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Perez Halpern - English - June 2019

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Perez Halpern - English - July 2019

2 hours from Rockville, the city of Havre de Grace will put on their own legendary parade winding fr

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Perez Halpern English January 2019

2 cup mozzarella cheese. 4. Bake in oven until bubbly and golden brown on top, 20–25 minutes. www.PE

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Perez Halpern - English - December 2019

2 cup raisins 3. Stir cream of coconut into reserved water and bring to a boil. Add reserved rice an

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Perez Halpern English - April 2019

8 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 2 cups whole milk Directions 1. In a large saucepan, whisk together cor

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Perez Halpern - English - October 2019

2 tsp pepper. 2. In a shallow bowl, mix breadcrumbs with remaining garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

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Perez Halpern English - February 2019

2 cup (4 ounces) canned tomato sauce • 2 tablespoons Spanish olives, chopped Directions Picadillo 1.

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Perez Halpern -English- August 2019

4 cup sofrito • Canola oil for sautéing and deep frying • Several banana or plantain leaves, cut int

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Perez Halpern - English - November 2019

Perez Halpern - English - November 2019 301.476.1020 • November 2019 FINDING MY

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Perez Halpern May 2019 - English

2 cup mayonnaise (110 g) • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1 small apple, cut into small chunks • Lettuc

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Perez Halpern - English - September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Perez Halpern - English - June 2019

301.476.1020 •

June 2019



During her third year of law school, Maricé was elected as a Maryland state delegate. She served on the state legislature, representing the people of Maryland, and she brings that experience in government and commitment to her community to the Pérez Halpern team. Her experience in criminal law helps her understand the implications of certain criminal judgments and the interplay between the criminal justice system and traffic laws. Even more than her experience, though, the strength of her character shines through. Maricé genuinely cares about people. She is passionate about representing those who have not historically had a platform to speak. She is a caring human who connects with everyone she meets. As a Latina attorney, she can relate to many of our clients the same way I do. Clients feel comfortable sharing what they are going through with Maricé because of her genuine, caring nature. This allows her to be a better advocate for them. As when Andy and Evelyn joined our team, things clicked right away with Maricé. She adds to the friendly, outgoing atmosphere here. We’ve found ourselves bonding over our many shared experiences. I know the warm environment we’ve created will help clients feel supported during difficult times in their lives. I’m so excited for this year and everything Maricé brings to our team. I could go on about Maricé’s awards and qualifications, but what’s most important to me is knowing she will be an advocate for our clients. You are in good hands with her. I’ll let Maricé take it from here. Inside the newsletter, she’ll tell you what brought her to Pérez Halpern and what keeps her motivated to advocate for others every day.

It’s been busy around here! We feel very blessed to be able to say that. Thank you for your continued support and referrals. They mean the world to us. To better serve our amazing clients and community, we realized it was time to grow the Pérez Halpern team. This spring, we added a passionate, caring attorney to our team, Marice Morales. Maricé brings compassion, drive, and experience to our firm as she helps handle our auto collision cases and advocates for our clients. Maricé, who is trilingual in English, Spanish, and French, has a wealth of legal experience that makes her the perfect fit for our clients. She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law and went on to build her knowledge in a variety of fields and locations. She’s studied everything from criminal law to immigration law and served in Costa Rica at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. At the core of Maricé’s journey is her mission to fight systemic racism and discrimination and reinforce the basic human right to equality that every person is entitled to.

Have a wonderful start to your summer season, and until next month,

–Meliha Perez Halp ern | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .


to equality for all people. “I want to be a bridge for folks who have a disadvantage,” she says. “I want to advocate for average folks who may not have the tools to navigate the systems and institutions of this country.” Her time serving as a state delegate opened her eyes to another aspect of the law. “I served on the judiciary committee when I was first elected and then on health and operations, dealing with insurance issues,” Maricé shares. “I got a glimpse of what the world is like and how complicated it was for me as an attorney to understand my coverage under my healthcare and auto insurance plans — not to mention for someone who isn’t in the legal field. It’s a different language. Just understanding insurance could be a full- time job. I got really interested in that aspect.” That spark of interest and her passion for people led Maricé into personal injury law. “In personal injury law, a person’s life completely changes. Our clients are dealing with devastating issues. They’ve paid into insurance, and their own insurance and the defendant’s insurance want to cheat them out of their benefits. If I can lend a hand to help, I want to do that,” she says. Maricé says meeting Meliha made her next step clear. “To know Meliha is to love Meliha. She oozes authenticity. She has a really beautiful heart.” According to Maricé, with Meliha’s compassion comes her strength and tenacity in fighting for her clients. This combination made working with the firm a clear choice for her.

We are so excited to have Maricé on our team. We know our clients will be, too.

