Broad Spectrum Antioxidant – Single

Sei Bella ® Timeless Age-Defying Serum nj”׸ඟĴʾĠ᝽̉Ͼ઄ SKU 5107 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ; RM152.50 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ;

ƜƺΥάℿt˱ӌ SKU 3413 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ; RM99.00 SAVE 31% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ;

RM100.50 (12pts)

RM68.40 (10pts)

SAVINGS ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ; RM20.50

SAVINGS ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ; RM13.70

RM80.00 (9pts)

RM54.70 (7Pts)

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROMOTIONS 1. Promotions are only applicable to Preferred Customers of Melaleuca.

0 2 Melaleuca Web-Only Promotion  ſǒŝȅĘਇܽ 04 Holiday Gift Guide  މ Άଢ̈́ϱϒ 06 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 30mL T36-C5 ү ࠲ ̉Ѕ 30mL  08 MelaSoft™ Liquid Fabric Softener + PreSpot™ 4X Laundry Stain Remover  ʓ ߃ ɒВ΁˖ ݛ߃ ཾ ΁ˀ פ ᖨཾੀ৩യ 10 Sei Bella ® Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink   nj쨢׸ඟ ڙ ᙼ쨢Ƀаचᵧ໠ ߺ  12 Sei Bella ® Wrinkle Release Eye Serum + Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Remover nj쨢׸ඟ ߂ ๱ɔˌ̉Ͼઃ ˊвɔˌ࿿  ংઃ

14 Sei Bella ® Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask nj쨢׸ඟŀˀອάզ֕ǚ੾ 16 Attain ® Shake + Attain ® Bar ȫᕵգ ȫᕵ ؽ ѷ ߺ Ȟ 18 Alloy Sport Body Wash + Alloy Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner  ڙ ౪̫ƚ၃෫൱ ڙ ౪ʸ̫ƚҀ੆ş౶ 20 Product Bonus Program мȞεϙ 21 Lifetime VIP Promotion ऒદฑ ࡄ ě˴̖࡭ 22 Lifetime VIP Introduction ऒદฑ ࡄ ě˴Һॏ 24 Price List мȞ͍ϝȩ

2. Promotional period is between December 1st – 31st, 2017 on a “while stocks last” basis 3. A customer may exchange the promotional Melaleuca products (for the same products) only if they are defective. The Melaleuca Customer Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to promotion-based products. 4. Melaleuca reserves the right to change the promotional items and clause without prior notice. 5. Limited to 3 sets per Super Value promotion for each customer. ,IWKHUHLVDQ\GLVFUHSDQF\SOHDVHUHIHUWRWKH(QJOLVKYHUVLRQDVÀQDO 7. Melaleuca 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to premium gift. No return or exchange is allowed unless the premium gift is defective. Any return or exchange must be done within 7 days of receiving the gift (invoice required). The gift is non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or credit on account. 8. All products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. ਇܽƜƚʲЃӍʲɫ ˤਇܽƜƚŮՃǘſǒŝĀџ࡭ܷϢ뼶 џ࡭ʿȮŭʃūχū뼷Ԫխ ߊ ȥħٜ뼶 ਇܽмȞܼĈᑦᝎĻƑҕǜƟĀмȞ뼶ſǒŝϢе͟Nj̝චăґůǘਇܽмȞ뼶 ſǒŝ̝Ң ܨ ϙƑϐਇܽмȞӍʲɫ뼷ᗧăԨDŽʘƢ뼶 Ʋʞџ࡭ܷϢŮՃǘ נ ɮ غ џ࡭мȞ뼶 Ƨʭ̗Ĉ΀̜ă฼뼷ɑŗӅNJ̈ǕħѤ뼶 ſǒŝܷϢ͟Nj̝ըăґůǘǕഉȞƜƚ뼶ܼοഉȞǕǻᑦᝎ뼷ᗧăˈɩࡱҕ뼶  ࡱ뼵ҕխ˖Ӫκ݉ćʴĖഉȞĀĐʭȥŪ쨞κ҄ʴ֪ŗǟबŢ 뼶  Ĕ΍ഉȞăĻʽźͱ൧ҕƍ̇뼶 ǨĈмȞ뼵˖ӪŠƑĤ͗ů쨞ě˴ƑĤȺŴ˖Ӫ쨟Ǣ̞ ߒ 쨛Āϥ͗෹뼶

Whitening Tooth Polish (Cinnamon/Fresh Mint/Cool Mint) + Cool Shot Fresh Mint Breath Spray Twin Pack س Ƀ।෨࠭໺ 뻛ྔѡൈ ށڭ ೖʓ׺ ށ ೖ뻜 ܳ؍ˍൾ૨ฉཾ ށڭ ೖˍ͸ˊӌ SKU 1778 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ; RM54.00 SAVE 35% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ; RM35.25 (4pts)

Sun Shades Hydrating Sunscreen Broad-Spectrum SPF43 +++ + Lip Balm (Vanilla Bean/ Mountain Mint – Any 1) ɸ੆njƗǻɆ֑ࡦ౶52(  ֑ࡦ֕ཉ໺ 뻛В؀ ށ ೖt΀뻜 SKU 193 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ; RM87.00 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ; RM57.60 (7pts)

SAVINGS ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ; RM13.60

SAVINGS ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ; RM9.25

RM44.00 (4pts)

RM26.00 (2pts)

Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All images are for illustration purposes only. This publication is for internal circulation only. ࣊ʜǘ ݨߩ ĴĄȢ ڨ Ƅ ࡁ Ā뼶ǨĈмȞʏǦŮࣂϨҨ뼷 ŗǰˀħѤ뼶Ǖś̈၅ˀŮࣂʭˌ̙୯뼶

Effective Apr 1st 2015, all products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. Please refer to page 24-27 for the most updated price list. ǘŭʃūŐ뼷ǨĈмȞ뼵˖ӪŠ ƑĤ͗ů쨞ě˴ƑĤȺŴ˖Ӫ쨟Ǣ̞ ߒ 쨛Āϥ͗෹뼶ŕĤĀ͍Ϝȩ뼷ɑϨҨljѮ뼶

H OLIDAY G IFT G UIDES ଛ ஂ ማ ಳ ᒎ ฉ Spread the Christmas joy and cheer this holiday season with Melaleuca products for your loved ones. ĕċ މ Ά뻟˞ נ ſǒŝмȞଣᇨı뻟̙ ږ ૗඄ΆĀDZइǛ್뺯

For sun-loving friends ଣƈіʾȷƤ

For nature lovers ଣƈęĢƔɶı͠

Sun Shades Hydrating Sunscreen Unbelievable broad-spectrum sun protection for sun-loving friends, who will enjoy every moment of their sunny vacation while keeping their skin hydrated and refreshed! ɸ੆njƗǻɆ֑ࡦ౶ Й঒֑ࡦ౶ଣƈɶı஺іĀȷƤ뻟̹ŴĶć ǃɩƲĂՌĀіʾdž໋ӄɯĴ뻟ģĩ̝̰প ٽ ஝੆ȉʓ؍뻔

Natural Insect Repellent Your nature-loving friend will

love this natural, DEET-free insect repellent. Perfect for those camping trips and trail walks! ĐƔႛଜཾ ɶıęĢƔĀȷƤȝĜıĘă ߒ ॺຄ᧜Ā ႛଛཾ뺯Ғůǘ܋ ؽ Š˰Ӗ뻔

For your parents ଣƈ߮ ي

For your leading lady ଣƈǷĀƕǂԴ

For your fur kids ଣƈǷĀ૾ˀ

For the party hostess ଣƈ৬Ţƕǂĉ

NutraGene Keep your parents youthful with NutraGene , which boosts cell regeneration. ƜƺभӔ ߺ Ȟ ਇɘĥŀĀƜƺभӔ ߺ ȞźǷĀ߮ ي ά̰нԛƜƺ뺯

ProCare Pet Shampoo The all-new ProCare Pet Shampoo gently cleans and deodorizes without irritation to keep your pet looking clean and healthy and feeling incredibly soft. ૿ˀ।Ւ઄ ૾ˀ।Ւ઄ѽŠ। س ૾ˀŠņ ࡋפ ͸뻟ă ߖ պ뻟̹૾ˀՒş س। ŠԾ֗뻟Ʀ ؼ ƄȤ ݛ߃ 뺯

Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink The secret to beauty is hidden in every bottle of Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink . Every bottle is like a shot of highly concentrated

For the girl-about-town ଣƈĴ֟Њĉ

Revive Room Spray The Revive Room Spray leaves behind nothing but delightful fragrance and freshness, perfect for welcoming party guests! 4GXKXG˭ǯʓĥཾ ˭ǯʓĥཾ ݷ şŏʓĥญВ뻟ŖҒʸůǘ׋ˈ৬ŢౣਓĀėĎ뻔

whitening essence! ڙ ᙼsɃбचᵧ໠ ߺ 

Sei Bella Brilliance Lip Gloss The Sei Bella Brilliance Lip Gloss delivers gorgeous shine and stunning color in a skin-nourishing formula that lasts for hours, giving your vivacious friend lips that feel as good as they look. nj”׸ඟ౧б੆ཉ޸ nj”׸ඟ౧б੆ཉ޸źǷǙҝвư̰΅Ānj б뺮ׅɡࣳ͟ˊཉ뻟źǷĀĴ֟ЊĉȷƤĀ ˊཉăّరĉ뻟Ʀ ߃ؼ ೸뺯

ăЂٌࠗĀſЊ ݧܥ 뻟ďć̦ԱĀ໠ưĠ᝽ƀ뻟 ڙ ᙼsɃбचᵧ໠ ߺ шĈŖĠƞ໠ưĠ᝽뻟ďɏϬɘƬ ڙ ʇбࠗ̉Ͼ뻟źĆģĩɏdžɪ ݎ ʾचƛĉ뻔



For the man in your life ଣƈŀЄġĀȵՂ

For spa lovers ଣƈURCıČ͠

Alloy Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner Is your man always on the go? The Alloy Sport Shamp-ditioner will simplify his shower time, while keeping his locks clean and healthy. ڙ ౪ʸ̬ƛҀ੆ş౶ ǷĀȵĉĄۚǁ˩ȉĴǎ ظ ҃뻲 ڙ ౪̬ƛ ʸ̬ƛҀ੆ş౶ȝҺ͔ŴĀ၃෫Ĵǎ뻟 ǜĴά̰Ǽş। س 뺮Ծ֗뺯

