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Natural Solutions - February 2021

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Natural Solutions - January 2021

or there are insurance restrictions. Most physicians are looking to diagnose a disease. If none is f

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fireplaces), micro- 4 DRSLADIC.COM Published by Newsletter Pro •

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Natural Solutions For Health - February 2022

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Natural Solutions - February 2021

healthy living

February 2021

For the Love of Your Heart HOW WE CAN IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH IN FEBRUARY M atters of the heart are common this time of the year, but this February, I want to encourage you to not think so much about chocolate hearts and to instead consider your real heart. February is American Heart Month, and it’s an awareness campaign we should all care about.

The heart is resilient, and we can help it stay that way. For starters, think of your heart like you would any other muscle. It needs exercise to stay healthy, just like your biceps need to work to grow. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated, just exercises that get your heart rate up and challenge it in new ways. Start simple. Go for daily walks or incorporate jumping jacks or jump rope into your workout routine. Go for bike rides, swim, or hike along a local trail. The other essential part of this equation is to consume nutrients that are going to provide your heart with the added boost it needs. For example, fish oil (and in particular, omega-3s) has been shown to have heart-healthy benefits. ( Check out my special offer on Page 3 for more details on this! ) Another dietary thought to keep in mind is about fats. These can be good and bad for you. Fats found in plants, fish, and meats are going to be better for your heart than the “bad” fats found in processed foods and snacks. Together, a healthier diet and an active lifestyle can be just the support your heart needs to thrive. The key is to remember that this is not a short- term fix. Consider the broader picture and don’t focus so much on the little mistakes you make in the short term, like eating bacon or not getting your daily walk in one day. Instead, find habits you can change overall to better your heart. I can help you develop a plan to combat or prevent heart disease. This could mean taking CoQ10 for heart attack patients who are now on statins to lower their cholesterol levels or finding the right supplements to offer your heart the support it needs. Whatever your plan looks like, I can guide you through it. Let’s chat about it this February. Call me today at 877-961- 5927 for a free phone consultation.

The heart is necessary for survival, but its value goes beyond pumping blood. It transports oxygen and nutrients while pumping blood to the brain so it can function. Your heart stimulates breathing in your lungs, too, and it can even play a significant role in your mental well-being. As you panic or experience fear, slowing your breath and, ultimately your heart rate, can calm you down. Needless to say, your heart deserves a little love. Yet, for as vital as this organ is to our survival, heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death among men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By the time you read this, 3–4 people will have had a heart attack — it happens every 40 seconds. One-fifth of those will suffer damage without knowing what happened. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease or failure over time. It’s important to remember that many heart-related problems can be reversed or corrected. For example, I’ve received panicked phone calls from patients who were just told that their cholesterol levels are high — despite their cholesterol range being normal just the year prior. It takes anywhere from 15–16 months for high cholesterol or cardiovascular issues to create plaque buildup and other serious issues. This is what also makes regular monitoring so important. Join Me for a Heart-Smart Talk! I’m hosting a live conference call this month at 8 p.m. EST Tuesday, Feb. 16, and it’s focused completely on heart health. This is your opportunity to have your questions and concerns about your heart wellness answered. Simply call 1-712-432-8773 and enter 25555 to learn more about how to care for your heart!

With my help, we can give your heart a little love.

–Dr. Tom Sladic



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February is the month when many of us give up on New Year’s resolutions. We lose motivation, or life simply gets in the way. If you find yourself sitting on the couch more than you did in January, when you may have been actively pursuing your fitness goals, consider this permission to sit a little while longer: Rest days are good for you! Here’s why. Your body needs to move. Exercise has many benefits, but from a survival standpoint, exercise and movement help your body perform daily functions with ease. But that’s not when your body gets stronger. It’s actually on the days you choose to rest that your muscles and joints improve as a result of your exercise. Exercising creates tiny tears in your muscles. (Maybe that’s why it burns so much!) In the regeneration process — aka your rest days — the muscle is built back stronger than it was before. That’s why incorporating rest days into your workouts ensures you can climb up from 5 to 10 to 15 pounds for dumbbell curls or run more miles in a faster time than last week! Relax a Little

Beyond the improvement and fitness goals you have, rest days can also be essential to preventing injuries. Your body won’t become overworked, and your muscles get the necessary respite they need. Fatigue won’t set in as quickly, and you will find that you can do more as you properly incorporate rest days into your schedule. Fitting rest days into your daily routine is easier than you may think, but it sadly doesn’t involve sitting on the couch for too long. You should always find a way to move at least once each day. If you want to try running, start out by running three days each week. On your “off” days, incorporate some yoga, go for a leisurely walk, or focus on your arms and shoulders. This gives your legs and core a break from running while you still get the benefits of movement. (Plus, on the days you run, you will get a break from yoga or weightlifting!) It’s okay if you haven’t met your resolution goals just yet, but don’t give up! Find a way to add more rest into your routine, and you just might be more invigorated than ever before.

