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EmpowerPT_Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

EmpowerPT_Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury MARCH 2020 N E W S L E T T E R Y O U R H E A L T

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Iberia Rehab. Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury n° 34745 - Level Hard 3 6 1 9 5 7 3 4 2

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SOS Physiotherapy: Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

Saturday, June 15th @ 10:00am Workshops are free but seats are limited. Don’t delay, register today

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Northern PT: Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

Northern PT: Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury Newsletter Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

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Appalachian PT: Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

flea marketing, cooking, and watching movies. Over the years I have experienced somany joys and chal

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Nebraska 11x17_Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury


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CCMC PT. Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury n° 26328 - Level Medium 6 7

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Advanced PT: Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

symptomsconditionsdetail.aspx?cid=95bd746b-b25f-46f5-8373-fb56c9f6b46a Do you want

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MSR: Protecting Your Shoulders from Injury


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Lonoke PT. Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

15-nutriton-tips-for-a-healthy-summer.html Always consult your physical therapist or physician befor

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Pittman_Protecting Your Shoulders From Injury

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Favorite Christmas tradition: going to ChristmasTree Lighting on theColliervillesquare. I gowith my family every year! - Arianna, PT Tech Going over to my grandparents house Christmas Day. - Josh, PT Tech

Favorite Holiday Traditions

We get tamales for Christmas dinner.Mydadstarted thisafter an uproar over having thesamemeal for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We’ve done it ever since. But not just any Tamales... Mississippi Delta tamales. - Jeremy, PT We never have the same Christmas twice. We may have ham, turkey, lasagna, or hot wings. Every year is different. We may put the tree up Nov. 1st, Dec. 25th, or not at all. One constant each year is spending time together... except one year when the stomach virus hit. - Tina, Office Manager & Jeff, DPT I enjoyChristmasdinner because we have a beef tenderloin prepared, either roasted or in Beef Wellington. - Brad, PTA Every year, we receive a themed Nutcracker from our Grandmother to add to our mantel. - Tessa, PTA We have a Christmas Eve with the entire family. My younger brother reads theChristmas story from the Bible. We have a huge dinner, open presents, and finish the night with playing cards and board games. - Mallory, PTA My favorite Christmas tradition is sitting indoors watching Home Alonemovies all day long! - Misha, Patient Care Advocate/ Marketing

We make cookies and watch Christmas movies such as White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It’s a Wonderful Life, and The Vicar of Dibley. We go out to the beach and catch up with cousins down in Florida or stay home in Memphis and have a big familymeal at our house. - Tommy, PT Tech

One tradition is baking sugar cookies from a family recipe passeddownfrommygrandma. It issomuchfuntohelpmymomma make themeveryyear.My favorite traditionisChristmasEvenight.We

load up in the car and look at Christmas lights. We don’t have a plan as towhere to go. Each person gets a turn to give the driver directions. Oncewe get done, we watch Polar Express and drink hot chocolate, but not until the hot chocolate song. - Paige, Receptionist OnChristmasEve, thecousinsget together and play white elephant. On Christmas day, we stay in our pajamas,watchChristmasmovies all day, andmakeanon-traditional dinner.Now, wehonormymother- in-lawbymakingher favoritedishes:Mexicanlasagna and turtle brownies. - Cheryl, Receptionist

Tradition in the Cook household: Christmas Eve, we talk about the nativity and how we love Jesus. Then we open one gift – always pajamas. Then we all relax and wait until bed for the little ones.

- Nicolle, Receptionist

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

ALSO INSIDE: • Success of Physical Therapy • Recipe for Healthy Living • Laser Therapy & Dry Needling • Monthly Challenge: Dress Up to Win! • Patient Success Spotlight


If you have been researching those first troublesomeachesandpainsabout your shoulder, then you have probably realized by now the sheer number of injuries that befall the shoulder area. That’s because this large joint is the connecting point for so many crucial daily actions. Among themost common types of shoulder injuries are biceps tendonitis, rotator cuff tears and sprains, arthritis and shoulder impingement. Injury Causes Many shoulder injuries result fromtasks requiring heavy liftingor repetitive reachingmotions. Along with manual labor jobs, work around the house such as cleaning gutters or hanging up wet clothes are common culprits. In addition, athletic pursuits like weight-lifting, swimming, and tennis can unfortunately lead to shoulder injuries. Along with these activities, passive movements can also be a problem. If youhavecontinuous poor posture, the improper positioning of your shoulders, can make you extra vulnerable to scapula (shoulder blade) and rotator cuff injuries. Know the Warning Signs All of us experience occasional aches and pains from doing too much, which does not necessarilymean a chronic problem is emerging. However, when those pains don’t go away, or when the uncomfortable feelings have certain characteristics, it’s important not to ignore them, and seek help.

If you keep experiencing shoulder clicking or “popping,” for example, youmay have a ligament tear in your shoulder area. Sharp pain should also be checked out with your physical therapist, as this means the shoulder joint is not moving in good alignment. There are also more easily-ignored symptoms, like a dull pain that runs along the side of your arm, or sudden armweakness whenever you try to carry something or reach for an object. These symptoms, you should definitely not ignore. Use It or Lose It You can certainly ease problems associated with shoulder injury through medical attention and physical therapy. However, protecting your shoulders in the first place is always the best strategy. Make sure your posture is the best it can be at all times, whether it’s while you’re relaxing in your favorite chair, standing in line, hitting the gym, or working long hours at your desk. Think “up and back,” because letting the weight of your head and trunk rest forwardputs pressure in all thewrong places, including your shoulders. Positioning yourself before sleep is also crucial; resting on your favorite side when the weight is on your shoulder can definitely create shoulder impingement over time. Avoid any positions where your arm is over your headwhile sleeping. You’ll additionally reduce wear and tear on your shoulders by beingmoremindful of howyou use

them. Does your job or sport absolutely require repetitive lifting, reaching or swinging? If so, it’s helpful to get coaching froma physical therapist -- or even an actual coach -- about how to reduce the strain on your shoulders by shifting your positioning and using correct technique. Along with placing your body more efficiently to perform tasks, it’s also helpful to strengthen your shouldermuscles for light but frequent daily chores as well as strenuous, repetitivemotions. Try to do a combination of some basic exercises a few times a week, in order to strengthen a range of muscles, including those in your rotator cuff region. Doing wall push-ups -- essentially a standing push-up inwhich you “lift off” fromthewall rather than the floor -- is one classic option. Secondly, consider buying resistance bands, which are inexpensive and portable. Attach them to a doorknob and pull them toward you, holding for a few seconds with each repetition. Do these reps in groups of five, two or three times a day. Lastly, don’t forget the classic “chair push-ups,” in which your arms do the work of lifting off the chair, are great for toning shoulder muscles. If you have questions about an aching shoulder or wondering if you are setting yourself up for injury, give us a call at 901-850-5246 to speakwith one of our physical therapists. Your shoulders will be happy you did! SOURCES: •

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Physical Therapy SUCCESS of

Physical Therapy and Frozen Shoulder Relief Frozen shoulder most commonly affects patients between the ages of 40 and 60 years. Frozen shoulder can occur in anyone, but diabetics are at elevated risk for this pain disorder. Frozen shoulder canoccur if the shoulder has experiencedprolonged immobilization, such as being in a sling following an injury or surgical repair. When the shoulder doesn’t move for extended periods of time, the connective tissues within it can become thick and stiff. Frozen shoulder pain is characterizedas dull or aching. Thepain can beworsenedwith attemptedmotion, and is usually locatedover the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm. The hallmark of the disorder is restrictedmotion or stiffness in the shoulder. The affected individual cannot move the shoulder normally. There are some tips you can follow to relieve your frozen shoulder pain on your own. These can be done before coming in for treatments, or in tandem with your physical therapy treatments: • Performing gentle stretching and shoulder-strengthening exercises. These increase the motion in the joint and minimize the loss of muscle on the affected arm (muscle atrophy). The importanceofstretchingandexercisescannotbeoveremphasized

as these are the key to successful frozen shoulder treatment. These exercises and stretchesmust be preformed several times daily, not just when working with a physical therapist. • Applications of moist heat to the shoulder can help to loosen the joint and provide pain relief. Applymoist heat to the affected shoulder followed by stretching exercises at least three times daily. Moist heat can be applied by using a hot-soakedwashcloth on the joint for 10 minutes before stretching. How Successful Is Physical Therapy for a Frozen Shoulder? Physical therapy is a safe and effectiveway to treat shoulder pain. Your physical therapist will develop a stretching and exercise program, and also incorporate ultrasound, ice, heat, and other modalities into rehabilitation for the frozen shoulder. Exercises might include pendulum stretches, cross-body reaches, armpit stretches, and fingertip walks to relieve shoulder stiffness. Call PittmanPhysical Therapy today at 901-850-5246. We can help alleviate your pain and get you back to doing the activities you love.

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Recipe for Healthy Living

Service Spotlights

Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms

Laser Therapy Laser Therapy is the application of laser light over injuries or lesions to improve soft tissue healing which gives relief to both acute and chronic pain. Laser Therapy penetrates the skin driving healing energy (photons) into the tissues. Most people feel nothing at all during the treatment, while some may feel a slight tingling or warmth. Laser Therapy can help diminish pain, reduce inflammation, decrease edema, promote faster healing times and increase strength of repaired tissues.

Dry Needling Dry Needling is a treatment technique often used to relieve pain. It requires using a sterile needle that is inserted through the skin into muscles, tendons, ligaments, and/ or close to nerves to immediately reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and increase mobility. For athletes, it can help overcome delayed onset muscle soreness. When used with conjunction with our other physical therapy treatments, Dry Needling can help you relieve your pain and improve your function quickly.

Ingredients • 20 medium mushrooms • 1/4 cup chopped shallots, scallions or onion • 2 cloves garlic, chopped

• 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar • 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce • 2 cups chopped fresh spinach • 1/2 cup Plain Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt • Salt and pepper to taste

Directions Carefully remove and finely chop the mushroom stems without breaking the caps. Finely chop the stems. Combine the shallots, garlic and vinegar in a small skillet or saucepan and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the choppedmushroomstems and soy sauce and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 5minutes, until themushrooms soften and release their juices. Add the spinach and cook, continuing to stir, until it is wilted and the liquid in the pan is absorbed. Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes, then stir in the yogurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Stuff the spinach filling into the mushroom caps. Place the mushrooms in a baking pan and bake for 20 minutes, until tender. Remove from the oven and let sit for a fewminutes for the filling to

Make an appointment today by calling 901-850-5246. We can discover the source of your pain and develop a treatment plan specific to you.

set before serving. Yields 20 mushrooms.

Patient Success Spotlight

“Everyone was very friendly and professional. They really put me at ease... and made me feel special.” “Coming to Pittman was one of the best decisions that I have made. My left shoulder was injured when I fell. I had difficulty moving my entire left arm. I needed help dressing myself, combing my hair, actually grooming myself, and reaching for things that I need on the upper areas. At Pittman, everyone was very friendly and professional. They really put me at ease. My therapists Mitch, Helen, and Brad gave me their full attention and made me feel special. I would recommend Pittman to my family and friends. ” - C. J.

Hello! My name is Arianna Doyle and I am a PT Tech at Pittman Physical Therapy. I am 23 years old. My birthday is December 2nd. I was born and raised in Collierville, TN. I enjoy spending time with my family and my little nephew. He is 2 years old and is as sweet as he can be. He is my little best friend. I have 2 sisters and 1 awesome brother in law. We are very close. I am very thankful to have them in my life. Outside of work, I sell Color Street Nails. Have you heard of them? Color street is 100% nail polish in a strip, I’ve been selling for about 4 months now! I am involved with my church, which I have been a member of for 22 years. I am involved in my college group as well, The Crew! I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and do fun activities. I love to try new things around Memphis that keep me active. I recently went to the Jonas Brothers concert with my awesome best friend! It was the best concert I have ever attended! I do enjoy listening to some good ‘ole country music, wearing my comfortable cowboy boots and sitting around the fire pit. My favorite college football team is ALABAMA. ROLL TIDE ROLL! My plan in the future is to become a physical therapist assistant. My dream job is to become an athletic trainer for The University of Alabama football team. – Arianna Meet the Pittman Team! ARIANNA DOYLE, PT TECH DRESS UP TO WIN Monthly Challenge

Happy Birthday, Arianna! Sending You a December 2nd Birthday Shoutout From Your Pittman PT Family

Costume Corner Check Out

These Familiar Faces from Our Best Pumpkin Design Contest! (This time, the pumpkins wore the costumes!)

This Month’s Theme:

Look Who Came to Pittman! (With moves like these, could Jeremy be Santa Claus?!?)

Best Ugly Sweater!

Dress Up & You Could WIN a... GIFTCARD!

What Will YOU Wear??

Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy body

WAND SHOULDER FLEXION Increases Range of Motion


Lie on your backwith your arms upas shown. Keeping your arms straight without bending at your elbow, lower your arms out to the sides and flat to the ground. Return to starting position and repeat 3 times.

Lying on your back and holding a wand, palms face down on both sides, gently raise the wand towards overhead in a gentle motion. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower wand to starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Exercises copyright of

Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.

Who do you know that needs our help?

Refer a Friend

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Pittman Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation! You will get your name in our next newsletter and you could win a $20 gift card! 9 Balance confidently and securely 9 Sit for long periods comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active and healthy lifestyle WIN A $20 GIFT CARD Do You Have Friends or Family Unable to Do The Following? 9 Move without pain 9 Bend and move freely

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