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FRESH AIR summer Swimming is an affordable and versatile workout option for all ages. Water exercise can be just as beneficial as running or gym routines, especially for those who are injury-prone, ar thritic, pregnant or disabled. Swimming works muscles throughout the body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories (500 to 700 per hour) as running while building lean muscle and not straining bones and joints. It boosts metabolism, making people feel more energized after a rigorous workout. Cardiovascular conditioning offered by swimming minimizes the risk of hear t disease and high blood pressure. Aquatic exercises are psychologically benef icial for people with dementia and mood disorders, relieving stress and helping people to sleep better at night. Fitness Swimming and Endurance: The Pool as a Fitness Tool A PERIODICAL FOR PARTICIPANTS OF THE PINNACLE HEALTH MANAGEMENT WELLNESS PROGRAM

Latest Research Good Fats S U M M E R 2 0 1 9

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS Though you often read about the benefits of decreasing your fat intake, the one type of fat you don’t want cut back on are omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that the human body cannot produce, but can obtain from food. Types of food that are high in omega-3 are fish, leafy vegetables, flaxseed, nuts, and vegetable oil. Fish oil sup- plements are another way to acquire omega-3. So what makes omega-3 so special? They are the building blocks of hor- mones that regulate blood clotting and contract/relax ar ter y walls. Fur thermore, they can reduce tri- glyceride levels, relieve symptoms of rheumatoid ar thritis, and slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration. A study prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, conducted a systematic re- view to examine the effects of... (continue to page 4)

Most swimmers structure their workouts as interval training, working hard for a few minutes and then taking breaks, improving fitness while keeping the workout interesting. Try swimming laps for 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that keeps the hear t rate up. The freestyle stroke, or front crawl, is the fastest, most efficient stroke. The 20-minute warmup of 400 yards or 8 lengths establishes rhythm in breath- ing, eases the swimmer into the workout and gently builds speed. Practice skills or learn new ones in the pre-set, which can be drills or entire laps. In the main set, the swimmer works the hardest, putting the skills to the test. There are multiple intervals of swimming and resting, using different kinds of strokes. The cool down, the last segment, involves 5 to 10 minutes of easy swimming. Build up endurance to shorten the break times. Most importantly, choose goals, develop a plan to train toward those goals, improve fitness and have fun.

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Safety Pool and Sun Safety

CREATE GOOD MEMORIES THIS SUMMER WHILE TAKING A FEW PRECAUTIONS TO MAKE IT SAFE. Summer often means more hours in the sun and at the pool. Here are some tips to enjoy the summer safely:

FOR THE POOL Watch children in or near water, nev- er leave them unattended. Designate an official water watcher, an adult re- sponsible for supervising children in the water. Teach children how to swim. Save lives by installing barriers, covers, and alarms on and around the pool. Sur- round the pool with a fence at least 4 feet high, only reachable through a self-closing, self-latching gate. Everyone should know how to per- form CPR on children and adults. Keep rescue equipment and a portable tele- phone near the pool and avoid drinking while children are in the pool. If a child is missing, look in the pool or spa. A child can drown in 1 inch of water in 10 seconds, the time it takes a parent to get a towel from across the room. About 383 children ages 14 and under drown in pools and spas each year. FOR THE SUN Protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) light by wearing sunscreen every day, in all weather conditions and in every season. Sunscreen should have a sun protec- tion factor (SPF) of at least 30 and say “broad-spectrum” on the label, to pro- tect against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going outside and reapply ev- ery 80 minutes, depending on skin tone and SPF or more frequently if sweating or swimming. Choose sunglasses with total UV protec- tion. Wear wide-brimmed hats and long- sleeved shirts and pants. Choose cos- metics and contact lenses that offer UV protection. Avoid being out in the sun as much as possible from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Practice sun safety habits with children. Apply sunscreen to children over 6 months old. Keep babies younger than that out of direct sunlight.

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Fruit Spotlight Luscious strawberries pack nutrition- al goodness into a versatile, flavorful treat. Loaded with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, strawberries are sodi- um-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free and low-calorie. Strawberries have a high polyphenol content which is linked to lower cho- lesterol and blood pressure. A 2019 report from the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), links the pigment coloring found in strawberries to a reduced risk of myocardial infarction. Certain antioxidants found in straw- berries are believed to reduce the risk of stroke. These antioxidants work against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and decreasing inflammation in the body.

Additionally, the substantial fiber con- tent in strawberries aids digestion. Fiber regulates and stabilizes blood sugar by avoiding extreme highs and lows, making strawberries a good food choice for diabetics. Strawber- ries have a low glycemic index (GI) score of 40 and reduce the urge to snack between meals. Eat strawberries alone or

cheese. Add sliced strawberries to cold cereal or Greek yogurt. Blend them with a banana, low-fat milk, and ice for a smoothie. Enjoy versatile, nutritious strawber- ries any way you like them and reap the health benefits.

with a variety of other foods. Mix them with grapes, pineapple and sliced peaches for

a fruit cockt ail. S lice them into chicken salad or spinach salad with walnuts and goat

vitamins without harmful additives or hidden calories. Put any fruit or combinations of fruit, herbs and vegetables into a pitcher of water and enjoy the taste while rea- ping health benefits. The longer fruits stay in the water, the stronger the fla- vor. Within about 15 minutes, the wa- ter has a nice, mild flavor. Reuse the fruit for up to four refills. SOME FUNFLAVORCOMBINATIONS Grapefruit / Rosemary Orange / Carrot / Celery Lemon / Lime Blueberry / Orange Pineapple / Coconut Raspberry / Mint Watermelon / Basil Crafting flavorful combinations is a fun way to achieve hydration health.

FRUIT-INFUSED WATER A 2013 study at Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris claimed that 83 percent of adult women are not drinking enough water. People should drink about two liters of wa- ter per day, especially in the sum- mer, exper ts say. Water fuels the cells, flushes toxins and bacteria from the body, enhances digestion, improves brain function, in- creases metabolism and aids in weight loss, according to the Centers for Di- sease Control and Prevention (CDC). By keeping hydrated, the body can transpor t oxygen and nutrients effi- ciently and maintain a consistent tem- perature. Adequate hydration keeps skin soft and smooth, minimizes organ strain, increases muscle energy levels and lubricates joints. Fruit-infused water promotes hyd- ration. Not only does infusing water encourage people to drink more, but it also means that they consume he- althy natural ingredients. By control- ling what goes into the water, people can add tasty ingredients containing


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Wellness Take a Break to Improve Your Wellbeing

Good Fats (continued from page 1)

As a working professional, you have a lot to do each week. Throw in your personal responsibilities too, and your plate is full. Relaxation is essential to wellbeing but often everything gets in the way – our job, kids, to-do lists, bills, deadlines, and commitments. Even good things can bring new stresses to our lives, like getting a new job, getting married, or having a baby. Life gets so busy that we forget to relax and take care of ourselves. Take steps to break that cycle and make this the summer of relaxation!

omega-3 fatty acids on cardio- vascular outcomes. A systemat- ic review is a type of literature review that summarizes and ana- lyzes the results of other studies. The research reviewed 829 ab- stracts and discovered increasing marine oil intake can lower tri- glycerides, raise high-density li- poprotein (HDL is known as the “good” cholesterol), and lower the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL. Therefore, consuming fish oil can help improve your cardio- vascular health. Whether through food or sup- plement s , incor por ate more omega-3 fat ty acids into your diet to reap its benefits. For additional support with High Choles terol , consider joining Pinnacle Health Management’s conf idential care management program. High Cholesterol is one of six chronic conditions that the care management program helps employees manage better. Participants receive complimentary one -on-one coaching wi th a regis tered nur se , medication discounts and educational mate- rials. For more information, con- tact us at (844) 230-1121 or at [email protected]. Additional Support

• Go to the beach and lay on the sand or float in the ocean • Star t a light exercise program (don’t overdo it in the heat) • Take a leisurely walk with a pet or friend • Try yoga, meditation, or practice mindfulness • Play spor ts outside with family or friends • Create a daily gratitude list • Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments The list of things to do is endless! Pick the ones that work for you and set realistic goals. Since it’s the summer, take advantage of the longer days and warm weather. Make relaxation a pri- ority. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

FRESH AIR summer There are a million ways to practice relaxation. Here are a few suggestions: • Take a day trip • Have a barbeque According to the Mayo Clinic, practicing relaxation can have many benefits, including: • Slowing hear t rate • Lowering blood pressure • Improving digestion • Reducing stress • Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain • Improving mood • Improving sleep quality • Lowering fatigue • Reducing anger and frustration • Boosting self-confidence

If you have any questions regarding your wellness program, please contact us at: E M A I L [email protected]

Fresh Air is a periodical wellness publication sent to all participants of the Pinnacle Health Management wellness program, published by: 15525 Sand Canyon Avenue Irvine, CA 92618

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