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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center January 2019

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center - January 2022

or developing fitness routine, CALL US TODAY and schedule your wellness screen. INSTRUCTIONS Measure

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center January 2020

North County Water & Sports Therapy Center January 2020 PATIENT PULSE (858) 675-1133 | www.waterpt.c

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center January 2018

walk that starts SAN DIEGO RESTAURANT WEEK When: Jan. 21–28 Where: Citywide Foodies rejoice! Over 18

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats • 1–2 tablespoons olive oil Inspired by PRST STD US POSTA

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center July 2019

4-inch rounds 1 packet of bamboo skewers DIRECTIONS • 1. Assemble skewers by placing one watermelon

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center September 2019

2 lbs heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced 3 (858) 675-1133 In

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center April 2019

member ID number and group number when applicable • Doctor name and phone number (if being sent by y

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tbsp sherry vinegar Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center October 2019


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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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North County Water & Sports Therapy Center January 2019


(858) 675-1133 |

15373 Innovation Dr. #175 | San Diego, CA 92128 | (858) 675-1133 12171 World Trade Dr. | San Diego, CA 92128


How I Plan for the Year

If you’re anything like me, you probably stink at making and keeping New Year’s resolutions. Research conducted by the University of Scranton indicates that only 8 percent of people fulfill their goals, so I know I’m not in the minority. That’s a pretty low number, but it doesn’t surprise me. Most of the time, we jot down a few resolutions as a matter of course, with very little intention to actually act on them. And to be honest, that’s exactly what I did for far too long. It wasn’t until I got away from the concept of resolutions that I began to plan for the year in a meaningful way. A few years ago, I decided to forsake resolutions entirely. Instead, I select a few words every year to guide me, rather than formulating a concrete goal like losing 10 pounds or whatever. I’ve found that choosing abstract concepts over specific tasks keeps my objectives at the forefront of my mind without them becoming chores. I change my words every year and try to apply them in as many ways as possible. Without further ado, here are my personal words for 2019: appreciate, joy, accept , and grace . I want to spend my year appreciating what I have, finding joy in as many ways as possible, accepting that things won’t always be perfect, and dealing with the good and bad with grace. For 2019, I purposefully chose words that represent skills I’m trying to improve this year. I will keep these words top of mind as much as I can and seek ways to embody them throughout the course of the year. To me, that’s a lot more powerful than resolving to show appreciation by saying thanks to 100 people. We apply the same words-of-the-year concept to our work at North County Water & Sports Therapy Center. Last year, we were focused primarily on growth, and I’m proud to say we achieved it. We added Dr. Christopher Talambas to our ranks, and we’ve kept him plenty busy. With the practice growing at a healthy and sustainable rate, we chose three different words to help us navigate 2019. Those words are health, excellence, and results . Obviously, it’s not hard to see how health relates to what we do on a daily basis, but I want to explain the concept in a little more detail. We seek to improve the health

of our patients in every way possible, not just through alleviating pain. Our approach is more comprehensive than you’ll find at most practices. We view our job as treating people, not just their injuries. As such, bolstering overall health is always at the forefront of our minds. We take a similarly holistic approach when it comes to excellence and results. Excellence doesn’t just come in the form of exceptional treatment; it also comes from creating positive interactions and developing real relationships. Of course, results are the ultimate metric of our work, so we always strive to learn about the latest research. If there’s a treatment or piece of equipment that can benefit our patients, it’s our duty to look into it. If you get complacent, you can’t be excellent, and the results will falter. As we kick off 2019, I hope you’ll take a moment to think of a few words to live by this year. I’ve found this method to be an invigorating way to start the year, so much so that I’ll never make another resolution again.

–Beth Scalone

1 (858) 675-1133


Many homeowners reach a point in their lives when they’re ready to move from the house they raised their families in to something smaller and more manageable. While finding the right place can be a challenge, the hardest part of downsizing is often sorting through a lifetime’s worth of possessions. This process, called contents downsizing, is much easier when you follow this four-step system.

Vincent de Paul. Donations are a way to give back to the less fortunate instead of simply giving or throwing things away.

GIVE GIFTS TO LOVED ONES If you have children, they will undoubtedly want to keep a few cherished mementos and precious possessions. Deciding who will keep what can be a sensitive subject, so you’ll need to devise an equitable way to divvy up the goods. Some families engage in the process collaboratively, but there should always be some communication before anything is thrown out. Your kids may value certain items more than you ever realized. If you suspect a certain heirloom could be a source of contention, it’s best to hold on to it and make it part of your estate plan. ONLY KEEP THE ESSENTIALS After completing the first three steps, you should be left with only those items you actually use and those that have the most sentimental value to you. These are the objects worth bringing to your new home. BONUS TIP: COLOR CODE EACH CATEGORY Odds are that you’ll find junk and valuables stored right next to each other. If you don’t have time to physically separate them at the moment, use different colored Post-it notes to keep everything organized when it comes time to move.

START WITH THE JUNK Beginning your downsizing with the hardest items will only lead to frustration and inaction. Instead, start by tackling areas of the house that are full of documents, knickknacks, and boxes you haven’t touched in years. These will be the easiest to part with and will put you in the right downsizing mindset. DONATE UNWANTED ITEMS The next category contains items that are no longer valuable to you or your family but may be useful to others. These items can be donated to one of many worthy organizations, such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or St.



There is no greater compliment we can receive than one that comes from a patient. Every aspect of our practice prioritizes patient care above all, so plaudits from the people we serve mean the world to us. One of our recent patients, Cheri Navidi, was kind enough to relay her experiences working with Dr. Ryann Cacciotti. Here is Cheri’s story. I love gardening, and one day, as I was walking on a paved walkway, I suffered an injury. I fell and landed on my left arm. During a visit to an orthopedist, he told me I cracked the circumference of a bone. He said I needed to get PT if I wanted to recover full mobility in my arm. At the time, I was only able to hold my arm to my chest due to the pain caused by movement. Though I was not sure if I could survive PT, I went anyway. After the first visit, I felt so much better, and I was on my way to getting my dominant hand back. Ryann managed to relax my hand. The muscles moved less painfully, and I was able to use my arm more. In conclusion, PT helped lessen the pain, make movement easier, and shorten recovery time. I am afraid of what would have happened to my arm had I not had the therapy. Thanks!

Dr. Cacciotti’s mission was to ensure that Cheri would be able to return to her garden and enjoy one of her favorite hobbies again.

At North County Water & Sports Therapy Center, we pride ourselves on providing treatment that allows our patients to do what they love pain-free.

We’re honored to be able to treat patients like Cheri Navidi. Thank you, Cheri, for your kind words; and thank you, Dr. Cacciotti, for all of your hard work. 2


Simple Steps to Better Consistency and Performance: Move Better, Swing Better



• Common causes for inconsistencies and distance loss • Key exercises to improve your swing and reduce stress to your hips, back, and shoulders

• This event is FREE, but you have to register.

• How to sign up: call 858-675-1133

• Special early bird access for the newsletter recipients only

• Only 20 seats available

• How to increase mobility and trunk rotation

• Special bonus when you call and sign up by March 1st

And much more!

• Use code: golfgame2019 for a free gift at the event


“I injured my back while training for a half marathon, during a round of golf. So two activities I love to do became limited at the same time. After two months of chiropractic, I decided to get orthopedic medical advice and begin PT. The goal was to resume running and play golf pain free. After six weeks of PT focused on L3/L4, I played an 18-hole round pain free. Beth gave me specific exercises to strengthen and stretch my back. Although I was skeptical of my ability to recover, the therapy was effective and will become part of my lifelong fitness routine.”

David Haigh 11/28/18

You’ll find more information, including a swing- improving stretch, on the other side of this insert.


What frustrates you the most about your golf game? Pain is often one reason a golfer seeks out a physical therapist. As experts in movement dysfunction, physical therapists can help alleviate your pain to keep you on the course. The right exercise prescription helps improve your golf performance.

Here are the musculoskeletal issues we see that lead to inconsistencies and distance loss:

1. Hip tightness leading to difficulty twisting leg in and out 2. Core weakness, with difficulty moving lower body and upper body separately 3. Mid-back tightness causing difficulty twisting the trunk 4. Shoulder and chest tightness limiting full swing

Performing a disciplined, tailor-made strength and flexibility program can help with these skills:

Swing Distance Contact

Precision Accuracy Drive

Follow-through Back swing

If you want to improve your game and reduce your risk of injury, come to our upcoming free workshop in March to learn more.


1. Lie on your side with your hips and knees bent in front of you. 2. Both hands are placed together in front of your chest.

3. Keep the bottom arm on the floor, roll back, and have the top arm reach back toward the floor, opening up the chest. Make sure you keep the arm in line with the collar bone to preserve the shoulder’s integrity. 4. Think about bringing the shoulder blade down to the floor. 5. Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds, and return slowly to the starting position.


When most people think of Pilates, they think of the exercise trend that was the butt of a hundred ’90s sitcom jokes. In reality, this system of stretches and workouts is a great option for people of all ages looking to stay active, tone their muscles, and improve their balance, all with minimal space and equipment requirements. You need only look at the history of Pilates to understand how this century-old discipline has helped shape exercise science today. UNLIKELY BEGINNINGS The man for whom the Pilates system is named, Joseph Pilates, was no stranger to health challenges. Born in Germany in the late 19th century, Joseph suffered from both asthma and rickets, making any form of physical activity difficult. But rather than shy away from exercise, he enthusiastically followed his father into gymnastics, later picking up bodybuilding and martial arts. Instead of being held back by his body, Joseph made it his life’s mission to help himself and others live healthy lives. Eventually, he would begin developing his own fitness theories. LIGHT IN A DARK TIME Joseph became a known entity in the fitness world, going as far as training Scotland Yard officers in self-defense after moving to England in 1912. Then the First World War broke out. Despite having worked closely with English law enforcement, Joseph’s nationality was enough to land him in an internment camp alongside fellow German citizens. As the

world was consumed by the bloodiest conflict it had ever seen, the young fitness instructor did what he did best: He helped those around him get stronger and healthier. KNOWLEDGE THROUGH ADVERSITY In this internment camp, the system that would eventually become Pilates was developed. Because of the constraints of captivity, Joseph had to devise exercises that didn’t rely heavily on equipment and could be performed in tight, confined spaces. To this day, Pilates remains one of the most flexible, scalable fitness methods around. The techniques first developed by Joseph Pilates are still practiced today, helping thousands of people develop their core postural muscles, gain better fitness, and improve their balance. As a result of his forward-looking techniques and steadfast spirit of personal development, Joseph Pilates remains an inspiring figure in the world of physical fitness.




1 blood, cara cara, or navel orange, sliced 1/8-inch thick and deseeded 1 Meyer or regular lemon, sliced 1/8-inch thick and deseeded


1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. In a rimmed baking sheet, toss citrus slices with 1 tablespoon oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast citrus until lightly charred and caramelized, about 10–15 minutes. Let cool. 3. Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, combine onion and lemon juice. Season with salt and let sit for 5 minutes. 4. Add citrus, arugula, and mint to onion mixture. Drizzle with remaining oil, season with salt and pepper to taste, and toss thoroughly. 5. Add avocado, combing very gently to not crush avocado.

4 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1/4 small red onion, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 bunch arugula

1/2 cup fresh mint leaves

1 avocado, cut into wedges

Salt and pepper, to taste

3 (858) 675-1133

Inspired by Bon Appétit


Monday—Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (858) 675-1133

15373 Innovation Dr. #175 San Diego, CA 92128



Why Words Are Better Than Resolutions


Why Less Stuff Means More Freedom

Cheri’s Story of Recovery


The Origin of Pilates

Citrus and Avocado Salad


The Best in Local Cocktails


HUNDRED PROOF 4130 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92103

A decade ago, drink orders generally came in the form of “rum and coke” or “vodka soda.” That’s no longer the case, with innovative cocktail bars and restaurants just as focused on their beverage programs as they are on their food menus popping up all over the city. There’s no better time than the coolest months of the year to enjoy the warming effects of an expertly crafted libation. You can find some of our favorites at these San Diego hotspots. RAISED BY WOLVES 4301 La Jolla Village Dr., Ste. #2030 San Diego, CA 92122 On the surface, Raised by Wolves is an excellent liquor store located within the Westfield UTC shopping center. But talk to the employee holding an iPad, and they’ll grant you access to the speakeasy hiding behind the shop. On the menu, you’ll find the classic and the contemporary blended together in unexpected ways, like an Irish whiskey-laced horchata that will keep you warm all winter. Even if you prefer beer and wine over the hard stuff, Raised by Wolves is worth visiting for the experience alone.

alcohol, sessionable cocktails you could drink all day — not that we recommend that!

NOLITA HALL 2305 India St. San Diego, CA 92101

If you’re looking for a restaurant where the food menu is tailored to the cocktail list and not the other way around, look no further than Hundred Proof. The delectable dishes — from calamari and fish tacos to short rib bao buns and the signature HP burger — are perfect for a quick bite while you enjoy a cocktail or three. Beverage director Stephen Kurpinsky regularly updates the cocktail list with seasonal offerings

Nolita Hall is big, bustling, and a ton of fun. While the extensive beer list gets deserved praise, don’t overlook the incredible craft cocktails. To go along with the pizza and antipasti, you’ll find plenty of drinks that feature Italian liqueurs like amaro and vermouth. Nolita Hall is perfect for group get-togethers and spur-of-the-moment after-work hangouts. You may even catch some of our team members there playing shuffleboard on the weekends.

and always reserves a few spaces for lower- 4