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Outcomes for our Community

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2020 Community Report: Our Mission of Compassion

St. Johns County Advisory Board Jane Boles Chair Virginia Andrews, R.N. Alecia Bailey Kelly Barrera

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PTRC. Message For Our Patients

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Clinical Outcomes

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Community Relief

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Our Story For Jeff & Karen

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Outcomes Report (2019-2020)

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Outcomes for our Community

City of Melville - Outcomes for our Community 2008 – 2018 A DECADE IN REVIEW

Working Together to Achieve Community Wellbeing for Today and Tomorrow


Message from the Mayor .................................................................................... 2 Message from the Chief Executive Officer .......................................................... 3 Safe and Secure ................................................................................................... 4 Clean and Green .................................................................................................. 7 Healthy Lifestyles .............................................................................................. 12 Sustainable and Connected Transport .............................................................. 17 Sense of Community ......................................................................................... 20 Growth and Prosperity ...................................................................................... 25 Governance ....................................................................................................... 30 Key Organisational Performance Indicators ..................................................... 36

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Message from the Mayor

This year we have been celebrating 50 years since the Shire of Melville officially became a City in May 1968.

Over the last fifty years many things have changed including the products and services we provide as a local government, the amenities our community enjoy across the suburbs, the way we manage our environment, parks, reserves and public open spaces and also the way we do business.

What has not changed in fifty years is the focus and priority we always place on ensuring that everything we do contributes towards the wellbeing and satisfaction of our community.

Today the City of Melville has a clear vision - Working together for community wellbeing, for today and tomorrow , which aligns with our purpose and mission as a Local Government to support the needs of current and future generations through integration of environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity. To achieve this we focus on key outcome areas that were identified as the community’s aspirations in the Strategic Community Plan People, Places Participation 2016-2026. Over the last decade in particular, everything we do has been focused towards realising our community’s aspirations, so it seems especially fitting that as we mark our fifty years as a City, we reflect back on the last ten years. We hope you enjoy this Decade in Review 2008 – 2018 which truly highlights the vast range of products and services that local governments provide to their communities, with all their diverse, complex and often competing needs.

Russell Aubrey City of Melville Mayor

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Message from the Chief Executive Officer

The last decade 2008 – 2018 has been one of restructuring the City to ensure ongoing sustainability. When I started at Melville in March 2008 the City was in the middle of the Global Financial Crisis which adversely affected the City’s reserves. It is pleasing to note that now the City is one of the leading Local Governments in the State for Financial Sustainability – currently at 98%, previously 99% for the previous two years.

Notwithstanding this great achievement, the City in the last decade is arguably the top Local Government in the State against any benchmark as evidenced by:

 Top local government with a population over 80,000 residents in community/customer and business satisfaction;  One of the lowest ‘rate in the dollar’ Cities in the State - (Industry Benchmark) with this year’s rate increase at 0.9%;  Top local government in the State in Planning;  Top government organisation nationally in Service Excellence;  Top – Prize Level, government organisation nationally in Business Systems;  First in the State with Safe City Status;  Gold Status in Organisational Safety Performance;  First in State with Age Friendly Status;  Australasian Champions in Community Consultation Processes;  Six Performance Ratio’s above Department standards;  Triple accreditation to International Standards – Quality, Environment and Safety;  Gold - most liveable City (Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12-13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38-39 Page 40-41 Page 42-43 Page 44-45 Page 46-47 Page 48-49 Page 50

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