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Practice Promotions Marketing Product Catalog 2018
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2018 Product Catalog
Powerful Marketing to Build Your Practice
OremAddress: 360SouthStateStreet#C110 Orem,Utah84058 (801)-850-9146
ProvoAddress: 3303NorthUniversityAvenue Provo,Utah84604 (801)373-7438
LehiAddress: 3401NorthCenterStreetSuite#200
Lehi,Utah84043 (385)309-1951
INSIDE: •GetMovingAgainAfteraHerniatedDisc
TheClientExperience isour FirstPriority
• Exercise Essential • It’sBaseball Time
Youwillfeelvaluedandrespectedfromthe initialphone conversation.Our priority is to provide exceptional care to accelerate your recovery and performance. Ourenvironment iswarmand friendly,andyour time is spentpurposefully. ChallengeComplacency Weseekconstant improvement—inourbusiness,our services andourselves. It isourobsession toget you betterand intopperformance intheactivityorsport thatyouarepassionateabout.Wehireelite staffand supporttheir journeytoexcelthrougheducationand provide themwith tools to accelerate your healing andperformance. CommitmenttoExcellenceand ExceedExpectations AtAPR,ouractionsrepresentourpassioninthecompany. We treateachother andourworkenvironmentwith the same respect thatwe treatourclients.We strive foranexceptionalclientexperience. CommitmenttoCommunity Wewill give back by giving to local charities, being involved in local events, and partneringwith others to provide services to improve the overall health of ourcommunities.
Doyousufferfrombackorneckpain?Attimesthispaincanradiate indicating apotentialproblemwith thediscs.Thebones in your spinearecalled the vertebrae.The vertebrae are held together and in place by ligaments and smalldiscs thatactasshockabsorbers.Thesecontrolyourspine’s rangeof movement,flexibilityandkeep thespinalcordsafe fromdamage.However, when a disc is damaged, the inside can squeeze out of place and either bulgeorherniate, leaving the spinalnerves susceptible todamage.When thisoccurs, the result iscalleda “herniateddisc”, “slipped”or “ruptureddisc.” A herniated disc can be incredibly painful and can cause a great deal of limitationson thebody’smovement, thushinderingaperson’smovement andoverallability toperformday-to-day tasks. Aherniateddisccancauseavarietyofsymptoms including radiatingpain down thearmor leg,depending if theherniateddisc is inyourneckor low back.Bulgingdiscsare thebeginningphaseofherniateddiscs.Veryoften peoplehaveabulgingdiscanddon’tevenknow it.Onlywhen theoutsideof
abulgingdiscbecomes irritatedandaffects thesurrounding tissuedoes it begin tocausebackache,generally in thesameareaandnotdown the leg. A herniated disc in the neck can be just as painful as a herniated disc in theback.Armpain fromaneckherniateddisc isoneof themorecommon neckconditions treatedbyourspinespecialists.Althoughaneckherniated discmaystart from injury to thespine, thesymptoms, includingarmpain, commonlystart frompoorpostureormusclestrains.Thearmpain froma neckherniateddiscoccursbecause theherniateddiscmaterial “pinches”or pressesonanerve,causingpain to radiatealong thenervedown thearm. Our specializedphysical therapistsare trained to examine your spineand movement tofind therootcauseofyourproblem.Thenweworkwithyouand yourdoctor toput togetheraplan thathelpsyouachieveoptimum results Look inside to learnmore about our programs and saygood-bye to thataching jointpain!
321Washington St,Unit1 Westwood,MA02090 781-471-7877 Fax:781-471-7875
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ErgonomicEvaluation AvoidExpensiveClaimsWithEasyTestsNow We give you peace ofmind as experts inADAA and EEOC laws.
AvoidExpensiveClaimsWithEasyTestsNow We give you peace ofmind as experts inADAA and EEOC laws. FormulaZworkscloselyalongsideyourmanagement teamand staff in establishing valid job descriptions, essential functions, andphysicaldemands.We thenuse this information todevelop, validate, and conduct a testing process for your company. FormulaZcompletesallendof theyear testing toguardagainst discrimination, and we guid you through the process of ReasonableAccommodationwhen necessary.With Formula Z, we canhelpprotect yourorganizationby constructing abetter hiringprocess. Hasyourcompanystudied themostefficintway toget itswork done?Youprobablyhave,butgtting yourworkforceonboard withteprocess isanothermatter.BecauseFormul Zprofessinals reconizthattheproductivityofyourorganizationmust rema thefirstpriority,weworkdirectlywithyorsaff ndevelopment ofBestPracticeStandards. Frmula Z professionals a Cetified Ergnomic Evaluation Specialists, qualified to perform the job-coaching necessary to help your team lverage their own physical skills for greater efficiency. Formula Z professionals perform on- site interventions such as “Back School” to optimize your employees backmechanics, and we are able to help you create media modules to help new hires grasp the best methodology toget theworkdone. Formula Z’s Better Bodies program is an invaluable tool for injury prevention. Our licensed health care providers are able towork directlywith employees, addressing basic musculoskeletal strain issues. The key to theBetterBodiesprogram isour focusoneducating your employees, so that they can take ownership of both work and non-work related discomfort by increasing their knowledge of its causes. This proactive approach aims to improve morale, reduce reportable injuries, and ultimately lower any insurancemodifier ratings that are above the desired value. While the Better Bodies wellness program is simple, it is perhaps themost powerful tool that Formula Zoffers itsclients. Th “E”word hasbeen used too loosely over the last decade. You can evenpurchase ergonomic shoes now, hatever those are! Formula Z professionals prefer to define ergonomics simply; it isthe cience offittng jobs to people. Companies usually report that oe or more body positons seem t account for a majority f their work-related injurie. Risk assessment evaluations areuseful in this situationbecause the evaluator can identify problems and ake recommendations to mitigate the associated risks. Formula Z’s Certified Ergonomic Evaluation Specialists observemovement patterns and collect >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
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