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Phyllis Law - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 | 404.514.3397 PRST ST

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4 cup of the reserved water, Parmesan cheese, and pepper to the spaghetti. Stir until creamy. 6. Tos

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audios, etc. It is the job of defense counsel to tell the prosecutor and the court who the accused i

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Phyllis Law - June 2020 | 404.514.3397 Protecting Bright Futures JUNE 2020 Bright

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or alcohol at the time the alleged criminal conduct occurred. I always tell clients to immediately b

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4 tsp ground black pepper • Cayenne pepper, to taste Directions 1. In a bowl, add all ingredients ex

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2 tsp kosher salt The next time you have to make a big step in your life toward success or progress,

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2 cup vegan barbecue sauce • • • • ● 2 tsp salt ● 1 tsp pepper ● 1 tsp cumin

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2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste 1. Heat oven to

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Phyllis Law - March 2020 | 404.514.3397

Protecting Bright Futures

MARCH 2020

Bright Futures Bulletin

TheDangers of Catfishing

I represent middle school, high school, and college students in school disciplinary hearings, and there is a disturbing trend I am noticing. Kids as young as 12 years old are engaging in “catfishing.” Most 12 years old lack the maturity to anticipate that they could be deceived in this manner. Catfishing is defined as luring someone into a relationship by means of a fake online persona, usually targeting a specific victim for abuse, deception, or fraud. I have been aware of this phenomenon for quite a while but did not realize it had infiltrated our youth. Parents should discuss this with their children immediately. Two things should concern you. One, you don’t want your kids to be tricked by a catfisher and potentially publicly embarrassed or harmed. And two, you don’t want your child to be the catfisher. They could be disciplined at school, face criminal charges for engaging in fraud, and, worst of all, be responsible for serious emotional and mental distress to another human being. Most schools have a rule in the Code of Conduct that proscribes this activity. Cobb County Schools Rule 7 states, “Students will not use school technology resources to distribute nor display inappropriate material. Inappropriate materials include material containing knowingly false, recklessly false, or defamatory information.”

With young kids, this scam usually comes in one of two ways. Either friends or acquaintances pretend to be someone else the kid knows, or they create a fake profile, pretending to be a new friend. The motive of this scam can be as simple as a person trying to figure out if they are liked. But it can be much more complex. Some students have been humiliated by private photos and videos they thought they were sharing in confidence that suddenly end up going viral. The second and worst way catfishing is present is adult predators who are posing as kids. Young kids have been manipulated to send sexually explicit photos to someone they think is a “friend,” but the person is actually a predator who disseminates the photos online. Talk to your kids about this. Make sure they understand how vigilant they must be in their electronic communications. Teach them to verify that who they think they are communicating with is who they are actually communicating with. Here are some tips:

"Kids are enjoying many advantages today from advanced technology ... It is our duty to protect them."

1. Be suspicious if someone contacts you out of the blue. 2. Don’t give away personal information. 3. Utilize a chat service so you can see their face in real time. 4. Do not say something you would not say in public. 5. Teach your kids how easy it is to lie on social media. 6. Do not connect with someone on social media that you do not personally know. 7. Do not send photos or videos that you are not willing to share in public. Kids are enjoying many advantages today from advanced technology. But they also face many challenges. It is our duty to protect them. It won’t be easy, but we can do it together!

–Phyllis Gingrey Collins

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Published by The Newsletter Pro

6 Empowering Books About Girls to ReadWith Your Kids A Parent’s Guide to International Women’s Day

Fake IDs in 2020 This year, men and women around the world will celebrate International Women’s Day with lectures, panels, and marches on March 8, but have you thought about how you can bring the spirit of celebrating women’s rights into your home? If you haven’t planned a family activity around girl power yet, consider adding some inspiring tales of real-life women to your bedtime story routine. A few years ago for Women’s History Month, HuffPost rounded up 17 such books, and we’ve picked some of our favorites! If you’re on the hunt for reading material, head to the library and check one of these stories out. ‘Rad AmericanWomen A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries Who Shaped Our History … and Our Future!’ by Kate Schatz This book explores 26 women of all stripes, one for each letter of the alphabet. Snag a copy to

share the stories of Billie Jean King, Rachel Carson, Sonia Sotomayor, and more with your kids ages 8 and up! For a similar read focused on incredible girls rather than women, check out “Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World” by Susan Hood.

‘Women in Science: 50 Fearless PioneersWho Changed theWorld’ by Rachel Ignotofsky This beautifully illustrated book reads almost like a collection of folktales, following the careers of women in STEM “from the ancient to the modern world.” There’s no better way to share the stories of brilliant ladies like Jane Goodall, Katia Krafft, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas with your kids. Check out the companion books about women in art and sports, too! This short book for 6–8-year-olds tells the story of Dolores Huerta, an often-overlooked American activist who helped lead the charge for the rights of immigrant workers. A teacher by trade, Dolores was inspired to become “a warrior, an organizer, and a peacemaker” by her students. Don’t miss this chance to share her tale with your little ones! ‘ Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers’ by SarahWarren clearly states, “It shall not be a defense to a violation of this Code section that a false, fictitious, fraudulent, or altered identification document contained words that it is not an identification document.” Before your kids leave to go out with friends, you may want to check their wallet. Of course, we want to respect the privacy of our kids as much as possible, but not at the expense of their freedom and their future. At PhyllisLaw. com, we help kids who make these mistakes, but we would rather they avoid them in the first place.

