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Fritz_Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health

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Farmingdale: Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced

rotator cuff issues • Benefits of PT for shoulder pain • How posture plays a role in shoulder pain •

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Manual Edge_Stayihg Active and Becoming Better Balanced


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OrthosportsPT_Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced

OrthosportsPT_Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced Health & Fitness We help people in pain re

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Fyzical: Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced

activities you should do to alleviate pain: 1 . Walking 2. Swimming 3. Yoga 4. Tai Chi 5. Pilates 6.

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TheraFit: Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced

or toilet area. PARK CITY, TN 931-557-5030 HAZEL GREEN, AL 256-829-9544 5. Keep one hand free: When

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ReboundFR.Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health An

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Drexel Hill Horsham Jenkintown King of Prussia Kennett Square Lancaster Lafayette Hill Levittown Med

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PTRC.Staying Active And Becoming Better Balanced

4 tsp Italian seasoning Topping: To get started with physical therapy or Telehealth, visit www.PTRC-

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Next Step_Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced

IDEAS TO KEEP YOU ACTIVE DURING THE SUMMER NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

The last several months have seen most of us recording record amounts of time on the couch. So much so that people are beginning to think that COVID-19 stands for the 19 pounds everyone gained during the pandemic. If you’ve put on some weight during this time here’s a great solution: it’s time to get active! Fortunately the weather is cooperating so now is the time to get some fresh air and start exercising. With that in mind here are a few tips. If you’re not totally comfortable going outside and being around people for fear of the virus that doesn’t mean you can’t get active. Get out and walk around your house and development early in the morning before everyone gets up, 6-8 AM should work well. Plus it’ll be cooler if it’s particularly hot that day. Don’t forget to wear your mask just in case you bump into another early morning exerciser. Other options are all of our wonderful parks. I’m not 100% certain but as of this writing I believe most state parks are free right now - so go enjoy them. Walk, bike, jog, or do some simple exercises amidst the beautiful scenery. I find that most people don’t take advantage of many of our most beautiful parks. Everyone knows Eisenhower Park or Cantiague Park but there are so many other more rural and forested parks that are under-utilized. You can even take the Greenbelt trail that goes north to south almost the entire girth of long island. Check it out here:

Want to start up a new sport or activity. Now’s the perfect time. Let’s take golf as an example. Due to restrictions from the virus the golf capacity at one time has been reduced. While it can be more difficult to get a tee time it also means that you have more space between people playing so you won’t feel rushed and you can get a few extra practice swings without feeling that you’re holding everybody up. I hope this sparks some ideas for everyone to get active. Being in this business and helping people improve their physical lives I’ve realized that when it comes to activity there is definitely something for everyone. As a matter of fact if you’re reading this and you can’t figure out what that something would be for you then I invite you to call me up and together we can find an activity that is just right for you. Call 516.681.8070 today! Now get out there and be active!!

INSIDE : • Staying Active and Becoming Better Balanced • The Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

• Healthy Recipe • Keeping Your Health In Mind! • Patient Success Spotlight

NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Live an active and pain-free life!

Mental and physical balance: Staying active and staying balanced in many ways go hand in hand. Staying active refers to the amount of activity that you engage in daily. This of course can refer to how much time you spend at the gym, but it can also refer to how many steps you take in a day, how often you find yourself running around the office, and how frequently you head out to the backyard to run around with your children or your dog. Balance in many ways works on the same principles. There are some activities that you do every day because you have to do them— work often falls into this category, as do household chores. But what about the activities that you simply love to do? What about the activities that you enjoy? Think about the last time that you sat down with a book that you loved and made yourself a cup of tea or coffee and really enjoyed the moment. Perhaps it isn’t reading that you wish you had more time for, but instead it is a garden that has grown weeds as it has been neglected. It could be a project at your home that you have looked forward to completing or an old car that you’ve wanted to fix up. There are special hobbies and interests that appeal to each of us, and spending time with those hobbies can help you live a more balanced life. Alongside with the task of becoming more mentally balanced with the things that you spend time with in your life is the challenge of becoming more physically balanced. There are certain markers that typically indicate trouble with maintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your ability to stay balanced in this way, you may still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga is a great form of exercise to use to improve your ability to balance, as yoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You can improve your physical balance by:

In addition, taking steps to ensure that you are getting a full night of rest, that you are exercising regularly, and that you are eating a healthy diet are all strong components to ensuring you are well-balanced. Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider how much time is spent driving to and from work and around town on errands, and then consider the time spent doing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about how much time you are spending doing the things that make you feel better — including those hobbies that you love, but also being active and engaging with the people you care about. Part of becoming a more balanced person means finding ways to spend your time more wisely and taking more time for yourself as needed. It’s never too late: You don’t need to grow up as an athlete to enjoy exercise as an adult. There is no point in your life where it is too late to start being more active than you currently are. There are plenty of ways to incorporate light activity into your lifestyle, such as:

• Taking a walk in the evening with your family • Wearing a pedometer and trying to take more steps every day • Joining your local community center

and using the pool to swim laps several times a week • Engaging in light weight training at home before work • Taking a yoga class

These are just several examples of how you could incorporate more activity into your lifestyle without making many large changes to your way of life. If you feel that your physical health or an old injury is holding you back from being active, contact us. Working with a physical therapist can help you achieve improved balance and a healthy lifestyle.

SERVICES & THERAPIES : • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina

• Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques

• Wrist / Hand Pain • Wellness / Balance Problems • Ankle / Foot Pain

• Knee Pain • Sports Injuries • Shoulder Pain

• Physical Therapy • Low Back Pain • Neck Pain


For some people, the idea of welcoming a dog or cat into their home seems like an influx of responsibility and obligation they would rather avoid. But for devoted pet owners, their furry friends are beloved members of the family with whom they share a mutually beneficial relationship. Whichever camp you fall into, it can’t hurt to brush up on the many benefits of owning a pet. If you’re reluctant to take the plunge, these facts may convince you. And if you’re a longtime pet parent, they’ll serve as a welcome reminder as to how your little furball has improved your life. Fitness: Pets need regular activity and, if a dog becomes your pet of choice, you’ll also be signing up for brisk daily walks to help your furry friend keep in shape. In turn, you’ll also feel the benefit of regular, low-impact exercise. According to a recent survey, 36 percent of pet owners said that having a pet has helped them lose weight. Who needs a personal trainer? SOCIAL: Believe it or not, having an animal can even have an impact on your social life… in a good way. Walking the dog around the local park or taking it to obedience lessons are just two settings where you’ll have the opportunity to meet new faces and interact with people you might not otherwise have come into contact with. And don’t be surprised if you’re stopped by strangers in the street who are eager to pat your furry friend and find out more about her. Childhood learning & responsibility: Having a pet in the home is a great way for children to learn valuable life lessons in a fun, rewarding way. From the daily responsibility of feeding, exercising and caring for the animal to understanding

more about illness and loss, it can equip your children (or grandchildren) with the emotions to cope better with important life events as they grow up. Companionship: The sheer presence of a pet in the home can boost your mood, especially after a hectic day at the office or even following a difficult conversation. The stresses of life can melt away as soon as you walk through the front door and see your beloved pet, desperate for your affection. Said animal will also be your go-to companion of choice to watch a movie with or cuddle up to read a book with on a cold winter’s day. What’s better than a furry hot water bottle who listens to every word you say and doesn’t answer back? Mental health: Not only do pets provide companionship and help improve your physical health, they can also provide therapeutic and emotional benefits. According to Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at the London Medical Centre, “A pet is better than Prozac. Animals have a completely different agenda to humans, and bring things back to basics. They want comfort, feeding and love. In return, they give huge affection.”

Healthy Recipe: Gluten-Free Breakfast Hash

Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise if you're feeling unbalanced.

Strengthens Core

FRONT PLANK FOREARMS & FEET Lie on your stomach with elbows bent. Your legs should be straight out behind you with your feet together. Raise up on your forearms and toes. Create a nice straight line with your body from your head to your heels. Concentrate on tucking your pelvis to engage your abs, squeezing your glutes and quads to keep your legs straight, and squeezing your legs together as you hold. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.

INGREDIENTS : • 5 medium-large potatoes, peeled • 1 large white onion chopped • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

• 2 green onions, finely chopped • 4 eggs • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese • salt and pepper to taste • 1/4 tsp paprika

INSTRUCTIONS: Cut potatoes into 1/2 inch wedges. Heat olive oil in a large cast iron skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Cook potatoes for 25 minutes, covered, stirring every 4-5 minutes. Add chopped white onion. Cook for another 5-10 minutes, uncovered, and stirring constantly. When potatoes are crispy and golden brown, add green onions, salt, and pepper. Stir through. With your spatula, make four wells in the potatoes and crack an egg into each one. Sprinkle shredded cheddar all around. Cook until the egg whites are set, or until your liking. Cover pan with lid for poached eggs. Add more olive oil on eggs if desired. Sprinkle eggs with a pinch of paprika seasoning. Serve immediately.

CALL TODAY! (516) 681-8070

What ’s New?

Keeping Your Health In Mind!

Next Step Physical Therapy is committed to your health and wellbeing. In the wake of the recent spread of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, we are taking every precaution. Before and after every session, we are asking our clients and staff to wash or sanitize their hands. Additionally, we have increased the number of times per day that we sanitize our equipment and facility. To do your part to prevent the spread of this contagious disease, we ask parents that if you are demonstrating symptoms of coronavirus— coughing, sneezing or fever—please stay home. Additionally, if you have been exposed to someone who has a confirmed case of the virus, please notify us immediately, so we can take the necessary steps. Your cooperation in this tough time is what makes us able to continue to provide valuable services to you and your family. We appreciate your ongoing support.

Here we are in the summer. I love the warm months! I hope everyone is getting outside and being active. If you need some ideas check out our cover story this month. Things around here continue to creep towards normal as more and more people keep coming in to get their pain problems taken care of. Dr. Giordano (Phil) and I are certainly keeping busy seeing patients. If you haven’t yet, please start enjoying your summer! If you need anything or just want to talk please don’t hesitate to call us 516.681.8070. Talk to you soon.

-Chris Ostling


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Patient Success Spotlight



“Last time I was in for PT it was because of a calf injury. The calf still feels great but this time it was my knee. Chris said it would take 4 weeks to get better and he was spot on. The care was both personal and first rate. I’m ready to get back to tennis!” -Daryl R.

131 W Old Country Rd Hicksville, NY 11801


EXPIRES 07-31-20