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New Life Neutrecuticals



BioHacking = Optimization

Biohacking can be described as citizen or do- it-yourself biology. For many “biohackers,” this consists of making small, incremental diet or lifestyle changes tomake small improvements in your health and well-being. Biohacks promise anything fromquick weight loss, performance optimization, to enhancing brain function. But the best biohacking results come frombeing well- informed and cautious about what works for your body.

Types of Bio Hacking:



Nutrigenomics focuses on how the food you eat interacts with gene expression. This popular, although controversial, type of biohacking is founded on the idea that your body’s total genetic expression can be mapped out and optimized by testing how different nutrients affect your health .

Grinder is a biohacking subculture that sees every part of the human body as hack-able. In general, grinders seek to become “cyborgs” by optimizing their bodies with a combination of gadgets, chemical injections, neutraceuticals, regen implants, and anything else they can put into their body to make it work the way they want it to.

Nutrigenomics may “hack” your biology in several ways, such as:

decreasing your risk of developing a disease that you’re genetically predisposed to helping you achieve physical, mental, or emotional changes, such as losing weight or reducing depression symptoms helping optimize a bodily function, such as your blood pressureTrusted Source or gut bacteria

Epigenetics: In simple terms Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off. Points to remember about biochemistry and genetics before learning exactly what is epigenetics: Cells are fundamental working units of every human being. All the instructions required to direct their activities are contained within the DNA. DNA from humans is made up of approximately 3 billion nucleotide bases. There are four fundamental types of bases that comprise DNA – adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, commonly abbreviated as A, C, G, and T, respectively. The sequence, or the order, of the bases is what determines our life instructions. Within the 3 billion bases, there are about 20,000 genes. Genes are specific sequences of bases that provide instructions on how to make important proteins – complex molecules that trigger various biological actions to carry out life functions.

Epigenetics Controls Genes. This is achieved through (1) nature: epigenetics is what determines a cell’s specialization (e.g., skin cell, blood cell, hair cell, liver cells, etc.) as a fetus develops into a baby through gene expression (active) or silencing (dormant); and (2) nurture: environmental stimuli can also cause genes to be turned off or turned on. Epigenetics involves all of your actions. What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time. Additionally, in certain diseases such as breast cancer or Alzheimer’s, some genes will be switched into the antithesis state, away from the normal/healthy state. Furthermore, there have been indications that some epigenetic changes can even be inherited. Epigenetics Is Reversible. With more than 20,000 genes, what will be the result of the different combinations of genes being turned on or off? The possible arrangements are enormous! But if we could map every single cause and effect of the different combinations, and if we could reverse the gene’s state to keep the good while eliminating the bad… then we could hypothetically* cure cancer, slow aging, stop obesity, and so much more. Epigenetics affects how genes are read by cells, and subsequently whether the cells should produce relevant proteins.

Nutrigenomics: Nutrigenomics is the study of the comprehensive, global interplay between nutrition and your genome. It includes looking at how the foods you eat affect the expression or “reading” of your genes, the subsequent creation and building of the proteins in your cells, and what it all means for your metabolism and health.

We can conduct advanced BioMarker testing to determine exactly what nutrients, minerals, diet, hormones, and peptides that a person needs to bring their body to optimal function. Once deficiencies are corrected the body can start doing it's job to repair itself.

Modalities for BioHacking

IV Nutrition



Subcutaneous Injectables


Advanced NutritionalTesting

IV Nutrients

New Life Medical has answered your most requested product demand! We are now able to facilitate all of your compounding pharmacy needs. We offer IV Nutrients, Hormones, Peptides, and subcutaneous injectables. We can set up your account and you can order immediately after your training on how to use the ordering platform. You also have the option to purchase training in hormones and peptides. with Dr. Brent Agin, MD.

Why IV Nutrition?



Lack of minerals in soil The soil that our food is grown on has become mostly depleted. A person could eat "perfectly" and still be mineral deficient.

Most American's are deficient.

In today's society most American's do not eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables.


Boosts Energy


Low Absorbtion Even if we're eating a proper diet and taking supplements we can only absorb 20%-30% of the supplements that we take.

When vital nutrients like amino acids, ascorbic acids, glutathione, B vitamins and more are injected directly into the bloodstream, the results can be both immediate and effective. Because IV drip therapy can be customized to provide 100% of the vitamins and nutrients needed per individual, many patients of IV nutrient therapy experience a significant, sudden boost in energy. This reduces the need for other (often unhealthy) energy enhancers such as coffee, soda, energy drinks, etc.




Helps with age management.

Improves Athletic Performance


Many patients choose IV nutritional therapy to boost their immune systems in an effort to get sick less often. With an influx of vital nutrients, it’s not uncommon for IV nutrition patients to bypass the current flu virus and have more energy throughout the day.ts.

Another major reason patients use IV nutrition is for its age-management benefits. With the right blend of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, IV nutrient therapy can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, mend damage caused by UV rays and remove free radicals that contribute to tissue damage. In fact, many patients claim to experience stronger hair and nails, clearer skin and improved eyesight as a result of IV nutritions.

IV nutrient therapy can also be used to enhance athletic performance and improve recovery. IV drips for athletes can offer a variety of exercise-related benefits, such as:

– Quick muscle recovery and hydration – Reduced recovery time – Eliminated toxins – Boosted endurance


Hormonal Imbalance Statistics show that 80 percent of women suffer from hormonal imbalance. Some women live with these imbalances without even realizing it; in fact, 70 percent are unaware of conditions like PCOS that may have manifested due to hormonal irregularities.

The most dangerous thing about a hormonal imbalance is not actually the symptom, but what it may represent. Common causes of a hormonal imbalance range from diabetes to thyroid issues, to glandular issues and possible tumors – either benign or malignant. If your body is reacting in these ways to changes in your body’s chemicals, it could be sign of a deeper issue, which could be dangerous if left untreated.

Particularly in women, a hormonal imbalance could indicate early onset of menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, primary ovarian insufficiency and even ovarian cancer, among other conditions. In men, hormone imbalance could indicate any number of conditions, including prostate cancer.

Peptide Therapy

Can be prescribed to improve athletic performance, general wellness and overcome health declines associated with aging, illness and disease. To gain a better understanding of how peptide therapy works, the folllowing information provides an overview of health declines associated with aging;growth hormone and growth hormone releasers; peptiedes and peptide therapy;and sexual disfunction Signs of GH Deficiency

Peptides occur naturally in the body and are present in every living cell . Like proteins , peptides are composed of amino acids and created when two or more amino acids are joined together . There are 20 different amino acids in the human body andmixing different combinations is what creates the various peptides and proteins in the human body . All peptides will have some effect on the cells of the body .

Decrease in lean muscle mass Decrease in bone density Increased fat mass, particularly around waistline and abdomen Loss of skin elasticity Increased hair loss Increased Cholesterol Impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance Increased anxiety and depression Cognitive Impairment

Types of Peptides

BPC 157 Bremelanotide CJC 1295/Ipamorelin Epitalon Ibutamoren (MK-677) IGF-1 LR3 Ipamorelin RAS Sermorelin AOD-9604

Growth Hormone :

Growth hormone is a protein that is made by the pituitary gland and secreted into the bloodstream . In general , natural GH production rises during childhood , peaks during puberty , and declines frommiddle age onward In children and adolescents , GH stimulates the growth of bone and cartilage . In people of all ages , GH boosts protein production , promotes the utilization of fat , interferes with the action of insulin , and raises blood sugar levels . GH also raises levels of insulin - like growth factor -1. ( IGF -1)

Benefits of GH

Decreased body fat Increased muscle Improved fat burning Improved stanima Improved fat burning Improved energy Increased sex drive

Improved wound healing Improved sleep quality Increased bone density Improved immune function

Improved cognition Decreased anxiety

Subcutaneous Injectables Subcutaneous injectables are an important part of the formula . This is particularly important when dealing with chronically ill patients . Most patients who are actively presenting with symptoms are experiencing gut issues . These injections bypass the gut and allow a more efficient delivery system than ingesting a supplement .

Common Injections

MIC-B12 Lysine

NAD VIt D Magnesium

Diet :

A plant based , whole food , nutrient rich diet is important for anti - aging , healing , reducing inflammation , lowering BP , and cholesterol .

How to get started:


Fill out Account Set up Form for Pharmacy. Run a nutritional panel on patient.

2. 3. 4.

Order. Treat.

Package Suggestions The Forever Young :


Per Session :

$200 $600 $2,000 $300 $1,000 $150 $2,000

10 IV Nutrient Infusions 3 Micro-Needling Sessions w/ PRP 3 Bio Face-Lifts 4 BioIVs 4Hydrafacials

2 Laser Sessions 4 Ozone Facials 1 "O" Shot Skin Care Line

A Better You :


10 IV Nutrient Infusions 3 Micro-Needling Sessions w/ PRP 2 Bio Face-Lifts 2Hydrafacials

2 Laser Sessions 4 Ozone Facials Skin Care Line

The Essentials


5 IV Nutrient Infusions 3 Micro-Needling Sessions w/ PRP

1 Bio Face-Lift Skin Care Line