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Patty and Louis Gurkin

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Patty and Louis Gurkin

Patty and Louis Gurkin

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Patty and Louis Gurkin

For Louis and Patty, life is about experiences…and the experiences that are most meaningful for them are those that are spent together as a family. Temple Beth Am was the center of their family’s Jewish life while their daughters, Shari and Brittany, were growing up and both attended Temple Beth Am Day School. Patty and Louis have been supporting the Greater Miami Jewish Federation for over 20 years. Their involvement deepened when they traveled to Israel with the Federation – first in 2012 and again in 2018 when they participated in the Israel at 70 Mission with their daughters. Louis and Patty see these shared travel experiences to Israel as way to actively share their Jewish values with their daughters, placing an importance on doing good in this world through volunteering and charitable giving. Both University of Miami graduates with Masters degrees in Engineering, Shari and Brittany moved to New York and are living out their Jewish values through their involvement in several charities as proud Lions of Judah and now Forever Lions . This past year, Louis made a significant legacy commitment

of $3 million to the Federation in each of Patty’s, Shari’s and Brittany’s names. He wanted to do something that honored his wife and daughters that would also impact the Jewish community far into the future. “It was important to Patty and me that we set an example for our children and friends and show that even average hard-working people can make an impact now and in the future.”

Patty and Louis Gurkin with daughters Shari (left) and Brittany (right)

Temple Beth Am AND Rambam Day School

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation