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October Kitchen - January 2022

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October Kitchen - January 2020

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October Kitchen - January 2021

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October Kitchen - April 2022

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October Kitchen - February 2022

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October Kitchen - August 2022

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October Kitchen B2B - January 2018

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October Kitchen B2C - January 2018

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October Kitchen - B2C - January 2019

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October Kitchen - March 2022

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October Kitchen - July 2022

2 dz........$6.99 Garlic Free No Galic Vegetarian May include dairy and eggs Low Carb 25mg or less o

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October Kitchen - January 2022

This is our way of saying you are important to us, and we truly value your business. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to your friends and neighbors. ENJOY!


Meet the Team Behind Your Meals JANUARY 2022 | 860-533-0588 | 309 Green Rd., Manchester, CT 06042


Hey, friends! You might suspect that it’s not easy keeping up with our high demand for healthy, affordable dishes for pickup and delivery — and you’d be absolutely right. Since our early days, we’ve taken on the challenge of over 52 menu changes every single year (minus our four weeks off, spread throughout the year). It’s always been part of our vision to provide enough options for everyone to have fresh and diverse meals to choose from. We’re Reaching for the Stars in 2022 Our New Product Lineup, Business Model and Future Dreams However, changing your menu frequently relies on a steady supply chain. Even before COVID-19, this would cause issues. Additionally, we were always saddened when customers felt bad about missing out on menu items or were unable to order their newly discovered favorites from last week. This is why — despite the fact that October Kitchen is growing at a rate I’ve always dreamed of — it’s been tough for us to maintain our past business model. I’ve truthfully been considering ways of simplifying our business for years. Then, I realized that our five weekly entrees didn’t have to be constrained to a week. In fact, I could combine the weeks and do 20 entrees per month. This made all the difference!

Our new month-to-month menu decreases our annual menu changes from 52 to 12. Plus, we’ll be able to satisfy any diet or craving with our numerous options while still maintaining vegan and vegetarian options! Our bigger, better menu allows us to offer more premium or unique dishes, like veal and lamb, and I’m better suited to create a more balanced restaurant menu. Just recently, we served a beautiful flat iron steak that a lot of our customers loved. Now, instead of missing out until next year, they can order their favorite dishes every night of the week for a whole month if they want to! Additionally, since we can make each of these dishes in smaller and fresher batches, our kitchen will always have food available for you to buy during any day of the week. In the past, our production cycle meant our fridges were usually laid bare on Saturday, as our retail shop is not open on Sundays. In the future, we hope that our new business model will allow us to offer deliveries during any day of the week. This means that if you prefer your delivery on a Friday morning instead of a Tuesday morning, we can do

Armed with new products and smarter tactics, I truly can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for us!”

Continued on Page 2 ...

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There’s plenty of emphasis lately on what you should eat before a workout, but not so much about after a workout. What you eat after exercising is just as essential for maximizing your workout’s effectiveness. After intensive exercise, many of us will feel hungry and turn to just about anything to satiate our hunger, but the wrong food could negate the effects of our workouts. During your workout, you will use up your body’s carbohydrates and the glucose stored in your muscles. A proper post-workout meal, including the right fluids, is necessary to replenish these nutrients. When preparing the perfect post-workout meal, there are three areas you should focus on. Protein Including protein in your post-workout meal is important to repair and build muscle. Muscle tissues get broken down during exercise, and protein helps put them back together stronger than before. Eggs, tuna, chicken and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein and should be implemented into your post-workout meal. Carbs Carbs are essential for replenishing your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is the fuel that helps keep us moving and 3 THINGS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR POST- WORKOUT MEAL

active. If you feel exhausted and hungry after a workout, it’s usually your body telling you that your glycogen levels are low. Including carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta and chocolate milk in your post-workout meal will help you feel energized and ready to continue with your day. Fluids You should always drink water while working out and continue to do so after your exercise is complete. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and transports nutrients throughout your body. In one hour of exercise, your body can lose more than a quarter of its water. Continue to drink water or other hydrating drinks after your workout to replenish your missing fluids. Lastly, avoid having a giant fast-food meal after exercising. There are plenty of options for preparing a truly beneficial post-workout meal, so find what makes you feel your best and what you enjoy most and run with it.

... continued from Cover

can hire people to print bigger, better labels. It might seem like a small task among my many responsibilities, but that’s precisely why it amazes me — everything is easier. But none of it would be possible without some very important people: my incredible team and my incredible customers. Without you, and without our amazing staff, my ultimate dream of growing October Kitchen into a nationwide franchise would be unthinkable, but thanks to the support of my team and customers like you, anything is possible. Now, armed with new products and smarter tactics, I truly can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for us!

that for you. We’ll keep you posted on when extra delivery options may be available!

My team and I have been blown away by the ease of our new menu. It allows us to grow our family and business at October Kitchen even further, and offers more diversity, seasonality, freshness and healthy goodness. You might also notice that our packaging and sizes are changing! We’re increasing our single size portion size from 14 oz to 16 oz, and we’ll be removing our larger family portions in order to make ordering simpler and easier for families and our team. We’ll also use larger containers, including containers with compartments, in order to fit sides into separated areas. With our labels evolving from 4-by-4- inch black and white to 4-by-8-inch full color labels, you’ll also have an easier time identifying your dishes, even when they’re stacked tall in the fridge.

I used to spend hours every week printing off thousands of labels. Now, October Kitchen has grown to the point that I


This Connecticut Studio Does — And Even Restored the ‘80s Film ‘New York Ninja’ WHO SAVES LOST MOVIES ANYMORE?

_____________________________ Write your name here and fax the completed puzzle to 860-533-0585, send it via empty delivery box or bring it to the shop and receive 10% off your next order . Limit one per customer. Expires Jan. 31, 2022.

CT Post. “Even though it was originally shot in ‘84, we did a lot of production work to finish it.” He attempted to reach out to the original director but learned that Liu was “living off the grid” and no longer wanted to be involved with his film career. Unfortunately, “New York Ninja” had no audio — that meant no script or dialogue. The folks at Vinegar Syndrome had to invent it all. As the director for the official release of “New York Ninja,” Spieler constructed a script and vocal talent to recreate dialogue as well as find era-specific music and sound effects to blend effortlessly into the movie’s visuals. “People have been frankly surprised with what we have been able to do.” The “New York Ninja” release marks the start of Vinegar Syndrome’s new label, Vinegar Syndrome Pictures, which is a “sub-branding dedicated specifically to the production and distribution of carefully curated, often daring, first fun, genre-based feature films exclusively photographed on motion picture film.” Currently, the company plans for a theatrical release of “New York Ninja’’ in 2022. Keep an eye on local theaters and support this awesome local studio’s mission to find other unfinished films that deserve to be finished!

Not all movies make it to the silver screen. Whether due to production or logistical problems, many of these “lost movies” are gone forever — until they’re found by film geeks who make it their mission to complete them. That’s how the team at Vinegar Syndrome, a Bridgeport-based film restoration and distribution company, unearthed the 1984 unfinished movie “New York Ninja” and restored it to completion. Many of the films in their archive often disappear over the years, but at Vinegar Syndrome, movies find a new home and are released on beautifully packaged DVDs. “New York Ninja” is about a news station technician (played by the original director John Liu) who takes on the titular moniker in order to avenge the death of his wife. The movie was among a catalogue of films that Vinegar Syndrome acquired from 21st Century Distribution Corporation, which went defunct in the 1980s. The unedited, original camera rolls for “New York Ninja” were included; however, their staff only realized they were there while taking inventory of their new catalog. After some discussion, Kurtis Spieler convinced the owners of




WRITE US A REVIEW We appreciate our loyal customers, and we strive to give you a spectacular experience every time. As a small business, we rely heavily on customer testimonials to let others know about our service. We would be eternally grateful if you’d take a minute to share your experience as an October Kitchen customer on Google by scanning the QR code below.

Vinegar Syndrome to give him a budget to finish the movie.

It took over two years. “This was kind of an original production for us, sort of,” Spieler told

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24/7 Emergency Services 860-533-0588


309 Green Rd. Manchester, CT 06042


Reaching Our Dreams With Our New Menu


3 Things to Include in Your Post-Workout Meal


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Movie Buffs, This Connecticut Company Saves Lost Movies


Get Stretching!


3 Benefits of Stretching

easier. This still does not mean you should stretch right before working out, but by creating a routine where you stretch in the morning or at night (or both!), your muscles will stay looser, helping prevent muscle strains and tears. Improved Balance and Posture Strong posture and balance are essential for both everyday activities and athletic performance. Good posture is necessary for spine health, and you need good balance to do everything from walking down the street to standing and sitting. The flexibility gained through stretching improves the muscles that are needed for correct posture, and you will also increase your range of motion. Relaxation and Reduced Pain There are also certain stretches that help lengthen and open your muscles. When your muscles are looser and relaxed, you’re less likely to feel pain or

We’ve all been advised to stretch before working out or performing physical activities. However, some recent studies have cautioned against this practice, claiming it may lead to an increased chance of getting injured. Regardless, this does not mean you should cut stretching out of your life completely. Stretching is not just for athletes. Everyone can benefit from this practice, and there are many advantages that come with improving your flexibility. Getting in the habit of stretching after you wake up and before you go to bed can benefit many aspects of your overall health.

experience muscle cramps. Stretching can work wonders for people suffering from lower back pain. This pain is often caused by tight muscles, and stretching will loosen them and relieve that pain. Stretching can also help your mind loosen up and unwind, which will relieve stress and improve your mood.

Here are our top three benefits!

Reduced Risk of Injury If your muscles are tight and you start working out, your chance of injury increases. Stretching helps to loosen your muscles and allows them to move


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