Mountain Cabin Premium Coffee The Mountain Cabin collection of masterfully roasted coffee blends is freshly packed, so coffee aficionados can enjoy the most flavorful and fragrant cuppa. Mountain Cabin ̉˞ऋॡ ̉ķᒯᦠĀ Mountain Cabin ̉˞ऋॡͷ ԉĥ ڭ ̞̕뻟źऋॡഡ॓ŝȞ৭Ăֺɧ ͸ӗ މ ĀВ৩ऋॡ뺯

Access ® Bars Keep your fitness buff friend going with Access bars, which allows them to jump-start and maximize their workout by turning fat into fuel. Ɯƺգ ƜƺգźɶıԾǻĀȷƤ͎΋̬ƛȪƍ뻟 ъՎŴĶॷƛȉ͎΋̬ƛƜƺ뻟ʽҕஊາ ħĩʔ뺯

PURE ™ Peace Tranquility Essential Oil Blend

PURE Peace helps promote a sense of tranquility and comfort, making it the perfect gift for your spa-loving friend. ڙ Ι ݶ иȫǭҫƶ̉Ѕ ڙ Ι ݶ иȫǭҫƶ̉ЅĈՎਇɘ ݶ иŠ ٵ Ғ Ɨ뻟ĄଣƈɶıURCĀȷƤĀŖ މ ̈́ˀ뺯


ela Life M


ܰ๚ᅃྙ໚౶ࡼቃᓨౚLjፐᆐิᒀࡸ౶ᔈᑜਣઑጔ ڹ ໻ ށ ၥ᜵ནऎ ߅ ࡼற ࠙ ކ ၥறᎉLjถ ߅ ᆐิࡼ፾তઁࣲLjૺဟۣઐิă Do not fear those unexpected little accidents, because you know pure Melaleuca Oil, derived from the prized Melaleuca Alternifolia, can give you the protection you need anytime, anywhere. Premium Quality Melaleuca Oil - Protection Anytime, Anywhere ঱ອᒠ ކ ၥறᎉ.ႲဟႲ࢐ۣઐิ

The Amazing Properties Of Melaleuca Oil Every Drop Protects Countless Families



Melaleuca Oil and MelaGel Work Together To Treat Those Everyday First Aid Needs ކ ၥறᎉਜ਼ ކ ၥறᎉኀআୢ ࡈ ๼ဧ ፿Lj።ঈඛ྇ࡼቃፀᅪ


Amazing Properties ࡍ ኀઐೆ೟

ކ ၥறᎉࡼခໜ৖቉ ࢆࢆ၆ઐᇄၫଜᄭ

2 3 1 5 6 4

Naturally Antiseptic Helps reduce infection.

ᄖ཭ጴఀ Ꮎऴ࿛ాঢ཰ă


T36-C5™ Melaleuca Oil Penetrates and treats. U47.D6 ކ ၥறᎉ ဈᅀᎧኀআă

࠭2:96ฤఎဪLjගಘଜጲᄖ཭Ăற࠙ࡼອᒠLjۣ࠙ ކ ၥறᎉரཽࡼኀ ઐೆ೟Ljࣶฤ౶࿾ྜྷᇄၫଜᄭLj ߅ ᆐᒋࡻቧ౷ࡼခໜኀઐᓜଜƽ Since 1985, Melaleuca Inc. has introduced countless families to the soothing, properties of the natural, highest- quality of Melaleuca Oil – a trustworthy product that works wonders with healing properties.

Soothing Helps relieve itching, minor wounds and irritated skin.

ᆨਜ਼ၔદ ᎌ቉ၔદ੩ዷĂ༵ᆈ ࿛ాਜ਼૫२ ݙ းă

Deeply Penetrating Delivers soothing relief deep into the source of the discomfort.

࿾ ށ ဈᅀ ဈᅀೆ༓Ljၔદ ݙ း पᆍă

Non-caustic No caustic and harmful chemical reactions.

ᇄࠦ૮ቶ ᆨਜ਼ ݙ ࠦ૮Lj ޘݙ ည ᎌ਴છኧन።ă

The history of uncovering a remarkable remedy खሚ ކ ၥரཽ೦቉ࡼ಼ဥ


MelaGel™ Forms a protective layer to nourish and condition. ކ ၥறᎉኀআୢ ተ ߅ ۣઐෞᔀዸࢯಯă

1770 1922

1939 1985

The aboriginal people of Australia used the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree as a traditional remedy. ڦ ᒴᏇᓕ෍ጲ ކ ၥጔଯ ކ Lj ፿᎖ ࠅ ᄻ೦जă Ancient times ᔺ௉༄

Effective Solvent Safely dissolves environmental pollutants.

ᎌ቉ྎଋ భ ۑ ᓐஈுᏺᇁă

Captain Cook discovered the tea tree and brought it back to Europe. ᎅ፞ਪెయ ޠࠆ खሚ ઁ ࡒ ૄ๏ᒴă

Australian scholars hailed tea tree oil as effective in dealing with a variety of ailments. ࿾၊ ڦ ᒴዐ௅ኧᑗళࢾLj တ ߂ భၔદࣶᒬ ݙ းă

During World War II, tea tree oil was a standard issue in the first aid kits of both Australian and British troops. Ᏼऔ ࡍࠨ ᐵᒦ ߅ ᆐ፞ ڦ ం ࣩࡼૻ௎ረ ܘ ۸ອă

Mr. Frank L. VanderSloot founded Melaleuca Inc., becoming the first to bring Melaleuca Oil to the world. पࡺိሌည ߅ ೂගಘଜઁLj ࢒ጙີගಘଜ ކ ၥறᎉࡦညă

Purchase 40 Points and Save RM8.10 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ RM8.10 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 30ml U47.D6 ކ ၥறᎉ41nM SKU 3976 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM67.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM44.60 (6pts)

Pleasantly Aromatic Refreshes the senses with a natural, pleasing scent.

໮ᆜरሧ ᄖ཭༹ቤࡼጩཽरሧă



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM36.50 (4pts)


Mela Life


Don’t Skip The MelaSoft™ Step MelaSoft Liquid Fabric Softener lets you enjoy the natural scent of essential oil. • Long lasting safe scent technology fragrance capsule • Fragrance with essential oils • Reduced static for no more clinging pants or skirt • Biodegradable, plant-derived softening agent Tackle All of Your Tough Stain with PreSpot™ Laundry Stain Remover With PreSpot 4X, you can have stain-free clothes and a spot-free conscience. • Triple enzymes remove toughest stains without damaging fabrics • Safer for your home and gentle on clothes without caustic chemicals • Four-times concentrated to save you money • Save the environment by adding water, reducing plastic waste and saving energy

ૣᅓ৉ᒬጠᇕᇁᔉ ᎌ೫ጠᇕ߹ᔉଋ5۶เჁLjิభ፱ᎌᇄᇁᔉࡼጠ ᇕLjཱུิৎ ڔ ቦă • ྯ ࡍ ި༓୵ႤLj༓ೆབྷ߹ซ ޖ ᇁᔉLj ݙ Ⴜ ડጠᇕ • ݙ ਺ࠦ૮ቶછኧᇕLjᆨਜ਼੕ઐጠᇕLj࣪ଜ௙ ڔ ཝ • 5 ۶เჁLjᆐิஂဏ஘༂ • ᏴᇸጠဟLjᔈቲᄗଝ༹ၺLjି࿩Ⴈ೯಍ॅਜ਼ ஂဏถᏎ

ݙ ገဏ൒ྒྷྟଋ ݛ ᒾ ༹ྒྷઔሧጠॲྒྷྟଋཱུิ޽஦Ᏼ ᄖ཭றᎉࡼरሧă • ڔ ཝሧॉᆈೃLjሧॉ ߒ ௉ ޠ ቉ • ሧॉ᜵ནᔈᄖ཭றᎉ • ି࿩ஸ࢟Ljဧే 0 ཫ ݙ Ᏻᎌ୑ ፮ঢ • భညᇕॊஊࡼᒈ᜵ྒྷྟ ߅ ॑

ᑜ ڐ ඛୈጠᇕ


With advanced Safe Scent™ technology, fragrance is microencapsulated in formaldehyde-free scent capsules. ᄰਭሌ஠ࡼ ڔ ཝሧॉDŽTbgfTdfou UN DžపଆLjሧ໮୓ ۻ ᆈୢฌછLj݀ ࡀ ह᎖ ݙ ਺ଡཛࡼሧ໮ୢฌಱă

ገဧጠᇕஈுĂྒྷྟLjᇄᇁᔉLjิభቧ౷ጠᇕ߹ᔉଋ ਜ਼༹ྒྷઔሧጠॲྒྷྟଋă჈ඣถۣ ߒ ዕྻጠᇕஈுĂ ሎዞLj ݙ ᅒྻLjጞ௏ྒྷྟၔးă If you want to keep your clothes clean, soft and stain-free, you can trust PreSpot and MelaSoft in your laundry wash. They help keep the colors bright and clean without fading while remaining soft and comfortable.

