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Professional Equities, Inc August 2019

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Professional Equities, Inc. September 2019

4 cup pecans, finely chopped • • • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp lemon juice •

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Professional Equities, Inc. - August 2022

3 cup finely crushed pretzels • 4 tsp butter, melted • Lime slices Directions 1. Allow whipped toppi

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Professional Equities, Inc. - August 2021

2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil

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Professional Equities, Inc. October 2019

2-inch pieces Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Professional Equities, Inc - May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats 1–2 tablespoons olive oil Directions 1. Place half the black beans, on

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Professional Equities, Inc June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped Mint leaves, for garnish Parmesan cheese, preferably Parmi

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Professional Equities - August 2020

2 cup pasta water and drain pasta. Pour hot pasta into creammixture and toss to coat on low heat. 6.

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Professional Equities, Inc. - February 2021

4- inch pieces (parsnips, turnips, carrots, butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, etc.) • 1 red onion,

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Professional Equities, Inc. - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Professional Equities, Inc. - March 2022

or peace, you might surprise yourself with how meaningful and fulfilling your company’s content, mar

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Professional Equities, Inc August 2019

Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCOME TM August2019 The



H ow I s W ord - of -M outh A ffecting Y our B usiness ?


As a developer of Class A properties, I find the design of many self-storage facilities to be downright ugly. I’ve heard many in the industry complain that the cities are now imposing design requirements on new developments. Our next development, Ennis RV Resort & Stor- age, is embracing imagination and luxury in de- sign. We will be using new construction materials that will also be hailproof and windproof. This beautiful new design is taking a little longer to complete than if we had just chosen the cheap, easily damaged steal construction. The finished project will be worth the extra effort. The RV resort will provide five-star services and amenities less than 30 minutes from downtown Dallas. Each site will have electricity, water, sewer hookups, and high-speed internet. In addition, there will be access to a pool, showers, laundry, bathrooms, meeting rooms, and a dog park. I am very happy that cities are imposing design requirements on new self-storage developments. The orange doors with chain-link fencing looks too much like a prison for my liking.

Your business’s reputation online and offline can affect your profits and brand in major ways, including the word-of-mouth about your company. At the grocery chain Albertsons, new hires learn this: “You lose one customer, you’ve just lost 100. That one customer you lost will tell their friends, and those friends will tell their friends, and so on.” That’s the power of word- of-mouth marketing, or WOM marketing. The good news is that companies do have considerable power in controlling their reputa- tion. To maintain a good brand reputation and keep your WOM marketing positive, check out the following tips. Tracking reviews from popular online channels is essential to curating a positive reputation. The best way to monitor this is to set up a Google alert for your business. Another way to get ahead of any bad reviews is to set up business accounts on Google and Yelp. For Google, you will need to claim your business listing on Google My Business. It’s a great way to allow people to review you, build up your reputation, and spread positive WOM marketing online. You should also keep a tab on reviews posted on social media about your company. Be sure to respond to any reviews or comments. In response to positive reviews, let customers know they’re being heard, and they’ll be more inclined to consider your business next time they want to make a purchase. In addressing negative reviews, be sure to respond quickly, allevi- ate any concerns the customer has, and enable the customer to take down the review. CHECK ONLINE REVIEWS AND COMMENTS

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it with a friend.

–Bill Moist

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... continued from Cover


With over 2 billion active social media users, it’s impossible to ignore social media as a factor in maintaining brand reputation. Posting en- gaging and entertaining content is key, and that’s not always easy to do. You’ll need to determine what content your target audience reacts with on your competitors’ profiles. Do they like memes? Do they like inspirational quotes? Timing is crucial too; the best way to determine what time of day you engage with the highest number of people in your audience is to test it yourself week to week. Remember that just having social media accounts is not enough. You may need to hire a dedicated social media specialist. Registering with popular business directories will help bolster your credibility. Make sure they’re reliable, though. Some simply exist for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes, while others are just trying to scam you for registration money. Do some research in the industry before committing. This will also help when encountering negative comments or bad reviews. Unfortunately, no matter how great of a product or service you have, you will never be able to please everyone. But as long as you make brand reputation maintenance a priority in your business, you will find success. REGISTER WITH POPULAR LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORIES

STAYING ‘COOL’ WITH YOUR CANINE Enjoy the Weather While Keeping Your Pup Comfortable For example, some local coffee shops will offer a free drink if the orig- inal is not satisfactory. If the issue is posted online, you may see the company respond with an offer along the lines of, “We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience. Please stop by again for a free drink!” For more serious matters, privately chat with the customer to ensure nothing else negative gets posted online from that specific instance. It is not uncommon for some bad reviews to be unfair or irrational, but be sure to keep your rhetoric as professional as possible, no matter how rude the customer is. Once your response is posted, it will be there forever. Some businesses will try to remove their comments if the conversation gets heated, but it can come back to bite them if someone takes a picture of it.


With all this late-summer sunshine, it’s the perfect time to take your dog out for some fun. And while spending time basking in nature’s beauty can be a great source of fun and exercise for you and your pets, it’s important to keep a careful watch on your dog’s core temperature to prevent heat exhaustion. There are several detectable signs of heat exhaustion that you can watch for, including abnormal lethargy, vomiting, or a brightly colored blue or red tongue. Here are some tips to keep your canine cool this summer.

adventure, consider bringing a collapsible water bowl. If you are doing some backyard chilling, consider filling up a small wading pool with water for your pooch to splash or lounge in.

