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NSLHD News July 31

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NSLHD News January 31

Director of Nursing and Midwifery Jenny Neilsen for all their efforts in organising our quick respon

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NSLHD News May 31

3m77uB0 Artist Cara from Studio Artes, along with Jaycee (front cover) helped to design the symbol P

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NSLHD News January 31 2022

urology and vascular ward to bubbly personality masks the depression and sadness that once filled he

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NSLHD News July 3

Professor Meg Jardine and Professor Carol Pollock medication could reduce severe COVID-19 symptoms A

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NSLHD News July 4

Prof Usha Panchapakesan has positively contributed to our laboratories’ scientific efforts in achiev

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NSLHD News July 9

nlshdlgbtqiplus If you would like to get involved in the network or have any questions please contac

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NSLHD News July 17

NSLHD News July 17 NEWS NORTHERN SYDNEY LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT NSLHD collecting stories at the bedsid

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NSLHD News July 18

CE during Deb Willcox’s period of leave. Tamsin did a great job. The District is very fortunate to h

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NSLHD News July 1 2022

or influenza, it’s important to ensure your proof of vaccination status has been recorded in your St

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NSLHD News July 15 2022

Professor Elizabeth Clarke with Professor Bill Walter NSLHDNEWS | ISSUE 13| 15 JULY 2022 6 RADIATION

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NSLHD News July 31


quality and improvement awards Celebrating the projects that improve our services for patients, staff and the community.

Read more on Pages 4 and 5

Manly hospital’s masterplan Page 3

herbie celebrates one year as therapist Page 11

Leaders in healthcare, partners in wellbeing


MEssage FROM the chairman Trevor Danos AM

As our staff continue to face the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19 and ensure our hospitals and services are well prepared, there is also a great deal of other work underway to benefit our patients, our staff and the community. One such important project the Board is excited about is Planetary Health. This recognises the inextricable link between the health of our planet and the health of our population, with a focus on the importance of climate change and environmental sustainability. To drive Planetary Health, the district is focusing on six priority areas: healthy communities, capital works, staff wellbeing, green space/ healthy built environments, waste management and improvement and procurement. A range of initiatives related to Planetary Health are already occurring across the district and work is underway to develop a comprehensive register to capture these activities. Key initiatives include: Mona Vale and Hornsby Hospitals’ solar panel installations, Royal North Shore Hospital joining the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network and implementing pharmaceutical waste segregation strategies, battery recycling and metal salvaging processes. NSLHD has established a Planetary Health committee with representatives from across the district. The aim of the committee is to develop and support strategies to promote Planetary Health and provide leadership and direction for the implementation of these initiatives. This is something the Board strongly and proudly supports and I look forward to hearing about its progress and providing updates to our community. Good consumer engagement is key to our hospitals and health services providing world- class care to patients and their carers and it is fundamentally important to have input from those who use our services.

To increase effectiveness and ensure our consumers have enhanced capacity to engage with our services the NSLHD Board Consumer Committee has reviewed and reformed its terms of reference. This will include consumer representation from each hospital and health service within the district, totalling seven additional local consumer representatives. A copy of the terms of reference is on the District’s internet page. The committee also has representation from consumers who have received health care in our district who can provide feedback, advice and support. The additional numbers of consumer representation from the hospitals and services will strengthen the consumer voice within the district to enhance service design and delivery, particularly during the redevelopment of our hospitals. The Board is very pleased with the progress the district has achieved in the Leadership and Talent Program, identifying and investing in our leaders. Our staff are our most valuable asset and by investing in their talent and supporting future leaders, as an organisation we are laying the foundations for the district’s future. In some very sad news, one of our former Board members Dr Harry Nespolon has passed away. Harry was an extremely passionate GP who worked tirelessly for his profession and his patients. This included being President of the RACGP and Chair of SNPHN. Even during his short illness over the past nine months, he remained committed to his heavy workload and continued to advocate passionately and persuasively for general practice and all the good it does for the health and wellbeing of the community. On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to his family. Trevor Danos AM Board Chair Northern Sydney Local Health District

2 NSLHDNEWS | ISSUE 14| 31 JULY 2020

Manly MP James Griffin and CE Deb Willcox at Manly Hospital

Former Manly Hospital’s master plan released A vibrant health and wellbeing sanctuary supporting the needs of the local and wider community is one step closer with proposed plans for the former Manly Hospital site ready for further feedback.

to develop future uses and masterplan for the site. The PSAC comprises members from the Department Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE), Northern Beaches Council, Northern Sydney Local Health District, National Parks and Wildlife Services and local community members. A link to the updated concept master plan and an opportunity to submit feedback can be found here: former-manly-hospital-site The community will have an opportunity to submit their feedback on the concept master plan through to Wednesday, 19 August, 2020.

The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment and COX Architecture have prepared a draft concept master plan for the site and are inviting community feedback. Chief Executive Deb Willcox joined Member for Manly, James Griffin at the site to reveal the latest concept master plan. “This site is so important to the people of Manly and the wider Northern Beaches. I encourage everyone to view the master plan on the Property NSW website,” Ms Willcox said. “The community has already made a significant contribution by helping to shape the future of this site, which will offer a range of services that will benefit the community.” A planning proposal will be lodged with Northern Beaches Council which will seek to expand the range of health, wellbeing and related uses permitted at the site under the current zoning. The former Manly Hospital was closed in October 2018 and a Project Steering Advisory Committee (PSAC) established


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Delivering Integrated Care Award



The 2020 NSLHD Quality and Improvement Awards were held on Tuesday 28 July. While this year looked a little different due to COVID-19, the finalists and staff from the executive team came together to celebrate the excellence of nurses, clinicians, allied health professionals, support staff and researchers across the district. Director of Clinical Governance Mark Zacka hosted the event and announced the finalists and winners. NSLHD Board Chair Trevor Danos AM, along with Board members Karen Filocamo and Professor Mary Chiarella, presented winners and finalists with certificates and trophies. The awards are a special event to celebrate staff who have gone above and beyond to improve their working environment for patients, consumers, staff and the community.

Frailty Initiative Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital

After-hours Clinical Nurse Consultant Pilot Project

Lower North Shore and Hornsby Child Youth Mental Health Service

Patients as Partners Award



Patient Led Handover Initiative Rehabilitation Team, Mona Vale Hospital

Youth Health Consultant Initiative NSLHD Health Promotion

Health Research and Clinical Practice Award

Keeping Sweethearts Together

They represent a fantastic opportunity to put a spotlight on the district’s commitment to excellence and the delivery of programs and services which make a real difference to the people we care for. The awards will inform NSLHD’s entries into this year’s NSW Premier’s Awads and NSW Health Awards.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital


Congratulations to all the winners and finalists.

Excellence in Supporting the Mental Health of Patients and Consumers Award

Excellence in Supporting Services Award




Mental Health Intensive Care Unit Metabolics Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Mental Health Service

MHEND Clinic Mental Health Endocrine Team, Hornsby Hospital

Executive Operational Huddles Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital

4 NSLHDNEWS | ISSUE 14| 31 JULY 2020

2020 NSLHD Quality and Improvement Award Winners and Finalists

Quality and Safety Award

Patient Experience Award



Reducing Time in Seclusion Project Mental Health ICU, HK Hospital

Carers @ the Bedside Project NSLHD Carer Support Service

Keeping People Healthy Award


Eyes Open Project Ophthalmology Clinic, Royal North Shore Hospital



Improving physical health outcomes of mental health consumers Assertive Outreach Team, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital

Ryde Community Mental Health Gym Program Ryde Community Mental Health Service

Local Solutions Award


Bereavement Bag Project Compassionate Hospitals Working Party, Cancer and Palliative Care Network



Reducing innappropriate arterial blood gas testing Intensive Care Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital

Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital



Telehealth project officer Emily Gregg, with Dr Josh Pillemer and Social Worker Emily Mahony.

CONNECTING PATIENTS TO LOVED ONES DURING COVID-19 It has been one of the hardest aspects of

receive patients from all across NSW,” he said. “Being able to facilitate communication with loved ones who are hours away is a tremendous service that helps patients, their families and the health service. Even when restrictions are relaxed again, I can see this providing a lasting benefit for all.” Dr Pillemer said the flow on effects from the project would greatly benefit other areas of healthcare and enable families to play a key role in their loved one’s recovery. “Having this technology available gives us the flexibility to expand the involvement of the patient in their own care through access to telemedicine services, inclusion in multidisciplinary family conferences which can include family from around the world, and provision of face-to-face language translation services,” he said. “Well beyond COVID-19, this project has great potential to improve the way we care for our patients.”

being in hospital during COVID-19; but thanks to an initiative at Royal North Shore Hospital, patients and loved ones will no longer have to go without seeing each other. The hospital’s Intensive Care Unit has installed webcams on existing bedside computers and trained nursing and social work staff in the use of videoconferencing software to ensure patients, including those with COVID-19, remain connected to the outside world. Staff will operate the computer with patients to ensure they are able to call and see their loved ones without being restricted by their injuries or clinical requirements. ICU Staff Specialist Dr Josh Pillemer said that the catalyst for this project was some of the restrictions on patient visitation. The project is intended to reduce the isolating effect of these restrictions, especially given the prospect of further restrictions in the event that COVID-19 becomes a larger problem. “It is hard enough for our unwell patients in ICU without adding the extra challenge of removing the vital support that comes from visits from their loved ones” he said. “In the past, patients had been haphazardly using their own devices for video calls – but this was not possible for many, given it required patients to have their own equipment and the faculties to use it.” Dr Pillemer said that the isolation of being in ICU was particularly noticeable for those who were transferred to Royal North Shore Hospital far away from their homes. “As a NSW Trauma Centre, as well as a state- wide burns and spinal cord injury service, we

By the numbers...

132 conferences...

running for a combined total ofmore than 3500 minutes...

with more than 560 different devices joining.



A feast for our food services They are the unsung heroes in our hospital: food services

staff who deliver food to patients, take meal orders and prepare the food for our patients. Hundreds of food services staff across our local health district were recognised recently with hospital delivering food to them, while they got to enjoy a cuppa and a cake. The Thank You Food Services Day shows the district’s appreciation to support services who also work on the frontline, helping patients. In a letter by Chief Executive Deb Willcox to food services staff, she praised their commitment especially through the challenging time with COVID-19. “On behalf of us all at Northern Sydney Local Health District I would like to say a huge thank you for the vital contribution you have made found the number of women smoking during pregnancy in NSW has halved, and yet there are still some concerning trends prompting calls for targeted campaigns. Researchers from the Kolling Institute and the University of Sydney, analysed smoking rates in all pregnancies in NSW over a 22 year period from 1994 to 2016. The Women and Babies Research team found the overall smoking rates during pregnancy have more than halved from 22.1 per cent in 1994 to 8.3 per cent in 2016. The numbers fell from 19,850 women to 7,820. Director of Women and Babies Research, Professor Jonathan Morris, said the reduction in numbers was positive and reflected the

Amandeep Kaur Gill and Agnes Li enjoy a coffee and a cake at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital

as we have prepared and responded to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Deb said. “As food service staff you have played a very special role, providing our patients with a large variety of healthy

underestimate the impact you have every day. “The nutrition of our patients is critical, and your attention and care to their meals is so very important.” Staff also received a free coffee voucher. avoidable health outcomes, such as stillbirth, neonatal death, low birth weight and preterm birth.” Associate Professor Tanya Nippita said around 8000 pregnancies each year are exposed to maternal smoking, and researchers would like to see that figure drop substantially. “Armed with our research >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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