Purchase 40 Points and Save RM12.55 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ RM12.55 MelaSoft™ Liquid Fabric Softener Spring Breeze + eSpot™ 4x Laundry Stain Remover Pr ༹ྒྷઔሧጠॲྒྷྟଋ,ጠᇕ߹ᔉଋ SKU 2267 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM101.50 SAVE 31% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM69.65 (9pts)

The fragrance capsules gradually release their scent as they break over time, especially with movement or friction, giving you freshness days after you wash . ᑚᒬሧ໮ୢฌ୓્ᓆ୍ျह჈ඣࡼሧ໮Ljᎄ໚ဵᄰਭጤ ࣅ૞෠ ݟ LjཱུิᏴ༹ᇸጠᇕઁLj৊ิ ࡒ ౶༹ቤࡼጙᑳᄖă



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM57.10 (6pts)


Mela Life


Give Your Skin a RADIANT GLOW

Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink – full spectrum nutrition packed with a variety of berry essence surpassing other berry essence drinks. Contains 14 varieties of premium berries like Maqui berry and is packed with high concentrations of anthocyanin and polyphenol compounds to give you a continuous supply of skin-beautifying power, bringing out your inner radiance. ڙ ᙼ”Ƀбचᵧ໠ ߺ t Ġƞ໠ửϾƽƶʞ ؽ ѷ뻟ɸɿĂ ݎ ໠ư ߺ ն뺯 ߒ ĈғϙЌưDžƞџΙ໠ư뻟źǷϬėԭƬ৩ʇĀĐƔɓнٌӍĠ᝽뻟۷۷ăӗĀſЊĩʔ뻟׍ĉбच ύʭۜėʌ뺯 Unique Patents – Two Patented Ingredients Lotus seed germ extract, patented in Japan, helps boost skin turnover and promotes radiance from within. Ellagitannia extracted from pomegranate fruit, a patented ingredient in US, helps brighten and whiten skin naturally. ћ̖ʗϙt ƪֻʗϙŪΎ ūǕʗϙΞը಺ŔᬃၛĻъՎਇɘĥॄͳ̳뻟ϬŜۜбʾੳ뺯ſŚʗϙΞըε܉ဢᙼȿȥђᶑɓ˱ ݶ ӔĈՎĐ Ɣ͎бȉſɃপ ٽ 뺯

ߒ ĈĠƞ໠ửϾĀ೸Ƀ뺮ᑩбвॼ ཚǽ ೡ ݧ ග૫ with superior softening, whitening and brightening benefits of multi-berries

The Unique Maqui Berry

ћ̖ĀғϙЌư ֲ ߒ Ƭ৩ʇĀɓнٌŠ ſࠗĠ᝽

A berry that has high concentrations of anthocyanin and is rich in skin-beautifying polyphenol compounds Known as the “diamond of the berry world”, it is beneficial for maintaining good health, and it helps reduce damages from external factors Scientifically proven to contain powerful antioxidants; outperforms other berries in its capability to boost skin radiance

Ĉq໠ưġĀଷ܉rſ ؆뻟͎΋Ծ̝֗֕ƺ뻟Ĉ Վ׎ɺʌćȂٌĀ஡Ҵ ǁؘƓըǰ ߒ Ĉ˓в ߂ ஻ٌ͔뻮ਇɘপ ٽ бचĀ βвɸɿȺŴ໠ư

Multiple Skin-beautifying Nutrients – Brightening Amino Acid and Vitamins Brightening Amino Acid (L-Cysteine HCI Anhydrous) and Vitamin B complex help keep skin beautiful and healthy; antioxidant Vitamin C helps boost the production of collagen to maintain a healthy glow.

Ġƞſࠗ ؽ ѷt бचᙝ׼Ӕ뺮άŀٌ ಺Ŕᬃၛਇɘĥॄͳ̳뻟бचᙝ׼Ӕ뻛ͤ᪩ᙝ׼Ӕॱ뻜ӍĠƞάŀٌ$ά̰প ٽ Ծ֗ſЊ뻟 ߂ ஻͔άŀٌ%ਇɘ൱ʅӳɃ֜Ū뻟źǷά̰Ծ֗бच뺯

Sweet and tangy – drink a bottle daily for radiant skin that lasts the entire day (suitable for vegetarians) ˍƗӔԲ tƲĐϬĂӌ뻟ʾच׍ĉĂђĐ뻛Ғʸٌθ͠뻜

Purchase 40 Points and Save RM41.85 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ RM41.85 Sei Bella Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink Triple Pack ၺĄ۴ข࠙᜵Ą ڹ ೡ ݧ ḇ᜖ፙྯਫ਼ᔝ SKU 4888 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM340.50 SAVE 32% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM232.35 (30 pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM190.50 (19 pts)


Mela Life


Eye Makeup Remover Primary Benefit: Easily erases stubborn eye makeup

Serum for Lines Around the Eyes Primary Benefit: Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes Reduce the signs of aging around the eyes without going near needles or a doctor’s office. An infusion of cucumber, green tea, and aloe delivers antioxidants and conditions skin as silicone blurs signs of surface wrinkles. Powerful peptides boost collagen and improve the appearance of skin firmness, effectively reducing the perceived length and depth of lines around the eyes.

This ultra-gentle makeup remover soothes and tones delicate under-eye skin with aloe, green tea, and cucumber while whisking away all traces of eye makeup. Dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested. Safe for contact lens wearers.

Powerful Ingredients, Dramatic Results ˓вŪΎ뻟 መᓎ቉ਫ

ɕˌ࿿ং઄ ǂđβв뻭 Μ ؠ ࿿ פ ኦੰɕং

ԭَѽŠĀ࿿ং઄Ǩ ߒ Āྫྷᓺ뺮܄үŠŇֆ޳ ᙼȿĻ ٵ મŠЬȗժ೸Āɕ̡প ٽ 뻟ǜĴȝɕ ং࿿ س 뺯ǁѱ ٽ ֶؘŀŠɕֶؘŀԏɈ뺯॔֜ ɕ ࠴ ೲਗ͠Ļȫķ̹ů뺯


ǂđβв뻭 ׎ɺɕ̡ժ਍ȉ๱਍

Ƅ̀ųՏſ̗뻟ģĩ׎ɺɕˌƳ਼͔ճ뺯 ߒ Ňֆ޳뺮܄үŠ ྫྷᓺĩ੆ੳ뻮၆ː๱਍뺯ӷ޿ǭʞḇਇɘ൱ʅӳɃŀŪ뻟ϑ ړ প ٽ ӷǰʇ뻟Ĉв׎ɺɕ̡๱਍ĀǥʇŠͣʇ뺯

Sei Bella Eye Care is specially designed to improve the appearance of the delicate skin around your eyes—the first area to show the signs of aging—to give you a dramatically more youthful look. nj”׸ඟɕˌ̝ѷͷԉǁ̖ȍѳʹ뻟Ĉвϑ ړ ɕˌ̡׈ǷĀপ ٽ ʌ ҍ뻟ģĄljĂċׅФƳ਼͔ճĀˌʞ뻟źǷğőĎƑŭΜ뺯

Super Value Promotion Save RM23.50 ۾ Ꮬᄂૉဏ RM23.50 Sei Bella ® Wrinkle Release Eye Serum + Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Remover

ၺĄ۴ขఝᒻዛ ݝ றખጘ,ၷ቉ዛ ݝ ቘᓥጘ SKU 2071 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM291.50 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM191.50 (20 pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM168.00 (17 pts)


Mela Life


Main ingredients and benefits ਖ਼ቦ ߅ ॑ૺ৖቉


10 Herbs & Berries complex 10 ᒬ ۾ݻ Ꭷ᜖ਫறખ

Antioxidant properties of 10 kinds of herbs and berries that are rich in vitamins and polyphenols help to improve resilience and firmness of the skin. шĈ  ƞ؀Ǖȉ໠ư ߂ ஻͔̉Ͼ뻟 ߒ Ĉ ࡓ ֲĀ άŀٌŠĠ᝽뻟ĈՎǘϑ ړ প ٽ Ā ࡧቶਜ਼ஜᒘ ࣞă White Flower complex helps to boost skin vitality. Ƀɓͷԉ̉Ͼ ᄋဍ૫२૚ೆă Galactosidase filtrate, Trehalose, Beta Glucan extracted from Schizophyllum commune and Portulaca Oleracea extract hold the moisture in the skin, making it healthy and vibrant. ̉ϾǨ ߒ ͤ౶܎ཕ೺Ŀ࿍ˀ뺮ʄ᠑܎뺮ജጙཕ ¼ ୉ࣙ܎뺮҈෨ᱼ؀ǕᙼȿDžĩ Ⴤᓕ૫२ᆬಯ ᒄମྏጵഗပࡼၺॊLjഎບ२୉ఙᎌࡧೆă Licorice extract and cloudberries, also known as Nordic wild strawberries, help to brighten skin. ऴ؀ᙼȿˀŠֆ೶뻟ƣ؆Ѐ ߇ Ň࢝໠뻟 ᎌᓐ᎖ ᄋೡ२ྻă

Rooibos ݇ိ ކ

Rosemary ධࢴሧ

Green Tea ൊ ކ

Lemon Balm ሧक़ ݻ

Lady Mantle Ꭼጠ ݻ ၢ


Hibiscus ෸ᮘ

Acai Berry گ ᇝ᜖

Cranberry ൹Ꮧ᜖

Blueberry ౸᜖

Rosehip එਕਫ

White Flower complex ڹ ઔᇹ೰றખ

White Rose ڹ එਕ

Edelweiss ኩྐઔ

Freesia ቃ ݲ ౾

Lotus ೋઔ


Portulaca Oleracea extract ൫ ߙ ᛒ᜵ན

Trehalose ਱᏿ჱ

Beta Glucan ˸ ໅௡ჱ

Galactosidase ferment filtrate ۍ ྛჱᛟඔख୵൉ጘ


Licorice জ ݻ

Cloudberry લඓ

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask Improved protection sheets for optimum results ၺ • ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞ ቤဍ଀ۣઐෞཱུิ፱ᎌᔢଛ቉ਫ

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask includes 10 Herbs & Berries complex and White Flower complex – the bio-cellulose sheet adheres to the contours of your face, enabling absorption of the essence deep into your skin. ၺ • ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞᏦ਺ 21 ᒬ ۾ݻ Ꭷ᜖ਫற ખਜ਼ ڹ ઔறખ . ݙ ࡣถᅲගॲᄣ᎖೓ ݝ ൔ౬ৎถᎌ ቉୓றખ ࠅ ࡴᒗ૫२࢏ ށ ă

Indulge in this mask twice a week for best results ୐ፇඛᒲဧ፿ 3 ࠨ ཱུิ૫२ঢ၊ගዕ৖቉

1. Reduce appearance of wrinkles ૫२ᇼᒘᇄ੩ 2. Brighten dull skin tone બखීೡ 3. Whitening and hydrating ග ڹ ၺต


Bio sheet hold more essences with upgraded protection sheets (Mesh absorb less essence than non-woven fabric)

Easy to remove from Bio Sheet (Mesh attach to smaller surfaces and easy to remove)

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask ၺĄ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞ SKU3281 | Box - 5 x 30g ૿̕ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM 238.50 SAVE 40% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM 143.00 (18pts)


New ᫝ Mesh ȅಝ

Old ᬔ Non-woven fabric ƄๆҘ

⩌➖䲏㛉ღ㏠ᰡ็⮱㇫ࡻ⋟ ȅಝ ۃ ʵĀ̉Ͼ઄ȤƄๆҘȠŢɺ


ᰡღᭀϻ⩌➖䲏㛉ࢥ䮑 ȅಝભ֪ĀǚϗևŇ뻟Ƒ̗Ͳ࿿ פ



Mela Life


How does CraveBlocker work?

It uses four natural sources to help conquer cravings from both the stomach and the brain.

჈ဧ፿႐ᒬᄖ཭౶Ꮞ ۑ ᓐ፩ᐵᆞਜ਼ ࡍ ฎࡼమᆃă ሏಸᓿ๼ऱྙੜᏥᔫǛ

Chicory Root ௛ᛎো

Oats ዠ൱

Milk ฻ฆ

Potato ൫അၛ

Satisfies the stomach ൸ᔗঋ༏

Signals the brain ာፀฎ ݝ

Inulin: A soluble fiber from chicory root that expands in the stomach and slows the emptying process,

Beta-glucan: Derived from oats, it helps prolong the absorption of energy from food—and reduces the absorption

Whey protein isolate: Derived from milk, it promotes the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), the hormone that tells your brain to turn off hunger cravings. ྛ༹ࡨ ;ڹ ནᔈ฻ฆLj ࠳ ஠ࡠฌ၃Ⴡ )DDL*ࡼॊබLjࠥ੗ऑඥᎌ ᓐ᎖ଢ଼ࢅ ࡍ ฎჅ ޘ ညࡼ૬ ऌঢă

Potato enzyme extract (Pi2):

Clinically proven to increase CCK levels, satisfying your brain and controlling your emotional and mental cravings. ൫അၛඔ᜵ན; ೹ ࠌ ၂ዩᑺဣLjభ ࠳ ஠ DDLࡼॊබLjถ൸ᔗ ࡍ ฎLj఼݀ᒜ༽ኙਜ਼ ࡍ ฎჅ ޘ ညࡼအᎷă

helping you feel satisfied longer.

of fat. Also creates a lasting feeling of satisfaction.

௛ჱ; ནᔈ௛ᛎোࡼభྎቶሏᆒLj Ᏼ ޢ ᆞᒦຊᑅLj݀દਜ਼ ޢ ᆞ ๝హਭ ߈ Ljถᐐଝ݀ዓ ޠ ۥ ᔗঢă

୵ෲ໅௡ჱ; ནᔈዠ൱Ljᎌᓐ᎖ዓ ޢޠ ᆞ ࠭အᇕᒦᇢནེ೟ࡼဟମ - ି࿩ᒂलࡼᇢ၃ăᄴဟLjཱུ ิ፱ᎌৎ ߒ ௉ࡼ ۥ ᔗঢă

Hunger cravings creating temptations? Give yourself satisfaction instead. Attain CraveBlocker Bars and Shakes have Melaleuca’s proprietary CraveBlocker formula inside to help you stay in control of those cravings. ซጲࢎᎵ૬ऌঢǛੜ ݙ ৊ᔈ଄ጙ॑൸ᔗঢă ڔ ᄛۖਜ਼፦ዸፙອ਺ගಘଜᓜಽሏಸᓿ๼ऱLj ۑ ᓐิ఼ᒜအᎷă

ᒑኊጲ ڔ ᄛۖਜ਼ ڔ ᄛ፦ዸፙອན ࡔ ิࡼഃအLj૞Ᏼ ݫ ดᄗଝጙ॑ ڔ ᄛۖ૞፦ዸፙອ ૾భăᎅ᎖ሏಸᓿ๼ऱ)DsbwfCmpdlfs*ถ ۑ ᓐิ఼ᒜิࡼအᎷLjิ୓્ৎᎌ ۥ ᔗঢLj ፐऎถৎීᒝ࢐ᔫ߲୷୉ఙࡼ࢛ቦ ݫ ፙኡᐋ..ጐ௓ဵ୉ఙᄏᒮ਌ಯࡼਈ୆ă Simply replace your current snacks with Attain CraveBlocker Bars and Shakes, or add a bar or shake to a small sensible meal. As CraveBlocker helps you control your hunger cravings, you’ll feel more satisfied and better able to make smart snack time and mealtime choices—a key to healthy weight loss.

Super Value Promotion Save RM17.10 ۾ Ꮬᄂૉဏ RM17.10

ttain A ® Shake DQ\ÁDYRXU + Attain ® Bar DQ\ÁDYRXU ڔ ᄛ፦ዸፙອ )ాᆜྀኡ* , ڔ ᄛۖ )ాᆜྀኡ*  KU8135 S | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM204.50 SAVE 32% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM138.40 (14pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM121.30 (11pts)

16 Mela Life


Alloy Sport is created with an uncommonly energizing blend of bright citrus, bold greens, and sensuous cedarwood to kick-start confidence and set off strength and style. ࠙ᒈᏥࣅᇹ೰਺ᎌ૚ೆޫ໮ࡼ༹ቤঞᮩĂሎීࡼൊፀ༹ሧਜ਼ঢቶࡼኩ႕ሧॉLjᄋဍᔈቧLj ᐱሚิࡼধፁৈቶᎧ₼ೆă

Alloy Sport Body Wash Energize your body every day as you tone and moisturize your skin. Enriched with natural botanicals and vitamins. ᏥࣅᦁᎻୢ ਺ᄖ཭ᒈ᜵ૺᆒჇෘ ߅ ॑LjᇸઁۣဘྒྷตၔးLj૫२ጙᑳᄖዳፅᔈቧ૚ೆă


Always fresh, always first-class. Gearing up, going full speed, or winding down, with Alloy Sport you can count on making a great first impression.

Alloy Sport Body Wash ᏥࣅᦁᎻୢ SKU9003 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ SAVE 35% ஂဏ Preferred C

၉ଥ : RM46.50 ustomer ᎁૉଥ :

RM30.40 (4pts)

Alloy Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner Simplify your shower time, but step up how your hair looks and feels. Designed to clean and condition hair in just one wash.

3੝2Ꮵࣅᇸྥखྛ ᓜᆐชቶ଼છ࿸ଐLjጙ ݛ ᒾ޵࢏ᇸுᄿखࣶ᎜ᎉᒂૺᏺᇁLjᄴဟ༹ஈࢯಯᄿखă

Alloy Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner 3੝2Ꮵࣅᇸྥखྛ SKU9005 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM46.50 SAVE 35% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM30.40 (4pts)


Citrus ঞᮩ

Ylang Ylang ጞ౾ጞ౾

Cedarwood ኩ႕

Fresh Blend ༹ቤࢯ๼

ဟరۣ ߒ ༹ቤLj ྲखൈቶ૚ೆ ᇄ൙ิဵነဴ ࡗ खĂཝႥ༄஠૞ဵ႕ቚह႕Lj࣒ถጞ౷࠙ ᒈᏥࣅᇹ೰Ljཱུิ ࡌ ᐆᅲගࡼ࢒ጙ፝ሷă

Alloy Sport Bundle Promotion Save RM12.20 ࠙ᒈᏥࣅᇹ೰ ࠳ ሾဏ RM12.20 Alloy Sport Body Wash + Alloy Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner ࠙ᒈᏥࣅᦁᎻୢ,࠙ᒈ3੝2Ꮵࣅᇸྥखྛ SKU 4375 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM93.00 SAVE 35% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM60.80 (8pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM48.60 (6pts)


Mela Life


߅ ᆐᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્ᏋLj ࣖሱࣶᒮᎁૉಳᎲૺᓜၢᑓిƽ Be a Lifetime VIP member & enjoy exclusive privileges and discounts!


ᔤྋ፩ܶಳଐચ The Product Bonus Program is opened to all New Melaleuca Preferred Customers who enrolled between Apr 1st, 2014 to Dec 31st, 2017. New Preferred Customers will be rewarded with FREE products after WKH\IXOÀOOWKHLUPRQWKO\SURGXFWSRLQWFRPPLWPHQWLQ Month 2, 4 and 6 of enrollment. ऒદ׋ਓ̈́ʹۗĄࣉŢǨĈǘ 3125ฤ23Ꮬ42྇ᒗ3128ฤ23Ꮬ42྇ ĥɍĜſǒŝџ࡭ܷϢĀČ֗ Ɯƛ뺯ćɍĜĀ ࢒3-࢒5ਜ਼࢒7ৈᏜ 뻟ŮđȥŪȆʃϥ͗ž̾뻟̣Ĉы͗мȞɭƫŝ뺯

Lifetime Silver VIP ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્Ꮛ Lifetime Gold VIP ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ Lifetime Platinum VIP ᔤྋᒨ ڹߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ

Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). Ϊφċʃ뼷Ʋʃϥ͗ž̽Тž쨞Ѻ͢ɽઠŗĘž쨟뼶

Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). Ϊφċʃ뼷Ʋʃϥ͗ž̽Тž쨞Ѻ͢ɽઠŗĘž쨟뼶 Shop for 30 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Director and above). Ϊφċʃ뼷Ʋʃϥ͗ž̽Тž쨞Ѻ͢ɽઠŗĘž쨟뼶

The FREE products ы͗мȞ

Month 2 ࢒3ৈᏜ

Month 4 ࢒5ৈᏜ

Month 6 ࢒7ৈᏜ

Lifetime VIP Specials December 2017


SKU 3650 T36-C5™ Melaleuca Oil - 15mL T36-C5™ ކ ၥறᎉ - 15mL

SKU 3600 Renew™ Intensive Skin Therapy - 237mL ૚२ྛጘ - 237mL

SKU 8589 FiberWise™ Drink Citrus Orange ૚ೆ ۦ ሏፙອ)ሎ *߄

ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛᄂૉ

ŗĪƪֻ̖࡭мȞ뼷Ʋʞऒદฑ ࡄ ě˴ŒȍՃ נ ƪӝ

Limited to 2 sets per promotion for each Lifetime VIP member.

Eligibility for the FREE products ы͗мȞĀʸϜʃ΍졿

Month of enrollment  ƻȖɥĀʃ΍

Eligibility for Month 4 free gift Ȍഉljʃы͗мȞ

Eligibility for Month 6 free gift Ȍഉljʃы͗мȞ

Eligibility for Month 2 free gift Ȍഉljʃы͗мȞ

Jun -17*

Jul -17

Sep -17

Nov -17 Dec -17 Jan -18 Feb -18 Mar -18

Jul -17

Aug -17 Sep -17

Oct -17

Aug -17 Sep -17

Nov -17 Dec -17

Oct -17

Oct -17

Nov -17 Dec -17


Nov -17 Dec -17

Feb -18 Mar -18

Apr -18

Jan -18

May -18

Terms and Conditions ᄟಿᎧਖᐌ

Other Program Rules ໚Ⴧᄟಿ

FiberWise ® Drink (Harvest Peach/Citrus Orange/Sugar-Free Berry) ૚ೆ ۦ ሏፙອ DŽභჼ0ሎ ߄ 0ᇄჱ.᜖ਫDž Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM142.00 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ : RM93.30 (10Pts) SKU8155 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS 15% ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM79.30 (8pts) SKU4199 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS 20% ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM74.60 (7pts)

Sei Bella ® Perfect Care Serum + Perfect Care Day Cream ၺĄ۴ขᅲගኀઐறખጘ,ᅲගኀઐ྇ၶ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM297.50 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥৃ : RM198.50 (26Pts) SKU7128 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS 15% ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM168.70 (21pts) SKU7129 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS 20% ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM158.80 (19pts)

• To be eligible for the FREE products, there should be no cancellation or change from a Preferred Customer to Direct Customer in the month/months prior ‡ 0RQWKO\SURGXFWSRLQWFRPPLWPHQWPXVWEHIXOÀOOHGZLWKQR%DFNXS2UGHU • No product point will be awarded for the FREE products • FREE products are not eligible for return or exchange for another product. The only exchange permitted is if the product is faulty s ŘȌഉы͗мȞ뻟џ࡭ܷϢăĻćȆʃǡǴċʃʭȿϥ˽ܷϢѺϜͱȮџ࡭ܷϢʽҕ ħ׼ໆܷϢ뺯 s κ݉฼ʸƲʃϥ͗ž̾뻟ăĻмŀ٩҄ુ˱뺯 s ы͗мȞăઐмȞž̾뺯 s ы͗мȞăĻࡲͱҕȿȺŴмȞ뺯ĈᑦᝎĀмȞ פ ʌ뺯

• Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Malaysia) reserves the right to disqualify any participants that are deemed to have violated the Company’s policies & procedures. • If there are any discrepancies between the information provided in English and the translation of that information, the English version shall govern. Any such discrepancies are not binding and are of no legal effect. • Melaleuca Southeast Asia reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior QRWLFH'HFLVLRQVDUHÀQDODQGELQGLQJ s ܼƂˡͳȪǘˤƜƛġਝ߱ąʳ ܪ 뻟ſǒŝʁϓ ۈ ҈Ďɞ ۈ Ĉ ܨ ȿϥȺϩȉѺϜ뺯 s ƧġӅ̈ʭ̗Ĉ΀̜ă฼뻟ɑŘӅNJ̈ħѤ뺯 s ſǒŝʁϓ ۈ ҈Ďɞ ۈ ̝ңćăԨDŽʙƢĪ뻟Ƒϑʳɫȉ קܪ Ā ܨ ϙ뻟˄ŢˤƜƛ ̝ңŖͥƥјǭ ܨ 뺯


Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM148.80 (17pts)


Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM69.90 (7pts)


Lifetime Platinum VIP SAVINGS


Lifetime Platinum VIP SAVINGS




Mela Life


Achieve Lifetime VIP status and be rewarded with exclusive discounts and gifts available only for esteemed Lifetime VIP members! ߅ ᆐᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્ᏋLj௓ถࣖሱᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્ᏋࡼᓜၢᎁૉᎧಳອƽ

7 Exclusive Privileges for Lifetime VIP! ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛ8 ࡍ ᎁૉᆎิࣖሱ"

Become a Lifetime VIP member and enjoy exclusive privileges: • Lifetime Silver VIP: Shop consecutively for 6 months, reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65pts for Senior Directors and above) • Lifetime Gold VIP: Shop consecutively for 6 months, reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70pts for Senior Directors and above) • Lifetime Platinum VIP: Shop consecutively for 30 months, reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 pts for Senior Directors and above) ᒑገิ ߅ ᆐᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્ᏋLjೂ૾ሱᎌࣶᒮᎁૉಳᎲǖ • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્Ꮛǖ ߒ ኚ7ৈᏜඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 56࢛)ᓾ࿾ᔐପ਺ጲ࿟ ࡉ 76࢛* • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛǖ ߒ ኚ7ৈᏜඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 61࢛)ᓾ࿾ᔐପ਺ጲ࿟ ࡉ 81࢛* • ᔤྋᒨ ڹߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛǖ ߒ ኚ41ৈᏜඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 61࢛)ᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟ ࡉ 81࢛*

Shop for 6 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Gift! ሿॅ൸7ৈᏜᔤྋ୅ෂಳ႙৊ิ"

Shop for 12 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! • Lifetime Gold VIP Natural Ceramic Cooking Pot • Lifetime Silver VIP Pure & Healthy Water Filter Pitcher ሿॅ൸23ৈᏜᔤྋಳ ࡒ ૄଜƽ • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛᄖ཭ჿࠣறᒘᶲࠣਨ •  ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્Ꮛ୉ఙ࠙ு൉ၺઆ Enjoy up to 25% Exclusive Lifetime VIP Discount on selected products • Lifetime Platinum VIP get to enjoy 25% discount on selected products • Lifetime Gold VIP get to enjoy 20% discount on selected products • Lifetime Silver VIP get to enjoy 15% discount on selected products றኡ࿜ອᄂૉᑓిᔢ঱36ǁ • ᔤྋᒨ ڹߋ ஘ఌ્ᏋLjࣖሱறኡ࿜ອ36ǁᑓి • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્ᏋLjࣖሱறኡ࿜ອ31ǁᑓి •  ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્ᏋLjࣖሱறኡ࿜ອ26ǁᑓి * Once Lifetime VIP status is reached, Lifetime Silver VIP member's orders must continuously reach a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65 points monthly for Senior Directors and above), and Lifetime Gold/Platinum VIP member's orders must continuously reach a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above) in order to maintain the Lifetime VIP status. + ߅ ᆐᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્ᏋઁĂፖఌඛᏜࢿ࡝࢛ၫኊ ߒ ኚ ࡉ 56࢛)ᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟;76࢛*Ă஘0 ڹ ஘ఌ  ඛᏜࢿ࡝࢛ၫኊ ߒ ኚ ࡉ 61࢛)ᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟;81࢛*Ă૾భᆒ ߒ ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛᓾৃă

Gold Welcome Gift

Silver Welcome Gift

2 .

1 .

Shop for 6 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Gift! • Lifetime Gold VIP Japanese Ceramic Knife Set • Lifetime Silver VIP 7-Piece Chef Deluxe Kitchen Cooking Utensils ሿॅ൸7ৈᏜᔤྋ୅ෂಳ႙৊ิƽ • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛਜ਼ज़Ꮅອჿࠣ࡮ᔝ •  ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્Ꮛཝถ೯ಯ໕ୈᔝ Shop for 18 consecutive months and receive a 2nd Bonus Gift! • Lifetime Gold VIP Thermal Bag • Lifetime Silver VIP Fleece Blanke t

Japanese Ceramic Knife Set ਜ਼ज़Ꮅອჿࠣ࡮ᔝ

7-Piece Chef Deluxe Kitchen Cooking Utensils ཝถ೯ಯ໕ୈᔝ

Shop for 12 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! ሿॅ൸23ৈᏜᔤྋಳ ࡒ ૄଜƽ

Gold Bonus Gift

Silver Bonus Gift

3 .

4 .

Natural Ceramic Cooking Pot ᄖ཭ჿࠣறᒘᶲࠣਨ

Pure & Healthy Water Filter Pitcher ୉ఙ࠙ு൉ၺઆ

ሿॅ൸29ৈᏜଝ൩ಳೂ૾ሱƽ • ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛۣᆨۣದᅪ߲ ࡖ •  ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્ᏋᆨᚺၔྒྷႲ࿽ფ

Shop for 18 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! ሿॅ൸29ৈᏜᔤྋಳ ࡒ ૄଜƽ

Silver 2nd Bonus Gift

Gold 2nd Bonus Gift

5 . 7 .


Get a 10% Loyalty Shopping Dollars and save more!* • A Lifetime VIP member can receive up to 10% of product point purchases as Loyalty Shopping Dollars. ᔢ঱21ǁࡼሿॅૄౣިᎁૉ+ • ඛ܊ࢿ࡝ሱᔢ঱21ǁࡼሿॅૄౣLjᆐิဏৎࣶ

Exclusive discount on new products • Enjoy special discounts on selected new products.

ቤອ࿟ှᄂૉ • ݝ ॊቤອࣖሱᎁૉଥ

Thermal Bag ۣᆨۣದᅪ߲ ࡖ

Fleece Blanket ᆨᚺၔྒྷႲ࿽ფ

Maintain your Lifetime Gold VIP status for 24 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Platinum Gift! ᆒ ߒ औလ႐ৈᏜ\ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ^ ૸Ljభ૝ᐓ ڹ ஘ઢ፩ಳ"

Platinum Welcome Gift

Maintain your Lifetime Gold VIP status for 24 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Platinum Gift! • Lifetime Platinum VIP Stainless Steel Vacuum Flask Set

ᆒ ߒ औလ႐ৈᏜ \ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ^ ૸Ljభ૝ᐓ ڹ ஘ઢ፩ಳ" • ᔤྋᒨ ڹߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ ݙ ኄনᑞహۣᆨ਎ᄁᓤ

Stainless Steel Vacuum Flask Set ݙ ኄনᑞహۣᆨ਎ᄁᔝ

*Purchase must be made on/before 15th of the month. ܘ ኍᏴඛᏜ26྇૞ᒄ༄ሿॅ৪ᇕă


Mela Life




Malaysia Product Price List December 2017

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price 5.00





1180 Shower Puff


4333 MelaPower ® 6x Laundry Detergent Triple Enzyme – 1.42L New 267 MelaSoft ™ Liquid Fabric Softener – 1.42L 1279 Revive Fabric Freshener w/sprayer – 473mL

8 92.00 63.85

Sheer Confidence™ Antiperspirant & Deodorant Moonlit Orchid – 57g

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price





3 36.00 24.35 3 36.00 24.35


5 60.50 41.35 3 34.50 22.90 – 10.60 10.60

2466 Caribbean Sunset – 57g


1675 ProFlex 20 ™ Shake Classic Vanilla – 15 servings 8436 Sustain ™ Sport Lemon Blast – 20 packets

9 136.00 94.15 6 68.50 47.35

Bath Bars The Gold Bar ™ – 127g

3008 EcoSense ™ Pump for 1.42L Bottles

2 19.00 12.05 2 19.00 12.05 2 19.00 12.05


™ – Powered by Oligo ™

Children’s Health Koala Pals™ Shakeables Rich Milk Chocolate 8 97.00 64.00 Hot Beverages - Coffee Mountain Cabin Ground Coffee

4848 EcoSense ™ Drain-Back Cap



3308 The Melaleuca Platinum Bar ™ – 127g


400 VFL Multivitamin & Mineral ™ + Iron for Women – 90 tablets

12 109.50 71.00

4 43.00 29.50

7179 Revive Fabric Freshener & Wrinkle Relaxer 2x Concentrate – Original - 473ml New

5540 Exfoliating Body Bar – 127g

Alloy ® for Men Alloy ® Body Wash – 210mL

401 VFL Multivitamin & Mineral ™ for Men – 90 tablets 405 VFL Calcium Complex ™ – 120 tablets

12 109.50 71.00 8 84.00 54.60


4 46.50 30.40




7036 Revive Fabric Freshener & Wrinkle Relaxer Mixing Bottle New

5 78.50 52.50 5 78.50 52.50

6437 Signature Blend - 340g

6455 Alloy ® Bath Bar – 127g

2 19.00 12.05 3 35.00 23.05 12 186.00 126.15

Vitality Pack ™ – Powered by Oligo ™ (Includes VFL Calcium Complex ™ , plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men)

3965 Sumatra - 340g

3 34.50 23.50

3747 Revive Room Spray Refill – Sea Salt & Vanilla - 355ml New

5459 Alloy ® Aftershave Lotion – 65mL

Mountain Cabin Instant Coffee Colombian Instant Coffee - 20s

5458 Alloy ® Cologne – 65mL


3 50.50 33.80 3 50.50 33.80

3 34.50 23.50

3278 Revive Room Spray Refill – Tropical Sorbet - 355ml New

410 Vitality Pack ™ for Women 411 Vitality Pack ™ for Men

15 161.50 106.00 15 161.50 106.00

Alloy ® Sport for Men Alloy ® Sport Body Wash – 210mL LTO


4 46.50 30.40

3979 Signature Blend Instant Coffee - 20s




7702 Revive Reusable Room Spray Bottle – Sea Salt & Vanilla - 177ml New

Mountain Cabin Specialty Drink Cappuccino 2 in 1 - 15s

Vitality 4 ™ (Includes VFL Calcium Complex ™ , Florify ™ Capsules, CelWise ™ , plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men)

9005 Alloy ® Sport 2-in-1 Shamp-ditioner – 210mL LTO

4 46.50 30.40


3 50.50 33.80 3 50.50 33.80 3 50.50 33.80 3 50.50 33.80





7701 Revive Reusable Room Spray Bottle – Tropi- cal Sorbet - 177ml New

3995 Cappuccino 3 in 1 - 15s

420 Vitality 4 ™ for Women 421 Vitality 4 ™ for Men

25 281.00 177.00 25 281.00 177.00

1297 Koala Pals ® Fluoride Tooth Gel – 108g 4910 Koala Pals ® Training Tooth Gel – 108g 4913 Koala Pals ® Hair Wash – 325mL 4914 Koala Pals ® Body Wash – 325mL 4911 Koala Pals ® Hand Wash w/pump – 237mL 9354 Koala Pals ® For Baby – Calming Gentle Wash – 255mL 9352 Koala Pals ® For Baby – Soothing Gentle Lotion – 255mL 9666 Koala Pals ® For Baby – Nurturing Nappy Cream –100g PURE ™ Essential Oils (Single oil) PURE ™ Bergamot 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9316 PURE ™ Eucalyptus 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9296 PURE ™ Frankincense 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9327 PURE ™ Geranium 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9326 PURE ™ Grapefruit 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9276 PURE ™ Lavender 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9279 PURE ™ Lemon 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9339 PURE ™ Lemongrass 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9353 PURE ™ Patchouli 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9293 PURE ™ Peppermint 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9318 PURE ™ Rosemary 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9349 PURE ™ Sandalwood 100% Essential Oil – 5mL 9359 PURE ™ Ylang-Ylang 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9323 PURE ™ Lime 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9325 PURE ™ Ginger 100% Essential Oil – 15mL 9366 PURE ™ Blue Heat Soothing Blend – 5mL 9368 PURE ™ Peace Tranquility Blend – 15mL 9363 PURE ™ Vapor Respiratory Blend – 15mL 9370 PURE ™ Vitalize Invigorating Blend – 15mL 9411 PURE ™ Sharpen Focus Essential Oil Blend – 15mL 9333 9362 PURE™ Essential Oils (Exclusive Blend) PURE ™ Armor Protective Blend – 15mL

2 21.00 14.50 2 21.00 14.50 4 29.50 19.75 4 29.50 19.75 3 29.00 19.50 5 64.50 42.45 8 94.00 62.40 5 64.50 42.45

4034 Latte 2 in 1 - 15s


Vitality 6 ™ (Includes VFL Calcium Complex ™ , Florify ™ Capsules, CelWise ™ , Phytomega ™ , Provex ™ , plus your choice of either VFL for Women or Men)

4049 Caramel Latte 3 in 1 - 15s

Home & Linen Mists Cucumber & Green Tea – 98mL


3 30.00 20.65 3 30.00 20.65

Hot Beverages - Tea Hidden Garden Premium Tea

4313 Fresh Rain – 98mL

430 Vitality 6 ™ for Women 431 Vitality 6 ™ for Men

42 466.50 326.50 42 466.50 326.50 13 156.50 101.80


4 57.50 38.50 4 57.50 38.50 4 57.50 38.50 4 57.50 38.50 5 87.30 58.50 5 87.30 58.50

4080 Lavender Barley Tea -20s 4101 Grains Rooibos Tea -20s 4119 Darjeeling Black Tea -20s 4188 Ceylon Black Tea -20s 4228 Shizuoka Green Tea -20s 4368 Alishan Oolong Tea -20s FOR YOUR HOME - ECOSENSE™

Affinia ® Hair Care Affinia ® Moisturizing Shampoo – 355mL

4578 MelaUp 1000 (pack of 10)


2 26.00 18.05 2 26.00 18.05 2 26.00 18.05 2 26.00 18.05 2 26.00 18.05 2 26.00 18.05 4 46.00 30.15 5 58.50 38.50 3 34.50 23.00

Heart Health PhytoMega ® – 120 softgels

4153 Affinia ® Ultra-Moisturizing Shampoo – 355mL 4154 Affinia ® Volumizing Shampoo – 355mL 4155 Affinia ® Moisturizing Conditioner – 355mL 4156 Affinia ® Ultra-Moisturizing Conditioner – 355mL 4157 Affinia ® Volumizing Conditioner – 355mL

14 165.00 108.10

FOR YOUR PETS – PROCARE PRODUCTS 623 ProCare ™ Pet Shampoo – 296mL


3000 Provex ™ – 120 capsules 15 160.00 110.40 8588 FiberWise ® Drink Harvest Peach – 30 servings 10 142.00 93.30 8589 FiberWise ® Drink Citrus Orange – 30 servings 10 142.00 93.30 8582 Sugar-Free Berry Fiberwise ® Drink 10 142.00 93.30 5542 Grape Seed Oil - 500mL 4 62.00 42.50 8097 Grape Seed Oil - 500mL (Twin Pack) 7 114.00 77.00 31 508.50 319.50 7780 CelWise ® Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant – 60 tablets 10 99.00 68.40 7774 Florify ™ Probiotic Capsules – 30 capsules 8 72.00 48.05 7449 TriplexJuice – 750mL 15 216.50 145.00 1545 DeepWater Omega-3 - 120 softgels 9 115.00 75.00 1548 CoreMega New 10 145.00 99.00 3682 Targeted Needs NutraGene (Previously known as DNA Plus) – 500mL 17 281.50 180.40 3593 NutraGene (Previously known as DNA Plus) – 500mL (Twin Pack)

