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Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

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Agility: Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain

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bending and movements a year! Knee osteoarthritis pain is generally felt under the knee cap, but can

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Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Medication Is NOT The Only Option For Pain Relief! ” Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Do you find your knees or hips hurting after sitting for too long? Has bending or squatting, become difficult or even painful? This is a common complaint of people with knee or hip osteoarthritis. Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that 1 out of every 2 people will have symptoms of knee osteoarthritis sometime before the age of 85?


• Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain • 5 Ways To Naturally Relieve Arthritis Pain

(continued inside)

• Clinician Spotlight • Patient Testimonial

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

The incidenceofosteoarthritisgenerallystarts to increaseafterage35and decreases one’s ability to perform walking, bending and every day tasks. Osteoarthritis can occur for a variety of reasons: • Normal or abnormal wear and tear on joint cartilage • Injuries that damage cartilage and joints • Diseases that damage cartilage • Lack of joint support from poor muscle strength and tissue flexibility What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritisdescribes theconditionofabnormalwearand tearofcartilage froma jointsurfacecausingboneonbone rubbing.Thiscanbequitepainful and occurs more in the knees, hips and ankles. This is due to the fact that these joints bear the weight of your body and have to endure an average of 3,000-6000 steps a day. That is over one million steps / bending and movements a year!

Knee osteoarthritis pain is generally felt under the knee cap, but can travel up the thigh or down your lower leg. The pads below your knee generally become thicker and more swollen. At times, your knee may even become slightly swollen or even red. Hip osteoarthritis pain is generally felt in the groin on one side or deep in the buttock. Pain may actually feel better with walking, but become worse after sitting for a few minutes, then trying to move again. What can be done? Most pain is caused by poor joint movement and strength of the muscles around the joint. This causes instability to the joint and greater pressure on the cartilage causing more inflammation and pain. Physical therapy is the preferred method of treatment, because it discovers the abnormal movement in the joint and naturally corrects it. With hands-on therapy, special strengthening and balance exercises, knee or hip pain can typically be completely relieved. For more information on natural ways to relieve arthritis pain, call us today!


Meet Our Experienced Team Of Experts

Dr. Michael McLarnon DC

Dr. Michael McLarnon is a chiropractic physician with several years of clinical experience working with patients who suffer with various musculoskeletalconditions,sports related injuries, and chronic pain. He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida and his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania. He currently holds designations as a Certified

Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP ©), Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP), and Graston Technique Certified. He has experience working with many diverse groups of providers and patient populations and enjoys working within an integrated practice setting in order to achieve optimal patient outcomes. In his spare time he enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, running races, fishing, and attending sporting events.

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5 Ways To Naturally Relieve Arthritis Pain

1. Exercise. It is vital to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve blood flow. Cartilage actually receives its nutrition from joint fluid, so the more you can exercise the better. It isalso importanttomixbetweenweight bearingandnon-weightbearingexercises,such as aquatic exercises or bicycling. It is highly recommended thatyouseeaphysical therapist firstbeforestartinganarthritisexercise regime. 2.Vitamins. Thereareamixofstudiesshowing some benefits to using glucosomine and chondroitin. Glucosomine is naturally made in the body and helps support the cartilage by retainingwaterandpreventingwear.Additional supplements may help. 3. Avoid Inflammatory Foods. Thereare foods that increase the body’s natural inflammation response. Arthritis is a condition of joints that become inflamed.Therefore,byavoiding foods with high fat, fried foods, sodas, high sugar content and processed foods, you help to naturally relieve the inflammation in your body.

4. Calcium and Magnesium. Many people are deficient in calcium and magnesium. Having enoughcalciumandmagnesium,buildsstrong bones and reduces irritated nerve endings, decreasing pain. If possible, find supplements that are in powder form that can be easily digested and help your body’s intake of these essential minerals. 5. Sleep. Sleep is a time for our body and brain to repair itself. It is important to make sure you are getting enough sleep. 7-8 hours at least to allow your body to repair and decrease pain. Whenyouare tired,yourbodydoesnot function as well, increasing the inflammatory response and reduces your pain threshold. Physical therapy is one of the best ways to improve your arthritis pain. We help you by reducingpainand inflammation inyour joints, then increase your strength and flexibility so your joints are healthier. Call us today for more information on our Arthritis Program and discover how you can live life pain free!


0 Spinal Decompression System TM combines science and to provide non-surgical pain relief to those suffering from in, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and sciatica. s of the DRX9000 TM include: s on their back during treatment Pain Relief Without Surgery! Th DRX9000™ system i designed to reproduc how the human spine responds to micro-gravity. The system targets specific lumbar segments and gradually unloads pressure on the spinal nerves that cause low back pain.

Patient Testimonial

“I’m astounded at the results I achieved. I lost 40 pounds in 12 weeks. I look and feel better than I ever have in a really long time. I wasn’t hungry, ate real food and still had a treat meal of my choice each and every week. Not only did I lose weight, my lab work improved significantly. I am no longer pre-diabetic! I am forever grateful to the team at Advanced Wellness.” – Jason J, 41 Marlboro I am no longer pre-diabetic! No Drugs, No Surgery, Just Relief.

f decompression can be to the specific disc level the angle of traction of success Unlike traction, which pulls both muscle and spine, the DRX9000™ applies forc s to increase i tra-discal pressure and enhance fluid diffusion to the discs. This non-surgical decompression therapy expands the space between the bones. Expanding the space between the vertebrae restores nutrients and blood flow to the disc which encourages healing— without surgery. Non-surgical decompression allows a damaged disc restore to a healthier state from the inside out.

esume the activities you love! ind out if you’re a candidate. Call 973.942.4449 l 732-387-7 1 r a FREE CONSULTATION CALL TODAY! 732.431.2155

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ADVERTISEMENT Chronic Back & Neck Pain Breakthrough Back Pain R lief Withou Surgery ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT

5 Back Pain Myths MYTH 1: Back Pain Goes Away Quickly Astudyfoundthat75%ofpa- tientsstillhavebackpainayear afterfirstvisitingtheirdoctors. 3 Manypatientsmayalsogoto othertherapistsandchiroprac- tors,nevertellingtheirfamily medicaldoctorwhattheyare doingabouttheirbackpainand howitstillaffectstheirlives. MYTH 2: Back Pain is a Trivial Problem Onestudyshowedjusthow seriously back pain affects one’s quality of life. Lower backpainistheleadingcause ofdisabilityforpeopleunder 45yearsofage,and80-90%of alladultswillsufferwithlow backpainatsometimeintheir lives. 1 MYTH 3: Pills (NSAIDs & Muscle Relaxers) Are Safe and Effective for Your Back Pain People with back problems generally suffer over many years,evendecades.Complica- tionsmaybeseenwithlong term use of these medicines such as NSAIDs, which can causebleedinginthestomach and intestines and lead to ulcers and kidney damage. Theyhavealsonotbeenshown tobeeffectiveinsomeclinical trials. 4 MYTH 4: Bed Rest is Good for You Inactivitywillactuallymake yourbackpainmuchworsein mostcases.Itwillactuallyre- conditionyourspinalmuscles andmakethemweaker—which means morepainandlessfunc- tionforyou. MYTH 5: The Pain is the Problem Back pain is a signal that thereissomethingwrong.Low back problems, not just low back pain, can be how you function, how your spine movesandtheactualstructures inyourbackthatareinjured. It’s important to have your problemsexaminedobjectively. pain is a signal th t ere is something wrong. Low back problems, not just low back p in, c n be ttributed to h w you fu ction, how your spine t e actual structures r back that are injured. It’s important tohaveyourproblems examined objectively.

Testimonials that DRX9000 TM Noninvasive Treatment Works Many of our patients have received significant relief after just a few treatments. Some, after just one! The really good news is that this isnot a treatment you have to continue for the rest of your life in most cases. “I had 15 epidurals over the course of 10 years for my back and sciatic pain. Since using the DRX9000, I have been pain free for months…Years ago I had surgery on my neck for the same problems and after comparing the two, I truly feel this machine could be the end to back surgery!!!” —MaryAnneS.,Bloomingdale,NJ— “I didn’t think I was going to be able to walk down the aisle at my own wedding the pain was so bad… Miraculously, not only did I walk down the aisle, I was able to dance all night pain free!!!” —AlyciaB.,Paterson,NJ— “I am an avid tennis player and I try to play at least four times a week. Because of my disc herniations, I had to stop playing altogether…I was becoming very depressed so I started trying all types of treatments, but chiropractic, physical therapy and medications didn’t help. I found Dr. Wolf through the newspaper and decided to give his program a try. I could not be happier. Not only am I back to playing tennis, but I have started running again. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am. If you have a herniated disc you have to try this miracle machine!!!” —RubenK.,Mahwah,NJ— “I suffered with back and sciatic pain for more than five years…I have been receiving epidurals and nerve blocks for the last year and a half…Previously I had tried chiropractic, physical therapy and acupuncture. With the help of the DRX9000, I have beencompletely pain free for more than four months!” —PegC.,Clifton,NJ— “I had constant pain in my lower back and both legs…My neurosurgeon told me that surgery was my only shot for relief. In fact, he wanted to schedule me that day. My orthopedist told me to try Dr. Wolf and the DRX9000 as a last ditch effort…not only is my excruciating pain gone, I have actually returned to all of my normal routines!” —DianaO.,Wayne,NJ— Cilea Cilea – Mary Anne S. – – Alycia B. – – Ruben K. – – Peg C. – – Diana O. –

PHOTOBYCALELLOPHOTOGRAPHY, INC. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy using the FDA clearedAxiom DRX9000™ treats disc injuries in the neck and lower back.

largenumberofhealthcare providers in the United States. NewJerseySpinalCare of Wayne, New Jersey, utilizes DRX9000 spinal decompressiontherapyfor candidateswhosufferfrom severe neck or back pain, sciatica,discandlegpain whomaybenefitfromthis treatment. Non-surgical spinal de- compressionisbasedonthe theory that decompressing yourspineisonewaythat discspacescanbeincreased and disc protrusions may thenbereduced. During the DRX9000 treatment the patient lies faceupwiththekneesbent withsupportunderneaththe shoulders.Youdonotgrip onto anything with your handsduringthetreatments, which can be tiring and painful for some patients. Theangleofdecompression can then be adjusted to affectdifferentcervicalor lumbarlevelsinthelower spine,allowingthedoctorto pinpointtheproblemarea. An experimental study hasshownthatinbulging discs, decompression can lowerthepressureinsidethe disc. 2 Formanypatients, this canmeanpainrelief,andif thepressureonthenerveis released,healingcanbegin. Astudyinthe Orthopedic Technology Review showed amarkedreductionindisc herniationsorprotrusionsin 71% of patients using the DRX9000. 2 Whenatreat- mentmayhelpevenafrac- tion of the patients with these types of back, neck andlegpain—whennothing else has worked—that’s significantinouropinion. NJSpinalCareistaking newpatients.CallNJSCat providers in the United States. AdvancedWellness of Marlboro,N w Jersey, utilizes DRX9000 spinal decompression therapy for candidat s who suffer from severe neck or back pain, ciatica,disc and leg pain who m y benefit from this treat ent. Non-surgical spinal decompression isbasedon th theory that decompressi g your spine is one way that disc spaces can be increased and disc protrusions may then be reduced. During the DRX9000 treatme t the patient lies face up with the kne s bent with support under ath the shoulders.Yo do not grip onto anything with your hands during the treatments, which can be iring nd painful for some pat ents. The angle of decom ression can then be a justed to affect different cervical or lumbar lev ls i th lower spine,allowing the doct r to pinpoint the probl m area. An experimental study has shown that in bulging di cs,decompress on can lower th pressure nside the disc. 2 For many patients, this can m an p in relief,and if th pressure on the nerv is released, healing can begin. i t rt e ic logy Review showed r e reduction in disc i i i in 71% of patients i the 900 . 2 When a tr atmentmayh lpevena fractionof the ti t with t types of back,neck l i e t i l has worked—that’s i ificant in our opinion. AdvancedWellness is taking new patients.Call

(973)942-4449toschedule your free consultation (a$200value)toseeifyou are a candidate for the DRX9000 spinaldecompres- siontreatment. Pain— Did You Know...? 1) A2005articleinthepres- tigious orthopedic journal Spine studiedpatients who suffered with lower back painand/orsciatica.99%of the patients were told they wouldgeteitheramoderate or great improvement in theirqualityoflifeaftersur- gery. But the study found that,inreality,39%didnot evenhaveminimallysignif- icantimprovement. 5 2) A scientific study from 2005indicatedthatpatients showedshort-termimprove- ment with injections, but whentheywerecheckedtwo yearslater,morethantwo- thirdsofthesepatientshad undergoneadditionalinva- siveprocedures. 6 Sothereis atwo-thirdschancethatyou couldeventuallyendupwith an invasive spinal surgery followinginjections. 3) There’satermthatisused alotinorthopedicandmed- icalcircles, failed back sur- gery syndrome .Thegreatest risk factor for having a second back operation is havingoneinthefirstplace. Andthegreatestriskfactor forhavingathirdoperation is having two previous sessionsunder theknife. Patients with unsatisfac- toryresultslikethesemay becandidatesforDRX9000 spinaldecompression. AdvancedWellness at 732-387-7441 to schedule your free consul ation (a $200 value) to see if you are a candidate for the DRX9000 pi al decompression treatment. i i You ow.. ? 2005 article in the pres- i s orthopedic journal i e studied patients who ered with lower back i and/orsciatica.99%of patientswere told they ldgeteitheramoderate great improvement in their qualityof l feaftersurgery. But thest dy found that, inreality,39%didnoteven haveminimallysignificant improvement. 5 2) A scientific study from 2005 indicated that patients showed short-term improve- ment with injections,but when they were checked two years later,more than two-thirdsof thesepatients hadundergoneadditional in- vasiveprocedures. 6 So there is a two-thirdschance thatyou couldeventuallyendupwith an invasive spinal surgery following injections. 3) There’s a term that is used a lot in orthopedic and medical circles, failed back surgery syndrome . The greatest risk factor for having a second back operation is having one in the first place.And the greatest risk factor for having a third operation is having two previous sessions under the knife. Patients ith unsatisfac- tory results like thesemaybe candidates for DRX9000 spinal deco pression.

By Dr.James L.WoLf CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN y R. JOSEPH J. CILEA I I YSICIAN About40%ofadultshave had back pain in the past month and around 60 to 90% of adults will have backpainatsomepointin theirlives. 1 Manybackpainsufferers giveuptooearlyonfinding the right treatment. They thinktheywillhavetolivea lifewithpainastheybelieve thereisnothingthatcanbe done for them. This may oftenleadtofeelingsofdis- couragementandinactivity, both of which can make chronicbackpainworse. Fortunately,manydoctors today recognize that back painaloneisgenerallynota sufficientreasontoturnto spinal surgery. At best, spinalsurgeryshouldonly beusedbythosewhohave triedeverythingelse,have excruciatingpain,oraneu- rological deficit condition (likefootdrop).But,evenin caseslikethese,surgeryis nocure-all. Thereisapromisingtreat- ment,however,thatfallsbe- tweentheoptionofinvasive, irreversible spine surgery anddoingnothingatall… It’sthebreakthrough treat- ment spreading rapidly across the United States, Canada and Europe used moreandmorefrequently forprofessionalathletes— called DRX9000 TM Spinal Decompression Therapy. The following research and facts will hopefully guideyoutothispotentially better solution for your chronic back, neck or leg pain. Your doctor(s) may not have discussed or even knownaboutthisnewtech- nology,nowbeingusedbya t lt have had back pain in the past month and around 60 to of adults will have ain at some point in . 1 a y i sufferers t early on finding right reatment.They t live a it li e n t ing that can be for them.This may t fe lings of discouragementand inactivit , both of which can make i orse. Fortunately, t recognize that back eneral y not a cient reason to turn to surgery.At bes , surgery should only by those who have everything else,have ti pain,or a neurologicaldeficit t . ut,even in like these,surgery is . tr atment,however, that falls between the ption of nvasive, irreversible pine surgery and doing nothing at all…It’s the breakt rough tr atment spreading rapidly s the United States, and Europe used and more frequently f r profes ional athletes— lle DRX9000TM Spinal si erapy. The following researchand factswillhopefullyguid you to this potentially better solution f r your chronic back,neckor legpain. Your doctor(s) may not havediscussedorevenknown about thisnew t chn logy, now being used by a larg number of healthcare

Owner and Author 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health

Dr. James L. Wolf Chiropractic Physician & Facility Director

Dr. Joseph J. Cilea

601 Hamburg Tpk, Suite 101 • Wayne, NJ 17 North Main Street • Marlboro, NJ 07746

1.Bigos,S.,et al.Acute LowBackProblems inAdults,ClinicalPracticeGuidelineNo.14.Rockville,MD:U.S.PublicHealthService,U.S.Dept.ofHealth andHumanServices,AHCPR pub.No.95-0642, Dec.1994. 2.Eyerman,Edward,M.D.MRI Evidence ofNonsurgical,MechanicalReduction,Rehydration andRepair of theHerniated LumbarDisc.Journal ofNeuroimagingVolume 8/Number 2April1998. 3.Croft,Peter,et al.Outcome of LowbackPain inGeneralPractice:AProspectiveStudy.BritishMedical Journal1998:316 :1356-1359 (2May). 4.HancockMJ,MaherGC,Latimer J,et al.Assessment ofDiclofenac orSpinalManipulativeTherapy,orBoth, inAddition toRecommended First-lineTreatment forAcute LowBackPain:ARandomized ControlledTrial,Lancet 2007; 370:1638 5.SOURCE:Spine,June 15,2005. 6.DattaD,et al. (2005).LowBackPain. In EDHarris Jr.,et al,eds.,Kelley’sTextbook ofRheumatology,7th ed., vol.1,pp.588-600.Philadelphia:ElsevierSaunders Call now and see how good it feels to live life without pain! (973) 942-4449 Call Now for a FREE Consultation Medicare Rules Apply 732-387-7 1

Back Pain Relief Without Surgery

The DRX9000 Spinal Decompression System TM combines science and technology to provide non-surgical pain relief to those suffering from low back pain, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and sciatica.

Advantages of the DRX9000 TM include:  Patient lies on their back during treatment  Amount of decompression can be

No Drugs, No Surgery, Just Relief.

targeted to the specific disc level by varying the angle of traction  High rate of success

Resume the activities you love! Find out if you’re a candidate. Call 973.942.4449 l 732-387-7 1 for a FREE CONSULTATION

Medicare Rules Apply

Most Insurances Accepted


17 North Main Street • Marlboro, NJ 07746

Dr. James L. Wolf Facility Director