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Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

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Natural Solutions For Health - November 2021

3 cup goat cheese, crumbled Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pumpkin seeds unt

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Natural Solutions For Health - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Get Back on Track! Directions Dr. Sladic’s 10-Day Detoxifi

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Natural Solutions For Health - March 2022

Natural Solutions For Health - March 2022 healthy living March 2022 HOWTO RAISE HEALTHY

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Natural Solutions For Health - August 2022

8 tsp pepper As we age, our muscles become weaker, but a nutritious diet can help preserve that musc

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Natural Solutions For Health - May 2022

4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil

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Natural Solutions For Health - July 2022

2 cup BBQ sauce • 1 tbsp chili powder • 1 tsp dried red pepper flakes • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar •

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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

2 tsp vanilla extract • 14 oz unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk • Cacao nibs • Frozen berries

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Natural Solutions For Health - January 2022

2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired to

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2020

4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped and fight disease is diminished. Supplements and vitamins can fill in

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Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

healthy living

December 2021

AVOID HOLIDAY STRESS By Making Priorities for Your Day The holidays, while usually merry, can be one of the busiest times of the year. Perhaps we feel this way because we are hustling around keeping our homes tidy, purchasing last-minute gifts, and ensuring

ask myself if I am making decisions that truly reflect what’s best for my business, patients, and family, and if there are ways I could be better prepared, manage my time more efficiently, or create a more systematic flow throughout my day. By taking time to recognize the flaws in my week and adjust to my reality, I don’t fixate on the anxiety and stress. I see it, plan for it, and do something about it.

everything is in place for our family feast. And while I believe these tasks all compound our stress, it’s very likely that the limited access we have to sunshine can contribute to the feeling of being overwhelmed during the holiday season.

As I’ve continued with this mindset, I’ve noticed a shift in how I function each day. I’m happier and more organized — although this shouldn’t be a surprise. When you make time to be productive each day and stay organized, your health and well-being are drastically impacted. You will likely sleep better, have more energy to stay healthy and complete your tasks, and be a better spouse, parent, employee, or friend. If you don’t have that balance in your life, you cannot fuel your creative side or the part of you that’s productive and business-oriented. You can’t live a healthy life without these. Priorities not only serve the tasks you need to get done but also support the extracurriculars that allow you to relax.

As for me, I have no shortage of busy seasons. I’m a business owner and family man, so I have expectations and duties in all areas of my life. I have a few tricks to add the most value to each day that I’ve acquired over the years. This season, I hope you can use my tactics to inject a little routine into your days and lower your holiday stress level. After all, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year — not the most stressful.

For starters, I examine my tasks. I am only committed to doing assignments that are best for my family, my patients, and my business. If a task won’t add value to either of those categories, it becomes a low priority item. I may have an opportunity to get to that task, but it does not take precedence over my family or my business.

This holiday season, as the stress grows and the days get shorter, look to add more consistency to your schedule. I’m happy to help you find the components of your life that are no longer healthy and, therefore, add undue stress to your schedule. Simply call me today at 1-877-861-5927 to schedule a consultation. Together, we can put the “merry” back in your Christmas celebrations.

Then, I plan my week! Every week, I make it a habit to sit down and chart out the most important tasks I have to do that week and each day. I write down the top three tasks that have to get done for each day, and then I write out the other tasks I would like to accomplish that day. If I don’t finish something, I move it to the next day or another day that makes the most sense with my schedule. However, if I don’t complete those so-called “most important” tasks, I recognize I need to reexamine my schedule and my priorities. I

–Dr. Tom Sladic


“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” Merry Christmas!



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Our faces are filled with muscles that we use every day to talk, eat, express our emotions, and more. It makes sense that these facial muscles could benefit from some relaxation and loosening up. Getting a facial massage may seem silly the first time you try it, but this practice has some surprising benefits. Facial massage is common in many skin care routines throughout the world but not used by most Americans. In addition to reducing stress, facial massage can make your skin look better by improving elasticity, relaxing wrinkles, preventing acne, and stimulating collagen production. It can also help with sinus and jaw pain. THE BENEFITS OF FACIAL MASSAGES AND HOW TO PERFORM ONE AT HOME

bacteria can spread on your skin quickly. When massaging, ensure you are moving your skin but not stretching it. Lastly, always work against gravity and rub your skin upward, never downward. Get down to business. There are countless ways to massage your face. You can try rubbing your middle and ring fingers in circular motions, dragging and pressing your knuckles into your face, gently pinching your skin between two fingers, or tapping your fingers in “piano key” type motions. You can also try a face roller or a flat gua sha tool. As long as you’re not leaving marks on your face, experiment and see what feels good. With these tips, you can be on your way to a more relaxed and healthy face. Give facial massage a try today — the only thing you have to lose is stress.

So, how can you get these benefits without hiring a professional? We have some tips.

Prepare your skin. Before beginning your massage, make sure to wash your face and remove any makeup. You don’t want to rub dirt or debris into your skin. Next, choose a massaging agent, such as a gentle facial oil, serum, or moisturizer.

Know the rules. When giving yourself a facial massage, there are a few no-nos. First of all, you should never massage over a breakout because

NO (COCO)NUTS ABOUT IT Coconut Water Is Worth a Try!

What if there was a low-calorie drink that could lower blood pressure, replenish your electrolytes, and create healthier skin.? Well, there is! Coconut water is undergoing a renaissance of sorts as more athletes, celebrities, and dietitians are singing its praises, and they’re not just blowing smoke. Coconut water has benefits that extend beyond one region of the body, and while many experts caution that more studies are needed, many believe coconut water is a healthier, tastier alternative to most soft drinks.

often cause acne. It’s also a useful and tasty way to replenish electrolytes after exercise! Coconut water is high in potassium, which can lower blood pressure by removing sodium from the body. (It’s also great for your hair!) Plus, coconut water is low in fat and cholesterol, which, when consumed in heavy amounts, can be detrimental to your heart. This makes coconut water a great option for those with heart concerns.

a medical professional before incorporating coconut water into their diets. Furthermore, because more studies are needed, avoid coconut water if you are pregnant.


Coconut water is a great drink, but if you’re not one for the flavor, try mixing it with sparkling water or adding natural flavors, like cubes of pineapple. You can also use coconut water in smoothies for extra tropical flavor! Coconut water is just one healthy, easy way to add more powerful nutrients to your diet. For more expert tips and to create a plan that fits your lifestyle, please call Dr. Tom Sladic at 1-877-861-5927 to schedule a consultation.


Although coconut water’s potassium level can limit sodium levels, certain brands can contain high levels of sodium due to how they produce the drink. Look for brands that advertise 100% coconut water, and always read the label before selecting a drink. Those with sodium level concerns should speak with


The perks of coconut water take a multipronged approach. For starters, it’s great for skin health. A 2017 study found that coconut water can neutralize toxins that



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SMOOTHIES AREN’T JUST FOR SUMMER ANYMORE! 5 Holiday Ingredients to Toss Into Your Blender

The drinks of choice for winter are usually warm and cozy — apple cider, hot chocolate, and wassail all have their place on the table. But no rule says you have to drink something hot when it’s snowy outside. In fact, a cold beverage might keep you warmer! A study from the Thermal Ergonomics Lab at the University of Ottawa found that when you drink something hot, it can cause you to sweat more and, as a result, will actually cool you off more than a cold drink! Crazy, right? Of course, you could probably reverse the heat loss by bundling up in a sweater so your sweat doesn’t evaporate. But if you’re in your warm, cozy home, why not go for a cold drink like a smoothie? You can even add some holiday cheer to your healthy(ish) treat with one of these five seasonal ingredients. 1. PEPPERMINT — For a protein-rich smoothie that tastes like a candy cane, blitz together almond milk, yogurt, almond butter, mint leaves, ground cinnamon, and a few drops of peppermint extract. 2. CINNAMON — If you love chocolate chip cinnamon rolls, you need to try the smoothie version! Frozen bananas, coconut milk, vanilla yogurt, cacao powder (which is packed with antioxidants), vanilla extract, and cinnamon are the secrets to a healthy version of your favorite Christmas breakfast. 3. CRANBERRIES — Cranberries are both festive and packed with vitamins and antioxidants that may help fight heart disease and cancer. To cash in on those benefits, whip up a smoothie with frozen cranberries, pear slices, goji berries, orange juice, coconut milk, and flax seeds. 4. GINGER — What screams Christmas more than gingerbread? You can make a delicious smoothie version of the cookie with rolled oats, chia seeds, yogurt, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves, vanilla extract, and molasses to reap the anti- inflammatory and nausea-fighting benefits of ginger. 5. EGGNOG — Eggnog is far from a healthy drink, but it’s a holiday favorite! To enjoy it in a new way, blend it up with a scoop of vanilla protein powder and ice after your workout.



Want to enjoy the decadence of the holiday season without adding too much to your waistline? Swap red meat for fish and serve this delicious, easy dish.


• 1 tbsp olive oil • 4 5-oz Chilean sea bass or salmon filets, skin-on • Salt and pepper, to taste • 6 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into pieces

• 1/2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish


1. In an unheated skillet, add oil. Season fish with salt and pepper, then add to skillet (skin-down). 2. Heat the skillet to medium and cook for 4 minutes. With a spatula, press each filet down, rotating between filets every few seconds. When the skin begins to crisp, stop pressing and cook 8–10 minutes, then flip and cook for another minute. Remove the fish. 3. Wipe the skillet clean and return to medium heat. Add the butter and hazelnuts. Heat, swirling continuously, until butter foams and browns. Remove from heat. 4. Stir in lemon juice and season to taste. Pour over fish, garnish, and serve with salad.

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1. Here’s How I Avoid Holiday Stress

2. Facial Massage for Beginners

Should You Go Nuts for Coconut Water?

3. Crispy Fish With Brown Butter Sauce

5 Key Ingredients for Delicious Holiday Smoothies

4. Tips for Spending the Holidays Alone

SPENDING THE HOLIDAYS ALONE? Boost Your Mood With These Tips


Many Americans spend the holidays alone every year, and the pandemic has only made it more difficult for people to see their loved ones, as travel has become more restricted and strenuous. If you’re one of these people who are spending their first holiday season alone this year, here are a few strategies you can try to make the situation a little easier.

If you know in advance that you’re going to be spending the holidays alone, planning ahead can prevent negative feelings. While being spontaneous can sometimes keep things fresh, it could leave you with a feeling of hopelessness about what to do next. There’s no need for your list to be extensive or highly detailed, but even just planning to watch a movie or cook some of your favorite dishes can give you something to look forward to.



One of the best things about spending the holidays alone is that you can do things your way. You don’t have to worry about meeting everyone else’s standards. Instead, you only have to make yourself happy. Simply telling yourself that you are not going to have the usual holiday environment can slightly help, but redefining what the holiday means to you can remove a huge weight. Trying new things or looking toward the future are great ways to reduce the stress of spending the holidays alone. Keeping up with old traditions may remind you of what you’re missing out on, so it can greatly help to create your own traditions.

Just because you’re not seeing people during the holidays does not mean you should forgo your basic needs. Stick to your regular hygiene habits and do not let them get away from you. The same goes for eating and sleeping. Staying clean, well-fed, and well-rested goes a long way toward improving your happiness. As with all mental health advice, what works for some does not work for everyone. Do what you think will work best for you and help you keep your thoughts happy.



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