5 45.00 30.10


11 164.50 85.00 6 84.00 46.50 25 417.00 195.00 11 162.00 85.00 7 96.00 53.00 9 126.00 70.00 5 59.90 39.00 5 59.90 39.00 12 176.40 95.00 9 123.00 69.00 6 84.00 46.50 25 369.30 195.00 14 211.00 99.00 5 79.00 41.00 12 173.40 97.00 13 191.40 98.00 13 191.40 98.00 13 179.50 98.00 9 119.60 69.00 7 89.70 54.00 13 206.30 98.00

Cleaners Clear Power ™ 12X Super-Concentrated Glass Cleaner – 237mL

3 39.00 25.00

Affinia ™ Facial Care Affinia ™ Facial Cleanser + Toner – 150mL



1213 Clear Power ™ 12X Mixing Spray Bottle 201 MelaMagic ™ Ultra-Concentrated Heavy Duty Cleaner – 473mL



5283 Affinia ™ Facial Moisturizer – 120mL 5284 Affinia ™ Facial Scrub – 113.4g

3 50.70 33.20

Styling Aids Affinia ® Natural Hold Hairspray - 296mL

1427 Rustic Touch ™ Orange Scent


2 29.00 19.90 2 26.00 18.05

3 40.00 26.00

Furniture Care w/sprayer – 237mL

4141 Affinia ® Styling Hair Gel - 163mL

4020 Sol-U-Guard Botanical ™ 2x

Body Satin ™ Body Satin ™ Moisturizing Body Wash (Original Scent) – 207mL

6 68.50 46.35

Concentrate Disinfectant – 473mL


4 46.00 30.30

8901 Sol-U-Guard Botanical ™ Mixing Spray Bottle 292 Sol-U-Mel ™ 3-in-1 Cleaner – 237mL 130 Sol-U-Mel ™ 3-in-1 Cleaner – 473mL



9748 Body Satin ™ Moisturizing Body Wash (Pear Raspberry) – 207mL 9742 Body Satin ™ Body Lotion w/pump (Original Scent) – 237mL 9760 Body Satin ™ Hand Crème – 59mL 9750 Body Satin ™ Foot Lotion – 163mL 9755 Body Satin ™ Foot Scrub – 163mL

10 82.00 54.55 18 147.00 102.80

4 46.00 30.30

Weight Management Attain ® GC Control™ Crème Brulee

1209 Sol-U-Mel ™ Mixing Spray Bottle



6 53.00 34.95


13 166.00 110.20 9 136.50 94.50 9 136.50 94.50 9 136.50 94.50 5 68.00 43.90 5 68.00 43.90 55 657.00 456.50 71 886.50 615.00

8991 Attain ® Shake Milk Chocolate – 14 servings 8992 Attain ® Shake Vanilla – 14 servings 8993 Attain ® Shake Strawberry – 14 servings 8891 Attain ® Bar Chocolate Caramel Nut (Pack of 6) 8893 Attain ® Bar Sweet & Salty Nut (Pack of 6)

1218 Tough & Tender™ 12X Super-Concentrated All-Purpose Cleaner – 237mL 1219 Tough & Tender ™ 12X Mixing Spray Bottle 1216 Tub & Tile ™ 12X Super-Concentrated Bathroom Cleaner – 237mL 1217 Tub & Tile™ 12X Foaming/Mixing Spray Bottle 5680 Safe & Mighty ™ Toilet Bowl Cleaner – 532mL

3 40.00 27.00

2 19.50 12.70 3 37.50 24.35 3 37.50 24.35



3 40.00 28.00

Body Care Moisturizing Liquid Soap Grapefruit Splash – 237mL 3 35.50 23.95




4 42.00 28.00 4 42.00 28.00

2664 Sol-U-Guard Botanical™ Hand Wash Tropical - 237mL 2665 Sol-U-Guard Botanical™ Hand Wash Mint - 237mL

2354 Vitality Weight Loss Pack

2 26.00 17.50 3 35.50 22.90

2355 Vitality Weight Loss Pack + Protein 9199 Vitality for Life ™ – Blender Bottle

1280 Harvest Pure – 473mL

9351 Liquid Soap Pump




29.65 29.65

2854 Dish Care Lemon Brite ™ Hand Dishwashing Liquid – 473mL 2 24.00 15.35 7625 1 15.00 10.00 1210 PreSpot ™ 4x Laundry Stain Remover – 237mL 4 41.00 28.30 1211 PreSpot ™ Mixing Spray Bottle – 6.10 6.10 9770 MelaBrite ™ 6x Color-Safe Brightener – 1.42L 7 80.00 56.00 Laundry PreSpot ™ Instant Stain Remover – 8.9mL

4013 Clear Defense ™ Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer – 70mL 4602 Green Tea Shampoo w/pump – 500mL 4117 Melaleuca ® Herbal Shampoo – 237mL

1 16.00 9.85 6 82.50 55.00

5495 Women’s Health

Accessories PURE ™ DIY Diffuser Booklet

17 220.00 147.20

Triple Up Collagen 10000mg (pack of 10)





To order, call 1 800 183 183. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. All Melaleuca Malaysia products do not contain porcine-derived ingredients. 6 48.00 31.25 4905 Melaleuca ® Herbal Shampoo w/pump – 946mL 10 88.50 61.85 4118 Melaleuca ® Original Shampoo – 237mL 6 48.00 31.25 4906 Melaleuca ® Original Shampoo w/pump – 946mL 10 88.50 61.85

7684 Triple Up Collagen 10000mg (3 packs of 10) Sports Nutrition Access ® Bar – Peanut Butter Krisp (Pack of 10) 4256 Access ® Bar – Chocolate Raspberry (Pack of 10) 4203

45 599.00 393.95

9382 PURE ™ Sweet Almond Oil – 118mL (Carrier Oil) 9371 PURE ™ Fractionated Coconut Oil-118mL (Carrier Oil) LTO

5 105.00 39.00 5 105.00 39.00

10 106.00 72.65 10 106.00 72.65

9406 PURE ™ Carrying Case + Cap Stickers


99.00 69.00

To order, call 1 800 183 183. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. All Melaleuca Malaysia products do not contain porcine-derived ingredients.



While Stock Last New Product

Limited Time Offer

While Stock Last New Product

Limited Time Offer

Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified

Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified



* Please call to check availability

* Please call to check availability



Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price

Product Points

Regular Price

PC Price








Sei Bella ® Luxury Lip Colors - 3g Soft Nude

9089 Medium

10 124.00 82.00

9405 PURE ™ Aromatic Bliss Ultrasonic Diffuser & Humidifier 9407 PURE ™ Mini Bottle Key Chain Case LTO


300.00 199.00

8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 87.00 57.00 8 117.00 70.00 8 117.00 70.00 8 117.00 70.00 8 117.00 70.00 8 117.00 70.00 7 95.00 63.00 7 95.00 63.00 7 95.00 63.00 7 95.00 63.00 7 95.00 63.00 9 121.50 80.50 9 121.50 80.50 9 121.50 80.50 9 121.50 80.50 7 78.00 51.50


Sei Bella ® Pressed Powder - 8.5g Light

Sei Bella ® Skin Care Solutions Sei Bella ® Advanced Revital Necessities Set (includes Cleanser, Toner, & Daytime Moisturizer) New

10 131.50 77.50 10 131.50 77.50 10 131.50 77.50 8 93.50 61.50 8 93.50 61.50 8 93.50 61.50 8 104.00 69.00 8 104.00 69.00 8 104.00 69.00 8 104.00 69.00 8 104.00 69.00


6375 Champagne 6232 Mauvelous 6233 Pink Sorbet 6241 Coral Reef 6378 Sienna 6246 Currant 6236 Red Kiss 6238 Plumshine 6234 Plumberry 6243 Iced Mocha


40.00 27.00


33 474.40 313.20

9107 Medium

Dental Care Classic Cinnamon Whitening Tooth Polish – 108g 2 25.00 16.65

9108 Dark

2701 Hydrating Facial Cleanser – 200mL 2702 Refining Facial Cleanser – 200mL 12 148.00 98.00 244 Advanced Youth Revital - Hydrating Toner – 200mL 14 174.00 113.50 245 Advanced Youth Revital - Clarifying Toner – 200mL 14 174.00 113.50 246 Advanced Revital R3 Age-Defying Triple- Benefit Crème – 50mL 20 271.00 180.00 248 Advanced Revital R3 Age-Defying Triple- Benefit Lotion – 50mL 20 271.00 180.00 2706 Night Firming Treatment – 50mL 17 200.50 127.00 12 148.00 98.00


Sei Bella ® Age-Defying Concealer - 1.2mL Light

5395 Fresh Mint Whitening Tooth Polish – 108g

2 25.00 16.65


5780 Cool Mint with Fluoride Whitening Tooth Polish – 108g 8697 Fluoride Tooth Polish For Sensitive Teeth

2 25.00 16.65

9232 Medium

9233 Dark

3 32.50 21.85

Sei Bella ® Powder Blush - 4g Sweet Apricot

5781 Breath-Away ™ Mouth Rinse Classic Cinnamon – 473mL

3 29.00 19.55


9067 Peach Satin 9068 Soft Rose 9069 Mauve Sunset 9071 Winterberry

5782 Breath-Away ™ Mouth Rinse Fresh Mint – 473mL 3 29.00 19.55 3085 Classic Cinnamon Dental Floss – 50m 2 24.50 15.90 3086 Fresh Mint Dental Floss – 50m 2 24.50 15.90 7440 Melaleuca Toothbrush 4-Pack 3 47.00 30.65 3084 Cool Shot Fresh Mint Breath Spray - 7ml 1 14.50 9.30 5121 Exceed ™ Sugar-Free Mints - Wintergreen 1 12.50 8.50 5127 Exceed ™ Sugar-Free Mints - Strawberry 1 12.50 8.50

Sei Bella ® Lip Treatment Lip Treatment - 3.5g

Sei Bella ® Treatments & Masques Skin Revitalizing Serum – 30mL


18 190.00 126.00


Sei Bella ® Brilliance Lip Gloss - 7.5g Clear

Perfume Mystique ™ Perfume – 50mL

3970 Timeless Age-Defying Serum – 30mL 12 152.50 100.50 4930 Complete Radiance Clay Facial Masque – 70g 12 135.50 86.50 3281 Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask – Box (5 x 30g) 18 238.50 143.00


