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NBCDI Net Promoter Score Report

Net Promoter Score Report 9

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NBCDI - Net Promoter Score


Report November 2021

Prepared by

Net Promoter Score Explained The Net Promoter Score is an index ranging from -100 to

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend NBCDI to a friend or a colleague?” Based on their rating, stakeholders are then classified in 3 categories: detractors, passives and promoters.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is determined by subtracting the percentage of stakeholders who are detractors from the percentage who are promoters. What is generated is a score between -100 and 100 called the Net Promoter Score. At one end of the spectrum, if when surveyed, all of the customers gave a score lower or equal to 6, this would lead to an NPS of -100. On the other end of the spectrum, if all of the customers were answering the question with a 9 or 10, then the total Net Promoter Score would be 100. 0 1 2

100 that measures the willingness of

stakeholders to recommend an organization to

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely likely to recommend NPS = % - %

others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the stakeholder’s overall satisfaction with an organization’s work their loyalty to the brand. Net Promoter Score Calculation Stakeholders are surveyed on one single question. They are asked to rate on an 11-point scale the likelihood of recommending the organization to a friend or colleague.

DETRACTORS ‘Detractors’ gave a score lower or equal to 6. They are not particularly thrilled by the organization. They, with all likelihood, won’t engage or advocate and could potentially damage

PASSIVES ‘Passives’ gave a score of 7 or 8.

PROMOTERS ‘Promoters’ answered 9 or 10.

Not likely to recommend

They are somewhat satisfied but could easily switch to a

They love the organization’s products and

NBCDI will use net promoter score to:

competitor’s offering if given the opportunity. They probably wouldn’t spread any negative word-of- mouth, but are not enthusiastic enough about your products or services to actually promote them.

services. They are the repeat buyers, are the enthusiastic evangelist who recommends the products and services to other potential buyers.

• Establish a baseline with our various stakeholders • Develop and execute programs that grow NPS. • Drive membership, engagement and revenue growth.

the organizations reputation through negative word of mouth.

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report


Net Promoter Score

Total Population N = 133 NPS 60 Member N = 41 NPS 69 Conference Attendee N=24 NPS 41 Educator N=19 NPS 74


Passives 14%

Detractors 13%


n = 98

n = 18

n = 17

Other Stakeholder Groups N Affiliate 12 Board Member 6 Partner 5 Elder 5 Staff / Employee 2 Parent 2 Funder 1 Other 17


Passives 17%

Detractors 12%


n = 33

n = 3

n = 5



Detractors 13%



n = 13

n = 8

n = 3


Passives 16%

Detractors 5%


n = 15

n = 3

n = 1

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report




Passives 17%

Detractors 12%

Net Promoter Score 69


n = 33 NBCDI is necessary and needed

n = 3

n = 5 Address Structural Challenges for Black Child Develop; Why Not Charter? • There are so many organizations that are doing the work to uplift. We make limited progress with limited success because we don’t address the structure that causes the problem. If our schools are a big part of the problem, why hasn’t NBCDI started charters? Need better direction for implementation • NBCDI has helped to promote the narrative that supports the need to center Early childhood Education programming, interactions and teacher preparation around the specific needs of Black children. The publications offer a shift from the deficit perspective that has characterized the skills, abilities and behaviors of Black children and the communities in which they thrive. I would have offered a higher rating if there was a clearer understanding for how the concepts that are described in the literature could be implemented more robustly in the area where our grant funded projects are meant to impact.


• Well I love the organization I thinks it’s very good and positive but however I would like to see more annually conference besides Washington or webinar maybe also more information newsletter staying connected • As a member of BCDI Hampton Roads, I believe NBCDI offer relevant resources for potential business or organization partners. • NBCDI is a great organization for resources, research, and advocacy for children and families. Love NBCDI, Need more than conference and more information

• The information I receive helps me related to parents and children. I’m grateful for the knowledge gain in both social and political arena’s, The NBCDI Organization is needed and wanted. • I would highly recommend NBCDI because it is a very lucrative resource and speaks on so many things in our community that is needed not to mention the positive impact it has been in the community for our future leaders of tomorrow. • I would absolutely recommend anyone who is interested in advancing the causes of the African American community and anyone who is interested in strengthening families and visualizing positive outcome for our children to work with the NBCDI and have been doing so since I learned of the organization and its mission about 5 years ago.

N = 41

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report



Detractors 12%

Advocacy • The work that NBCDI does makes a strong impact on communities that are served and it helps to network on a broader spectrum to be intentional about the work that is being done not just in the back office but on the ground. Children are the most critical ones to be impacted and that is why it is important to think of the whole child and their families to tie in with the mission of NBCDI and its affiliates to promote a strong base advocacy, literacy, and building home libraries to produce positive and successful minds. • “Unique / Vital organization that works on behalf of Black children and their families / caregivers. We an unapologetically Black and focused on the strengthens and resiliency of our children and families that is informed by research, current trends and voices from the field. We have local affiliates, who are volunteers, that work locally to fulfill our mission and serve as catalyst for change in our local communities plus our programmatic / advocacy work is outstanding. • NBCDI’s conference has increased my knowledge and provided solutions / action agenda that benefit our children, families & caregivers; given me a network of key experts and mentors that I learn from but also call on as needed in my work for BCDI NY & also my paid employment. We are strong advocates & have accomplished much with a little.

We must up our website.” • I have been on the board of directors of BCDI New York Affiliate for almost than 30 years. When I was initially introduced to NBCDI, I was serving as a family court judge in Kings County Brooklyn, NY where I was faced daily with issues related to families and children. NBCDI and the New York affiliate were in the forefront of addressing the critical issues confronting families and children of color, particularly of African descent. Throughout the years, NBCDI has continued to fight the good fight on behalf of our children. However, I am disappointed that our current young professionals have not stepped up to take over from the long serving leaders who are worn out from the struggle. I am 87 years old and still passionate about what is in the best interest of our families and children but no longer have the stamina. I pray that the new leadership of NBCDI will refresh the organization with new and creative ideas and continue and build on the 50 years of NBCDI success. • NBCI elevates the voices of all community members. It’s the intersection of new learners and noted leaders across every sector of community, civic, education, business, and government. It’s the place where reform and innovation are celebrated.


n = 33 NBCDI and/or conference are very informative • The conference was very informative and enjoyed as well as learned alot. • “Speaking as a Life long member, well for at lease over 35 years, I cannot imagine not being a part of NBCDI. This organization has proven to be Rich with a wealth of vital information needed to improve the lives of Black and Brown Children in this country and beyond. Over the years, I have introduced a plethora of colleagues, friends and family to NBCDI. All are extremely pleased and honored to be affiliated with such a Phenomenal organization. I have never been more Energized or Committed as an Educator as • I am after leaving an NBCDI Conference !!! The enormous sense of Pride as a Black Women is IMMEASURABLE after Experiencing a NBCDI Conference!! Every aspect of the conference can leave you speechless !! and Overcome with Spiritual Joy. I will continue to introduce our younger colleagues to NBCDI!! Long live NBCDI “ • The information I receive helps me related to parents and children. I’m grateful for the knowledge gain in both social and political arena’s, The NBCDI Organization is needed and wanted.

n = 5 Has Not Offered Services

• Has not been a help to me at all. Has not offered services at all. Not sure what the work and impact of National is • I am a member of the Atlanta affiliate and their work and role in the community is very clear to me. I enjoy being a part of that team and appreciate the impact they have across Georgia. I am less clear on the role and impact of the parent organization - NBCDI. The last annual conference I attended was in-person and the speakers and presenters were excellent. While there were some things that I didn’t love, my overall experience was very positive. I would absolutely recommend my colleagues to both attend and apply to present at future conferences. Outside of that, I’m not sure what else the national organization does outside of the work of local affiliates. Lack of Community Visibility • Because I am just learning about the organization and there seems to be a lack of visibility in the community

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report


Conference Attendee



Detractors 13%

Net Promoter Score 41



n = 13 NBCDI is necessary and needed

n = 8 Good conference, would like more opportunities

n = 3 More emphasis on middle and high school • I’m a retired high school teacher. Several of my friends are also retired educators. They will support NBCDI with a financial gift or take a membership in our local affiliate, but they no longer are able to be active with children. Also, I wish there was a little more emphasis on developing middle and high school youth. Conference was discussion based vs research based • The conference was not what I was expecting. I expected researched based conversations about topics prevalent for children and families in the black community, with PowerPoints, etc. I felt it was very discussion based but I needed more research, numbers, and tools to be presented about the topics.

• I like that NBCDI exists and focuses not only on children, but black children because I have a black son and I need support on how to help him grow to be the bst person that he can be. I also impact black children on a daily basis through my work as an early education specialist. • Of many organizations which I’ve listened to or worked with, I believe NBCDI really has the heartbeat of working with our children. • Great information is shared that is often overlooked in other organizations. Networking opportunities and enjoyed the in person conferences. Hoping to get back to that in the future. • There is no other organization that focuses on the Black Child. It would be great if there was at least one chapter in every urban city in the U.S. • There is a critical need to focus on the well being of Black children. Every institution in America has failed them.

• I just found out about NBCDI recently. I enjoyed the conference and the sessions. I will recommend to colleagues as I learn more myself. • I attended your conference and thought it was so informative and inspiring. However, I can’t figure out how to work with you all in more depth based on what I see on the website. I’d love to find more opportunities. (I’m an early childhood professor/researcher). • Because of the work that NBCDI does in educating and sensitizing people about the educational, cultural, and psycho-sociological strengths and needs of African American and other minority children in America. I rated at “Pulse Check” at an 8 rather than a 10 because I have not attended many Conferences. The few that I did attend were really great, though.

N = 24

Difficulty engaging affiliate

• I have had a difficult time trying to become affiliated with an active chapter in the DC metro area.

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report




Detractors 13%



n = 13 Impact and Focus on Black Children

n = 8 Impact and Focus on Black Children; Need more resources in Spanish; Too expensive • I’m still learning about the organization myself. I would definitely recommend someone look into NBCDI, as what I have learned so far has high value to me. • I give a rating of 8 because I think NBCDI has a very positive impact on Black children. • If I had a colleague who had the time and energy to work with NBCDI, I would recommend that they do so. • I believe the organization really tries to improve the lives of the black community while building equity and equality. • Although, I like NBCDI and its events I find that there is room for improvement. I would like to see more resources on children of color in Spanish. Some of the events are too expensive for me to participate. Last time I attend an event was in Nashville which was great. I was able to get a quite a bit of resource information.

n = 3

• I like that NBCDI exists and focuses not only on children, but black children because I have a black son and I needsupport on how to help him grow to be the bst person that he can be. I also impact black children on a daily basis through my work as an early education specialist. • “This is a vibrant, impactful, professional organization that addresses important issues and does critical work for children. • They have completely earned my respect for these and many other reasons, but one of the primary: NBCDI does not condemn entire races of people for the sins of some. I feel that you cannot right wrongs by creating new ones. This positive behavior is consistent, I continue to be impressed, I believe in the organization’s work, and I am becoming a member today.” Informative on black children • because it provides information on how to not isolate a black child based on color, or prejudgment of what are expected behaviors • Great information is shared that is often overlooked in other organizations. Networking opportunities and enjoyed the in- person conferences. Hoping to get back to that in the future. • I’ve learned a great deal of Early Childhood information while attending the conference. • Professional Development on what can be done to support African American Children.

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report




Passives 16%

Detractors 5%

Net Promoter Score 74


n = 15 Informative on black children

n = 3

n = 1 Are black children different?

Not aware of services

• I am very grateful to this organization for helping me and answering every question during my TEACH scholarship process. Now I started university and I am very happy to continue working on my goals and finish the associate. • Because we need the VOICE for African American families and the training that meet the needs of our culture and race! Need I say more.... Thanks so much! • The amount and quality of information that is shared is impeccable. • NBCDI is Wonderful for black children across the country! I Love how they provide trainings and workshops for the community, educators, and families. I am glad to know this organization. • I love this organization for many reasons. I love the information that they share and to know its geared towards us Black people. And they share resources for small businesses like myself by giving my daycare books, ppo items and more. I love my apparel I purchased

• I am not familiar with all of services and resources. • This organization is very informative.

• Invite participants of other races, other cultures highlighting the black culture. Let it not be an event or organization for blacks only. You do phenomenal research. Why not include a diverse group of professionals? • I will continue to learn from you. • My words intend to offer a hand not judge you. I pray God your work is elevated to even higher grounds. • I have participated in one of your annual conferences and followed your work. I rated this question as a 2 because I still do not see how NBCDI offers solutions to include all children. It seems like there is a tremendous effort to make black children look like they are completely different and have totally different needs. I do understand the role of race and oppressive social forces, however, the more we push to make our children feel different, the more they will feel isolated. Let’s share our culture, our traditions and our ways of parenting, learning and relating to others.

N = 19

• I am Hispanic. I believe all children can learn. “

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report



Passives 16%

Detractors 5%


n = 15 Needed and Necessary Work

n = 3

n = 1

• I most definitely would recommend NBCDI to friends and colleagues. The work that this organization does is much needed. It is helping to shape the lives of our most important asset, children. I believe in the vision and often use it as a reminder to myself as to why I work so diligently to impact change in the community in which I live. • I truly support your mission and policies and initiatives. • You have a so much to offer to the community that it should be duplicated to meet the needs of families in our county. • NBCDI unapologetically is about supporting Black families and I value and appreciate their approach.

National Black Child Development Institute // Net Promoter Score Report