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ConceptOfMovement_Pain-Free Knees & Hips

knees-and-hips-a-troubleshooting-guide-to-knee-and- hip-pain HEALTHY REC I PE GREEK TURKEY BURGERS W

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VitalityPhysioWellness_Pain-Free Knees & Hips

motor control retraining and specific exercise prescription. Mina is also trained in acupuncture and

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PelhamPhysicalMed_Pain-Free Knees & Hips

Columbia University Medical Center. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wilkins, call Pelham Physica

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Digital & Paid Media Strategies for Legal Marketers


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NOVAphysiotherapy_Stride Toward Pain-Free Knees & Hips

pepper and garnish with cilantro.Add themeatballsback to thepanandreheat foraboutaminute.Serve theme

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Nestor: Stay Active & Pain Free

workshop We can help you relieve your pain naturally! We can help you: Does your leg pain keep you f

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Fyzical: Stay Active & Pain Free

2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese For the Orange-Shallot Dressing: • 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice • 2

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Adams: Stay Active & Pain Free

2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese Summer Recipe For the Orange-Shallot Dressing: • 3 tablespoons fresh or

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MDT certified clinician. MechanicalDiagnosisandTherapy (MDT) isareliableassessment, classification,

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Pain Free Movement & More Energy

exhale R Stretch your arms overhead frequently throughout the day R Do strengthening exercises at le

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PAID & FREE OnlyFans



Paid and FreeOnlyFans Notsurewhatto post?

Postenvironm ent How often to post Prom otions DirectM essages Instagram

SocialM edia #HASHTAGS# Content Tip Menus


Thispage iscom pletelyfree so people onlyneed an account connected to a creditcard to folow you,thispage wilgrow m uch fasterthan yourpaid page.Use itto funnelpeople to yourpaid page. Dostin a series(separate posts)ofphotosthatgetm ore and m ore provocative,aspeople see them itwilsparkinterest. The lastone you postwilbe yourPPV (payperview) so whetherit'sa picture orvideo theywilhave to pay to unlockthispost.


On thispage you'lhave a subscription price ranging from $5-$15,you can charge m ore depending on how large your folowing ison otherplatform slike IG and Twiter.Keep in m ind even porn starsorinfluencerswith 250k+ folowers charge between $20-$30 so startloweruntilyou grow. Don'tpostm ultiple photosin one post,m ostpeople don't even know how to scrolthem ,ifthe postisn'tgood enough to be on itsown don'tpostit.


• Tryto keep yourusernam e the sam e across alplatform s.Ifyou can't,tryadding an underscore. • No longerthan 15 characters. • Keep itsim ple and within yourniche oridentifiers (age,body type,features,stage nam e).


• Change itoften. • Use itto prom ote specials,PPV,and new content. • Ifyou have a free page,labelyourusernam e as "FREE (USERNAME)." • Thisnam e actsasyourm eta tile forsearch engines.It'sessentialto change itto pop up in the searchesyou wantto be in.


• No linksare alowed in yourbio. • Be clearon whatyou're ofering,XXX,and thatyou do explain yourniche • Use the firstsentence to prom ote yourspecials. • Keep in m ind thatOF lim itsthe am ountofcharacters shown in yourbio before som eone hasto click“m ore”, so use thatspace wisely. • Yourlocation can be playfulalso,som ething like “in yourpants,USA.” • You can have one website URLbesidesyourwishlist. Use itto postyourlinktree orsite with alofyourother sociallinksand adultsitesyou m ayuse.


• Getcreative with outdoorscenes/pics,showerscenes/pics, m alscenes/pics,in yourcar,dressup orbe naked doing everydaytasks/norm althings. • Rem em berto staywithin yourniche,so ifyou've established thatyou're “explicitoutdoorsonly”,do thingsaround that. Having a litle varietyisalwaysgood,so don’tcorner yourselfinto one thing too hard. • Use the POLLoption to youradvantage to figure outwhat people wantto see.Have optionslike “bikinitry-on, underwear/bra workoutvids,cleavage shots,feetpics”. Adjustthisto yourniche and levelofexplicitness.

• Add a com m entto the polpostsaying,“anything notlisted, letm e know orDM m e.”Listen to youraudience!


• Keep a tidycontentarea,and reduce cluterand distractions. No one wantsto see photos/videosin a dirtyorclutered room. • Tryto find exciting placesto shoot.Having a fantastic backdrop m akesyourcontentm ore desirable even ifyou’re justoutside in nature orin an environm entwhere you could be “caught”(like in yourcarin a parking garage)

• HotelsandAironbsare greatplacesto shoot.


• In the beginning,you wilneed to postdaily.

• People need to see a flow ofm aterialforthem to engage. • Postin yourstorieson OF ifyou’re running low on content. People justwantto see you being active butsexy.


• Can be shortbutcatchyorlong and m ore ofa story depending on the contenttype

• A longercaption within the niche should saywhere,how, when,and with what.Itsa dirtystory,use em ojisand be very descriptive. • Exam ple:“NEW POV bouncing on m ystepbrotherscock” Ofcourse itsnotrealbutthinkaboutwhatwould geta horny guyto im pulsivelybuy.Rem em beritsthe clickofa buton and theybuythe content.Use thatto youradvantage when m aking captionsand don’tbe afraid to be nasty.The niche here isthe “step bro fantasy”use yourown niche and apply the sam e concept.


• People naturalylike to folow what’spopular. SOCIAL PROOFISIMPORTANT .The higherthe likesand folowers, the m ore folowersyou wilatract.Thisinform ation is displayed atthe top ofyourprofile.You have the option to hide it,though and should do so untilyou gain m ore likesand folowers. • Pin yourbestpostatthe top ofyourpage with a prom ise in exchange forlikesthatyou wilsend them a naughtypic you haven'tposted yet.

• You could also do the sam e thing in yourbio.

• Use yourauto welcom e m essage to drive likes.“Thanks forjoining m ypage,babe!Like alm ypostsand DM m e saying “DONE”fora free uncensored pic!”. • Anotheroption isto buyprofile likesifyou wantthem fast, butthisisn’tnecessaryifyou applythe otherm ethods m entioned.


• Itshould be one ofyourbestphotos.

• No selfies,no darklighting.Itshould be professional ora veryhigh-qualityim age which you can do on a neweriPhone.

• M ake itsexybutnottoo sexyNO NUDITY IS ALLOW ED in profile picsorcoverphotos.


• OnlyFansalowsyou to create prom otions.Asthe content creator,you are able to ofera discountfrom 5% — 100% on yourpaid page. • Thisfeature wilalow you to ofera discounted price to new and expired subscribers.You wilhave fulcontrol overthe num berofsubscriptionsavailable atthisprice, the discounted am ountand the expirytim e ofthe ofer. • Do notuse thisfeature too often otherwise,you wilcom e of asdesperate to sel.Trylim iting itto once a m onth but m axim ize the num berofpeople alowed to subscribe.


• Checkthem often 2-3 tim esdaily. • Do notopen m essagesyou cannotim m ediatelyreplyto. • Replywith flirtyem ojisand shortsexym essages,and m ostpeople wantto be noticed. • Alwaysfolow through with a contentrequest.Ifyou are not com fortable with a request,telthem .A response isbeter than no response and wilkeep them interested even ifyou are notcom fortable with theirrequest.You can always suggestsom ething else you're actualysatisfied with. • Directm essagescan also be a valuable toolin distributing yourcontent.Sending paid picsand vidsfeelsm ore personaland willikelym ake them buy. • You need to develop a sense fortim e wastersand good potentialcustom ers,don’twaste too m uch tim e in a conversation aboutrandom things,and alwaystryto m ove itinto a flirty conversation

DIRECT MESSAGES INSTAGRAM AND OTHER SOCIALS • DO NOTWASTETIMEREPLYING TO DMS. • W e alhave ourOnlyFanslinksclearlydisplayed on our profilesand som etim esin the com m entsofposts.There is a 100% chance the dudesin yourm essagessaw thatand ignored itand thoughthe would tryhisluck,eithertrying to scam orm anipulate free contentorsexing outofyou intheDMS. • You m ayoc asionalybe able to convince som eone to subscribe to yourpage,butthisperson wilm ostlikely feelm ore entitled and needythan the average sub and thinkyou owe them yourlife forspending $5. • OnlyanswerDM sdirectlyrelated to seling yourprem ium content,do notwaste tim e in m ore ofa conversation afterthat. • Constantlyreplying to uselessDM can afectyou in m any negative waysfinancialyand m entaly,so keep thisin m ind when dealing with DM s.

SOCIALMEDIA • S4S (shoutoutforshoutout)isa userexchange for exposure.Thiscan be used on alplatform slike IG,OF, Twiter,etc. • Ensure you’re working with sim ilaraccountswithin your folowing range and niche. • Folow/unfolow isused m ainlyon IG and Twiter,basicaly, you folow and waitforthe otherperson to folow you back then unfolow.However,you need to be carefulwith this m ethod,and keep yournum beroffolows/unfolowslow. Startat20 a dayand skip days,you can go up to 100,but itsrunsa higherriskofbeing shadow banned.Ifyou’re shadowbanned yourtraficwildrop significantly. • Redditisthe bestfortraficbutthe m ostdificultto m aster. Spend tim e learning it.Thiswilbe a gam e-changerwhen you figure itout. Redditisa greatplatform thathas‘subreddits’.Subreddits are diferentcom m unitiesofRedditusersforjustabout everything including yourcontentniche.

The overalstrategyforonlyfansprom otion on Redditis:

1.Find popularsubredditsin yourniche. 2.Postprom o contentthere. 3.LinkyourOnlyFansin yourRedditprofile.

Yoursocialm edia ac ountsare the top ofOnlyFanssucces , thisiswhere you getpeople aware ofyou.In youraccount bios,you should have a linkthateitherleadsdirectlyor indirectlyto yourOnlyFanspage. Depending on the socialplatform ,that*link*m aynotlink directlyto the OnlyFanspage.On specificsocialm edia platform s(e.g.Instagram and TikTok),you wilgetbanned forlinking directlyto OnlyFansoranyblatantonlyfans prom otion.


• An OnlyFanscreator-friendlyplatform like Twiter(which hasa linkto yourOnlyFansin itsbio). • A landing page m ade in alm ylinks/linktree / Exam ple1 :SocialM edia bio -> Twiterlink-> OnlyFans. Exam ple 2: SocialM edia bio -> LinkTree landing page -> OnlyFans.


A landing page isjusta webpage with linksto alyour accountsand sites.Forexam ple,linksto yourOnlyFans, socialm edia accounts,oreven yourwebsite.


TikTok,Instagram ,and Twiterare hashtagsyou should use to prom ote yourcontenton those platform s. Justspam m ing hashtagswon'twork.The platform sare too innovative now.Som e hashtagsyou should use: 1.Popularhashtagsin yourniche. 2.Lesspopularhashtagsin yourniche. 3.And som e super-popularhashtagsnoteven in yourniche. You should know thatInstagram and TikTokare both ‘denylist’specific hashtags. Thism akesitim possible forpeople to search forthese hashtags.Instagram and TikTokwilblacklisthashtags with keywordsrelated to nudity,OnlyFans,onlyfans prom otion,sexualyexplicitcontentand also ilegal substances,racialis ues,etc.

REMINDER Teasing Content(botom ofthe ladderIG + Twiter)

• High quality • Suggestive • Picsand vids • Non-nude • Naughtybutplatform safe

Teasing Content(botom ofthe ladderIG + Twiter)

• NotIG safe • Blured • Em ojicoverage • Sexualyexplicitdescriptions • Sexualyexplicitm aterialwith blured or em oji-covered bits

BestContent(top ofladder,Paid OF, PPV and Custom content)

• Yourm ostexplicitContent • Custom videos • Sextapesand Longervideos

TIP MENUS Thesewilhelp subscribersseewhatyou ofer. Example: • Sexting:$150/day$500/week • Dickratings:Text$20Audio $25 Video $30 • Photos:3/$50 5/$80 10/$120 Videos:1 m in $50, 3 m in $80,5 m in $100,10 m in $150 • Fetish:$50+ tim e and confusion on whatyou've alreadysentout. Itwould be bestifyou also m ade foldersforyourspecifc typesofcontentlike nude,topless,shower,dildo,vibrator, etc.Thatway,it'ssupereasyto find and send outorpost. Ifyou're using yourphone splitalofthese into album s, howeveritsm uch easieron a com puterifyou have one butitsnotrequired.You can eitherrenam e the filesonce you've posted orcreate a "posted"folder. Organize yourcontentinto groupslike prom o content,paid sub-content,PPV,alreadyposted,etc.Itwilsave you


Thisisjustan exam ple and you should adjustyourprices ac ording to yourfolowing/niche.*M ake a content calendarto help you staym otivated and com plete prom ised contentand regularcontent.W rite yourideas down too.Rem em berto take daysof to avoid burnout. Yourm entalhealth isim portanttoo