5067 23 290.00 186.00 HOME CONVERSION & VALUE PACK (Available in the month of enrollment or the following month) 360 Value Pack 100 – 830.00 363 Home Conversion Pack 140 – 1040.00 SALES AIDS & MATERIALS 601 Vitality Weight Loss Guide – 8.00 8.00 602 Vitality Weight Loss Guide (5 Packs) – 26.50 26.50 1480 Melaleuca Product Training Resource DVD – 10.50 10.50

8973 Coral Crush 9936 Toasted Mauve

Sei Bella ® Eye Care System Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Remover – 111mL

9886 Red Poppy


8 104.50 68.50 16 200.00 128.00 12 187.00 123.00 11 147.00 88.00 12 159.00 95.00 15 206.00 123.50 20 275.00 164.00 17 248.00 148.00 8 105.00 72.00 10 116.50 78.50 8 101.50 69.50 8 101.50 69.50 14 159.00 106.00 12 138.50 92.50 12 144.00 95.00 10 113.50 77.45 60 763.00 455.50 64 789.50 471.50 31 487.50 296.50 8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50 23 307.00 199.00 23 307.00 199.00

First Aid T36-C5 ™ Melaleuca Oil – 15mL

9953 Plumberry Tart

2711 Bright Eyes Multi-Benefit Eye Treatment – 17mL New


4 38.50 25.45 6 67.00 44.60 12 99.00 67.85

Sei Bella ® Single Eye Shadow - 3g Shiny Pearl

9827 Wrinkle Release Eye Serum – 15mL


199 T36-C5 ™ Melaleuca Oil – 30mL

Sei Bella ® Pure Essence Care Pure Essence Purify Cleansing Foam EX – 120mL

3871 Coral Pink WSL

2164 T40-C3 ™ Melaleuca Oil – 5.8mL


3872 Gold WSL 3873 Olive WSL 3874 Brown WSL

3417 MelaGel ™ Topical Balm – 12g Disk

4 35.00 23.30

8860 Business Kits & Forms Business Kit (Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet, A New Day Compensation Booklet Delivering Wellness Booklet, Discovering Melaleuca DVD, Forms and Catalogue) 3181 Direct Customer Membership (Melaleuca Country Catalogue and Leadership in Action) 9947 Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet 1533 A New Day Compensation Booklet (5 Packs) 7111 A New Day Compensation Booklet (10 Packs)

3116 Pure Essence Purify Softening Toner EX– 100mL 3091 Pure Essence Purify Whitening Lotion EX– 50mL 3092 Pure Essence Purify Whitening Serum EX– 30mL 3126 Pure Essence Purify Whitening Cream EX– 50mL

– 70.00 70.00

Cough Relief CounterAct ™ Honey Lemon Cough Drops – 30 Drops Dry Skin Relief Renew ™ Intensive Skin Therapy – 237mL


1 16.00 10.35

Sei Bella ® Eye Shadow Duo - 3g Pink & Burgundy


– 53.00 53.00


7 58.50 38.15

3410 Honey Beige & Coffee Brown 3411 Lavender & Plum Brown

– 21.00 21.00

6317 Renew ™ Intensive Skin Therapy – Pump 2.65 3748 Renew ™ Moisturizing Hand Wash w/pump – 237mL 4 48.00 31.30 108 Renew ™ Bath Oil – 118mL 5 53.50 36.40 3888 Renew ™ Intensive Skin Therapy Travel Pack - 30mL/2 Tubes 1 15.50 10.35 3620 Renew ™ Moisturizing Body Wash – 355mL 5 53.50 36.65 – 2.65

8439 Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink (pack of 10)



3412 Wisteria Blue & Navy

Sei Bella ® Perfect Care Perfect Care Cleansing Oil EX – 150mL

– 12.00 12.00


Sei Bella ® Enhance Mechanical Eye Pencil - 0.3g Black

8 97.00 62.50 8 97.00 62.50


2180 Delivering Wellness Booklet (English/Chinese/Malay)

– 10.50 10.50

7541 Perfect Care Facial Wash EX – 120g 7542 Perfect Care Toner Fresh – 150mL 7543 Perfect Care Toner Rich – 150mL 7544 Perfect Care Serum EX – 30mL 7545 Perfect Care Day Cream – 30g 7546 Perfect Care Night Cream – 30g 9500 Perfect Care Necessities Set – Fresh (Includes Facial Wash, Toner Fresh & Day Cream) 9501 Perfect Care Necessities Set – Rich (Includes Facial Wash, Toner Rich & Day Cream)

5643 Dark Brown

8260 Customer Membership Agreement (Per piece) 8292 Customer Membership Agreement (Packs of 10) 8261 Independent Marketing Executive Agreement (Per piece) 8293 Independent Marketing Executive Agreement (Packs of 10)

– – – –

0.70 7.00 0.70 7.00

0.70 7.00 0.70 7.00

Sei Bella ® Definition Brow Pencil - 1g Brunette

9 122.00 78.00 9 122.00 78.00


DermaCalm Series DermaCalm Body Wash 700mL


8 99.50 67.50

1166 Deep Brown

937 DermaCalm Body Wash Pump 3152 DermaCalm Soothing Cream 30mL




Sei Bella ® Defining Waterproof Mascara Black - 8.35mL

Publications Melaleuca Country Catalogue

7 81.00 53.00 7 81.00 53.00


7 85.00 57.00

– 10.50 10.50 – 47.50 47.50 – 10.50 10.50

8227 Brown - 8.35mL

Acne Treatment System Reflect Foaming Cleanser – 133mL

Melaleuca Country Catalogue (5 Packs)

Sei Bella ® Vitamin-Rich Lash Primer Lash Primer - 8mL Sei Bella ® CC Cream 30mL Sei Bella™ Luminous CC Cream SPF 30 PA++ Sei Bella ® Age-Defying Liquid Foundation 30mL Ivory


4 43.00 29.25

Leadership In Action

7 74.00 46.50




6795 Reflect Foaming Cleanser Pump

Logo Merchandise Melaleuca Card Holder WSL

4 43.00 29.25

6790 Reflect Deep-Cleaning Astringent – 118mL 6789 Reflect Deep-Cleaning Astringent Pump 6793 Reflect Oil-Free Moisturizer – 36mL 6792 Reflect Acne Treatment Cream – 15mL 6794 Reflect Acne Spot Treatment – 8.9mL

Sei Bella ® Luxury Line Sei Bella ® Luxury Creme Concentrate – 50mL


10 113.50 74.00


– – – – – – –

– – – – – – –





9329 Melaleuca Pillbox WSL 1830 Melaleuca Sports Cap WSL


10 143.50 86.50

4678 Sei Bella ® Luxury Serum – 30mL 4679 Sei Bella ® Luxury Toner – 140mL


4 43.00 28.30 4 40.00 27.25 4 40.00 27.25

29.50 19.00 56.00 56.00 56.00

2234 Sand

10 143.50 86.50 10 143.50 86.50 10 143.50 86.50 15 192.00 125.00 15 192.00 125.00 15 192.00 125.00 12 131.00 82.50 12 131.00 82.50 12 131.00 82.50

1296 Oligo Stainless Steel Water Tumbler WSL 1961 Melaleuca iPad Cover (Grey) WSL 1966 Melaleuca iPad Cover (Red) WSL 3760 Melaleuca iPad Cover (Blue) WSL

2181 Cashmere 2190 Chestnut

6670 Sei Bella ® Luxury Shampoo & Conditioner Luxury Moisture Shampoo – 296mL 6671 Luxury Moisture Crème Conditioner – 237mL

1434 6 70.00 46.50 111 Sun Shades Lip Balm (SPF 15) Vanilla Bean – 4.25g 1 17.00 11.10 107 Sun Shades Lip Balm (SPF 15) Mountain Mint – 4.25g 1 17.00 11.10 3514 Sun Shades Lip Balm (Pack of 2 – any flavor) 2 30.00 19.05 2144 Sun Shades Mineral Plus Sunscreen SPF 30+ – 177mL 7 73.50 46.65 Sun Protection Sun Shades Hydrating Sunscreen Broad- Spectrum SPF43+++

Sei Bella ® Moisture Cake Foundation - 18g Pink Beige


6672 Luxury Volume Shampoo – 296mL

– 26.50 26.50

7116 Melaleuca Organizer WSL 7118 Melaleuca Daily Planner WSL

9823 Light 9824 Natural

6673 Luxury Volume Crème Conditioner – 237mL 6674 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Shampoo – 296mL 6675 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Crème Conditioner– 237mL Sei Bella ® Luxury Hair Treatments Leave-In Detangling & Smoothing Spray – 237mL 6683 Intensive Treatment Repair Hair Masque – 118mL 6685



– Melaleuca Jacket (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL – Melaleuca Dri-Fit- Light Blue (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL – Melaleuca Dri-Fit- Grey (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) WSL

– 136.50 136.50 – 41.00 41.00 – 41.00 41.00

Sei Bella ® Mineral Foundation - 10g Fair


9211 Light

8 79.00 54.50 8 79.00 54.50

Miscellaneous Business Card (200 cards)

9212 Medium

Insect Repellent Natural Insect Repellent w/sprayer – 177mL


– 68.50 68.50


4 49.30 32.00

Sei Bella ® Loose Powder - 25g Light

10 124.00 82.00


To order, call 1 800 183 183. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. All Melaleuca Malaysia products do not contain porcine-derived ingredients.

To order, call 1 800 183 183. All prices are in Malaysia currency. Information is correct at the time of printing, may be subject to changes. All products, application of services and renewal fees (membership/renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. All Melaleuca Malaysia products do not contain porcine-derived ingredients.



While Stock Last New Product

Limited Time Offer

While Stock Last New Product

Limited Time Offer

Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified

Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified



* Please call to check availability

* Please call to check availability