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OrthosportsPT_Physical Therapy Can Help Your Osteoarthritis

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OrthosportsPT_Physical Therapy Can Help Your Osteoarthritis

Health & Fitness We help people in pain return to normal naturally.

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WhyDoWeExperienceOsteoarthritis? While it is true that Osteoarthritis is most common in older folks, that is not always necessarily the case. It is possible that Osteoarthritis canpresent itself in younger adults, especially if they are prone to weak joints, poor dieting, or if they aren’t very active. Your cartilage works hard to protect your joints by absorbing the natural shocks that your body experiences on a daily basis. Therefore, much of your likelihood regarding Osteoarthritis is dependent upon the physical and nutritional lifestyles you partake in. Joint alignment can alter and the muscles around a joint can weaken over time, causing the cartilage to shift or thin. As cartilage wears down, Osteoarthritis becomes much more common.

As we all age, our bodies experience a certain “wear and tear” on cartilage and joints. This cancause inflammation and pain, known as arthritis. According to the American Arthritis Foundation, Osteoarthritis is the most common formof arthritis,making itself apparent in people as they age. It can certainly take a toll on one’s body, resulting in achy or painful joints after exercise, after a long day on one’s feet, or even after prolonged periods of inactivity, thus causing joints to constrict. The most common areas of Osteoarthritis are found in the fingers, hips, knees, and spine. These are all joints that we use excessively, even in our daily lives. Just think - by the time you lift yourself out of bed, shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and prepare to begin your day, you’ve already used these joints a multitude of times. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that pain can occur in themover time.

(continued inside)

As Osteoarthritis progresses, more symptoms can arise. The most common symptoms are: • Joint pain. • Swelling or tenderness in or around the joint(s). • Inflammation or flare-ups of pain in the joint(s) after use. • Feeling stiff after sitting or laying down for prolonged periods of time, especially when getting up in the morning. • Crepitus - also referred to as a “cracking or crunching” feelingwhenmoving the joint(s), or the sound of bone rubbing on bone. PHYSICAL THERAPY CAN HELP OSTEOARTHRITIS PAIN (Continued) As Osteoarthritis progresses, more symptoms can arise. The most common symptoms are: • Joint pain. • Swelling or tenderness in or around the joint(s). • Inflammation or flare-ups of pain in the joint(s) after use. • Feeling stiff after sitting or laying down for prolonged periods of time, especially when getti up in the m r ing. • Crepitus - also referred to as a “cracking or crunching” feelingwhenmoving th joint(s), r th sound of bone rubbing on bone. HELP OSTEOARTHRITIS PAIN (Continued)

Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today! Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 71 .634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!

How Can Physical Therapy Help Osteoarthritis? According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 in 5 adults are diagnosed with arthritis annually. Physical and occupational therapy are themost common treatments for Osteoarthritis, usually helping with the relief of joint pain in just a few sessions. If you have arthritis, don’t fret - there is hope! While anti-inflammatory and painmedications will help for the time being, they are very much a short-term solution. Physical therapy can help in actually strengthening your joints andmuscles once again, allowing for amuch healthier and long-term pain relief solution. Occupational therapy will also help in learning to use your joints in new ways once again, allowing for the highest quality of life despite the severity of your arthritis. Our physical therapists are trained to help you with joint alignment, stability, muscle regeneration, and most importantly, pain relief. They are dedicated to helping you get back to your normal levels of mobility. Don’t settle for a life of aches and pains - physical therapy can get you back on your feet and doing the activities you used to love! If you are suffering from Osteoarthritis, give us a call today at our Amherst (716-839- 3705) or Clarence (716-634-1578) locations. We can get you back to living your best, most pain-free life. Sources:

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen your legs.


While lying or sitting, raise up your leg with a straight knee and your toes pointed upward. Hold for 10 seconds then repeat 6 times on both legs.


Visit for more information!

6 Food Choices to Help Ease Your Arthritis Pain 6 Fo d Choices to Help Ease Your Arthrit s Pain 6 F od Choices to Help Ease our Arthritis Pai

4. Tart cherries. Some peo le with arthri is have found relief from products made from tart cherri s. The ingredi nt

4. Tart cherries. Some people with arthritis have found relief from products made from tart cherries. The ingredient 4. Tart cherries. Some people with arthritis have found relief from products made from tart cherries. The ingredient

1. Brocc li, Brussel sprouts and cabbage. These v ggies are part of the cru iferous family, and they are full of a

1. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. These veggies are part of the cruciferous family, and they are full of a 1. Broccoli, Bru sels sprouts and ca bage. These ve gies are part of the cruciferous family, and they are full of a

in cherries that helps with joint symptoms is the same one that gives this fruit its red color—anthocyanin. 5. Turmeric. One of the best-researched in cherri s tha helps with joint symptoms is the same one tha gives this fruit its red color—anthocyanin. 5. Turmeric. One of the best-researched in cherries that helps w th joint symptoms is the same one that gives this fru t its red c lor—anthocya in. 5. Turmeric. One of the b t-researched

compound called sulforaphane, which helps slow cartilage damage in joints due to osteoarthritis. Try adding broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale or cauliflower to your salad or stir-fry. compound called sulforaph ne, which helps slow cartilage dam ge in joints due to osteoarthri is. Try adding brocc li, Brussel prouts, cabbage, kale or cauliflower to y ur salad or stir-fry. c mpound called sulforaphane, which helps slow cartilage damage joints due o osteoarthritis. Try a ding broccoli, Brussels sprouts, ca bage, kale or cauliflower to your salad or stir-fry.

inflammation fighters isn’t a food at ll, but a spice. Turmeric contains

inflammation fighters isn’t a food at all, but a spice. Turmeric contains infl mmation fighters isn’t a food at all, but a spice. Turmeri contains

2. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight

2. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight 2. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight

a compound called curcumin. The compound has been used for centuries in India to ward off inflammatory diseases. You’ll find this yellow spice in Indian cuisines—particularly curries. a compound called cur min. The compound has been used for centuries n India to ward off in ammatory disea s. You’ll find this yellow spice in I dian cuisines—particularly curries. a c mpound called curcumin. The c mpound has b n used for centuries in India to ward off infl mmatory diseases. You’ll find this yellow spice in Indian cu sines—particularly curries.

inflammation. Try adding fish to your diet a couple of times a week. If you’re not a big fan of fish, ask your doctor about taking an omega-3 supplement. inflammation. Try adding fish to y ur diet a couple of times a week. If you’re not a big fan of fish, ask your doct r about taking an omega-3 supplem nt. infl mmation. Try a ding fish to your diet a couple of times a w ek. If you’re not a big fan o fi h, ask y ur doctor about taking an omega-3 su plement.

6.VitaminC. Antioxidants in vitamin C may slow the prog ession of OA. You can get vitamin C from strawberri s, kiwi,

6.VitaminC. Antioxidants in vitamin C may slow the progression of OA. You can get vitamin C from strawberries, kiwi, 6.Vitami C. Antioxidants in vitamin C may slow the progre sion of OA. You can get vitamin C from strawberries, kiwi,

3. Garlic. Garlic is a me ber of the allium family—which also includes oni s and leeks. These items

3. Garlic. Garlic is a member of the allium family—which also includes onions and leeks. These items 3. Garlic. Garlic is a m mber of the allium family—which also includes onions and leeks. These items

pineapple, or cantaloupe. However, wewarn you against taking supplements with much higher doses than 65 to 85 milligrams, because in large doses vitamin C can increase the risk of kidney stones. pineapple, or cant loupe. However, we arn you against taking supplements with much hig er doses than 65 to 85 milligrams, because in large doses vitamin C can increas th risk of kidney stones. pin apple, or cantaloupe. How ver, wewarn you against taking su plemen s with much higher doses than 65 to 85 m lligrams, because in large doses vitamin C can increase the risk of kidney stones.

contain a compound called diallyl disulfide that may help with a number of diseases—including arthritis. contain a compound called diallyl disulfide tha may help with a number of disea s—including arthri is. contain a c mpound called dial yl disulfide th t may help with a number of diseases—including arthritis.

“I came to Orthosports barely able to bendmy leg, and with the threat of surgery if I could not increase flexibility inmy knee. I made considerable progress while adhering to the treatment program you laid out for me. The therapy regime restored the motion in my leg as well as strengthened my entire knee. I owe it all to Orthosports. I thank you immensely.” - J. S. “The therapy regime restored the motion in my leg as well as strengthened my entire knee.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “I came to Orthosports barely able to bendmy leg, and with t e threat of surgery if I could not increase fl xibil ty nmy knee. I made considerable progress while adhering to he treatment program you laid out for me. The therapy regime restored the moti n in my leg as well as strengthen d my entire knee. I owe it all to Orthosports. I thank you immensely.” - J. S. “The therapy regime r stored the moti n i my leg as well as strengthen d my entire knee.” PATIENT SUC ES POTLIGHT “I came to Orthosports bare y able to bendmy leg, and with the threat of surgery if I could ot increase flexib lity inmy knee. I made considerable progress while adhering to he reatment program you laid ut for me. The therapy regime restored the motion in my leg as well as strengthened my ntir kn e. I owe i all to Orthospor s. I thank you i mensely.” - J. S. “The therapy regime restored the motion in my leg as well as strengthened my entire kn e.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT

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In celebration of 31 years of Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are offering Free 20-Minute Screenings from now until January 15th! Free Screenings are for: Friends, family, coworkers... Everyone is welcome! We have 12 slots available at both our Amherst and Clarence clinics, good through January 15th. The Free Screening Consists of: A Free 20-minute one-on-one with one of our physical therapists, who will take measurements to test how well you move and your level of strength. You then will be provided a written copy of the cause of your pain or problem and a plan for successful treatment. Are you suffering from aches or pains? Make your goal for 2020 a pain- free year. Contact us today at 716-839-3705 (Amherst) or 716-634-1578 (Clarence) to schedule your Free Screening. Feel Younger, Live Healthier, & Get Back to Normal Living FREE SCREENING! Our New Year’s Gift to You: In celebration of 31 years of Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are offering Free 20-Minute Screenings from now until January 15th! Free Screenings are for: Friends, family, coworkers... Everyone is welcome! We have 12 slots available at both our Amherst and Clarence clinics, good through January 15th. The Free Screening Consists of: A Free 20-minute one-on-one with one of our physical therapists, who will take measurements to test how well you move and your level of strength. You then will be provided a written copy of the cause of your pain or problem and a plan for successful treatment. Are you suffering from aches or pains? Make your goal for 2020 a pain- free year. Contact us today at 716-839-3705 (Amherst) or 716-634-1578 (Clarence) to schedule your Free Screening. Feel Younger, Live Healthier, & Get Back to Normal Living FREE SCREENING! Our New Year’s Gift to You: