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Omaha Insurance Solutions - April 2022

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - August 2022

or tow it! Before making a purchase, be sure to research and look up reviews on the driving experien

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - June 2022

2 hours, until bubbly. 5. Garnish with chives and scallions before serving. 402-614-3389 • 3 PRSRT S

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - January 2022

2 tsp salt • 4 cups raisins • 7 cups flour • 4 cups canola oil I agree that humongous medication cop

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - April 2021

4 cup celery, chopped • 3 green onions, chopped • 1 kosher dill pickle, chopped • Salt and pepper to

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - April 2020

4 cup chopped almonds Directions patient had done would be undone if she fell at home because of a p

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - March 2022

approval from SSA and the insurance companies as necessary. We highly recommend Chris and have refer

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - February 2022

4 cup pecans, finely chopped • 1 tsp vanilla extract • Fresh fruit of your choice • Shortbread cooki

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Omaha Insurance Solutions May 2022

business. My purpose is to keep you happy in terms of your Medicare insurance. Otherwise, you will l

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - July 2022

4 cup brown sugar • 18 oz barbecue sauce Directions 1. In a 4-quart slow cooker, add the roast and

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - March 2020

4 cup whole-wheat panko • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted • 6 tbsp spinach p

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - April 2022

Club MED

April 2022

Shopping With Bev

PURCHASING A COUPLE OF THINGS HAS DIFFERENT MEANING Generally, I'm not particularly eager to shop. When I shop, here’s how it works. I get out of my car, walk into the store, go directly to the item I want to purchase, pick it up, walk to the cashier, purchase the item, go back to the car, put the item in the car, and drive away. This is how shopping is supposed to be. adult beverage by my side. I'm in a dimly lit, cozy room with the doors closed. It is beautifully quiet. I may have some soft jazz playing from YouTube in the background. When my wife calls, I can't hear her because her TV is too loud, the doors are closed, I'm going deaf, or zombies outside my office window are too noisy, whatever!

Depending upon lines, I'm in and out within 20 minutes. I only give up 20 minutes out of a lifetime.

Everything in the entire world is at Amazon, and only a click away. I read the reviews from all the guinea pigs who have gone before me. I look for the highest number of reviews, the most gold stars, the best insights into the fabulousness of the products.

My wife is different. Sometimes I end up shopping with my wife. The way it usually happens is when we are going somewhere else. She says she wants to stop at Costco or Hy-Vee or somewhere to pick up a "couple of things." She lies.

My fingers are poised. I click, and my prize is at the door the next day. I have saved 20 minutes out of my life. Maybe it costs me five or even 10 minutes, but it is much better than going to the store or the eternity my wife spends getting her "couple of things." Testimonials Are Powerful Reviews and testimonials are powerful. I appreciate all the testimonials many of you have done on Google review or Facebook.

I fall for the lie every time. I always hope it will be different, but it is always a lie.

I even ask. “We are only picking up a couple of things, right?” She responds in the affirmative. It is a DAMN LIE!

The definition of a "couple" is, according to Webster's dictionary,

1a: two persons married, engaged, or otherwise romantically paired; b: two persons paired together; 2: PAIR; 3: something that joins or links two things together.

I wish to offer a $15 gift certificate to clients who feel moved to write a review on Google, Facebook, or Better Business Bureau. The gift certificates are to Scooters, McDonald's, and other assorted vendors. Please, give our office a call at 402-614-3389. We can direct you to the various venues, and you can tell us which gift certificate you would prefer. Remember how you felt when searching for a Medicare plan. Help your fellow Medicare beneficiaries avoid the anxiety, confusion, and pitfalls. We will be their guardian angels in shopping for a Medicare plan.

The operative number is 2, not 3, not 10 or 15, but #%@$ 2 .

I know I've been duped again when she gets a shopping cart. I ask, “What do you need a cart for? You're just getting a ‘couple’ of things.” She rolls her eyes. I then experience a sense of deep self-loathing that I have been suckered once again. I would happily drive away and leave her stranded, but we usually are in her car, and I don't have the keys. You can see how this is premediated on her part, can't you? I'm a victim! Shopping With Amazon I love Amazon. I sit at my desk in a comfortable leather chair at home. My dog is at my feet. I may even have an

–Christopher J. Grimmond

Medicare Insurance Made Easy

402-614-3389 • 1



“Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!”

Our mission is to give thought and consideration to the interest of everyone affected by the actions we take as a company and as individuals. Our mission is to bless every person and business that we come in contact with in every way that we should. We pledge to solicit God’s help in accomplishing our mission. They work with individual agents, so I am their man in the Omaha Metro area. They want to know people with whom they are doing business. They like to establish strong relationships with their agents. No other agents will be offering Old Surety in Eastern Nebraska. Old Surety’s underwriting is very selective. Their business model works to keep their pool of clients as healthy as possible through strict underwriting practices. Consequently, they can keep their premiums low over time. Of course, when someone is ill, even seriously ill, they take care of them the way a Medigap policy is required to by law and regulation. No Medigap policy can drop a client, except for the lack of premium payment. feet, try to wiggle your extremities. If you can move these, move into a position that’s comfortable. If you cannot or if you are in pain, continue breathing deeply, stay calm, and do not attempt to get up. Try to lift yourself up. If you cannot get yourself up, skip to the next step. But if you feel strong enough to do so, roll onto your side, and slowly get onto your hands and knees. Then, place one or both of your hands on a sturdy item, and position your leg into a 90-degree angle, with your foot flat on the ground. Once there, pull yourself up. Take breaks and go slowly. And be sure to rest once you stand up. Call for help. You must seek medical attention after a fall, even if you are able to get back up, to prevent further damage or worsening injuries. If you are able to get up, call a

The Medicare supplement world is getting more interesting. New companies are getting into the Medigap business. Other companies are becoming more aggressive in trying different tactics to acquire Medicare clients. New companies have come to Nebraska. The Old Surety Life Insurance company takes a different tact than other insurance companies. OLD SURETY LIFE IS COMMITTED LOW PREMIUMS ARE PRIORITY The phrase was part of a major advertising campaign by a medical alert company aimed at helping seniors after a fall. The advertisement pushed a device that would call 911 with the press of a button. And there’s a good reason for this advocacy! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that between 2012–18, older adults reported approximately 36 million falls annually, and 32,000 of these incidents resulted in death. But what happens when alert technology is out of reach? Keep this article on hand, and follow this process if you fall and actually cannot get up. Stay calm and check for injuries. It’s easy to panic, but doing so could exacerbate your injuries. After a fall, take a few deep breaths, and starting at your

friend or family member so they can drive you to the hospital. If you cannot, try to reach for your phone or press the button on your medical alert device. If none of these options are available, don’t give up. Try sliding toward one of these devices, or yell for help, bang on the floors or walls. Remember to protect yourself; for instance, use a pillow or clothing item for support and warmth.

If you have additional questions, please consult with a trusted medical professional.

Old Surety is an honest “attained age” Medigap policy. Most Medigap plans are “issue age,” where the premium usually goes up with age. An insurance company keeps up with rising health care costs through age increases and rate increases. Rate increases occur when claims and costs rise, so the insurance company increases the premium rate across the board. The rate increases could be every year or every couple of years. There is no set frequency. Increases are simply a function of increased expenditure. Historically, Old Surety has kept its premiums very low over time, especially compared to other Medigap insurance companies. For those on Medigap plans, please check in with us to make sure you have the lowest possible premium. You do not need to wait until the Annual Election Period (AEP) Oct. 15–Dec. 7 to change your Medigap policy. Medicare supplements may be changed year-round. You simply answer a few health questions on the application. Old Surety is one arrow in our quiver of Medigap insurance companies. We have added a few more who have come to Nebraska and Iowa with low premiums. I will be speaking about them in coming newsletters.

First of all, the leadership is unabashedly Christian. Their mission statement as a company comes from the Gospel.

Matthew 22:39, “Love your neighbor as yourself.“

The management of Old Surety Life Insurance Company is totally committed to considering our employees, our agents, our policyholders, and all others that we do business with as neighbors, as Jesus said.

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Does Medicare Cover Dental?

When people mean Medicare, they usually mean Original Medicare, which is Medicare Part A and Part B. Part A is for the hospital. Part B is for doctor visits and outpatient procedures. The simple answer is Medicare does not cover dental. If you have only Medicare Part A and Part B, you need to purchase a separate, stand-alone dental plan, which may cost between $25 to $45 per month, depending on the coverage. Medicare Supplements or Medigap Plans do not cover dental. Medicare Part D drug plans do not cover dental. The dental plan may be with the same company you purchased your supplement from, but it is still a separate plan that costs more. Does Medicare Advantage cover dental? Some Medicare Advantage plans cover dental. In the Omaha Metro area, we have several plans that have very lovely dental plans. Should you get a dental plan? If you have a Medicare Advantage plan with good dental benefits, an additional dental plan does not make any sense. Still, if you are on Original Medicare, a Medigap policy, and Part D prescription drug, I would consider it. Dental health is like your general physical health. You go in for a physical annually to make sure everything is working. Your bi-annual teeth cleanings, X-rays, and oral examples are the same. You pay approximately $100–$200 for teeth cleaning in our area. The first appointment is more because the dentist generally does the most X-rays at the time. In the end, you could pay between $300–$400 per year for two teeth cleanings. That is without anything else being done. The filling could be $300. An extraction by an oral surgeon may cost $500. Crowns will be at least $1,200. The nice thing about a simple dental plan that is $25 per month, or $300 a year, is you would cover your teeth cleanings, but if there is anything else, like crowns or root canals, you are not paying the whole load. You are only paying 50% of a hefty bill. You are spending the same amount of money on getting your teeth cleaned twice a year, but now with a dental plan, you don’t need to worry about an overwhelming dental bill.

Call us for a brochure and quote for a dental plan.

11414 W. Center Rd., Suite 250 Omaha, NE 68144 402-614-3389

Want to hang on to your teeth?


Will Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?

“Chris has been wonderful to work with — very knowledgeable and helpful. With the dizzying array of options for Medicare Part C plans, he was able to help us zero in on the best one for us! And his office was very helpful throughout the enrollment process when we had questions or delays. They kept us on track, making sure we followed through with our tasks and that we were getting responses/approval from SSA and the insurance companies as necessary.


We highly recommend Chris and have referred our friends!”

– Linda A.

Healthier, Lighter Deviled Eggs

As you get older, the risk of being diagnosed with cataracts increases. About 50% of Americans over the age of 75 are diagnosed with cataracts. This diagnosis has increased each year, and with that, more people are wondering if Medicare covers cataract surgery — and the answer is yes! Let’s look at what cataracts are, how much Medicare will cover, and the cost you will have to pay out of pocket. What are cataracts? Most cataracts develop slowly over several years, and they consist of a cloudy window in your eye that causes your vision to become blurry, hazy, or less colorful. This may cause difficulty driving, reading, and doing other daily activities. You can either be born with cataracts or suffer an injury or glaucoma. However, the main reason for cataracts is aging because your eyes change as you get older. What part of Medicare covers cataract surgery? Cataract surgery is under Medicare Part B. It will cover your eye exam, pre- and post-surgery, anesthesia, cataract surgery, one pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses, and up to one year of follow-up care. Your Medicare plan will cover 80% of the costs, leaving you responsible for the other 20%. If you want something other than the standard lens, that may be an additional cost. How much will you pay for your surgery? The Medicare Advantage plan costs are $250–$400 per eye if you get the most common cataract procedure. If you only have Medicare Part B and not the Medicare Supplement, your surgery could cost around $316 at an ambulatory surgery center and $524 at a hospital outpatient department. There are several cataract surgeries you can choose from that Medicare pays for. Contact your agent for more information about these procedures and which one will work best for you and your needs. If you have any questions about Medicare and how much they will cover your cataract surgery, allow your friends and licensed agents at Omaha Insurance Solutions to assist you. We will be happy to look over your Medicare coverage, the different types of surgeries offered, and the cost you will pay for your procedure.

Inspired by

Hard-boiled eggs are essential for Easter, so why not transform them into a healthy appetizer?


• 6 large eggs

• Optional: Hot sauce, to taste • Optional: Paprika and chives, chopped, for garnish

• 3 tbsp Greek yogurt

• 1 tsp Dijon mustard

• 1 tsp lemon juice


1. In a large pot, add eggs and cover with water. Put on high heat, and then boil eggs for 10 minutes. 2. Once boiled, peel eggs by gently tapping and removing the shell. (Adding the eggs to an ice bath after boiling can make this task easier.) 3. Cut eggs lengthwise and place yolks into a medium mixing bowl. Set egg white halves open side up on a plate. 4. In a bowl, combine yolks, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, and hot sauce (if desired) until smooth. 5. Transfer the yolk mixture into the egg white halves. Garnish with paprika and chives if desired.

402-614-3389 • 3


11414 W. Center Rd., Suite 250 Omaha, NE 68144 402-614-3389

Code 54552_032522_MK

INSIDE This Issue

Shopping Comes In Many Forms



Your Guide to Getting Up After a Fall

One Arrow in the Medigap Quiver


Can Medicare Cover My Cataract Surgery?





Healthier, Lighter Deviled Eggs


Your Garden Can Help You Heal!

Healing as Old as Dirt

Horticulture Therapy Might Help You to Recover! When you’re in pain, daily activities like walking to the mailbox or reaching for a plate from the cupboard can exacerbate inflamed joints and weak muscles. However, just simply being a human can intensify this pain, too. The reason is in your brain. For years, researchers have connected our mental well-being with our

balance, language skills, and endurance, among other benefits. It’s the practice of gardening to stimulate mindfulness. Dating back to ancient Mesopotamia, the Persians were known for creating beautiful, calming gardens for this very purpose, and the first documented use of gardening for medical reasons is from the 1800s. Since then, connecting humans to plants is now a common treatment in many countries. What do I have to do? To effectively engage in horticulture therapy, you have to engage with nature. Plant a small garden in your yard and tend to it each day or week. Join a community garden, plant an indoor herb garden, or pluck weeds from your yard. If you’re not much of a gardener, try visiting local botanical gardens or hike a local trail and identify plant life each week. Or, ask your local nursery for suggestions about plants that are easy to care for. The goal is to physically and mentally connect with nature, which bonds you to a simpler form of life.

physical health. Study after study shows that those who suffer from mental illnesses also have intense bouts of pain. Physical therapy is a powerful treatment method designed to use your body’s strength and movement to stimulate physical healing. But to holistically recover from an injury or pain, you may have to also address your mental health.

This spring, as April showers loom, consider a centuries-old practice that has shown time and time again to improve mental wellness. All it requires is a little dirt, patience, and the great outdoors. What is horticulture therapy? As the American Horticultural Therapy Association explains, horticulture therapy can improve cognitive and memory abilities,

To learn more about horticulture therapy, connect with a local psychiatrist or counselor.

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