While fun water toys and helpful cooling inventions are great, the best thing you can do to keep your dog cool is be careful about when you decide to go outside. Taking your pup out in the early morning or later in the evening, when the sun isn’t at its highest point in the sky, will help keep them cooler in the long run. Additionally, keep in mind that some breeds deal with the heat better than others. If you’re unsure, do a little research to determine your dog’s susceptibility to heat exhaustion. Just because the heat is sizzling doesn’t mean your dog should be! Keep these tips in mind before taking your canine out in the summer sun. They will thank you for it!


There are many contraptions to help you keep your canine cool in the summer heat. Booties to insulate their toes and protect their paw pads from the hot asphalt, cooling vests that reflect sunlight off darker fur, and pressure-activated cooling pads are just a few of the gizmos you can purchase to stave off those scorching temps. The Dog People, a website powered by, also recommends making frozen “pupsicles,”a yogurt-based frozen treat that can satisfy doggy cravings while keeping them cool.


While certain dog breeds thrive in hotter climates, all pups need a little extra care when it comes to staying hydrated during the summer. For starters, always make sure they have ready access to drinkable water. If you are going on an

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Yoga With … Goats?!

Take a Break! Everyone who participates in one of these classes ultimately walks away with something a little different. Some shared results are usually reduced stress and anxiety, pain relief, a boost in happiness, andmental clarity. While we’re starting to hear more about it this year, goat yoga actually sprang up in 2016 and has grown into chapters all around the world, capturing the hearts of everyone, even including some big-name celebrities. Advocates for goat yoga continue to rave that there is no better distraction from the perils of work stress, sickness, depression, and political strife than their sacred farmland pastime. For those whomay be looking for a hidden or reasonable meaning behind the term“goat yoga,”you’re out of luck because it’s exactly what it sounds like. In this age of kale smoothies and paleolithic diets, there are few things people won’t try to get in shape. Luckily, as withmost fads, there aren’t many downsides to thinking outside the box with your fitness. With a million different ways to stay healthy in this world, doing yoga alongside a tribe of goats may not be so strange after all. At face value, including farm animals in your therapeutic workout routine seems counterintuitive, but it’s intended to be quite the opposite. With this type of yoga, goats will wander around your mat and even take the time to climb on your back or lick your feet while you’re in downward dog. Don’t panic though! That’s all part of the process. These interactions are meant to keep you focused, grounded, and connected with both yourself and the nature around you. If you’re looking for a speedy workout, this may not be for you, but if you’re looking for an afternoon you won’t soon forget, you’ll have to find the nearest goat specialist.


Inspired by Food & Wine magazine




2 1/2 lbs ripe tomatoes; cored, seeded, and cut into 1-inch chunks 1 small cucumber; peeled, seeded, and cut into 1-inch chunks 1 red bell pepper; cored, seeded, and sliced into ribbons

1 small Vidalia onion, peeled and cubed

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1/4 cup basil leaves 1 clove garlic, peeled

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 tbsp sherry vinegar

Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1. Place a blender and mediummixing bowl on your workstation. 2. Divide the tomato chunks, cucumber pieces, and bell pepper slices evenly between blender and bowl. Place entire onion in blender. 3. Add basil, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper to blender. Blend on low, gradually raising speed to high until smooth, about 2 minutes. 4. Add blender contents to bowl and mix until just broken up, about 10–20 seconds. 5. Let mixture sit in fridge for a minimum of 2 hours. Transfer to bowls and serve.

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Bill PAGE 1 How Is Word-of-Mouth Affecting Your Business? PAGE 1 Staying ‘Cool’ With Your Canine PAGE 2 How Goat Yoga Helps You Get in Shape PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Summertime Gazpacho PAGE 3 Physical Therapy Is for More Than Injuries PAGE 4 Professional Equities, Inc. BILLMOIST'S



401 N. Carroll Avenue Ste. 166 Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 657-4080

BEYOND THE BREAK Physical Therapy Helps With Stroke Recovery, Parkinson’s, and More

InTV dramas, physical therapists often urge the hero back into action. Usually, their patient has suffered some dramatic injury, like breaking every bone in the right side of their body or losing a leg to a rampaging horse. And while many physical therapists do specialize in helping athletes recover from inju- ries, applications for the practice go well beyond that stereotype. People battling the aftereffects of a stroke or suffering from long-term ail- ments like Parkinson’s disease can also benefit from regular physical therapy sessions. In fact, the National Stroke Association lists a physical therapist as a vital member of any stroke recovery team, placing them alongside experts like dietitians, psychiatrists, neurologists, and speech-language pathologists. In those cases, physical therapists are on hand to help stroke survivors with movement and balance issues and to recommend exercises that rebuild strongmuscles for walking, standing, and other everyday activities. Parkinson’s disease afflicts the central nervous system andmakes movement difficult, and its symptoms can also be mitigated by physical therapy. Denise Padilla-Davidson, a Johns Hopkins physical therapist who treats people with Parkinson’s, recommends PT to her patients for improving their balance, strength, and flexibility. Specifically, bike or elliptical exercises can help those with Parkinson’s remaster reciprocal patterns (movements from side to side

or left to right). There’s also a formof therapy called LSVT BIG, which involves performing exaggerated physical movements, and it can help those with the disease stave off hypokinesia, which is the decrease of movement that becomes more severe as Parkinson’s progresses. Similar physical therapy programs can be adapted for those with other chronic diseases, like multiple sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, by slowing the disease’s progress andmaking the people who have themmore capable and comfortable. Of course, treatments vary on a case-to-case basis, so be sure to consult your doctor before starting PT.

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