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Newsletter - July 2022

Volume 29, Issue 7 | July 2022 The Seven Oaks Scene

Golf  Tennis  Food  Fitness  Family  Friends  Fun

From the President

by Scott Howry, President, Board of Governors

Happy July! I hope to see everyone at our July 4th Fireworks Extravaganza on Monday night, the weather forecast is going to be terrific!

As many of you are aware, a new restroom and water station was recently completed on the West Nine portion of the golf course. The Board has received many thanks from members for adding that restroom and water station. The simple reason it was added is that the new restroom fills in the longest gap between restrooms on the golf course. Complaints from West Nine homeowners to the Club Pro Shop have been constant over the years about players using trees in the area in plain view. Depending on the pace of play, and especially during tournaments, it could take an hour to an hour and a half between restrooms on the Islands. The Islands is also typically the back nine, and after cocktails and beers on the course…. well, you get the picture. So with the West Nine closed down last year, it was the perfect opportunity for the Board to solve the problem permanently.

I would like to thank the following individuals for their significant donations and discounts to the Club to get the restroom constructed: Brett and Dianna Prather (drywall and plaster), Ted McLemore (electrical), Terry Krausgrill (doors), Tom Hartnett (roof vents and fans), Sean Todd (painting), Mark Napier (Knights Services), Paul Brown (architecture) and Mike Hunter (construction advice). And finally, I want to give a special shout out to Jim Ward for acting as the General Contractor and quarterbacking the project. Jim donated all of his time and labor for the construction management and concrete work on the site and we greatly appreciate him, and his work.

(continued on page 3)

Club Hours

Clubhouse Tuesday - Sunday 6am - 9pm Oak Room Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 9pm Sunday Brunch 10am - 2pm The Grille Tuesday - Friday 11am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 7am - 9pm

Golf Course Tuesday - Sunday 7am - 7pm Tennis & Pickleball Monday - Sunday 6am - 10pm Tennis Pool & Gym Mondays 5am - 3pm Tuesday - Sunday 5am - 9pm

Oaks Snack Bar Tuesday - Sunday 7:30am - 2:30pm

Grand Island Pool & Gym Mondays 5am - 3pm Tuesday - Sunday 5am - 9pm Grand Island Snack Bar Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 6pm

Let's Get Social!

"LIKE" Us on

Capture & Share your Seven Oaks memories with us!

Contact the Reception Desk to get your invitation!

Phone Directory


Golf Shop

664-6474 664-6490

Jeanette Rangel Judith Sandoval

664-6056 241-5919

Tennis Office


Catering & Events Marie Joseph Member Services Eryn Urban

Reception Desk



Take Out

The Grille

241-5910 241-5900 664-6069 241-5930


Oak Room

General Manager Enrique Contreras, CCM 664-6254

Grand Island Snack Bar Oaks Snack Bar @ Tennis

2 | The Seven Oaks Scene

(President's Message, continued)

The current code to access the restroom is posted in the club golf carts and is available by calling the Pro Shop. The code will protect this remote restroom from vandalism and usage by non-members in the area. The code will be changed periodically to assist with its security and golf members will receive email notifications of any changes to the code.

Lastly, I want to make you aware of some dates for our Fall Golf Tourneys. The Ladies Invitational will be November 1st – 3rd and on November 17th, the Club will have its Men’s Member-Member Golf Tourna- ment. Save the dates and make your plans to participate now.

Have a Happy & Safe Independence Day!

Welcome Our Newest Members

Amy Grundvig & Douglas Hoffman,

Robert & Janet Winchester, Selleck & Andrea Zaninovich

The Seven Oaks Scene |


Seven Oaks Book Club The Seven Oaks Book Club meets each month to discuss books on a reading list which is selected by mutual consent of the Book Club members. All members of SOCC are invited to attend. Our selection for July… Never by Ken Follett “Every catastrophe begins with a little problem that doesn’t get fixed.” So says Pauline Green, president of the United States, in Follett’s nerve-racking drama of international tension.

A shrinking oasis in the Sahara Desert; a stolen US Army drone; an uninhabited Japanese island; and one country’s secret stash of deadly chemical poisons: all these play roles in a relentlessly escalating crisis. Struggling to prevent the outbreak of world war are a young woman intelligence officer; a spy working undercover with jihadists; a brilliant Chinese spymaster; and Pauline herself, beleaguered by a populist rival for the next president election.

Never is an extraordinary novel, full of heroines and villains, false prophets and elite warriors, jaded politicians and opportunistic revolutionaries. It brims with cautionary wisdom for our times, and delivers a visceral, heart-pounding read that transports readers to the brink of the unimaginable. Our next meeting is Thursday, June 23 rd at 4pm Please email Bee Barmann at [email protected] to receive information on joining the meeting. S.O.W.G.A. by Myrna Pelle, S.O.W.G.A. Vice President

Ace of the Month for June: Debbie Green !!!

Thursday Play Results:

June 2nd 1st Gross

Cindy Shih

1st Net 2nd Net

Sheri Williams Josephine Shih

Chip In Claire Boone Closest to Pin Tracy VanFossen

June 9th 1st Gross 1st Net 2nd Net

Cindy Shih Pam Reynier

Mary Anne Dixon

Chip In

Sheri Williams & Barbara Beaty

Closest to Pin

Pam Reynier

June 16th - Quarter Scramble 1st Gross

June 23rd 1st Net

Cindy Shih, Jerica Hawkins, Jan Best & Debbie Green

Mary Anne Dixon Annette Warmadam

2nd Net Chip In

1st Net

Ellen Hurst, Barbara Beaty, Marsha Greenstein & Louise Arreola

Claire Boone

Closest to Pin

Mary Anne Dixon

4 | The Seven Oaks Scene

Josh O'Brien June 9th Lakes #3 117yds/48  wedge

Links News

by Tom Lipscomb, Director of Argonomy

A quick up-date on #8 Lakes green: the green is doing better but it will need to be cared for very carefully moving through the summer stress period. We still have some small thin or bare areas on the green, caused by us sodding some of the weaker areas. It’s almost impossible to sod Bentgrass greens without scalping the Sod Seams (edges). That is what you’re seeing now. Once our Nursery’s ready to go again, we will plug out any remaining thin or scalped areas and we thank you for your patience. As a lot of you may have noticed, we are still expe- riencing thin turf areas where the Winter Ryegrass is dying out and transitioning back to Bermudagrass for the summer. There are couple reasons for this thin turf; one we have no control over and the other can be corrected over a period of time. #1: The much cooler spring weather didn’t help with the transition. Bermudagrass Green-Up was delayed about one and a half, to two months. This slower Green-Up period allowed the Ryegrass over- seeding to remain very healthy at a time when you would like to see it start to die off and allow critical sunlight to reach down and basically wake up and energize the dormant Bermudagrass. This type of situation is very rare for our location, but apparently many courses in our region of the country had similar weather and are experiencing similar issues.

#2: Thatch accumulation. Over the years of Winter Ryegrass over-seeding, we have developed a thick and detrimental thatch layer. When we transition from Ryegrass back to Bermudagrass, it creates thatch. When you have year after year of this Ryeg- rass dying off and adding more thatch to areas that are not being de-thatched, it becomes a problem. Unfortunately, very little to no regular de-thatching was done before I got here. The reason I know this because I bought the first real Fairway de-thatcher shortly after my arrival, anticipating this issue.

How we will address these two issues moving for- ward?

#1: Obviously I have no control over the weather, but I do think with chemical application we can force the Ryegrass out at any time and not depend on the we- ather to do it. You may notice that most the thin areas are areas we mow at a higher cutting height, (Green Surrounds, Tee Surrounds and the Intermediate cut around the fairways) thus incurring more shade and less sunlight to reach the Bermudagrass underneath. Again, 2022 was a very cool and unusual spring; if we feel next spring or any other spring is going to be unusual cool, we can use chemical applications to help provide adequate sunlight. Last note on these thin areas: we will be sodding out some of the barer fairway areas that we feel won’t be fully grown-in in four to five weeks.

(continued on page 6)

The Seven Oaks Scene |


(Links News, continued)

2#: Mechanical removal of the thick and dense thatch layer. It is critical, if you are going to over-seed Ryegrass in the winter, you must VERTI-CUT (De-Thatch) frequently to keep up with the thatch accumulation. We have Verti-Cut six times since my arrival and this type of Cultural program must continue, at least three to four times during the summer growing season. I hope that in two to three years we will be back to the perfect thatch depth and stay on the program as we continue Winter Over-seeding. I recommend that we consider going back to, or start to leave nine holes unseeded every year to help alleviate thatch accumulation.

On the Courts

by Dave Krueger, Tennis Director

Junior Tennis

JUNIOR 'ROG' & Advanced Drills are on Summer Vacation and will resume in mid-August

Adult Tennis Women's Drills

Intermediate (3.5) Wednesdays 9 – 10:30am. Beginner (3.0) Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30am

Live Ball Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30pm - 8pm This program is a fast moving, very intensive hitting and drilling course. Must have a USTA rating 3.5 and above. Call Jason at 661-717-4217.

New Tennis Lighting Thursday and Friday, July 7th and 8th, our new tennis courts lights are being installed !! Thursday, from 6am - 2pm, courts 5, 6, and 7 will be occupied with workers putting up lights. Courts 1-4 will be open. After 2pm all courts are available. Friday, from 6am - 3pm courts 1-4 will be closed with workers putting up the lights. Courts 5, 6, and 7 will be open all day. After 3pm all courts should be playable.

6 | The Seven Oaks Scene

Fitness Schedule ~ July 2022 ~


5:30 - 6:30am Boot Camp Mike ES

8:00 - 9:00am Total Body Workout Norma ES

4:00 - 4:45pm TRX Mike ES

4:45 - 5:45pm Yoga Lynne ES


5:30 - 6:30am Boot Camp Allison ES

6:30 - 7:30am Strength Aida GI

8:00 - 8:50am TRX Allison ES

9:00 - 10:00am Aqua Fitness Allison GI

11:00am - 12:00pm Zumba Fitness Mike ES

4:00 - 5:00pm Circuit Aida ES


5:30 - 6:30am Boot Camp Mike ES

8:00 - 9:00am Core & Circuit Aida ES

9:00 - 10:00am Zumba Fitness Norma ES

4:00 - 4:45pm Zumba Fitness Aida ES

4:45 - 5:45pm Yoga Lynne ES


5:30 - 6:20am Boot Camp Aida ES

6:30 - 7:30am Flex & Stretch Aida GI

8:00 - 8:50am Total Body Circuit Allison ES

9:00 - 10:00am Aqua Fitness Allison GI

11:00am - 12:00pm TRX Mike ES

4:00 - 5:00pm Total Body Workout Norma ES


5:30 - 6:30am Boot Camp Alex ES

7:00 - 8:00am Zumba Toning Aida ES

8:30 - 9:20am Pilates Allison ES

9:30 - 10:30am Aqua Fitness Allison GI

11:00am - 12:00pm Abs & Glutes Aida ES

4:00 - 5:00pm Zumba Fitness Mike or Norma ES


6:00 - 7:00am Boot Camp Mike ES Sunday 8:30 - 9:30am Zumba Power Alex ES

7:30 - 8:30am Yoga Lynne ES

8:30 - 9:30am Zumba Fitness Norma ES

10:30 - 11:30am Body Challenge Alex ES

10:30 - 11:30am Aqua Zumba Aida GI

Class Locations GI - Grand Island Pavilion ES - Exercise Studio at the Tennis Pavilion TP - Tennis Pool

Reminder: Guests and/or Outside Personal Trainers are not allowed in the Gyms or at Fitness Classes

The Seven Oaks Scene |