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Premier Law Group- December 2020

Premi er Law

captain’s log

DEC 2020

Making the Most of the Time We Have Together

This year has been a lot like the Kobayashi Maru . Even if you’re not a fan of “Star Trek,” you’ve probably heard the term before. The Kobayashi Maru is the name of a training exercise Starfleet cadets go through at the Starfleet Academy. (It’s also the name of the civilian starship cadets are supposed to “save” in the exercise.) This test is also known as the “no-win scenario.” It is designed to push cadets and to see what kind of choices they make in the face of certain doom. Captain Kirk is famous for “beating” the Kobayashi Maru test. He beat it by reprogramming the test so that he could win. As Kirk says in “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” “I don’t believe in the no- win scenario.” As fortunate as we would be to “reprogram” the past year, we have to face it like every other cadet who isn’t James T. Kirk. We have to make the best of a challenging situation. All we can do is face it with our heads held high and be grateful for what we do have, like our crew (aka our family and friends). Hopefully, our Kobayashi Maru test is almost over. As we enter a new year, we can hug our kids a little tighter, make the most of every moment we have at home, and just be thankful. No matter how you choose to close out the year, I wish you a happy holiday and a bright and shining New Year’s!

Going into the holiday season, there is a lot to look forward to: good food, good company, and good times. But like everything else this year, we will have to make adjustments. Our family is playing it by ear and figuring things out as we go. As much as we would love to see each other and spend time together, we’ll have to make a few concessions. I can predict some of my family coming together, especially around Christmas. We may get together with my siblings and their kids, but our elderly parents will remain in isolation. We’ve each had to assess our risk threshold and go from there. My parents live in California, and we normally see them a couple times a year, but because they are older and in the “at-risk” category, we haven’t had a chance to get together at all this year. It’s not ideal. As anyone with aging parents knows, we only have so many more Thanksgivings and Christmases together, which makes the time we have even more precious. If anything, this year and holiday season have highlighted the things I’m truly grateful for. We’ve taken stock of what we have as a family, the opportunities we’ve been given, and the time we do have together. In life, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get a tomorrow, so it’s up to us to make the most of today by living in the moment and being present. So, that’s what I’m going to do. We might not get the perfect Thanksgiving or Christmas, but you can be sure we’ll make the most of it!

-Jason Epste in

Boost Your Immune System Like a Celebrity What do Jennifer Lawrence, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie, Taylor Swift, and Khloé Kardashian have in common? Yes, they’re all high-profile celebrities, of course, but they’re also big fans of hot tea.

overnight. The next morning, just add a few spoonfuls of the concoction to your hot water and you’ll have instant tea! Homemade chai tea is another delicious option that will wow you and your guests this winter. There are thousands of chai recipes out there, but offers a simple and tasty one that’s made with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, black tea, pepper, and dairy-free milk. If you don’t want to grind the spices yourself, you can buy a premade blend. Chai gives you all of the ginger benefits with the added bonus of cardamom, which is said to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Last but not least, if you’re more of a latte drinker than a tea drinker, try golden milk ! This soothing drink is a darling of health food fanatics because it features honey (a disease- fighting powerhouse ingredient) and turmeric (an immune- booster that lowers cholesterol, combats arthritis, and helps prevent cancer). offers a delicious recipe that pairs those two ingredients with almond milk, almond butter, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and ginger for a satisfying nightcap.

According to the entertainment website Yaay, Angelina Jolie likes to make her own garlic tea by steeping fresh cloves in hot water, and Lady Gaga is such a big tea lover that she takes a tea set with her on tour. These famous women might be onto a health and beauty secret because aside from being delicious, tea is a great way to boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Drinking hot tea, or another immune-boosting drink in place of hot chocolate, will still give you the cozy winter vibes you crave without compromising your health. An easy drink

for beginners is lemon-ginger tea , which is a spin-off of Khloé Kardashian’s favorite drink. Ginger is a key ingredient here because it’s anti-inflammatory, raises the immune system, and may even help fight cancer. You can make lemon-ginger syrup by layering lemon slices, fresh ginger, and raw honey in a jar and letting it sit in the fridge

What are you waiting for — get steeping!

Who’s Peering Over Your Shoulder? Social Media, the Insurance Company, and You!

For example, someone runs a red light and hits the driver’s side of your car. You’re injured, but you’re well enough to go home. You take some time off of work to recuperate, but you also decide to go out with some friends. You take a few photos of the night out. In the photos, you’re seen smiling and having fun, and there is no clear indication that you’re injured. You post the photos online. The insurance company may argue that if you’re well enough to go out on the town for an evening, then your injuries must not be that severe — or you’re not really injured at all. You may have been in physical pain while you were out with friends, but a photo isn’t going to show that. You don’t want to give the insurance company that kind of ammunition. While most of what you post online likely cannot be used against you, use your best judgment when posting. Additionally, it’s important to check and update your social media preferences. Who can see your posts? How easy are you to find with a basic online search? Make sure your accounts are secure.

Social media plays a big role in a lot of people’s lives. It’s how people communicate and share the day’s events. While many people only intend to share with family and friends, social media is a very public space. If someone wanted to learn more about you, chances are they could. All it would take is a quick online search. Following a car crash or other accident in which you file an injury claim, insurance companies are known to monitor the claimant’s social media. Regardless of the situation, it’s always a good idea to take a break from social media after an accident. The insurance company is looking for something they can use to deny your claim. All you have to do is make a post or share a photo online that might indicate your injuries are not all they seem. 2 | 206-208-8355

Risky Business 3 Types of Dangerous Drivers We All Have to Watch For

Not Just a Corn Cob Pipe and Button Nose The Surprising History of the Snowman

Dangerous driving behavior is something we see all the time. While it’s a year-round issue for commuters throughout the Seattle area, the holidays often magnify the problem because more people are out and about shopping or visiting family. Even in the age of COVID-19, traffic is bad. For the average motorist, driving defensively and attentively can be lifesaving. As you hit the road this holiday season, be on the lookout for these types of dangerous drivers. Speeders Drivers who speed because they are in a hurry or feel that the posted speed limit doesn’t apply to them can often miss critical details and potential hazards. Speeding reduces the amount of time a driver has to react to hazards on and around the road, including debris, potholes, pedestrians, and other vehicles. Frequent Lane Changers They never seem to be happy with whichever lane they’re in. They weave in and out of traffic, hoping to get to their destination a few seconds faster — and then you always catch up to them at the next light. This behavior can force other drivers to swerve or hit the brakes, which is one of the leading causes of rear- end collisions. Distracted Drivers While texting and driving is illegal in Washington, many people still do it. Texting and driving poses an immense risk and is considered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to be deadlier than drinking and driving. It’s especially deadly among younger drivers ages 16–24. Distracted driving isn’t limited to phone usage. Any activity that takes your eyes and attention off the road is considered distracted driving. This includes reaching for an item, eating, grooming, and even gawking at an incident along the road. Any of these actions can carry serious consequences. Be careful out there!

Building a snowman is one of the most picturesque winter activities, which is why snowmen have become a wintertime cultural icon. A snowman appeared on the very first postcards, was the subject of some of the earliest photos, and even starred in silent movies. Frosty may be a happy snowman now, but his ancestors have a much more varied — and sometimes dark — history. The Middle Ages Snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages. They were constructed with deep thought and great skill because, during a time of limited means of expression, snow was a free art supply that literally fell from the sky. These artistic feats were popular winter attractions for well- to-do couples who wanted to get their fix of temporary art. Snowmen were often created by famous artists, including 19-year-old Michelangelo who, in 1494, was commissioned by the ruler of Florence to sculpt a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard. temperatures called the Winter of Death, the city was miraculously adorned with hundreds of snowmen. The spectacle told stories on every street corner — some political and some demonstrating anger with the church, many too risque to speak of. For the people of Brussels, this Miracle of 1511 was a defining moment of artistic freedom. But when spring came and the snow thawed, the Belgians were left with damaging floods. The Schenectady Massacre Not all snowmen have an innocent history. In 1690, former Fort Schenectady in upstate New York was home to a remote Dutch settlement, which was under the constant threat of attack. Soldiers guarded the gates at all times because they were frozen open, but during a blizzard, they left a pair of snowmen to protect the gates while they sought shelter. That’s when 200 French Canadian soldiers and Native Americans approached. Naturally, they were unfazed by the snowmen and ruthlessly invaded the settlement. The Miracle of 1511 In Brussels in 1511, during six weeks of subzero Building a snowman seems like a simple and charming activity, but after learning about its surprising history, you might find those piles of snow seem a little more complicated and a lot more meaningful than before.

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Here’s to a Bright and Shining New Year How to Boost Your Immune System Like a Celebrity Be Careful Using Social Media After an Accident Dangerous Drivers to Be Ready For The Surprising History of the Snowman Winter Road Trip Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

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This publication is intended to educate the general public about personal injury, insurance claims, and small-business issues. It is not intended as legal advice. Every case is different. Our newsletter may be freely copied and distributed as long as the newsletter is copied in its entirety.

A Driver’s Guide to Safe Holiday Travels Winter Road Trip Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

member know your route, predicted arrival time, and where you plan to stop for gas along the way. Apart from that, one of the best things you can do is pack an emergency kit. AAA sells premade kits through outlets like Amazon, and you can find a basic kit with things like jumper cables, ponchos, rope, batteries, pliers, zip ties, and a first-aid kit at pretty much any Walmart or sporting goods store. You could even save a life by adding a few more essentials to your kit, like a blanket, snacks, and an extra cellphone charger. At this point, you’re almost a safety black belt. But to take your kit to the next level for winter driving, there are three more little- known items you should stash in your trunk: a shovel, a bag of sand or cat litter, and an extra bottle of windshield wiper fluid. If you get stuck in a snowbank, the shovel will help you dig your way out without risking frostbitten fingers. The sand or cat litter will boost your traction if you sprinkle it around your wheels in an icy spot, and the extra wiper fluid will make all the difference if you run out during a snowstorm.

On Sept. 24, 2019, more than 2.5 million people passed through TSA checkpoints at airports across America. On the same date this year, those terminals saw just 826,316 travelers — a nearly 70% drop. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Americans have been thinking twice about air travel, and this holiday, millions of would-be flyers will set out on road trips instead. Road tripping is a great way to avoid contact with a lot of people, but it can also be dangerous, especially in winter weather. Fortunately, you can take several steps to keep your family safe. Getting your car checked before you go, for example, can save you a lot of hassle on the road, as can investing in a set of snow tires. It’s also smart to take precautions such as letting a friend or family

Once you’re prepared, crank up the Christmas carols and get driving!

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