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Crisp, fall days are the perfect time to star t a walking routine. Without buying equipment or joining a gym, people of all ages and fitness levels can reap benefits, including weight loss, blood pressure reduction, improved muscle tone and better bone health. Walking speeds up your hear tbeat, circulating more blood and oxygen to your muscles and your organs, including the brain. A Harvard Medical School study found that walking for just 2.5 hours a week, or 21 minutes a day, lowers the risk of heart disease by 30%. A regular brisk walking regimen could save Americans more than 100 billion dollars in annual health care costs while supplying natural energy, increasing circulation and boosting oxygen supply to all cells in the body. The National Walkers’ Health study revealed that walking reduced a person’s risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol by about 7%, reducing the risk of hear t disease. Fitness Walk Off Weight, Get Fit and Be Healthy A PERIODICAL FOR PARTICIPANTS OF THE PINNACLE HEALTH MANAGEMENT WELLNESS PROGRAM

Latest Research Perks of Cooking at Home

Approximately 40% of U.S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With the rise in consumption of processed foods and the decline in home- cooked meals, the quality of diets is decreasing. Americans are now spending more time eating out than in the past, contributing to the increase in obesity rates. In a research study conduct- ed by the Depar tment of Health Policy and Management at John Hopkins University, they obtained >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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