Get Pumping


This month, Dr. Sladic is offering a great deal on fish oil, a nutrient that has been proven to support heart health. However, omega-3s and fish oil are not the only supplements your heart needs. If you’re looking to boost your heart health, try these options, too. SOLUBLE FIBER Fiber has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by lowering the amount of “bad” cholesterol — lipoprotein — in your system. This could aid in reducing inflammation and blood pressure rates, giving your heart all the more reason to relax. B VITAMINS B vitamins have many superpowers. For example, B6 has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, while folates, or B9 — which aid in cell production and are often taken as prenatal vitamins — can significantly reduce your chance of heart attack or stroke. There are many varieties of B vitamins, so be sure to use supplements that contain the B vitamins that your heart needs.

they have also been shown to play a role in lowering blood pressure. Depending on your body’s needs, these vitamins just might be perfect for your heart. COQ10 This powerful little enzyme, Coenzyme Q10, helps transport electrons throughout the body and regulates blood pressure. Its production is also commonly cut off by common statin medications. Adding CoQ10 supplements can be beneficial to those with added heart concerns. BONUS: GARLIC While not a vitamin, garlic contains properties that your heart loves and flavors your taste buds will leap for. Garlic has been shown to relax blood vessels and produce anti-inflammatory properties for the heart. (Maybe just pop in a mint afterward.) These vitamins and supplements — and countless others — can play an active role in improving your heart health, but the key is to find the right blend of nutrients for you. Dr. Sladic can help you determine which nutrients your body lacks and needs. Call 877-861-5927 today for a free phone consultation.


Each of these vitamins plays its own significant role in boosting the immune system, helping you sleep, and aiding in muscle repair, but



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Help Your Heart With Fish Oil — At a Great Rate!

Why Your Heart Loves Fish Oil

Get two bottles of OmegAvail Ultra for just $80! Typically $50 per bottle, this high-quality product has great potency and is even taken every day by Dr. Sladic! Don’t wait! This offer ends when February does!

Fish oil has long been lauded for its many health benefits. Researchers have found that regular intake of fish oil can help with weight loss, aid in a healthy pregnancy, improve liver function and eye health, create healthy skin, and even help those with mental disorders. Needless to say, fish oil is a powerful nutrient — and this isn’t all it can do! Researchers believe fish oil is one of the best supplements you can take for heart health. While studies have not found a link between fish oil and the direct prevention of heart attacks and strokes, fish oil provides the following five powerful benefits for your heart and can lower your chances of suffering from a cardiac event.


• Lower blood pressure

• Lower triglyceride levels (triglycerides can lead to heart attacks when not controlled.)

• Reduce erratic heartbeats for those with irregularities

• Prevent plaque from hardening and building up in arteries


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• Improve “good” cholesterol

• 3 tbsp olive oil, divided • 1 tbsp garlic, minced • 1/2 cup onions, diced small

• 1 tsp salt • 1/2 tsp pepper • 2 tsp sugar • 3 medium zucchini • Parmesan cheese, for garnish

Fish oil is aptly named because it’s commonly found in fish tissues, specifically within small fish like herring or mackerel. However, omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, are also common in salmon and other popular fish. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in plant-based foods, but health experts credit the oil from fish as the most beneficial to your heart health. While it is possible to consume fish oil by eating fish regularly, that may not be enough for many people. Fish oil supplements are the best option for those who want to improve their heart health — and it’s very easy! Simply take one dose of fish oil each day to improve your heart health and give your diet a boost by providing an essential nutrient your body needs to thrive. Ready to start your fish oil journey today? Dr. Sladic has a fantastic offer on fish oil this month that you do not want to miss! It’s also essential for you to determine if there are other nutrients or vitamins that may aid in your heart health or wellness goals. To learn more, call Dr. Sladic today at 877-861-5927.

• 1 lb ground turkey • 1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes • 2 tbsp tomato paste


1. In a large sauté pan over medium-low heat, warm 2 tbsp olive oil. 2. Add garlic and onions and stir constantly until garlic is golden and onions are translucent. 3. Increase heat to medium and add ground turkey, break apart, and cook thoroughly. 4. Add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, pepper, and sugar. Reduce heat to low. Stir occasionally. 5. Using a spiralizer, mandolin, or vegetable peeler, cut the zucchini into noodles. 6. In another large sauté pan over medium-low heat, add remaining olive oil and zucchini noodles, tossing constantly for 2 minutes until slightly wilted. 7. Plate the zucchini noodles, top with the turkey Bolognese, and garnish with Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.



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1. Let’s Protect Your Heart

2. You’re Building Muscle While You Rest

5 More Nutrients for Heart Health

3. Zucchini Noodles With Turkey Bolognese

Why Fish Oil May Be the Best Nutrient for Your Heart

4. High Quality Relationships Lower Blood Pressure


It doesn’t take a scientist to tell us that a healthy, loving relationship can lessen our stress — but did you know it also boosts our immune system’s response and could help us live longer? Multiple studies have shown that couples in happy, loving marriages tend to have lower blood pressure. Marriage itself isn’t the key to a healthier life — the love is, researchers find. How do researchers define a loving relationship? To put it simply, it depends on the couples’ own opinion. Married couples with a high quality (aka loving) relationship showed significantly lower ambulatory systolic blood pressure than singles. However, happily married couples and singles had lower blood pressure than people in low quality marriages. Which means, at least in terms of your health, it’s much better to be single than unhappily married. How does it help your blood pressure exactly? Well, when positive events occur, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin interact with your dopamine reward system. Vasopressin in particular helps control blood pressure. Of course, getting into a new relationship can be a little stressful! Cortisol, the stress hormone, initially rises when you fall in love. However, it quickly drops in a long-term, stable relationship. Those low cortisol levels sustained for a long period of time contribute to many health benefits.

But how does it improve your immune system? That’s a bit of a mystery to researchers. So far, women in love have shown changes in their gene regulation of immune cells compared to women not in love. Some theorize

that this is in order to prepare for pregnancy. Unfortunately, we still don’t have conclusive research on whether men in love better fight flu and other viruses, too. High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” since it has no symptoms, but it will steadily degrade your health over time, significantly increasing your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease. And while love is certainly not the only way to lower blood pressure, it’s comforting to know our loved ones can boost our health for a longer, happier life. Happy Valentine’s Day!



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