‘Who Says Women Can’t Be Doctors?: The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell’ by Tanya Lee Stone The title of this book says it all! In it, the author tells the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first

American woman to don the white doctor’s coat at a time when most girls were expected to stay home. This book is recommended for kids ages 5 and up, as is its sequel, “Who Says Women Can’t Be Computer Programmers?: The Story of Ada Lovelace.”

I am getting more and more cases involving teenagers in possession of fake IDs. I used to only see fake IDs in the college crowd, but now we are seeing high school students who have them.

thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon a

second or subsequent conviction shall be punished as for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated misdemeanor.” Misdemeanors are punishable up to 12 months in custody and a $1,000 fine. High and aggravated misdemeanors are punishable up to 12 months in custody and a $5,000 fine. People convicted of high and aggravated misdemeanors are not eligible for “two for one credit” on jail sentences. That means, you would serve day for day of any jail sentence as opposed to getting “earned time for good behavior.” Many fake IDs have the disclaimer “this is not an identification document” in very small print somewhere inconspicuous. But the law

If your kid has a fake ID, they are most likely engaging in underage drinking as well. This should cause you concern. While it seems like “no big deal” to many kids, and to some parents, it is against the law. “Any person who is under 21 years of age” who possesses a fake ID “for the purpose of the identification being used to obtain entry into an age-restricted facility or being used to purchase a consumable good that is age-restricted, shall, upon the first conviction

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SUDOKU BREAK Solution on pg. 4


Pesto ChickenWith Blistered Tomatoes Inspired by

Brighten up after a cold, dark winter with this fresh and flavorful springtime dish.

L ife coaching is a growing trend around the world. Much like Many things coaches suggest to clients are things that we already know. But knowing it and doing it are two different things. For instance, we all know that we should consume less calories and exercise more to lose weight. That doesn’t mean we will do it. But when people work with personal trainers, they are more likely to succeed because they are accountable to someone. The same goes for life coaching. Initially, life coaches sit down with clients and help them identify goals: 90-day, 1-year, 5-year, and 20-year. Goals will be written down, along with a written plan of action and a timeline for achieving those goals. Coaches give homework assignments and hold their clients accountable each session. Life coaching can be particularly impactful for young people. Identifying goals early in life puts them way ahead of the game. Kids who are focused on goals are less likely to get distracted by peer pressure to experiment with vices. We are thrilled to provide life coaching to our clients at Part of our mission is to provide second chances to kids. Part of that mission is to make sure that our clients have a plan going forward to succeed. We believe life coaching provides that opportunity. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. athletic coaches, life coaches push clients to achieve professional and personal greatness. Life coaches work to identify and develop strengths and abilities, define life goals, and help you overcome obstacles.


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2 1/2 tbsp olive oil, divided

● 4 boneless and skinless chicken breasts, pounded to a 1-inch thickness

• • • • • • • •

● Salt and pepper to taste ● 1/4 cup whole-wheat panko ● 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese ● 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted ● 6 tbsp spinach pesto ● 2 cups cherry tomatoes ● 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced

● 1 tsp red wine vinegar


1. In a large ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat, add 1 tbsp olive oil. 2. Season chicken with salt and pepper, and add it to pan. Cook chicken for 5 minutes on each side, then remove pan from heat. 3. In a bowl, combine panko, Parmesan cheese, and butter. 4. Spread pesto over chicken and top with panko mixture. 5. Broil chicken for 2 minutes on high heat until browned. 6. In a skillet, heat remaining oil over medium-high heat. 7. Add tomatoes and cook for 6 minutes. 8. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. 9. Season tomato mixture with salt and pepper, and add red wine vinegar. 10. Serve tomatoes with broiled chicken.

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Solution from pg. 3

Inside This Issue

The Dangers of Catfishing 1

6 Empowering Books to ReadWith Your Kids for International Women’s Day

Fake IDs in 2020 2

Life Coaching

Whose Picks Will Go All the Way? Pesto ChickenWith Blistered Tomatoes 3 March Madness Fun for theWhole Family 4

March Madness Fun for the Whole Family

Turn each game into an event. Not every kid may like watching basketball, but if they fill out a bracket, then they might gain at least a passing interest in who will win each game. To elevate their interest, turn each March Madness matchup into a little party. It doesn’t have to be fancy; make fun snacks to eat while you watch or bet pieces of candy on who will have the most points to create great family bonding opportunities. Reward the winners with prizes. Offer prizes to each round winner as well as the overall bracket winner to get the whole family involved. Small prize ideas for each round can include a homemade dinner of the winner’s choice, a week’s supply of their favorite snack, or a coupon for getting out of a chore. Whoever wins the whole tournament (or makes it the furthest with their bracket) deserves a bigger reward. Offer them the chance to see a movie of their choice in theaters or to eat a meal at their favorite restaurant. Create a learning opportunity. Learning math or geography might not sound like your child’s idea of fun, but it can be when they learn it through the lens of March Madness. See if your kids would be interested in understanding the inner workings of the ranking system or studying where some of the qualifying colleges are located on a map of the United States. They may find it so interesting that they don’t even realize they’re learning valuable skills.

One of the greatest things about March Madness is that you don’t have to be a huge college basketball fan to get in on the fun. Kids of all ages can fill out brackets — or have a parent fill one out for them — and watch their picks duke it out on the court. While healthy competition among family members can be fun all on its own, check out the following tips if you’re looking to go the extra mile and reap as much fun from March Madness as you can.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro