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2020 Kenya Adult Trip

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. 20 21 Don’t worry about the details, our team is on

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2020 Ecuador Adult Trip

exclusions are listed after the itinerary with costing. Accommodation in Quito may change subject to

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2020 India Adult Trip

50Hz. There are 2 types of Indian-style plugs. The first has two circular metal pins while the other

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ME to WE Adult Trips

UTC plus three hours) LANGUAGE English, Swahili, other tribal languages Kenya Our work in Kenya Work

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For Adult Content Creators

theydeserve realyturnsm e on. • Do Igeta requestnow? Because Iwanna see thatcock,nice and hard form

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Adult and Family India Brochure

50Hz. There are two types of Indian-style plugs. The first has two circular metal pins while the oth

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Adult and Family Ecuador Brochure

UTC minus 5 hours) LANGUAGE Spanish , Kichwa • The average length of schooling for the indigenous p

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Adult and Family Kenya Brochure

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. Don’t worry about the details, our team is on call t

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Adult Grief After a Traumatic Death

survivors experience the added stress of assuming the empty roles of their parents. If your mother o

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ME to WE Adult and Family Trips


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Pittman_Aging Adult

WE LIVE IN CRAZY TIMES. The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Do we live in some crazy times or what? A few weeks ago, getting back to normal, then BAM. Delta Variant time. My kids have already been sent home from contact tracing and put in quarantine. At the clinic, we are still cleaning like crazy, wearing masks, all therapists are vaccinated. We are taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe. My wife, Hope, looked at me the other night and said, “I just want this to go away!” All I can say is “AMEN!” I really want to go through a drive thru and not have to wait 20 minutes, go to a sit down restaurant and be able to get a table, get my car fixed within 3 weeks. People need to safely go back to work. I promise I will not get political. That is all I have to say about that. My personal household has been crazy aswell. We got Stone off to Alabama. We spent 2 days getting his dormroomall set up and since then, I haven’t talked to himbut two times. He is going through rush and they are keeping him really busy. Stone has to be at the Fraternity house every day at 8 amto take care of a dog. He says that his classes are the easiest part of college so far. Rush is only 8 weeks. I am excited to hear all about it when he can get time to call me. Football iswide open at theHigh School. Foster is awide receiver and is running a lot. He is also one of the sweatiest people that I know. He gets in the car after practice and is just soakingwet. Class is going great for him, but he has always been “that kid” that just gets his stuff done. That is how I was in school. Not the smartest

student, but I didmywork... on time and studied. He is also playing baseball this fall but there are very few practices while football is going on. Over the summer, Foster becamemymost social kid. My evenings were spent with drop offs and pick ups every night. He has a GREAT group of friends. Brinkley gets to start her solo this month for dance. She is so excited. She has been really busy the last few weeks doing a bedroom makeover. Since Sophie moved out, Brinkley stole her bed. She rearranged everything and made her room a little slice of heaven. A lot of earthy things that make it peaceful. She just turned 13. She is my last teenager. Man, I am getting some greys. Soph has been working all over the place. Her weeks off get cut short every timewith a phone call to fly somewhere for something. You can see her on your tv set in a background role right now on Netflix. She is in the movie “He’s all that”. She is working really hard to get into the speaking parts but it is a process. For now, there is a lot of dancing andmodeling. I will keep you posted. You may see a close up of her eyes in Sephora on the Two Faced brand. I have some big news, but that will come next month. In Health, Jeremy

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


How Physical Therapy Can Treat Common Health Risks in People Over 60 HYSICAL THERAPY h pelvic floor physical therapy is not a “new” specialty, it is unknown to many and underserved in most he majority of people with a pelvic floor dysfunction do not know that heir condition can be treated surgical intervention, which is where pelvic physical therapists can be valuable. Pelvic floor physical is a specialty that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the pelvic floor as well as various ns of the pelvis, abdomen, hips, and low back.

while 77% experience at least two. Themost common chronic diseases are diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. • Cognitive health issues. These types of health risks impair one’smemory,making it difficult to remember and recall as easily as they used to, in addition to hindering the ability to learn new things. The most common cognitive health issue is dementia, affecting approximately 47.5 million people worldwide. • Physical injury. Did you know that a senior citizen is admitted to the hospital due to a harsh fall every 15 seconds? Aging causes bones to shrink and muscles to lose their strength, making it more common for us to lose our balance and injure ourselves aswe age. Harsh falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults. • Malnutrition. Malnutrition in older adults is very common, but often undiagnosed. It typically stems from other health issues, such as dietary restrictions, minimal appetite from limited physical activity, or a cognitive disease causing one to forget to eat. • Incontinence/constipation. These are also both very common health conditions faced by other adults, but they oftentimes go undiagnosed due to embarrassment from the patient. Incontinence and constipation can sometimes stem from an underlying health condition. Article Continues Inside >> 901-850-5246 Constipation Pressure or a sense of “falling out” in your pelvis Tailbone pain Abdominal or low back pain Pain around the vaginal opening or vulva Painful or sensitive scar Call Pittman Physical Therapy TODAY!

The pelvic floor muscles, which are skeletal muscles just like tho e in your a ms and legs, are located at the bottom f your pelvis. These m scles are shaped l k a hammock and are always active in order to function properly. Their job is to support your pelvic rgans (bladder, urethra, uterus, rectum), maintain bladder and bowel continence, aid in sexual health, pump lymphatic fluid, and provide postural support.

As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain health risks. Our bodies begin to notice the “wear and tear” that has developed throughout the years, causing us to slow down and putting us at risk for health conditions. Luckily, physical therapy can help soothe some of the health conditions that your body may experience with age. If you are looking for pain relief, Pittman Physical Therapy can help! Call our office today for more information. What should I look out for? Aging can certainly seem daunting, as it brings with it a slew of possible health issues. Senior citizens account for 12%of theworld’s population, so it is important to know what challenges to look out for when you begin to reach age 60 and above. Some common health issues people face as they age include: • Chronic disease. The National Council on Aging states that 92% of senior citizens experience at least one chronic disease,

uscles can become irritated, damaged, overactive, or underactive. As a resu , they may not function Dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles can result from various sources uch as trauma, childbirth, changes, stress, surgery, and many, many more. Pelvic floor dysfunction can manifest into different ms whic may interfere with everyday activities. Some symptoms may resolve on their own, while others r months to years.

Pain during or after i tercourse Pain or difficulty urinating Urinary leakage during activitie such as coughing, sneezing, or jumping Frequency or urgency with bladder/bowel movements Bowel leakage

eople are told that leaking urine while they r laugh is nor al, especially aft r th. Although these symptoms are n, they are not normal. Pelvic health l therapists are specially trained to treat ypes of symptoms as well as various If you are experiencing any of the g symptoms, you may benefit from ng a pelvic health physical therapist:

oor physical therapy is so much more than just performing kegels. Your physical t will provide you with an individualized, holistic treatment approach that focuses fying the cause of your symptoms in order to provide lasting results. Some of eatment techniques may include manual therapy, bladder retraining, breathing, quiz to see if you would benefit from a pelvic floor Physical Therapist>>> Scan this code to take a quick quiz to see if you may benefit by seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Scan The QR code to take a quick