Maricé Morales outside of the District Court in Silver Spring after having won a case for her client

This spring, we welcomed a new all-star to the Perez Halpern team, Maricé Morales. As Meliha shared on the cover, this attorney is a powerhouse. In 2014, Maricé became the youngest elected Latina to serve at the state level in the country. “I was an underdog,” Maricé says of her bid for a seat in the Maryland House. “I didn’t have the support of the establishment. I knocked on 22,000 doors and raised $75,000 dollars. It was a very humbling experience.” To add to the already-challenging bid, Maricé did it all as a third-year law student. Maricé has always given 100 percent to a cause worth fighting for. Influenced by her family’s experiences while immigrating to the United States, she chose the legal field in order to be a voice for underrepresented people. “My parents are immigrants, and the law has always been present in our lives,” she explains. Maricé’s mom and dad strove to become full citizens, searching for the American dream and access to equal rights. But Maricé notes that citizenship didn’t automatically lead to fair treatment. “Having grown up in an immigrant household, [equal treatment] hasn’t always been the case,” Maricé says. As she got older, she saw discrimination and racism at work. “The law touches every aspect of a person’s life. One small miscommunication can lead to the use of excessive force and violation of one’s rights,” she says. From the start, Maricé chose to fight to reinforce the basic human right

Maricé Morales at a school safety rally organized by Seniors at Leisure World

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As we’ve shared previously in this column, even if you’re not the at- fault driver, it’s your responsibility to minimize

• Avoid parking underneath big tree branches or anything that could fall on your car.

• During a hail storm, seek a covered area to park your car while you wait out the weather.

further damage to your vehicle following a collision. Harsh weather conditions can complicate this issue. A small scratch can lead to a much bigger issue if it’s allowed to sit in the pouring rain. Even a small crack or pit in your windshield during a storm can leak or further damage your windshield, potentially damaging your interior, as well. These additional damages are often not covered by your insurance, which is why it’s so important to take precautionary steps. Whether you’ve been in a collision or just want to ensure your car isn’t damaged, here are steps you can take to protect your vehicle from the elements. • Do a thorough check for dents or scratches following a collision and have them fixed right away. Ask your auto body tech to inspect your car’s undercarriage for any out-of-sight damage.

• Avoid driving through large pools of standing water; they may be deeper than they look and could cause damage to your engine if the water splashes into your car.

While not all situations are avoidable, you should do what you can to protect yourself and your vehicle from the elements. It all comes back to taking the proper precautions to prevent further damage to your vehicle. If something is damaged, get it fixed right away. If you need help with the legal aspects of a collision, give us a call. We are here to help.

• In the summer, store your car in a protected spot and park in the shade whenever possible. Avoid intense sun exposure.


Habanero Jack Sorullos

Inspired by

Ingredients • Vegetable oil, as needed • 2 cups warm water

• A pinch of salt • 1 1/2 cups white cornmeal

• 1 cup habanero jack cheese, shredded • 1/2 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped

• 2 tbsp sugar • 1 tbsp butter

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and set aside. 2. In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, heat oil, about 3 inches deep, until it ripples. 3. In a bowl, combine water, sugar, butter, and salt. Whisk until sugar has dissolved and butter has melted. Add cornmeal a little bit at a time, alternating with cheese and stirring continuously until a batter forms. Add parsley and mix well until throughly combined. 4. Lightly oil hands and, using about 3 tbsp of dough at a time, shape into logs that are 1/2-inch wide by 2-inches long. 5. Fry sorullos in batches until crisp and golden on outside, about 3 minutes. Transfer to oven to keep warm and crisp. | 3

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inside Adding a New All-Star to Our Team PAGE 1 200A Monroe Street, Suite 303 Rockville, MD 20850

Find us on Facebook! Pérez Halpern, LLC

Meet Maricé Morales PAGE 2

How Weather Conditions Can Further Damage Your Vehicle PAGE 3

Habanero Jack Sorullos PAGE 3

Make the Ultimate Summer Treat PAGE 4

Contact me for all of your auto accident and personal injury needs! Cool for the Summer

• Store uneaten popsicles in airtight freezer bags to prevent freezer burn.

There’s nothing like an icy treat to cool down with on a hot summer day. But ice cream and store-bought popsicles tend to be full of processed sugar and artificial flavors. Beat the heat with a homemade treat instead! Here are some tips for creating the perfect homemade popsicles. • Invest in a popsicle mold. You can make popsicles with ice cube trays or paper cups, but an inexpensive popsicle mold can completely change the aesthetic of your popsicles, making them even more fun and delicious. • Use a pastry bag or freezer bag with a corner cut off to easily fill popsicle molds without making a mess. • When filling the molds, leave a 1/4 inch of space at the top. The mixture will expand when it freezes. • If your popsicle mold comes with a snap-on lid, leave the lid unsealed. Opening the lid when the molds are frozen can crack the brittle plastic. • Turn your freezer to the coldest setting and put your molds at the back of the freezer. The quicker your popsicles freeze, the creamier they will be because fewer ice crystals will form. • When you’re ready to eat your popsicles, carefully run the molds under warm water until they loosen. Gently wiggle the popsicle back and forth until it easily slides free.

Ready to get started? Use the above tips to mix up the delicious guilt-free popsicle recipe below.



2 cups berries •

2 tbsp honey •

2 cups plain Greek yogurt


1. Blend berries in a food processor or blender until nearly liquified. Feel free to use your favorite kind of berry for this recipe. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries all work great! 2. Pour berry mixture into large bowl. Stir in honey, and then gently mix in yogurt. 3. Pour mixture into molds and freeze for 4–6 hours. 4. Enjoy with your family on a hot summer day!

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .