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Never Too Late - August 2022

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Never Too Late - July 2022

pimacouncilonaging Read Never Too Late online at Page 2 | July 2022, Never Too

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Never Too Late - June 2022

dementiareferral. Con base en los resultados de la evaluación, nuestros asesores trabajarán con uste

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NEVER TOO LATE - OCTOBER 2019 La importancia de Medicare para adultos mayores En 1965 el presidente L

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Never Too Late - November 2021

hypoglycemia, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger, fear, and frustration. • Exe

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low-impact aerobic segment, stretches, and structured strength training exercises using weights. Fit

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August 2019, Never Too Late | Page 3 Pima Council on Aging Aging in Our Community offer, as well as

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It's Never Too Late To Start Moving!

hip arthritis, spinal stenosis, low back arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Scler

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2022 Late Spring


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2022 Late Spring

retailer [email protected] To Order:

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Never Too Late - August 2022

Never Too Late Para información en Español ver páginas 19 - 21

August 2022 What’s News • Aging in Our Community • Dementia Capable SoAZ: Memory Care Support Series • Medicare & SMP • Rights & Benefits • Caregiving: New Workshops • Healthy Living: Classes Happening Now! • PCOA Puzzle • Ending Life Well • Neighbors Care Alliance • Visibility Matters • Advocacy • CareGiver Training Institute • PimaCare at Home

National Immunization Awareness Month


Independence. Vitality. Respect.

Inside • Aging in Our Community 3 • Dementia Capable Southern Arizona 4 • Medicare & SMP 5 - 6 • Rights & Benefits 7 • Staying Safe in Hot Weather 8 • Caregiving 9 - 11 • Community Lunch Program 12 • Healthy Living 13 - 16 • PCOA Puzzle 17 - 18 • Nunca Es Demasiado Tarde 19 - 21

• Ending Life Well 22 • Advocacy 23

• Senior Companion Program 24 • Neighbors Care Alliance 25 - 26 • Visibility Matters 28 • Featured Artist 30 • CareGiver Training Institute, Healthcare Education by PCOA 31 • Introducing & PimaCare at Home, In-Home Care by PCOA 32

PCOA Helpline: (520) 790-7262 Administration: (520) 790-0504 Donate: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mail: 8467 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 Never Too Late is published by Pima Council on Aging, the Area Agency on Aging, Region II. Material from Never Too Late may be reprinted when permission is given and attribution is used along with ©PCOA 2022. Editor Adina Wingate, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Editorial Assistant Jan Baker, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Advertising Adina Wingate, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Design Consultant Lori Lieber, Lori Lieber Graphic Design [email protected]

On the Cover: Detail from Parodia, oil on canvas by Maud Koch, The Drawing Studio. (Story, full image on inside back cover) Help from PCOA During the Pandemic Due to the prevalence of the coronavirus in our community, we encourage the public to access our services by phone or email whenever possible. Our building at 8467 E Broadway is open for those requiring in-person assistance. We encourage you to call and make an appointment to ensure the right staff are available to assist you. Our building at 600 S Country Club is not currently open to the public. Please call or visit our website frequently for updates, as availability is subject to change as the public health crisis evolves. The best way to access our services, including making an appointment for in-person assistance, is by calling our Helpline between 8:30 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday at (520) 790-7262 or emailing [email protected].

Editorial and Advertising Deadline for Next Issue AUGUST 1 2022

Please include a contact person name and phone number with all submitted material. All articles are subject to editing in accordance with technical and policy guidelines but will not be altered in content without permission of the author. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed. Ads are not to be considered as PCOA endorsements of products, services, or individuals.



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Page 2 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Aging in Our Community A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

others think and feel lays the groundwork for compromise when we disagree. #3. Realize that all our futures are tied together. No matter how strongly we might disagree with the beliefs and actions of some of our fellow Americans, we live in the same communities, frequent the same businesses, attend the same community centers and places of worship, go to the same hospitals, and live under the same laws of the land. Each of us has a vested interest in strengthening each of these institutions – though we may have deeply differing ideas about what that means and how to accomplish it. Viewing those with whom we disagree as our enemies, rather than the distance between our own beliefs and those of others as a potential space for understanding and compromise, rarely results in improvement and only deepens the divide. As I look around for leadership, it seems divisive and rancorous behavior has become more commonplace in our leaders at every level of government and business, making it more acceptable for others in society to follow suit. And yet, every one of us still has a choice about what we will accept from those leaders, and how we choose to act in our own lives. Perhaps more of us choosing greater respect and compassion for others can help turn the tide of division toward a more healthy and unified society.

Civility in Uncivil Times In a society that is by most accounts more divided than ever before, it feels like just about everything these days is framed as “us” versus “them.” Making sure the other side doesn’t win so often seems more important than finding a way forward, on a variety of critical issues. No matter what each of our political leanings or personal beliefs might be, for all our sakes, I hope we can soon find a way to come to some middle ground. Those who benefit from this division, and there certainly are those, are unlikely to call for a more reasoned approach or a return to civility, and so it falls upon us, as members of this society, to choose to reject inflammatory rhetoric and resist the urge to demonize those who don’t share our beliefs. Make no mistake, I am not calling for compromise to our core beliefs or commitment to the issues that matter to each of us. There are boundaries beyond which civility should not extend. In my world view, every person has an equal right to personal freedoms, respect, and opportunity. As such, I have no acceptance of racist, ageist, misogynist, xenophobic or otherwise discriminatory beliefs that seek to elevate one set of humanity above another. But the distance between extremist beliefs I personally know to be deeply and intentionally harmful, and moderate differences of opinion, is substantial. And yet, all issues seem too often to be painted by both politicians and the media with the same sensationalist brush. Those with whom we disagree are all around us, and they’re here to stay. So, how do we move forward and lift

ourselves from the mire of the us-versus- them mentality that has become so predominant? It seems that many of us are seeking answers to this dilemma. In late 2020, the Civil Society Fellowship, a part of the Aspen Institute, held a nationwide town hall of fellows and guests, with the goal of helping America “become a place that lives up to its ideals.” The results are three recommended steps we can all take to create a more civil society: #1. Find the good in others. “You build a good civil society by becoming good neighbors to one another,” said DeAmon Harges, an advocate of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute. Certainly, the idea of being neighborly is central to the work we do here at PCOA, and is an important tenet to me personally. When we see our neighbors being good parents, caring for older family members, or lending a hand to help out a fellow neighbor, it becomes much more difficult to dismiss them out of hand when a particular political sign goes up in their yard or bumper sticker appears on their vehicle. That single additional piece of information doesn’t negate everything positive we know about them. #2. Discover what we have in common. Too often, we seem to forget there are people beneath the identity we perceive them to have. People who belong to a particular political party, age group, cultural group, socioeconomic class or any other classification may share a few characteristics, but are by no means homogeneous. Our shared humanity, love of family, need for security, and many other factors mean we’re likely to find commonality with most people – and deepening our understanding of how

W. Mark Clark President & CEO

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

Dementia Capable Southern Arizo na


2022 Series Details Where: The Katie Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center Memory Care Support Series This 6-month series is designed for caregivers who are caring for a loved one with memory loss. We will walk through many aspects of this journey with you, from learning the basics of memory loss and dementia, to end of life planning. We will help you understand the changes that are occurring with your loved one without forgetting about your own self-care!

Are you looking for a safe, fun environment for you and your loved one? Come share space with us at one of our Memory Cafés in the community! Find more information at: Diverse communities are strong communities. If you would like to learn how you can support those living with dementia, consider signing up to become a Dementia Friend. A Dementia Friend learns about dementia then turns that understanding into action. We all have a part to play in creating dementia friendly communities! Sign up now: (English) (Spanish)

600 S. Country Club Rd. When: Thursdays - August 25, September 22 Time: 1 – 2:30pm

Class size is limited Register through Eventbrite at: https://www.eventbrite. com/cc/pcoa-memory-care-support-series-190859 For more information or to register, contact Donna DeLeon at 520.790.7573 ext. 1750 or [email protected] August 25 Caregiving Assists: Clever & Practical Tips and Tools Sept. 22 Transitions & Life Changes: Supports for the Journey

Page 4 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner

Understanding Medicare Presentation Hybrid (in-person and virtual)

Come learn about:

 Medicare basics – difference between Original Medicare & Medicare Advantage  Medigap Policies (Supplementary coverage)  Coordination of Benefits (Medicare and VA coverage, COBRA, Retiree Plans, AHCCCS, etc.)

 How to enroll  How to make changes  Medicare Savings Programs for low-income beneficiaries


PCOA Lupu Building 8467 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 August 4

PCOA - The Katie 660 S. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 8571616 August 18

Live Zoom Presentation

August 4 & 18


Thursday, 10am -1pm

Day/Time: Registration:

Thursday, 10am-1pm

Thursday, 10am -1pm

For more information, contact PCOA Medicare department at (520) 546-2011 or email [email protected] This project was supported, in part by grant number 90MPPG0022, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official acl policy.

Fraud Surrounding COVID-19 is Increasing

As the number of people and communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic grows, so do the scams associated with it. Scammers use public health emergencies as opportunities for new fraud schemes, and because older adults are at greater risk for serious illness from COVID-19, they may target older populations. It’s important to remember that although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health officials may contact you if they believe you may have been exposed to the virus, they will not need to ask you for insurance

or financial information. Scammers rapidly alter their tactics and adapt their schemes to the changing landscape, and have leveraged the COVID-19 vaccine, testing sites, and testing kits to prey on unsuspecting beneficiaries. Be vigilant and protect yourself from potential fraud concerning COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and treatments. Here are things you need to know about COVID-19 vaccine schemes: • You will not need to pay anything out- of-pocket to get the vaccine during this public health emergency.

• Medicare will not contact you to confirm your Medicare number or personal information over the phone. • Medicare has not issued a COVID-19 Medicare card and anyone contacting you about this is attempting to steal your information. • No one from a vaccine distribution site or health care payer, like a private insurance company, will call you asking for your Medicare number, Social Security number, or your credit card or bank account information to sign you up to get the vaccine.

(continued on next page)

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 5

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner

Medicare will cover up to eight over-the- counter COVID-19 tests each calendar month, at no cost to you

Fraud Surrounding COVID-19 is Increasing (continued from previous page)

Who’s eligible? Medicare beneficiaries who have Part B, including those enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. If you are in a Medicare Advantage plan, the tests covered under this initiative will be covered outside of your existing plan’s coverage, and in addition to any over-the-counter tests that may be covered under the plan as a supplemental benefit. Medicare won’t cover over-the-counter COVID-19 tests if you only have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) coverage, but you may be able to get free tests through other programs. How can I get tests through this initiative? You can get over-the-counter COVID-19 tests at any pharmacy or health care provider that participates in this initiative. Check with your pharmacy or health care provider to see if they are participating. If so, they can provide your tests and will bill Medicare on your behalf. A partial list of participating pharmacies can be found at coronavirus. You should bring your red, white, and blue Medicare card to get your free tests (even if you have a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Part D plan), but the pharmacy may be able to get the information it needs to bill Medicare without the card. Do I have to change pharmacies to get a free test? No. You can get your free over-the- counter COVID-19 tests from any eligible pharmacy or health care provider that voluntarily participates in this initiative, even if you aren’t a current customer or patient. Getting your tests won’t impact any prescriptions you have in place.

Will I have to pay anything to get over- the-counter COVID-19 tests in this initiative? No, you won’t have to pay as long as you go to an eligible pharmacy or health care provider that participates in this initiative. However, if you get more than the eight covered over-the-counter COVID-19 tests in any calendar month, Medicare will not pay for additional over-the-counter tests in that month. You may be responsible for the cost of additional tests that calendar month unless you have additional health coverage. If have additional coverage, you should check whether they will cover any additional tests obtained beyond the Medicare quantity limit. This means that the pharmacy or health care provider might ask you to pay for them. Note tests are sometimes packaged with more than one test per box, so eight tests may come in fewer than eight boxes. Do I have to wait a certain amount of time before I can get another eight over-the- counter tests through Medicare? Starting April 4, 2022, this initiative covers up to eight over-the-counter COVID-19 tests each calendar month. If you’ve gotten eight of these tests in the current calendar month, you will need to wait until the beginning of the next calendar month to get more tests. For example, if you receive eight over-the-counter COVID-19 tests on April 14, 2022, through this initiative, you will not be eligible for another round of eight free over-the- counter COVID-19 tests until May 1, 2022. Note that there can be multiple tests per box, so eight tests may come in fewer than eight boxes. For more information, contact PCOA Medicare at (520) 546-2011

• You cannot buy a vaccine card, make your own, or fill in blank vaccination record cards with false information. It is considered an unauthorized use of an official government agency’s logo/ seal. This is a crime. Here are things you need to know about COVID-19 testing schemes: • Be cautious of any COVID-19 testing site that requires your financial or medical information in order to receive a free test. • Be mindful of advertisements for COVID-19 testing or treatments on social media platforms. If you make an appointment for a COVID-19 test online, make sure the location is an approved testing site. • Be careful! Scammers are selling fake and unauthorized at-home COVID-19 test kits in exchange for your personal or medical information. Make sure to purchase FDA approved. Pima Council on Aging is your local SMP. SMPs empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse. You can reach PCOA SMP counselor at (520) 546-2011 . Source: Content/Medicare-Fraud/SMP-Consumer- Fraud-Alerts/SMP-Consumer-Fraud-Alert- COVID-19.aspx

This project was supported, in part by grant number 90MPPG0022, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official acl policy.

Page 6 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Rights & Benefits Information ALTCS Workshop

Do you or someone you know who is age 60 or older need help creating a spending plan or preparing bills for payment? independent living in the community for older adults who have difficulty managing their financial affairs. They may for the first time suddenly be faced with handling the household finances or now have a health condition that impedes their ability to read statements or write checks. Trained volunteers help older adults with their personal budget, write checks, Personal Budgeting Assistance PBA) volunteers help prolong and organize bills. Those who have been helped report improved peace of mind, stabilized finances, and being assisted with solving financial problems. For more details, please call 520-258-5062. Social Security Services For The Hispanic Community By Jack Burns , Social Security Public Affairs Specialist, Arizona For nearly 90 years, Social Security has provided financial protection to communities throughout the United States, including the Hispanic community. Today, our retirement, disability, and survivors benefits are an important source of income for Hispanics. Our Spanish-language website,, provides information for those whose primary language is Spanish. There, people can learn how to get a Social Security card, plan for retirement, apply for benefits, manage their benefits, and much more. We also provide many publications in Spanish at espanol/publicaciones. Popular topics include:

Learn about the Arizona Long Term Care System, including what it is, what it takes to be eligible for the program, and what kinds of services are available once a person becomes eligible. A great place to start when you are considering ALTCS for yourself, or for a loved one.

Please join us in person. Topic: ALTCS Workshop Time: August 11, 2:30 — 4 p.m. Location: PCOA’s Dusenberry Building, 600 S Country Club

Participants are asked to socially distance themselves; masks are optional.

To register , go to:, or call Donna DeLeon at 520.790.7573 ext 1750. The ALTCS workshop is held every month on the second Thursday. Participants who would prefer a virtual training are invited to register for our September training held on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

• Retirement, Disability, and Survivors benefits. • Medicare. • Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

• Social Security cards. • Fraud and scams. • Appeals. • Benefits for children. • Payments outside the U.S.

Customers who prefer to conduct business in Spanish can reach a Spanish-speaking representative at 1-800-772-1213. Please share these resources with friends and family who may need them.

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 7

Pima Council on Aging


Staying Safe in Hot Weather

• Heat syncope is a sudden dizziness that can happen when you are active in hot weather. If you take a heart medication called a beta blocker or are not used to hot weather, you are even more likely to feel faint. Rest in a cool place, put your legs up, and drink water to make the dizzy feeling go away. • Heat cramps are the painful tightening of muscles in your stomach, arms, or legs. Cramps can result from hard work or exercise. Though your body temperature and pulse usually stay normal during heat cramps, your skin may feel moist and cool. Find a way to cool your body down. Rest in the shade or in a cool building. Drink plenty of fluids, but not those with alcohol or caffeine.

• Heat edema is a swelling in your ankles and feet when you get hot. Put your legs up to help reduce swelling. If that doesn’t work fairly quickly, check with your doctor. • Heat exhaustion is a warning that your body can no longer keep itself cool. You might feel thirsty, dizzy, weak, uncoordinated, and nauseated. You may sweat a lot. Your body temperature may stay normal, but your skin may feel cold and clammy. Some people with heat exhaustion have a rapid pulse. Rest in a cool place and get plenty of fluids. If you don’t feel better soon, get medical care. Be careful—heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke.

Older adults may be more likely to have heat-related health problems. Being hot for too long can cause hyperthermia — a heat-related illness. Learn more about the signs of hyperthermia and how to prevent hot-weather illness. Too much heat is not safe for anyone. It is even riskier if you are older or have health problems. It is important to get relief from the heat quickly. If not, you might begin to feel confused or faint. Your heart could become stressed and stop beating. Being hot for too long can be a problem. It can cause several illnesses, all grouped under the name hyperthermia (hy-per- THER-mee-uh):

Staying Safe in Hot Weather Watch for these signs of hyperthermia:

Tips to prevent hot-weather illness:

Drink liquids Limit caffeine and alcohol


Muscle cramps

Swelling in your ankles and feet

Nausea and weakness

Rapid pulse

Wear light-colored, loose fitting clothes

If it’s too hot, try exercising indoors

Learn more about staying safe in hot weather at .

Page 8 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging


The Sandwich Generation and the Need of Immunizations By Kelley Hansen, Aging and Caregiving Specialist As a result of the sandwich generation, childhood vaccines are current including Meningococcal. With age, your lifestyle

If you had chickenpox as a child, you could reactivate it as an adult, and this will cause shingles. If you have a weakened immune system or are over the age of fifty, shingles can cause complications. A healthy adult over the age of fifty can get the vaccine, which consists of two doses. To protect your grandchildren and unborn grandchildren, the older population should get the TDAP (Tetanus-Diphtheria- Pertussis), as it is available to all age groups. Vaccines are given to a child and as an adult; the boosters are given every ten years as adults. Speak to your doctor about when to get the booster shot. All age groups can receive the Hepatitis B vaccine and booster shots may be necessary for some people. This vaccine protects against lifelong infection. The COVID vaccine is currently free of charge, and it is recommended that you get a booster shot. Check with your doctor or the CDC for the latest information on this vaccine. Vaccines get missed because people get caught up in the busyness life, there is too much responsibility on the sandwich generation, and the older population may forget. Ask your doctor to help with these reminders and updates, as it is important to see your doctor regularly. As you get your loved ones and yourself vaccinated there can be a peace of mind about protection against the number of diseases.

and health change, so you may need additional protection from different diseases. COVID, flu/influenza, TDAP (Tetanus- Diphtheria-Pertussis), Shingles, Hepatitis B, and Pneumococcal/Pneumonia vaccines are available to older adults. Medicare B covers these vaccines. Vaccines are easily available at your primary care doctor's office, a local pharmacy, low-cost clinics, or hospitals. Your insurance company will cover many of these vaccines that are recommended. Vaccines are still available at low-cost clinics if you do not have insurance. There are many reasons people may not get vaccinated, but please do not let it be due to cost. Vaccines have been around for years, and studies show that they can be safe and effective. However, if you are unsure if you should get vaccinated, please talk with your doctor. Doctors know the best way to protect you and your family. To be protected against the flu season, the best time to get the flu vaccine is around the end of October. The vaccine will take about two weeks to become effective, so continue to protect yourself. Even if you do not get it by the end of October, still get it. The adult population over the age of sixty-five can develop serious complications from the flu and it can turn into Pneumonia. The Pneumococcal vaccine can help prevent Pneumonia, Meningitis, and Sepsis.

let us focus on the significance of vaccinations for all age groups. The sandwich generation is adults in their middle years, between the ages of 35 and 54, who are caring for their growing children and their aging parents at the same time. Many generations are being exposed, so it is difficult to prevent the spread of illness and harmful diseases. Although not everyone can get vaccinated, and some choose not to get vaccinated, this month is National Immunization Awareness Month , so let us emphasize the importance of vaccinations. Vaccines are created to save lives, protect you and others you care about, protect the future generations, and save you time and money. As we have seen in the last couple of years, germs and illnesses can spread rapidly, causing an outbreak. In older adults, vaccinations are particularly important because our immune system weakens as we get older, and it is harder to fight off infections. Our older adults can have complications that lead to long-term illness, hospitalizations, and even death. Not everyone can get vaccinated due to allergies or other health issues, so it is important to use other health protocols as well. It is encouraged that young and middle- aged adults get vaccinated for COVID, flu/influenza, and Whooping Cough. You will also want to make sure your

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 9

Pima Council on Aging


PCOA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS – AUGUST Five are currently being held by Zoom plus six in person.

To protect the confidentiality of the group sessions, access information will only be given to registered participants. Emails are sent out on Fridays with updated schedules and additional information. If you participated in the groups before COVID, and have not been receiving the emails, please check your junk or spam folder. Questions or to RSVP : call the Helpline at (520) 790-7262. Participation in the groups can be in person (6 groups), by telephone or by computer/tablet/smartphone w/ video.

Support groups are a way to connect with others who are walking the journey of caregiving like you are. You get to SEE (if you use the video option) that you are not alone. You get to hear other’s challenges and successes, learn about helpful resources, know that your story matters and that you have been heard. Support groups are facilitated by a professional and are a safe place for you to express your concerns, frustrations, etc. and learn that others feel this way too. 8/15, 3rd Monday, 1–2:30pm (Midtown) In Person 8/16, 3rd Tuesday , 9–10:30am Virtual ON ZOOM 8/18, 3rd Thursday, 1:30–3pm Virtual ON ZOOM 8/22, 4th Monday, 11am–12:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 8/23, 4th Tuesday , 9–10:30am (Southwest) In Person

“Regardless of what challenge you are facing right now, know that it has not come to stay. It has come to pass. During these times, do what you can with what you have, and ask for help if needed. Most importantly, never surrender. Put things in perspective. Take care of yourself. Find ways to replenish your energy, strengthen your faith, and fortify yourself from the inside out.” — Les Brown


8/1, 1st Monday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person 8/2, 1st Tuesday , 12–1:30pm (Oro Valley) In Person 8/4, 1st Thursday, 1–2:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 8/8, 2nd Monday , 1–2:30pm (Green Valley) In Person 8/9, 2nd Tuesday, 5:30–7pm Virtual ON ZOOM 8/11, 2nd Thursday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person

*NOTE: There will be no meetings on days where holidays are observed PLEASE RSVP for all groups. At all in person meetings we continue to social distance and mask wearing is optional. To reserve a space or if you have any questions, please contact the PCOA Helpline at (520) 790-7262.

Page 10 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging


Free training for informal, nonpaid family caregivers Caregiving Essentials: First Steps Training Schedule 2022

Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center 600 S. Country Club, 85716 If staying for both, bring your own lunch. Coffee and water available.

Tuesday, August 9 Friday, September 16

Wednesday, October 12 Monday, November 7

Workshop 1: Steps to Resilience (9 am – 12:30pm)

Workshop 2: Physical Care and Safety (1:00 – 3:30pm)

• Stress Management & Grief • Communication • Dementia Behaviors & Issues • Finances & Legal Resources • Lifelines for Support: Respite & Support Groups • Nutrition Support • Phone and Technology Use • Grief & End of Life Resources

• Activity Planning, Outings and Car Etiquette • Infection control and providing Personal Care

• Proper Body Mechanics • Home Environment Safety & Fall Prevention • Planning for an Emergency • Understanding Assistive Devices • Proper Walking /Transferring techniques • Re-positioning with reassessment

Register on Eventbrite: or call Pima Council on Aging, 520.790.7573 ext. 1750; [email protected]

For questions, call Kelley Hansen 520-790-7573 ext. 3413; [email protected] For possible respite during training, call Arizona Caregiver Coalition 888.737.7494 or our Helpline 520-790-7262. This training does not provide certification or CEU’s for employment. *Classes are subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 11

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Community Lunch Program

Do You Know... • Someone who could benefit from a lunch program that also provides an opportunity to make new friends. Let’s face it, eating alone, at home, is no fun. • These programs are typically open from Monday – Friday (except as noted and holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 1pm. • There are fun activities available during these hours. Depending on the site, activities include games, movies, crafts and even field trips. • A transportation subsidy may be available to get someone to these lunch programs. Transportation is provided via Sun Van, to individuals with disabilities with a current ADA Eligibility Card issued by the City of Tucson. • That these lunch programs are open to all individuals 60 and older and their spouse regardless of age. Once you register at a meal site, you will be required to reserve your meals each week. That way, we know you’re coming and your lunch is waiting for you. A suggested donation of $2–$3 is requested. Community Center Lunches are a program of the Pima Council on Aging in collaboration with sub-contracted agencies: Catholic Community Services, and the City of Tucson Parks & Recreation Department. Have Lunch and Make a Friend

Check it out here: meals-nutrition.html/ Click on “View Monthly Menu” This Month’s Menu


Ajo Community

290 W. Fifth St., Ajo 85321

520-387-5040 520-791-4353 520-791-4070 520-889-0928 520-837-8210 520-887-9786 520-791-4969 520-791-3247 520-791-2509 520-485-7413 520-791-5787

Archer Neighborhood Armory Park Senior *

1665 S. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson 85713 220 S. 5th Ave., Tucson 85701 101 W. Irvington Rd., Tucson 85714 1390 W. Speedway Blvd., Tucson 85705 1660 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson 85705

El Pueblo Neighborhood Center El Rio Neighborhood Center

Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells Community Center **

Freedom Recreation Center

5000 E. 29th St., Tucson 85711 2160 N. 6th Ave., Tucson 85705

Donna Liggins Center

780 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley 85614 520-393-6814

Posada Life Community Center Quincie Douglas Senior Center

1575 E. 36th St., Tucson 85713

Saguaro Christian Church William Clements Center

8302 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson 85710 8155 E. Poinciana Dr., Tucson 85730

Please call in advance to reserve a meal and for days and hours of operation. Funded by: Federal Older Americans Act through AZ DES/DAAS, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, City of Tucson, and Individual Contributions * Dinner meal only ** Open Mon., Wed., Fri.

Page 12 | August 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

Small steps. Positive changes. Healthier living. At least 91% of older adults have at least one chronic condition and 77% have two or more. Diabetes affects 23% of older adults, and 1 in 3 older adults fall every year in the U.S. Most falls can be prevented.


Our current schedule for EnhanceFitness® classes (1 hour class) is:

NEW Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Randolph Recreation Center, is 200 S. Alvernon Way, Bldg. 1 , 9 – 10 am • El Pueblo Recreation Ctr., 101 W. Irvington Rd., Activity Center, Bldg. 9 , 11am – 12pm • El Rio Center, 1390 W. Speedway Blvd. – 11am – 12 pm • Clements Regional Ctr., Fitness Center 8155 E. Poinciana Dr. , 8:30 – 9:30am • Udall Park, Carol West Senior Center, 7222 E Tanque Verde Rd. , 11am – 12 pm

The Katie PCOA Dusenberry Building 600 S. Country Club Rd., (Fitness Room) Mon., Wed., Fri.

In-Person : 10:30 – 11:30 am Remote: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Tucson Estates (TENHN), 5900 W Western Way Circle

Mondays – 10:30 – 11:30 am, Recreation Hall Wednesdays & Fridays – 10:30 – 11:30 am, Multi-Purpose Hall

The contribution fee is $36/month per participant.

Community-based health promotion programs help individuals gain self-confidence in controlling symptoms; manage the progression of long-term and chronic, age-related conditions; and lead an active and productive life that most strive for.

Pre-registration is required through Eventbrite (located on the PCOA homepage), . For assistance, call us at (520) 305-3410.

Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells** Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 10:30 – 11:30 am Picture Rocks Community Center** 5615 North Sanders Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 10:30 – 11:30 am Drexel Heights Community Center** 5220 South San Joaquin Ave. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Register Now! Search for Senior Fitness , at natural_resources_parks_and_recreation/ Chose the center of your choice from the list and go their class listing, look for EnhanceFitness to register. ** Locations are closed until September

Call Jennie at (520) 305-3410 for more information.

*Classes subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

Learn Practical Skills • Gain Self-confidence • Manage Fall Risks • Positive Changes & Healthier Living

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 13

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

A Matter of Balance Offered in Person

Sept., 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29* Tuesdays & Thursdays | 1 – 3 pm Tucson Estates 5900 W Western Way Circle (Multi-Purpose Hall) More locations will become available and are being scheduled.

Contribution Fee: $30.00 (covers your book and supplies) Many older adults become concerned about their balance and falling as they age. They may experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for a small group of 8-15 participants led by a trained facilitator.

The program enables participants to achieve significant goals. They gain confidence by learning to: • Overcome the fear of falling and learn to view falls as controllable • Set goals for increasing activity • Recognize fall hazards • Make changes to reduce fall risk at home • Exercise to increase strength and balance What do participants learn?

Who should attend?

The program is designed to benefit older adults who: • Are concerned about falls • Have sustained falls in the past • Restrict activities because of concerns about falling • Are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength

• Are age 60 or older, community-dwelling and able to problem solve

For more information and to register, contact Jennie at (520) 305-3410.

*Classes are subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

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Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

The Aging Mastery Program (AMP) classes in person Tuesdays, September 13 – November 15, 2022, 1:30 – 3:00 pm* The Aging Mastery Program (AMP) classes will explore: ® ®

• Advance Planning • Healthy Eating and Hydration • Medication Management • Fall Prevention • Community Engagement

• Navigating Longer Lives • Exercise and You • Sleep • Financial Fitness • Healthy Relationships

A comprehensive approach to aging well. The program combines classes with expert speakers, group discussion and goal setting to help you gain new skills to make small meaningful changes in your life. Registration is payable in advance for all 10 weeks of the program. Limited spots available: Sign up now! Fee: $89/person if registered and paid by Tues., August 16. After Aug. 16, fee is $99/person Registration and Fee (payable in advance) by Tuesday, August 16, 2022 (No refunds after Tues., August 16, 2022 ) Location: Offered in person at The Katie PCOA Healthy Aging Center (TEP Room), 600 S Country Club

*Classes are subject to change due to health precautions.

Join the adventure!

For more information and to REGISTER, call Pima Council on Aging, 520-305-3409

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 15

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

Looking for a Fun Way to be More Active?

These past several months, older adults in our community have been diligent about getting their booster shots to keep themselves and their families and friends safe. This spring the CDC approved a 4th booster shot for people 50 years of age or older or for people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised. Take YOUR FOURTH Shot!

Come join us for this fun, engaging and healthy activity! A FUN, AFFORDABLE WAY TO IMPROVE HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE

Bingocize (offered in person) The Katie , 600 S. Country Club Rd., (Fitness Room)

Aug. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, Sept. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, Oct. 4, 6 Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9 – 10 am Donation Fee: $40 (covers your supplies) for a bi-weekly class for 10 weeks (20 classes total) To Register: or call Jennie, 520.305.3410

It’s easy with the pandemic restrictions beginning to lift to forget what a threat COVID-19 still poses for us and our communities. Our single best bet to stopping new variants and ensuring the safety of ourselves and others is to make sure you are up to date with your vaccines. And that means to take the latest booster shots as you become eligible. Visit for the most up to date information about the COVID-19 vaccine and for information on how you can receive your COVID-19 booster shots.

Bingocize® is an evidence based program that combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo, which has shown to be a great, fun way to get seniors moving and socializing. Your participation can lead to improved and/or maintained mobility and independence as it is adaptable and beneficial for all ranges of physical and mental ability. The overall goals of the program are to help older adults improve and/or maintain mobility and independence, learn and use health information

focused on falls reduction to promote wellness, socialization and connectedness.

This program is offered by the Healthy Living Department of PCOA

August 2022, Never Too Late | Page 16

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Puzzle

August Puzzle

47 Frequently, poetically 48 Mailed 49 Specialty food store 51 Contemptuous exclamation 52 Mantle 56 State of constant change 58 Lily Munster actress Yvonne De --- 60 Not his 61 Captain Jack Sparrow actor 62 Online missives 63 Senses of self-importance 64 Wild about 65 Look after 66 Seedy joint 67 Talks lovingly 68 Singles 69 Could be bobby, red or white








Down 1 One 2 Army chaplain 3 Gush forth 4 Presidential workplace 5 Chucks 6 Outbreak 7 Junkie

8 Destructive Hindu deity 9 Those north of the 49th 10 Curves 11 Police officer's patrol route 13 Snow carriage 18 Wrestling maneuvers 26 Enter stealthily 28 Provide new equipment 29 Long feathery scarf 31 Get lost! 32 Minor chessman 33 Smile 34 Federal farming regulator 35 Confront 36 Channel revived as Heartland 40 --- King Cole 45 Engraved with acid 48 Salty 50 Montreal ---, now the Washington Nationals 51 Gray matter





24 Scrutinize 25 Study 27 Mardi --- 29 Evil 30 E.g. A O L 33 Four pecks 36 Secret Chinese society 37 Bingo! 38 Time in Boston 39 Merchant ship's capacity

Across 1 Raises 4 1 G 8 Strikebreaker 12 Siestas 14 Egg layers 15 Father of a leveret 16 Superstar 17 Wanes 19 Old Peruvian native 20 Aligned 21 Open 22 Enormous 23 Abominable snowman

Answers: following page 53 Breastplate of Zeus or Athena 54 Brigham Young University city 55 Antique auto 56 Depositors' protective grp. 57 Longtime "Tonight Show" host Jay 59 Rounds

41 Immediately 42 Dentists' grp. 43 "Death --- Expert Witness" (P D James)

44 Is adjacent to 46 Homo sapiens

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Pima Council on Aging



Puzzle Solution from previous page

8 1



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6 +




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